Publishing houses

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15, rue des Prés
77171 Léchelle
Tél: +33 (0)1 64 00 86 92

Zellige: enamel-coated chips of terra cotta set into plaster, used to decorate monuments and home interiors in the Arab world.

With a firmly international focus, and a deliberately diversified catalogue (novels, essays and albums), Zellige aims to develop close partnerships with publishers, bookstore managers and distributors in the French-speaking world. So the works can be published simultaneously in all the countries involved. And at prices tailored to local buying power.
Steering clear of the centralising mindset, programmes are not systematically initiated in France. Out of the thirty titles featuring in this catalogue, half have originated from one of Zellige’s partners, in Algeria, Haiti, Morocco, Tunisia, Belgium or Lebanon.
Furthermore, Zellige has expanded into graphic design and communications, with customers sometimes hailing from other walks of life than publishing.

As for the publishing house’s name, recalling mosaics, it expresses its sharing, partnership-focussed, open attitude.

Books selection

Algérie, Maroc, histoires parallèles, destins croisés

Benjamin STORA À quand un couple algéro-marocain, indispensable moteur d’un Maghreb des régions ? Une telle perspective réclame, de ces deux pays (...)

Amour, Colère et Folie

Marie VIEUX-CHAUVET Un chef d’œuvre de la littérature haïtienne signé d’un écrivain qui l’a payé cher (Le Magazine littéraire) Édité initialement en (...)

Kalila et Dimna

Ibn AL-MUQAFFA Une nouvelle traduction, fluide et agréable de ce classique de la littérature arabe (Le Temps, Genève) Étudié dans toutes les (...)

Contact : Roger TAVERNIER

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28, rue Dayat Aoua
10000 Rabat
Tél: (+212) 53 7 68 64 30

Yomad was founded end 1998. It is a small publishing house specialising in books for young people. Its means are tiny but its ambition is huge, stemming from the dearth of local creation witnessed in literature for young people. It is true that the children’s departments in bookstores are crammed with books from elsewhere, books filled with references which are completely foreign to the culture and environment of Moroccan children. Whereas children need to set down roots in order to forge their identity and live in harmony with society. This is what underpins Yomad.
An initial collection, “mini Yemma”, of three books by Driss Chraïbi and a second collection, entitled “Yemma”, comprising two books by Habib Mazini were published in March 1999. With Driss Chraïbi as the star author in the catalogue, Yomad was able to get noticed quickly. Next came Zaïna et le fils du vent which proved highly popular among young readers. It received the high-school children’s Grand Atlas 2001 award. Further to requests from young readers, a second volume was published: Le défi de Zaïna.

The Yomad catalogue now features 10 collections comprising 40 books. The collections “Hikayat”, “Mini-Yemma”, “Mini-Yemma novels”, “Yemma”, “Contes du Maroc” (Moroccan folk tales), “Rêves d’enfants” (Children’s dreams), “Yemma junior”, “Raconte-moi l’Histoire” (Tell me a story), “Mini-plume” and “Nostalgie”.

Heavyweights in Moroccan and Algerian literature have contributed several of their own writings, including Driss Chraïbi, Fouad Laroui, Abdellatif Laâbi, Abdelhak Serhane, Zakya Daoud, Mohamed Dib and other less well-known authors such as Jocelyne Laâbi, Habib Mazini, Mehdi Degraincourt, Ouadia Bennis, Charlotte Bousquet, Véronique Abt, Dominique Logié, Françoise Chémaô, Christian Devèze, Zidrou, Samia Benatya, Keltoum Mosdik, Majid Al Amiri and Florence Deville-Patte. The illustrators who have provided pretty decorations for the texts are Nathalie Logié, Alexis Logié, Virginie Soumagnac, Abdellatif Mitari, Moshine Drissi, Saïd Boucetta, Karim Yahia, Noureddine Lahrech, Tasneem Allouch, Carole Gourat, Saïd Oumouloud, Jean-Paul Favreau, Pierre Léger and Orélie Gouel.

Je suis partie de « nomade » car pour moi, l’éditeur, l’écrivain, le lecteur, le livre sont tous des nomades. Le nom n’a pas été accepté, car il existait déjà. J’ai juste retiré le N et je l’ai remplacé par Y. Je trouve que Yomad a une belle sonorité.

Books selection

Le voleur de Volubilis

Laurence LE GUEN - illustrations d’Anthony COCAIN Lorsque Briac et Maëlle posent leurs pieds sur le sol marocain, ils sont loin de se douter que (...)

Salim wa sahîr / Salem et le sorcier

Mohammed DIB - illustrations de Virginie SOUMAGNAC Bilingue arabe / français Il y a bien longtemps, un méchant sorcier était servi par un petit (...)

Ma place est à l’école !

