Publishing houses

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4, rue d'Alger
1000 Tunis
Tél: (+216) 71 74 36 20 / (+216) 98 40 38 80

elyzad Publishing was established in Tunis in 2005. In this Mediterranean country, with its rich melting pot of cultures, we have chosen to share a vibrant, modern literature rooted in diversity. Novels and short stories reflect our commitment: providing a platform from the South to the North for remarkable voices, from here and elsewhere, to read the world in its plurality.
Our editorial policy, deliberately uncompromising, was developed in the course of productive meetings with established authors Leïla Sebbar, Maïssa Bey, Colette Fellous, and Théo Ananissoh, who have put their trust in us, and others from Tunis, Algeria, France, which we have discovered and have the pleasure of introducing.
Views of Arab society mingle with nomadic texts redolent of the north seas and southern breezes, the Balkans and Japan… above all, any kind of multifaceted writing that opens the door or offers a passage to new experiences.
In fact, our catalogue includes works co-published with Actes Sud and Zellige in France and Le Fennec in Morocco. It contains thirty titles and a new paperback collection.

elyzad n’a pas de signification si ce n’est la réunion de mon prénom “Élisabeth” et nom “Daldoul”. Ce qui m’a intéressée dans cet « assemblage », ce sont les 3 racines que l’on peut décrypter : el : origine arabe ; ely : latine ; zad : perse... L’empreinte des mots qui se rencontrent...

Listen here the interview of Élisabeth Daldoul, carried out by the École des métiers de l’information (EMI-CFD), for the Hors Concours prize, October 2019.

Books selection

Nos silences

Wahiba KHIARI Ce roman est dédié aux jeunes filles enlevées, violées, tuées, durant la décennie noire (les années 90) en Algérie ; à celles qui ont eu (...)

Salam Gaza

Tahar BEKRI Le 27 décembre 2008, l’armée israélienne déclare la guerre à Gaza. Meurtri, le poète Tahar Bekri note au jour le jour son indignation, (...)

Vingt ans pour plus tard

Théo ANANISSOH, Hélène GAUDY, Frank SECKA, Claude RIZZO, Azza FILALI Cinq écrivains, du Togo, de Tunisie, de France, réunis autour d’un mot : (...)

Contact : Elisabeth DALDOUL

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Elain Publishing

logoElain Publishing

4 Behler Passage, off Kasr al-Nile St.
Talaat Harb Square
Tél: +(002) 02 245 80 360

Elain Publishing is an independent Egyptian publishing house that was established in 2000 to provide a wide spectrum of knowledge to the Arab reader. Focusing principally on the fields of science, general Arabic culture, and translation, the publisher seeks to offer the Arab reader the best international, intellectual works.
In a record time, Elain has attracted a network of authors renowned for their talent and originality. We are committed to freedom of expression, the respect of intellectual property, and cooperation locally as well as globally.
Elain publishing house has now 200 published titles, including translated books. We reached the shortlist of the Booker Prize (International Prize for Arabic Fiction) and another that won the Elsheikh Zayed Prize


Books selection

Critique of the comtemporary Arab discourses

Political socialization of Sufism in Egypt

Contact : Fatma EL BOUDY

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09 BP 92

Afrilivres is a pan-African association founded in 2002. Its headquarters are based in Cotonou, Benin. It currently brings together 54 publishing houses from 14 French-speaking countries south of the Sahara, Madagascar and Mauritius.


Contact : Sékou FOFANA

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Il leone verde

logoIl leone verde

Via della Consolata 7
10122 Turin
Tél: +39 01 15 21 17 90

Il leone verde was founded in Turin in 1997, with the aim of putting out unpublished works, never previously translated into Italian. We always publish top-quality introductions, end matter and commentary in our works, produced by specialists of these topics.
Translations are always produced based on the source language of the texts, and we have opted for scientific rigour in their approach, even though our works target a broad spectrum of the public, rather than specialists.

