Publishing houses

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Language networks

Les Éditions du Flamboyant

logoLes Éditions du Flamboyant

08 BP 271
Tél: +229 21 31 02 20 +229 90 91 57 27

Flamboyant was founded in July 1989 by several executives at the Beninese Ministry of Education together with a few French publishers. In a time of increased economic liberalism, Flamboyant has been a pioneer in Beninese publishing and one of the best publishers in the subregion with an average eight works a year. Flamboyant has invested all fields of literature and science, where it has a proven know-how and experience. In order to face the challenges of globalization and to promote bibliodiversity, Flamboyant has taken many pan-African initiatives, such as bringing publishers into associations like Assedib, Afrilivres…
A publisher, consultant and distributor of works of the mind, Flamboyant is now led by Dorothée Gérard Houessou. It is currently enjoying new-found energy and is sure to have a promising, flamboyant future.

Books selection

Enfant d’autrui, fille de personne

Adélaïde Édith Bignon FASSINOU Le Seigneur n’a t-il pas dit lui-même : «Si vous faites du bien au plus petit de ces créatures, c’est à moi que vous le (...)

L’Afrique et le Tsunami permanent

Yénikoye Ismaël ABOUBACAR En réponse à l’apocalypse, l’Homo planétarus ne s’y est donc pas trompé en se mobilisant comme un seul homme, sur les cinq (...)

Religions indigènes et savoir endogène

Marc MONSIA Nous livre une connaissance hermétique du vaudou ; c’est pour la première fois que la nature ésotérique des divinités du panthéon vaudou (...)

Contact : Dorothée Gérard HOUESSOU

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éditions d’en bas

logoéditions d’en bas

30, rue des Côtes-de-Montbenon
CH-1003 Lausanne
Tél: (+41) 21 323 39 18

The éditions d’en bas (“from below”) published its first books in 1976, organised itself as an association in 1976 and then as a cooperative in 1991. In 28 years, more than 300 books have been published. The publishing house is founded on two pillars: a militant base of people who have adhered to the editorial policy, and the network of bookshops in the country. The output and translation of books is partly funded by state and private institutions/foundations, as well as by partnerships (co-publishing) with various non-governmental organisations and social movements. The books published by the editions d’en bas witness the hidden side of Switzerland, especially life “down below” in the working-class community. They can also serve in some cases as tools in the fight for rights; they can precede and accompany social struggles, or tell their story.
Essays and historical, sociological and political documents, testimonies, life stories, literary texts, translations – the books published by the éditions d’en bas explore the social field from the margins of history, politics, and society; they allow for the emergence of singular voices, of forgotten destinies and themes.

Par la littérature ou le récit de vie, l’essai critique ou le livre d’histoire, les éditions d’en bas rendent compte de « la face cachée » de la Suisse (et du monde). Des voix dissidentes, attachées aux passages de la mémoire. Les éditions d’en bas sont attachées à valoriser les langues, les populations et les cultures minoritaires révélatrices des structures d’oppression et de répression.

Read the portrait of Jean Richard and the éditions d’en bas published by Le Temps, September 4, 2020.

Contact : Jean RICHARD

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Jeunes malgaches

logoJeunes malgaches

51, rue Tsiombikibo Ambatovinaky
101 Antananarivo
Tél: (+261) 20 22 566 58

The limited company Presse Edition & Diffusion (PREDIFF) was founded in March 1995. Its core business is the subscription sale of foreign periodicals, managing international communication, the bookshop, card shop and since November 2004, the publication of children’s books. To date Éditions Jeunes Malgaches have published several tales and bilingual children’s publications: in February 2005, Maria Vakansy any Alaotra, in Malagasy; in November 2006, Maria Nahita ranomasina voalohany, in Malagasy; Marthe Rasoa raconte, two Malagasy tales written in French; in January 2007, Les Mésaventures de Milaloza, a French/Malagasy bilingual edition of a Malagasy tale, and in November 2007, Soza le pêcheur, a bilingual tale as well as ABDlire, a bilingual aphabet book.

Jeunes malgaches une maison d’édition spécialisée jeunesse qui veut rester toujours jeune au service de la promotion de la culture et la langue malgache.

Read here the interview with Marie Michèle Razafinstalama, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (November 21, 2016).

Books selection

Soza le pêcheur

Cyprienne TOAZARA Histoire illustrée en bilingue français/malgache La pirogue de Soza n’a pas su franchir la barrière de corail et le pêcheur de (...)