Véronique ABT Aïcha vit dans un village au Sud du Maroc. Tous les jours, elle regarde, avec envie, les enfants qui se dépêchent sur le chemin de (...)

Contact : Nadia ESSALMI

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Women Unlimited

logoWomen Unlimited

7/10, First Floor, Sarvapriya Vihar
New Delhi 110 016
Tél: (+91-11) 2652 4129 / (+91-11) 2686 6596

Women Unlimited is an associate of Kali for Women, India’s first and oldest feminist press, which publishes scholarly and academic books in the social sciences; fiction; general interest non-fiction; autobiographies, reminiscences and memoirs; oral histories; books for young adults; pamphlets and monographs; and activist material. The Kali for Women/ Women Unlimited list combines the best of Kali’s titles published between 1984 and 2004, and an exciting range of books and authors commissioned by Women Unlimited. Women Unlimited has close links with the women’s movement, and the women’s studies in India, South Asia, and internationally. We participate in campaigns, nationally and regionally, and have organised extensively on issues to do with alternative media, women’s writing, and gender-based censorship. We consider all this as just an extension of our publishing activity.

WU is an active and organizing partner of the Independent Publishers’ Group (IPG), a collective of 10 Delhi-based independent publishers formed in March 2005; and of the Independent Publishers’ Distribution Alternatives (IPD Alternatives), a partnership of 8 independent Indian publishers set up in late 2005, which handles the distribution of titles published by nearly 20 small/independent publishers (including those of the 8 partners).

Read here the interviews with Ritu Menon:

Books selection

Soil Not Oil

Climate Change, Peak Oil, and Food Insecurity - by Vandana Shiva “One of the world’s most prominent radical scientists.” —The Guardian (...)

Mother India

Sexual Economies in Contemporary Bombay Cinema - by Karen Gabriel This insightful analysis of popular Bombay cinema presents a comprehensive (...)

Terror, Terrorism, States and Societies

Edited by Samir Kumar Das & Rada Ivekovic Terror has had different philosophies in history; and philosophies have their own engagement with (...)

Contact : Ritu MENON

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Tulika Books

logoTulika Books

No. 44, First Floor
Shahpur Jat
New Delhi 110 049
Tél: Tél: (+91-11) 2649 7999 / (+91-11) 4617 0894

Tulika Books is an independent publisher based in Delhi, India, specializing in non-fiction, academic books in the social sciences and humanities. Established more than 10 years ago, it has published nearly 65 titles to date, and has been able to attract reputed scholars from various disciplines — such as history, economics, development studies, literary theory, cultural studies, art, sociology and politics — as its authors.

Tulika Books is an active and organizing partner of the Independent Publishers’ Group (IPG), a collective of 10 Delhi-based independent publishers formed in March 2005; and of the Independent Publishers’ Distribution Alternatives (IPD Alternatives), a partnership of 8 independent Indian publishers set up in late 2005, which handles the distribution of titles published by nearly 20 small/independent publishers (including those of the 8 partners).

Listen here the interview of Indira Chandrasekhar - interview by Frederick Noronha at the workshop on ’Spreading the Word: Copyright, Dissemination and Independent Publishing’ organized by the Independent Publishers’ Distribution Alternatives (IPDA) in collaboration with Alternative Law Forum, 24–25 June 2010, Bangalore.

Contact : Indira CHANDRASEKHAR

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Vents d’ailleurs

logoVents d’ailleurs

11, route de Sainte-Anne
13640 La Roque d'Anthéron
Tél: +33 (0)4 42 50 59 92

Vents d’ailleurs was founded in 1999 by Gilles Colleu and Jutta Hepke. Publishing professionals for about 25 years, our starting point was when we noticed a great emptiness, a great shortage in the publishing industry. Book supply is substantial in France, yet many cultures are missing or under-represented. We are convinced that the knowledge of cultures from abroad, the others’ cultures, helps build a society with more solidarity and enriches any human being in his quest for humanity. It is therefore important to build bridges and to make available to everybody the tools to become or to be a citizen of today’s world. Written works, literature, arts, books contribute to this.
We want to contribute to building tomorrow’s world, to opening doors and windows wide to other visions of the world. We have thus opened our door to authors and illustrators, to visions and ideas from abroad, so as to continue together, on the long term, the journey of creation and literature.

Our editorial policy focuses on books telling stories from the “inside”, texts, narratives which do not contemplate other cultures or faraway fantasies – but which, on the contrary, come to us from elsewhere. These stories make us dream and wonder, they question us. The approach is reversed; shifting the point of view changes everything. Our representations, here in France, in a rich Northern country, are questioned, and our landmarks shifted away. Imaginations, languages, ideas, images, cultural expressions clash, cross, permeate each other.