Books selection

I segreti della tavola di MONTALBANO.
Le ricette di Andrea Camilleri
[Secrets from Montalbano’s kitchen. Andrea Camilleri’s recipes]

Stefania CAMPO This book shows Andrea Camilleri’s gastronomic perspective, expressed through his most famous character – Montalbano, who is greedy (...)

Bambini e (troppe) medicine.
Difendersi dall’eccessiva medicalizzazione dei nostri figli
[Children and (too many) drugs. Defending ourselves from the excessive medicalisation of our children]

Franco DE LUCA This book helps new parents in acquiring certainty and confidence while attending to their growing kids. As children’s problems (...)

Un mondo di pappe.
I saperi delle mamme nell’alimentazione del bambino da 0 a 6 anni
[A world of baby food. Mothers’ knowledge about babies’ feeding from 0 to 6 months]

Sara HONNEGGER Among the questions and the problems that the birth of a baby arises, certainly there is the aspect of nutrition and choice of (...)

Contact : Anita MOLINO

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Jacana Media

logoJacana Media

10 Orange Street - PO Box 2004 Sunnyside - Houghton
Auckland Park 2041
2092 Gauteng
South Africa
Tél: +27 011 628 3200 +27 011 482 7280

A South African publisher, Jacana Media has been in the business since 1991. The firm specialises in the vulgarisation of normally complex or technical data. We have been recognised for the quality of our books in areas such as the environment and eco-tourism, as well as literature and educational materials (primary and secondary school). In 2002, Jacana Media established an open publishing policy that has since received much positive feedback, covering a vast spectrum of genres and subjects. We are particularly interested in promoting authors from South Africa and Africa as a whole. Jacana Media currently publishes works in essentially three areas: “Life” (political science, biographies and autobiographies, history, health and educational material), “Earth” (environment, natural history, maps and eco-guides) and “Fiction” (novels, short stories, poetry, and anthologies and collections focusing on African authors).

Contact : Bridget IMPEY

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6, avenue Alain Savary
Le Belvédère
1002 Tunis
Tél: (+ 216) 71 28 05 05

Cérès is one of the most important book publishing houses in North Africa. Publishing mainly in French and Arabic, its books are distributed in Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Mali, Benin, Lebanon, France, and many other countries. Cérès publishes approximately 45 new titles each year and has a current catalogue of over 700 titles in a wide variety of fields including fiction, history, philosophy, literature, education, social science, and tourist guides. Cérès publications have become benchmark works, addressing topics as diverse as Carthage, Tunisian mosaics, and painters.

Cérès est la déesse de la fertilité (romaine, anté-islamique).

Contact : Karim BEN SMAIL

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Med Ali Éditions

logoMed Ali Éditions

Rue Med Chaabouni Imm. Zarkaa
Tél: (+216) 74 407 440

The Arab Company of United Publishers, Med Ali Editions (Sfax - Tunisia) is a general independent publishing house founded in 1983.
Our books are made according to high-quality standards with the greatest possible care and attention at all levels. Our house works in cooperation with book professionals, artists, and renowned university teachers in various fields. We publish cultural books in the humanities and extracurricular books, with over 20 book series in the humanities, children’s books, and extracurricular books, as well as theses in cooperation with five Tunisian universities.
Med Ali Editions is dedicated to the mission of supporting and sharing all forms of learning and respecting the pleasure of knowledge, and distributing the Tunisian book.
Since 1990 we have participated in Arab and international book fairs. Since 1986 Med Ali Editions has been a member of the Union of Tunisian Editors. Since 1997 Med Ali Editions has been a member of the Union of Arab Editors and a member of the Maghreb Union of Editors. Med Ali Editions has co-published books with Tunisian, Lebanese, and Syrian editors, and editors from the Maghreb. We have also participated in the launch of an exporting company for the Tunisian book.