I Vonindrano sy i Zavonandro (Fleur de l’eau et Brume du matin)

Arikaomisa RANDRIA (ill.) ; Max RAZAFINDRAIBE Album bilingue illustré. 2017 - 16 pages - 23 x 23 cm - 11.000 Ar (8 €) - ISBN : (...)

Ny Bokiko 2

Marie Michèle RAKOTOANOSY / Catmouse James (ill.) Imagier en malgache 2017 - 36 pages - 14 x 14cm - 11 000 Ar (6 €) – ISBN : (...)

Contact : Marie Michèle RAZAFINTSALAMA

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éditions du Sextant

logoéditions du Sextant

185 bis rue Ordener
75018 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 42 23 26 54

Founded in 2003 by Isabelle Pivert, éditions du Sextant publishes works in the humanities field – history, geography, history of thought and political science – with the aim of enlightening readers to help them gain insight into the world, position themselves and pursue their own path.
Our collections follow their own paths (and overlap?) joyfully: “Décodeur” (economic, social, political criticism: essays), “Géographique” (interactions between physical space and humankind and/or society: essays, biographies, travel accounts), “Résistance” (accounts, especially of WW2), “Récits” (accounts, especially on social issues). In the “Hors Piste” (“Off the Beaten Track”) collection, Sextant experiments and publishes their favourites in a “ragbag” collection.

Based in Paris, we are also developing a branch in Brittany (2008), in a place that’s propitious to creative processes and thinking, Le Pouldu.

Le sextant est un instrument de positionnement utilisé dans la navigation : grâce à cet objet, on peut faire le point avec le soleil et les étoiles, c’est-à-dire connaître sa position exacte sur la planète, et ainsi choisir son cap, son chemin propre sur un espace, la mer, espace de liberté. Je fais ici une analogie avec le livre, instrument de savoir, de connaissance, de transmission, sur soi et les autres, sur le monde, qui permet de choisir ensuite son propre chemin. Le livre-objet qu’on a dans les mains, qu’on touche et qu’on voit qu’on sent (le papier), et dont il faut apprendre à se servir, c’est-à-dire ici savoir lire et écrire, pour l’apprécier. Le livre-passeur d’histoires.

Books selection

La Datcha en Russie de 1917 à nos jours

Vlada TRAVEN “Un essai passionnant” (Le Figaro littéraire) Dès la révolution de 1917, la datcha, maison de campagne du citadin, pose problème au (...)

Soleil Capitaliste

Entretiens au cœur des multinationales - Isabelle PIVERT “La matière recueillie, exceptionnelle, inspire réflexions, agacements et frayeurs sur (...)

Élisée Reclus ou la passion du monde

Hélène SARRAZIN - Introduction de Kenneth WHITE Né en 1830 à Sainte-Foy-la-Grande (Gironde), Élisée Reclus est considéré comme le père de l’écologie (...)

Contact : Isabelle PIVERT

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éditions du remue-ménage

logoéditions du remue-ménage

110, rue Sainte-Thérèse, Bureau 303
H2Y 1E6 Montréal (Québec)
Tél: (+1-514) 876 0097

Since 1976, éditions du remue-ménage has been pursuing the same aim: stimulating, supporting, and furthering feminist thought. Alongside activists, researchers, writers, and artists, they have set up a propitious arena for the circulation of thinking outside of the predominant mindset. An ever-moving platform, open to various feminist analyses of theory and politics, considering the preoccupations of women from all horizons. The catalogue reflects these editorial choices, featuring works in a variety of fields such as history, sociology, political science, education, literature, culture, and gay and lesbian studies to name but a few. The sheer diversity of topics reflects the myriad questions affecting women and more broadly, society as a whole. éditions du remue-ménage is a vociferously free and feistily militant business.
The éditions du remue-ménage is fiercely committed to producing literature brimming with ideas, providing an arena for debate, and, like the women’s movement, working to build a fairer world.

remue-ménage est une référence directe au soulèvement des ménagères tout en étant une allusion au brassage des idées reçues…

Books selection

100 questions sur les femmes et la politique

Manon TREMBLAY Quelle est la première femme élue députée dans un parlement national ? L’électorat et les médias sont-ils sexistes? La vie familiale (...)

