L’Europe, vues d’Afrique

Author(s) : Florent COUAO-ZOTTI, Jean Luc RAHARIMANANA, Boubacar Boris DIOP, Koullsy LAMKO, Fatou DIOME, Patrice NGANANG, Arezki MELLAL, Ken BUGUL, Aziz CHOUAKI, Fama DIAGNE SENE
Publishing countries : France, Mali
Language(s) : French
Price : 15 €

What image does Europe project to the outside world, this Europe who is used to gazing at herself, preoccupied with her minor or major internal quarrels? We asked this question to ten African writers. Coming from the Maghreb or sub-Saharan Africa, each of them chose one particular aspect of European culture: the question of time, femininity, technology, hospitality, the cult of the dead... From Carnac, Geneva, Germany and Senegal, Africa looks at Europe.

Year of publication: 2004