Med Ali est le nom du leader du syndicaliste tunisien (Mohamed Ali Elhammi). Il a étudié en Allemagne des cours du soir en économie, est revenu en Tunisie dans le début des années 1920. Il a créé des coopératives et les premiers syndicats nationalistes, qui vont lancer la première grève générale en Tunisie en 1924. Il est mort exilé en Arabie saoudite, tout jeune.


Books selection

La Tunisie et la modernisation : La première constitution du monde islamique (en arabe)

Hedi TIMOUMI Avant l’établissement du “Protectorat” français sur la Tunisie en 1881, le pays a été durant la période 1831-1877 le théâtre d’une (...)

Cet homme doit mourir

La Flambée de la résistance à Sfax - Taoufik ABDELMOULA Taoufik ABDELMOULA né à Sfax le 19/09/1932, est diplômé de l’école supérieure de commerce de (...)

الجسد والمجتمع

Corps et société. Étude anthropologique des croyances et des représentations du corps en Ifrîqiyya médiévale Soufia SHIRI-BEN HTIRA Corps et société (...)

Contact : Nouri ABID

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Dar Al Farabi

logoDar Al Farabi

Wata al-mouçaïtbeh, rue Jabal al-arab
Imm. Khayat, P.O. Box 3181/11
CP 1107 2130 Beyrouth
Tél: +(961-1) 30 14 61 / (+961-1) 30 11 38

We strive to publish and distribute works in Arabic on a diverse range of topics, from literature to social sciences, by local or translated authors, in order to promote a modern culture meeting the needs of Arab countries in terms of development and progress.

Books selection

Arab Island before Islam - الكتاب الأول: جزيرة العرب قبل الاسلام

Bourhan EL DIN DELLO اسم المؤلف: برهان الدين دلو يشكل هذا الكتاب حقبة تاريخية هامة من تاريخ العرب وتطورهم في الجاهلية قبل الاسلام، باحثاً في التاريخ الاقتصادي، (...)

The material leanings in Arabic and Islamic - مجلدات الكتاب الثاني: النزعات المادية في الفلسفة العربية الاسلامية في أربعة مجلدات

Dr. Hussein MROUÉ اسم المؤلف: د. حسين مروة يعتبر هذا الكتاب من الكتب الأساسية في القرن العشرين، لما حققه من اضاءات موضوعية على تاريخ الفلسفة العربية الاسلامية (...)

Ibn Rushd and his philosophy - الكتاب الثالث: ابن رشد وفلسفته

Farah ANTOUN اسم المؤلف: فرح أنطون ان هذا الكتاب الذي صدر عام 1903 في مدينة اسكندرية يشكل شاهداً على التراكم الثقافي العربي التنويري في الحياة الثقافية في (...)

Contact : Hassan KHALIL

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Al Intishar / Centre de publication arabe

logoAl Intishar / Centre de publication arabe

Salim Salam St.Souk - Al Rawshe Bldg. 3rd floor
P.O.Box 113/5752
Tél: (+961) 01 65 91 48

Contact : Nabil MROUEH

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321, bd Brahim Roudani
20390 Casablanca
Tél: (+212) 05 22 25 23 57

Éditions Tarik, based in Casablanca, Morocco, is headed by Bichr Bennani and Marie-Louise Belarbi, both founder members of Apell (Association for the promotion of book publishing and reading). Since its inception in 1999, this independent publishing firm has been involved in the debates of the modern world. Its objective is to explore the themes of history and current events, of society and memory, without neglecting the literary production of young Moroccan authors, and by giving priority, whenever possible, to co-publishing.

Nous étions 10 au départ de la maison (il y a 17 ans !)… après de longues heures de discussions, ce choix s’est porté sur Tarik, parce que chacun pouvait lui donner le sens qu’il voulait : Tarik Ibn Zyad (grand stratège du VIIe siècle, de plus d’origine berbère) ; Jabal Tarik (le mont Tarik, comme Gibraltar) ; la voie, le chemin, la route… ; Tarik est aussi un prénom qui était porté par des enfants ou petits-enfants de membre du groupe… Bref chacun y lisait ce qu’il voulait !