Dialogues sur la troisième vague féministe

Ouvrage collectif, sous la direction de Maria NENGEH MENSAH De plus en plus de jeunes femmes qui s’identifient volontiers au féminisme, se (...)

Violence entre enfants : casse-tête pour les parents !

Diane PRUD’HOMME Si j’apprenais que mon fils est la risée de la classe parce qu’il parle sur le bout de la langue ou parce qu’il est gros, que (...)

Contact : Anne MIGNER-LAURIN

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09, lot petite Provence - Hydra
16035 Alger
Tél: +213 21 69 19 14

Founded in April 2000 in Algiers, Barzakh originally focused solely on literature. Our creed: give young Arabic- and French-language writers a platform for expression.
Encountering success and setbacks over the years, we have expanded our catalogue to historical essays, studies and literary biographies, as well as high-art books. Alongside this work, we have developed partnerships with some French publishers, including éditions de l’Aube, Le Bec en l’Air, and Actes Sud. Thus, Arezki Mellal’s novel Maintenant, ils peuvent venir (Barzakh, 2000) was published by Actes Sud in 2002, and Cinq fragments du désert by Rachid Boudjedra (Barzakh, 2001), by éditions de l’Aube in 2002. The latter has furthermore been translated into Italian and Spanish.

Listen here the interview of Selma Hellal (barzakh), HuffPost, October, 2019.

Books selection

La prière du Maure

Adlène MEDDI Alger, les années 2000, l’hiver. Un jeune homme disparaît. « Pour régler une dette », Djo, commissaire à la retraite – forte tête, (...)

L’homme qui n’existait pas

Habib AYYOUB Nouvelliste hors-pair, Habib Ayyoub renoue, dans ce nouveau recueil, avec son univers peuplé de sans-grades, d’obscurs citoyens (...)


Sadek AÏSSAT Cet ouvrage réunit les trois romans écrits par Sadek AÏSSAT entre 1996 et 2002 : L’année des chiens, La cité du précipice, Je fais comme (...)

Contact : Sofiane HADJADJ

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Responsable : Selma HELLAL

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Plateau, Rue du Commerce - 10 BP 477
Abidjan 10
Ivory Coast
Tél: (+225) 20 57 41 06 84 / (+225) 20 05 95 71 69

Éditions Livre Sud (Édilis) was created at the initiative of African promoters in order to participate in the cultural development of Africa. Its mission is, therefore, the publication, promotion, and distribution of books. Edilis covers all areas of publishing: general literature (novels, short stories, and poetry), preschool, academic, extracurricular, literacy, and post-literacy. Édilis also has a bookstore, the Librairie du Commerce, located on the Plateau, rue du Commerce.
However, it has made literacy, the only key to development, its main project.
In fact, Édilis, concerned with the development of the country, has for several years undertaken actions with regard to teaching national languages. In collaboration with the ILA (the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the University of Abidjan-Cocody) and SIL (Société Internationale de Linguistique), Édilis has produced a series of syllabaries in national languages (Baoulé, Bete, Senufo, Diula, Kulango, Akyé, Abidji, Dan, Wobe, Mahou, Lobiri, etc.). These syllabaries make a significant contribution to the promotion of national languages.

« Édilis » fait allusion à ce que l’Afrique, de par sa richesse culturelle et sa diversité linguistique, peut apporter de spécifique au livre.

Books selection

La Houe magique

Koné BOUNDOU Ce recueil de contes présente un ensemble d’histoires délectables, fantastiques ou fondées sur des légendes reprises dans un style bien à (...)

La revanche des Anges

Henry G. KOUADJA Émotions et palpitations caractérisent cette œuvre passionnante à travers la vie du personnage de Corneille. Longtemps rongé par un (...)

Mes larmes coulent en silence

Julien Ludovic KODIA L’abbé Briano et sœur Dorisca, deux serviteurs entièrement dévoués, qui ont décidé de consacrer leur vie uniquement à l’œuvre de (...)


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Responsable : Thérèse KOUDOU

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CP 32 052, comptoir Saint-André
H2L 4Y5 Montréal (Québec)
Tél: +1 (514) 521 0913

Ever preoccupied with ecological, social and political issues as well as alternatives put forward by social movements, the Écosociété publishing house is contributing to the reinvention of possibilities. For over 15 years, the firm has been producing and distributing critical works with the aim of forging an eco-society: a society with a more humane approach and that is more respectful of the biosphere, a free and open society in which the relations between individuals would be more egalitarian. The works published by the firm aim to spark public debate and to contribute to it, with a view to fostering more active citizen participation in the political sphere. The publishing house represents a zone of free expression in which activists, thinkers and citizens join forces for a wonderful experience in solidarity. The Écosociété publishing house: a wellspring gushing with ideas to approach the world from a fresh angle and rebuild it differently.

Lire, réfléchir et agir sont les trois verbes qui animent la maison d’édition depuis ses débuts. Son nom fait écho à l’Institut pour une écosociété, qui l’a fondée, et dont le mandat est de « susciter un vaste débat public sur les grands problèmes de l’heure et sur les conditions d’émergence d’un nouvel humanisme et d’une société plus conviviale, plus démocratique et plus respectueuse des ressources de la biosphère, le but étant de favoriser l’avènement d’un nouveau modèle économique, politique, social et culturel ».

Read here the interview with Élodie Comtois, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (October 11, 2016).

Books selection

Noir Canada

Pillage, corruption et criminalité en Afrique - Alain DENEAULT
 (avec Delphine ABADIE et William SACHER)

 Noir Canada s’attaque à l’image factice, (...)

Désobéir et grandir

Vers une société de décroissance

 - Paul ARIÈS - 
 Préface de Serge MONGEAU Quand 20% des humains s’approprient 86% des ressources disponibles sur (...)

Pourquoi j’meurs tout l’temps

Anaïs AIRELLE C’est l’histoire d’une fille qui a mal démarré. Dévorée de questions et de révoltes, saturée de violence, elle part sur les routes. Routes (...)

Contact : Élodie COMTOIS

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1 rue des Foreurs, Treichville, Zone 3
01BP 1984
Abidjan 01
Ivory Coast
Tél: (+225-20) 21 64 65 /(+225-20) 21 25 33 12

Éburnie was created in November 2001 by Marie-Agathe Amoikon-Fauquembergue. The objective of this publishing house is to breathe new life into the image of the publishing world by producing quality works, encouraging the emergence of new authors, and developing new collections. Our activities started in earnest in February 2002. To date, there exists more than 150 titles in the catalogue, 15 of which are textbooks and 15 extracurricular, as well as eight children’s series and two general collections co-published with Ganndal (Guinea), Cérès (Tunisia) and Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benin). Distribution is ensured via a network of bookshops in the following countries: Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Mali, Senegal, Cameroon, Nigeria, Guinea, and Burkina-Faso.


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Couleur livres

logoCouleur livres

54, rue de la Colonne
1080 Bruxelles
Tél: +32 (0)65/82 39 44

Couleur livres (formerly Éditions Vie Ouvrière) has remained faithful to the guiding spirit of nearly 50 years of rigorous, critical and accessible publications, and it has turned out to be – together with its partners – one of the most important centres for progressive publishing for associations in Belgium and the French-speaking world in general.
Couleur livres strives to be a politically committed, independent and multicultural publishing house that is attentive to the voice of the associations and organisations that make up civil society. It is a publishing house that combines audacity with discovery, as well as originality, readability and rigour.
As a generalist publisher, Couleur livres publishes first and foremost essays and analyses on current social questions and debates, both on the regional, national and international scale. It is also active in the fields of education and training in social science (pedagogy, history, economy, sociology, psychology, philosophy…). Finally, it has been in charge since 2006 of a journal and a collection of true-life stories. It has also been committed to publishing fair trade books for another globalization.

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Genres of publication

Dena Publishing

logoDena Publishing


Dena is publishing books whose authors are in exile, or books that were not allowed to be published in Iran due to censorship.

Despite the limited publication of the books, Dena as the only Persian-language bookseller in the Netherlands, plays a significant role in the availability of Persian books for Iranians living in the Netherlands.

Books selection

Az Zire Khak (From Below the Ground)

Nasim KHAKSAR This collection includes nineteen short stories written by Nasim Khaksar between 2001 and 2014. The title of the book is taken (...)

Parvaneh ee zir e baran (Butterfly in the rain)

Mehdi YAHYAWI The collection of short stories “A Butterfly Under the Rain” written by Mehdi Yahyawi was published in the spring of 2019 by Dena (...)

Rouz haye Nefrideh bar khak e nefrideh (Godverdomse dagen op een godverdomse bol)

Dimitri VERHULST Dimitri Verhulst presents the history of mankind in less than two hundred pages, in a big bang of language. From the moment we (...)