Books selection

Tazmamart. Cellule 10

Ahmed MARZOUKI Pendant longtemps les autorités marocaines ont nié l’existence du bagne de Tazmamart, situé en plein désert dans le sud du pays. (...)

Héros sans gloire

Échec d’une révolution, 1963-1973 - Medhi BENNOUNA Mars 1973 : dans l’Atlas, des guérilleros marocains tentent d’installer un foyer révolutionnaire (...)

Le couloir

Bribes de vérité sur les années de plomb - Abdelfettah FAKIHANI - Préface d’Ignace DALLE Abdelfettah Fakihani est journaliste depuis 1990. Emprisonné (...)

Contact : Bichr BENNANI

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280 rue Saint-Joseph Est, Bureau 1
Québec, G1K 3A9
Tél: +1 418-522-1209 (poste 1)

Alto is an independent literary press founded in Québec City in 2005 by Antoine Tanguay. Very active on the international publishing scene, Alto publishes unusual and bold literary fiction from Québec, Canada and abroad. As we try to follow the mantra “Publish less, publish better”, we only publish 10 to 12 books per year.

In our quest to astound and confound, Alto has a new tool at its disposal: a publishing lab we call Alea. A playground for a team bursting with crazy ideas for books, a sort of R&D department even, Alea is to our publishing house what a yard is to a real house: a space where we can run free and also plant beautiful things.

Books selection

Six degrés de liberté (Six Degrees of Freedom)

Nicolas DICKNER Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général – Rights sold in 10 countries Lisa is a young girl who wants to push the limits of human (...)

Les villes de papier (Paper Houses)

Dominique FORTIER Prix Renaudot (Non-fiction) – Rights sold in 14 countries One of the most important writer of the nineteenth century, a (...)

L’orangeraie (The Orange Grove)

Larry TREMBLAY Prix des libraires du Québec | Prix littéraire des collégiens + 8 others prizes – Rights sold in 23 countries Somewhere in the (...)

Contact : Anne-Marie GENEST

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Akoma Mba

logoAkoma Mba

Derrière la DGSN, Yaoundé – Nlongkak
B.P. 14268 - Yaoundé
Tél: +237 677 39 62 80

Founded in 1995, Akoma Mba publishers is the oldest publishing house specialised in illustrated comic books in Central Africa. Their main objective is to promote Africa through innovative editorial content as well as African, universal values to young children. They have a catalogue of about a hundred titles, published in several languages (French, English, and local languages).
Akoma Mba distributes its books in Cameroon and internationally. Its authors come from Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, France, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Togo, amongst others. Initially part of the association AILE Cameroon, it was taken over in 2018 by Robert Nkouamou, a Cameroonian cultural entrepreneur aiming to support new talents for the development of readership on the continent.
Several books published by Akoma Mba were awarded internationally, including the International Library of Munich, UNICEF in Dakar, and IBBY International. Magoulina by Joël Eboueme Bognomo won the Honorary Prize for Youth Literature with the American publisher Boyds Mills Press.
Akoma Mba participates in international book fairs and events: Bologna in Italy, Montreuil and Paris in France, FIBDA in Algeria, Frankfurt in Germany, Casablanca in Morocco, Fildak in Dakar...
The publishing house organises a Youth Book Fair in the city of Yaoundé (SALIJEY) and recently launched an African Prize for Comics and the “Marie Wabbes” Grand Prize for Children’s Books, named after the Belgian writer who initiated the Akoma Mba project in the 1990s. It is directed since January 2020 by Ulrich Talla Wamba, writer, book and publishing professional.


Books selection

Le pays des contes (la fille des vents)

Mani LI (Cameroun), auteur ; Georges PONDY (Cameroun), illustrateur Depuis la disparition de son père, Noah n’aime plus lire. Un jour, il est (...)