Contact : Reza CHAVOUSHI

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Čechova 23
Praha 7 Bubeneč 170 00
Czech Republic

The small independent wo-men publishing is oriented toward gender-focused art documentary books. The publishing house was established in 2012 by a literary documentarian Barbora Baronová to create books ambitious both in content and design. The main aim of wo-men publishing is to share high quality literary and photographic non-fiction projects created by Czech authors. Mostly, the books by wo-men include voices of marginalized people, such as women, seniors, people with disabilities, and cover non-mainstream topics, such as feminism, aging, activism, parenthood, and environment. The books published by wo-men are printed in low numbers (sometimes as limited editions) on high-quality ecological papers in local printing companies. Many books by wo-men were awarded in the Czech Republic, as well as abroad.

Books selection

Intimacy [Intimita]

Barbora BARONOVÁ, Dita PEPE The stylized artistic literary and photographic documentary project Intimacy opens up important personal and social (...)

Voices of Women: Australia [Hlasy žen: Austrálie]

Barbora BARONOVÁ; Dita PEPE The publication Voices of Women: Australia brings twenty-two narratives of prominent Australian women artists, (...)

Borders of Love [Hranice lásky]

Dita PEPE et al. Borders of Love is a photographic and literary book from internationally renowned Czech photographer Dita Pepe that in thirteen (...)

Contact : Barbora BARONOVÁ

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Av. Augusto Meyer 163/605
Porto Alegre (RS) - CEP 90550-110
Tél: +55 51 3024-0787

Dublinense is an independent publishing house focused mainly on literary fiction, with the vast majority of its list formed by contemporary fiction, a few very singular contemporary non-fiction narratives and essays and a small collection of psychoanalysis. Our focus is to present the best in contemporary Brazilian literary fiction along with relevant works that can present different cultures and singular approaches and points of view for the Brazilian readership. Our goal is to start conversations on relevant subjects through good literature. During our 12 years, our original titles have received important recognitions such as Prêmio Jabuti, Prêmio Açorianos, Prêmio da Biblioteca Nacional and are constantly shortlisted for other literary awards too. Our international titles were also distinguished with important awards such as Prêmio José Saramago, European Union Prize for Literature, among others.

Books selection


Natália BORGES POLESSO Vencedor do Prêmio Jabuti Vencedor do Prêmio Açorianos Vencedor do Prêmio AGES (Associação Gaúcha de Escritores) Seria pouco (...)

Elas marchavam sob o sol

Cristina JUDAR Ana e Joan. A primeira é diurna e contemporânea, bombardeada pelo consumismo e por pressões estéticas e comportamentais. A segunda é (...)


Henrique SCHNEIDER Vencedor do Prêmio Paraná de Literatura Raul é um bancário dedicado, um cidadão de bem levando uma vida tranquila em junho de (...)

Contact : Gustavo FARAON

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Dar Altanweer

logoDar Altanweer

Dar Altanweer is a company with offices in Beirut, Cairo, and Tunis. Overall strategy is coordinated between the three offices. The company has been publishing philosophical and literary classics and contemporary works since 1982. In 2012 was sold to a group of seasoned publishers who partnered in restructuring and relaunching the company in each location.

Since 2012, Dar Altanweer has expanded its geographical and genre breadth and strengthened its quality and marketing depth. Select titles are printed in three countries thereby providing for more efficient distribution and marketing. Expanded genres include classical, modern, and contemporary literary fiction, commercial fiction, philosophy for beginners, self-help, popular science, sociology/political science and graphical novels.

Contact : Sherif Joseph RIZK

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Mamdouh Adwan Publishing House

logoMamdouh Adwan Publishing House

Tél: +00971557195187

The Publishing house, founded in Damascus in (2005), was established in honour of the late Syrian writer Mamdouh Adwan (1941-2004), who wrote more than ninety publications in poetry, drama, novel and different translations. Our publishing house came as a realization of his dream to establish a publishing house that provides a platform for new writers and translators.

Hence, the publishing house is first and foremost dedicated to publishing distinct literary and intellectual books of new writers and translators whose works would enrich the Arabic library.
Drawing on its awareness of the importance of revitalizing the cultural life and raising awareness on the different forms of cultural achievements and their huge impact on the formation of intellectual awareness in Arab societies; the publishing house is keen to publish important Arab literary works which are no longer available in the markets, and to provide accurate translations and revised versions for books of international writers.

The publishing house ceased its operations between 2012 and 2014 due to the compelling circumstances witnessed by Syria. However, it resumed its work by the end of 2014, and currently has more than 250 titles including: poetry, drama, intellectual and literary studies, short stories, and novels of writers from different Arab countries, as well as translations from English, French, Spanish, Swedish, and German.

In Sharjah Book fair 2016 the publishing house was awarded as Best Arabic Publishing House 2016.


Books selection

Al Kanaaees, Stories from ISIS prisons in Syria

Khalifa Al KHUDER Khalifa Al-Khader, winner of the Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press 2017, writes some scenes of fear in the details (...)

The Animalization of Man

Mamdouh ADWAN The world of organized and random oppression that a person lives in this age, is a world that is neither suitable for man nor for (...)

Don’t tell the horse

Mamdouh AZZAM After twenty years of work, Salem finishes his service in the gendarme’s cavalry and returns to his home and family in Deir (...)

Contact : Marwan ADWAN

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12, boulevard National
13001 Marseille

Wildproject is an independent publishing house founded by Baptiste Lanaspeze, a pioneer in French-language ecological humanities. Dreamt of in New York in 2003, established in Paris in 2008, Wildproject is growing since 2009 in Marseille, between city and nature, between North and South.
The catalogue explores the ecological revolution of knowledge and practices, with a focus on places and stories.
In 10 years, Wildproject has become a reference in ecological humanities. Philosophy, biology, ethology, social sciences, geography, literature, urban planning, agriculture, music, contemporary art...: far from being a niche, ecology crosses all spheres of culture.
Wildproject thus invites us to go beyond the project of modern civilization – with founding works of ecological thought, with essays on political and decolonial ecology, with geographical narratives.


Books selection

Printemps silencieux

Rachel CARSON Collection « Petite bibliothèque d’écologie populaire » « Printemps silencieux constitue la naissance du mouvement écologiste. » Al (...)

Un sol commun. Lutter, habiter, penser

Marin SCHAFFNER Collection « Le monde qui vient » Pour ses 10 ans, Wildproject propose une synthèse pédagogique et accessible des grands enjeux de (...)

Le livre est-il écologique ? Matières, artisans, fictions

Collection « Petite bibliothèque d’écologie populaire » Bien plus qu’un ebook, le livre peut être un support écologiquement vertueux. Mais depuis (...)

Contact : Baptiste LANASPEZE

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Responsable : Marin SHAFFNER

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Cauris livres

logoCauris livres

rue 544 – porte 92
Tél: +223 20 22 40 79

For twenty years, Cauris books, founded by Kadiatou Konaré, has promoted modern and dynamic African publishing by offering various books (French and national languages) on Mali and Africa: cultural and tourist guides, reference works, general literature and children’s documentaries.
Its innovative editorial policy highlights thematic collections, the most emblematic of which are:

  • “Lucy”, a collection of illustrated documentaries on the great figures of the history of the continent and which calls upon the greatest professionals of children’s literature in Africa and in the French-speaking world;
  • “Le Pays des talents”, a collection of tourist and cultural guides whose vocation is to help discover a country through its human, artistic and cultural potential;
  • “The Works of reference” which rehabilitates history through stories, speeches, encyclopaedias.

Books selection

La légende de la reine de Saba

Françoise KERISEL ; Isabelle CALIN (illustratrice) Il y a très longtemps, la belle reine Makeda dirigeait le royaume de Saba, dans l’Est de (...)

Les grandes dates du Mali. Des origines à la fin de la IIe République

Alpha Oumar KONARE ; Adame BA KONARE Restituer près de deux mille ans d’histoire relève d’une véritable gageure. C’est pourtant cette entreprise (...)

Co-épouses et co-veuves

Adrienne YABOUZA Les coépouses Ndongo Passy et Grekpoubou s’aiment comme deux sœurs, unies pour le pire et pour le meilleur. A la mort de leur (...)