Le Cocotier magique

Aude PERALTA EXCOFFIER (France), autrice ; Edji ONABEL (Cameroun), illustrateur Ce matin-là, tout semble paisible. Pourtant, cette quiétude va (...)

Le secret d’Ayélévi

Simon de SAINT-DZOKOTOE (Togo), auteur ; Maryse MONTRON (France), illustratrice La petite Ayélévi est très rusée. Elle gagne toujours le jeu “Qui (...)

Contact : Ulrich TALLA WAMBA

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Dena Publishing

logoDena Publishing


Dena is publishing books whose authors are in exile, or books that were not allowed to be published in Iran due to censorship.

Despite the limited publication of the books, Dena as the only Persian-language bookseller in the Netherlands, plays a significant role in the availability of Persian books for Iranians living in the Netherlands.

Books selection

Az Zire Khak (From Below the Ground)

Nasim KHAKSAR This collection includes nineteen short stories written by Nasim Khaksar between 2001 and 2014. The title of the book is taken (...)

Parvaneh ee zir e baran (Butterfly in the rain)

Mehdi YAHYAWI The collection of short stories “A Butterfly Under the Rain” written by Mehdi Yahyawi was published in the spring of 2019 by Dena (...)

Rouz haye Nefrideh bar khak e nefrideh (Godverdomse dagen op een godverdomse bol)

Dimitri VERHULST Dimitri Verhulst presents the history of mankind in less than two hundred pages, in a big bang of language. From the moment we (...)

Contact : Reza CHAVOUSHI

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Čechova 23
Praha 7 Bubeneč 170 00
Czech Republic

The small independent wo-men publishing is oriented toward gender-focused art documentary books. The publishing house was established in 2012 by a literary documentarian Barbora Baronová to create books ambitious both in content and design. The main aim of wo-men publishing is to share high quality literary and photographic non-fiction projects created by Czech authors. Mostly, the books by wo-men include voices of marginalized people, such as women, seniors, people with disabilities, and cover non-mainstream topics, such as feminism, aging, activism, parenthood, and environment. The books published by wo-men are printed in low numbers (sometimes as limited editions) on high-quality ecological papers in local printing companies. Many books by wo-men were awarded in the Czech Republic, as well as abroad.

Books selection

Intimacy [Intimita]

Barbora BARONOVÁ, Dita PEPE The stylized artistic literary and photographic documentary project Intimacy opens up important personal and social (...)

Voices of Women: Australia [Hlasy žen: Austrálie]

Barbora BARONOVÁ; Dita PEPE The publication Voices of Women: Australia brings twenty-two narratives of prominent Australian women artists, (...)

Borders of Love [Hranice lásky]

Dita PEPE et al. Borders of Love is a photographic and literary book from internationally renowned Czech photographer Dita Pepe that in thirteen (...)

Contact : Barbora BARONOVÁ

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Av. Augusto Meyer 163/605
Porto Alegre (RS) - CEP 90550-110
Tél: +55 51 3024-0787

Dublinense is an independent publishing house focused mainly on literary fiction, with the vast majority of its list formed by contemporary fiction, a few very singular contemporary non-fiction narratives and essays and a small collection of psychoanalysis. Our focus is to present the best in contemporary Brazilian literary fiction along with relevant works that can present different cultures and singular approaches and points of view for the Brazilian readership. Our goal is to start conversations on relevant subjects through good literature. During our 12 years, our original titles have received important recognitions such as Prêmio Jabuti, Prêmio Açorianos, Prêmio da Biblioteca Nacional and are constantly shortlisted for other literary awards too. Our international titles were also distinguished with important awards such as Prêmio José Saramago, European Union Prize for Literature, among others.

Books selection


Natália BORGES POLESSO Vencedor do Prêmio Jabuti Vencedor do Prêmio Açorianos Vencedor do Prêmio AGES (Associação Gaúcha de Escritores) Seria pouco (...)

Elas marchavam sob o sol

Cristina JUDAR Ana e Joan. A primeira é diurna e contemporânea, bombardeada pelo consumismo e por pressões estéticas e comportamentais. A segunda é (...)


Henrique SCHNEIDER Vencedor do Prêmio Paraná de Literatura Raul é um bancário dedicado, um cidadão de bem levando uma vida tranquila em junho de (...)

Contact : Gustavo FARAON

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Dar Altanweer

logoDar Altanweer

Dar Altanweer is a company with offices in Beirut, Cairo, and Tunis. Overall strategy is coordinated between the three offices. The company has been publishing philosophical and literary classics and contemporary works since 1982. In 2012 was sold to a group of seasoned publishers who partnered in restructuring and relaunching the company in each location.

Since 2012, Dar Altanweer has expanded its geographical and genre breadth and strengthened its quality and marketing depth. Select titles are printed in three countries thereby providing for more efficient distribution and marketing. Expanded genres include classical, modern, and contemporary literary fiction, commercial fiction, philosophy for beginners, self-help, popular science, sociology/political science and graphical novels.

Contact : Sherif Joseph RIZK

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Mamdouh Adwan Publishing House

logoMamdouh Adwan Publishing House

Tél: +00971557195187

The Publishing house, founded in Damascus in (2005), was established in honour of the late Syrian writer Mamdouh Adwan (1941-2004), who wrote more than ninety publications in poetry, drama, novel and different translations. Our publishing house came as a realization of his dream to establish a publishing house that provides a platform for new writers and translators.

Hence, the publishing house is first and foremost dedicated to publishing distinct literary and intellectual books of new writers and translators whose works would enrich the Arabic library.
Drawing on its awareness of the importance of revitalizing the cultural life and raising awareness on the different forms of cultural achievements and their huge impact on the formation of intellectual awareness in Arab societies; the publishing house is keen to publish important Arab literary works which are no longer available in the markets, and to provide accurate translations and revised versions for books of international writers.

The publishing house ceased its operations between 2012 and 2014 due to the compelling circumstances witnessed by Syria. However, it resumed its work by the end of 2014, and currently has more than 250 titles including: poetry, drama, intellectual and literary studies, short stories, and novels of writers from different Arab countries, as well as translations from English, French, Spanish, Swedish, and German.

In Sharjah Book fair 2016 the publishing house was awarded as Best Arabic Publishing House 2016.


Books selection

Al Kanaaees, Stories from ISIS prisons in Syria

Khalifa Al KHUDER Khalifa Al-Khader, winner of the Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press 2017, writes some scenes of fear in the details (...)

The Animalization of Man

Mamdouh ADWAN The world of organized and random oppression that a person lives in this age, is a world that is neither suitable for man nor for (...)

Don’t tell the horse

Mamdouh AZZAM After twenty years of work, Salem finishes his service in the gendarme’s cavalry and returns to his home and family in Deir (...)

Contact : Marwan ADWAN

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12, boulevard National
13001 Marseille

Wildproject is an independent publishing house founded by Baptiste Lanaspeze, a pioneer in French-language ecological humanities. Dreamt of in New York in 2003, established in Paris in 2008, Wildproject is growing since 2009 in Marseille, between city and nature, between North and South.
The catalogue explores the ecological revolution of knowledge and practices, with a focus on places and stories.
In 10 years, Wildproject has become a reference in ecological humanities. Philosophy, biology, ethology, social sciences, geography, literature, urban planning, agriculture, music, contemporary art...: far from being a niche, ecology crosses all spheres of culture.
Wildproject thus invites us to go beyond the project of modern civilization – with founding works of ecological thought, with essays on political and decolonial ecology, with geographical narratives.


Books selection

Printemps silencieux

Rachel CARSON Collection « Petite bibliothèque d’écologie populaire » « Printemps silencieux constitue la naissance du mouvement écologiste. » Al (...)