Contact : Kadiatou KONARÉ

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Quartier Plateau, rue IB-28 P 515
BP 106 Niamey
Tél: +227 20 72 58 08

The word “gashingo” in Kanuri means chameleon; it was chosen to represent our ability to publish in multiple languages.
Gashingo’s activities build on the premise that the development of African countries depends on the internal and external efficiency of their education systems. This prerequisite can only be fulfilled by establishing and maintaining a literate environment in the first languages already mastered by children before they enter school and shared in their home communities, and in the widely spoken, local or foreign languages.
Gashingo’s main activities are the production and sale of books; Gashingo also graciously supports the training of authors and the organisation of meetings and exchanges between the various actors of the book ecosystem at the national and regional levels.
Over the next few years, Gashingo intends to strengthen its base through a large production of both paper and digital books and the gradual establishment of its nation-wide network of bookstores. Regionally, the company intends to diversify its partnerships to play a pioneering role in the extension of projects such as DEELMA (“Projet de Développement de l’édition et des environnements lettrés multilingues en Afrique” from Septembre 2006 to April 2007) where it was the coordinating structure. The interconnection of Gashingo’s national distribution network with those of its regional partners will enable its products to be as widely distributed as possible. All of these activities are aimed at increasing Gashingo’s production capacity to make it competitive and eligible for the textbook market.


Books selection

Koudou et le Caïman

Kadri HAMADOU Un album pour enfant illustré en couleur publié en bilingue (en français et en 5 langues nationales du Niger). Un livre sur (...)

Les péripéties d’un instituteur rural

Malam ADJI ZATOULOUR Un roman en français qui retrace la vie d’un instituteur qui évolue dans le milieu rural. L’oeuvre fait ressortir les (...)

Proverbes et devinettes

Boubacar HAMA BEIDHI Cet ouvrage présente des proverbes et des devinettes utilisés dans la vie de tous les jours. La maîtrise des proverbes traduit (...)

Contact : Bako MALAM ABDOU

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Sefsafa Publishing

logoSefsafa Publishing

49 Al-Makhzan St. Omranya
Tél: +(20) 1110787870

Sefsafa Publishing established in 2009, since then Sefsafa has published more than 200 titles and organized many activities proved to be one of the most active small cultural entities in Egypt.
Sefsafa Publishing translated more than 50 titles (fiction & non-fiction) from 18 languages including: Irish, Slovak, German, English, French...
We like to describe ourselves as a progressive publisher, supporting the freedom of publishing and ideas of “Enlightenment”.
One of our non-fiction titles: Temptation of Absolute Power won a prize (the Ahmed Bhaa El-Din prize) in 2010, and one of our novels Al-Hareem won the Cairo International Book Fair award for best novel in 2015.
Sefsafa distributes through the independent bookstores in Egypt and Arab countries, also through Arab and international book fairs.

Contact : Mohamed EL-BAALY

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Éditions En toutes lettres

logoÉditions En toutes lettres

28 avenue des F.A.R., 5ème étage, app. 59
20000 Casablanca
Tél: +212 5 22 29 68 48

Since 2014, En toutes lettres is specialised in the publication of essays by writers, researchers and journalists. Our books address societal issues related to Morocco, by exposing the situation on the ground, as well as making the work of researchers and academics accessible to the general, non-specialised public. They contribute to the dissemination of discussions and critical thinking. This aim is achieved through five collections: ‘Les Presses de l’Université Citoyenne’, ‘Enquêtes’, ‘Les Questions qui fâchent’, ‘Droit et Citoyenneté’, et ‘Traduction’. En toutes lettres also spearheads Openchabab, a training project for emerging journalists and civil society leaders, bound to become future authors espousing humanist creeds and investigative reporting.

To read:
Au Maghreb, il y a urgence à structurer le secteur du livre », Kenza Sefrioui, Le Monde Afrique, 8 February, 2019

*“A Moroccan Publisher Reflects on the Struggles Independent Presses Face”, Kenza Sefrioui, Al-Fanar Media, 10 January, 2019

Books selection

Le métier d’intellectuel, dialogues avec quinze penseurs du Maroc

Fadma AÏT MOUS et Driss KSIKES Collection “Les Presses de l’Université Citoyenne” / Prix Grand Atlas 2015 et Prix Grand Atlas des étudiants 2015 (...)

Extrémisme religieux, plongée dans les milieux radicaux du Maroc

Hicham HOUDAÏFA Collection “Enquêtes” / Prix spécial du jury du Prix Grand Atlas 2017 Filières des études islamiques à l’Université, parcours de (...)

Islam et femmes, les questions qui fâchent

Asma LAMRABET Prix Grand Atlas 2017 Voile, polygamie, égalité dans l’héritage… Asma Lamrabet fait l’inventaire des discriminations imposées aux femmes (...)

Contact : Kenza SEFRIOUI

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