Un sol commun. Lutter, habiter, penser

Marin SCHAFFNER Collection « Le monde qui vient » Pour ses 10 ans, Wildproject propose une synthèse pédagogique et accessible des grands enjeux de (...)

Le livre est-il écologique ? Matières, artisans, fictions

Collection « Petite bibliothèque d’écologie populaire » Bien plus qu’un ebook, le livre peut être un support écologiquement vertueux. Mais depuis (...)

Contact : Baptiste LANASPEZE

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Responsable : Marin SHAFFNER

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Cauris livres

logoCauris livres

rue 544 – porte 92
Tél: +223 20 22 40 79

For twenty years, Cauris books, founded by Kadiatou Konaré, has promoted modern and dynamic African publishing by offering various books (French and national languages) on Mali and Africa: cultural and tourist guides, reference works, general literature and children’s documentaries.
Its innovative editorial policy highlights thematic collections, the most emblematic of which are:

  • “Lucy”, a collection of illustrated documentaries on the great figures of the history of the continent and which calls upon the greatest professionals of children’s literature in Africa and in the French-speaking world;
  • “Le Pays des talents”, a collection of tourist and cultural guides whose vocation is to help discover a country through its human, artistic and cultural potential;
  • “The Works of reference” which rehabilitates history through stories, speeches, encyclopaedias.

Books selection

La légende de la reine de Saba

Françoise KERISEL ; Isabelle CALIN (illustratrice) Il y a très longtemps, la belle reine Makeda dirigeait le royaume de Saba, dans l’Est de (...)

Les grandes dates du Mali. Des origines à la fin de la IIe République

Alpha Oumar KONARE ; Adame BA KONARE Restituer près de deux mille ans d’histoire relève d’une véritable gageure. C’est pourtant cette entreprise (...)

Co-épouses et co-veuves

Adrienne YABOUZA Les coépouses Ndongo Passy et Grekpoubou s’aiment comme deux sœurs, unies pour le pire et pour le meilleur. A la mort de leur (...)

Contact : Kadiatou KONARÉ

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Quartier Plateau, rue IB-28 P 515
BP 106 Niamey
Tél: +227 20 72 58 08

The word “gashingo” in Kanuri means chameleon; it was chosen to represent our ability to publish in multiple languages.
Gashingo’s activities build on the premise that the development of African countries depends on the internal and external efficiency of their education systems. This prerequisite can only be fulfilled by establishing and maintaining a literate environment in the first languages already mastered by children before they enter school and shared in their home communities, and in the widely spoken, local or foreign languages.
Gashingo’s main activities are the production and sale of books; Gashingo also graciously supports the training of authors and the organisation of meetings and exchanges between the various actors of the book ecosystem at the national and regional levels.
Over the next few years, Gashingo intends to strengthen its base through a large production of both paper and digital books and the gradual establishment of its nation-wide network of bookstores. Regionally, the company intends to diversify its partnerships to play a pioneering role in the extension of projects such as DEELMA (“Projet de Développement de l’édition et des environnements lettrés multilingues en Afrique” from Septembre 2006 to April 2007) where it was the coordinating structure. The interconnection of Gashingo’s national distribution network with those of its regional partners will enable its products to be as widely distributed as possible. All of these activities are aimed at increasing Gashingo’s production capacity to make it competitive and eligible for the textbook market.


Books selection

Koudou et le Caïman

Kadri HAMADOU Un album pour enfant illustré en couleur publié en bilingue (en français et en 5 langues nationales du Niger). Un livre sur (...)

Les péripéties d’un instituteur rural

Malam ADJI ZATOULOUR Un roman en français qui retrace la vie d’un instituteur qui évolue dans le milieu rural. L’oeuvre fait ressortir les (...)

Proverbes et devinettes

Boubacar HAMA BEIDHI Cet ouvrage présente des proverbes et des devinettes utilisés dans la vie de tous les jours. La maîtrise des proverbes traduit (...)

Contact : Bako MALAM ABDOU

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