Vents d’ailleurs is a member of the Alliance of independent publishers, the association Éditeurs sans frontières and the association Jedi Paca. Vents d’ailleurs is distributed in Haiti by Communication Plus and in Canada by Dimédia.

Contact : Jutta HEPKE

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Responsable : Gilles COLLEU

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Éditions du Silence

logoÉditions du Silence

292, avenue du Colonel Parant
BP 13822 Libreville

A limited liability company founded in 1996 in Libreville to design, publish, and distribute intellectual works, Éditions du Silence started out publishing scientific journals for the University of Libreville before branching out into the publication of essays, accounts, memoirs, and writings about traditional culture. In 2007, it opened up to fiction and confirmed its grounding in the milieu of schools and universities and, more generally, in the world of ideas to better share our home: Earth.


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Sankofa & Gurli Éditions

logoSankofa & Gurli Éditions

01 BP 3811
Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
Tél: (+226) 78 72 98 00

Sankofa & Gurli is a Burkinabe publishing house created in 1995. With its creation, several objectives were fixed to promote literature while acting in various and complementary plans which include writing (support of and follow-up with authors), reading (communication with the public), and output and diffusion; to promote and revalorize the African languages, especially those spoken in Burkina Faso and transnational languages, across an editorial policy which avoids marginalizing publication in African languages (aesthetic of the form and the contents, topics, circulation of the publications...); to produce literature of quality at costs corresponding to the local purchasing power; to work to arouse in the children and the young people the taste for reading and writing, and anchor in them, as soon as possible, practices of output and consumption of the writing; in a general way, to contribute to the promotion, the development, and the reinforcement of culture, especially literary, in a context of generalized illiteracy. Since 1999, the contacts have been diversified, the commitments reinforced and widened: Sankofa & Gurli Editions participate with various partners (African, European, North American) in co-publishing projects;
Member of the Alliance of independent publishers, Sankofa & Gurli contributes to the debate and to the fight for bibliodiversity and solidarity in publishers’ independence across the world.

Le nom de la maison d’édition est double. SANKOFA est le nom de l’oiseau qui, dans la cosmogonie des peuples AKAN, symbolise la conscience historique. Son slogan est « Il n’y a pas de honte à revenir sur ses pas pour prendre ce qu’on a perdu/oublié en cours de chemin ». GURLI est le nom du hérisson en gulmancema. Il symbolise aux yeux du fondateur de la maison d’édition l’ingénuité enfantine et le caractère absolu de la liberté des idées. On racontait souvent aux enfants qu’il était impossible de garder prisonnier un hérisson. Toutes les tentatives par ces enfants d’en enfermer un se révélaient vaines, le hérisson disparaissait toujours de sa prison. Bien des années plus tard, l’enfant que j’étais (suis ?) a appris que c’étaient nos aînés qui libéraient le petit animal. Ainsi en est-il des idées : on a beau les enfermer, les emprisonner, il se trouvera toujours un moyen, une personne, une circonstance, qui les libérera...


Read here the article from Jeune Afrique, May 7, 2021.

Contact : Jean-Claude NABA

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Mémoire d’encrier

logoMémoire d’encrier

1260 rue Bélanger, Bureau 201
H2S 1H9 Montréal (Québec)
Tél: (+1-514) 989 1491

Mémoire d’encrier was founded in March 2003 in Montréal by the writer Rodney SAINT-ÉLOI. It publishes works of fiction: novels, novellas, short stories, poetry, essays and accounts. Mémoire d‘encrier offers a varied catalogue that builds bridges between cultures and imagination in the North and South. The basic idea underlying our work is that of dialogue between cultures in a perspective of solidarity and of accepting the Other. Mémoire d’encrier is geared around a body of over a hundred works by authors from Canada, Quebec, the Caribbean, Native America, Africa, and Europe. The goal being to refuse exclusion and to redefine collective living.

Mémoire d’encrier : enraciner l’encre (l’écrit) dans le patrimoine oral. Associer la mémoire à l’écrit ; associer en ce sens littérature (écrits) et oraliture (traditions orales) ; assumer la continuité entre mémoire et modernité.

Books selection

Duvalier. La face cachée de Papa Doc

Jean FLORIVAL Spectateur et souffleur, Jean Florival est dans l’œil du cyclone; à l’intérieur du régime, sans un quelconque titre officiel. C’est en (...)

Litanie pour le Nègre fondamental

Jean BERNABÉ Une dizaine de personnages, hauts en couleurs, issus de différents milieux sociaux et castes de la Martinique, sont mis en scène. (...)

Ainsi parla l’Oncle suivi de Revisiter l’Oncle

Jean PRICE-MARS “Ainsi parla l’Oncle” est le premier manifeste de la condition noire. Paru pour la première fois en 1928, l’ouvrage a influencé (...)

Contact : Rodney SAINT-ÉLOI

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Les éditions de l’Atelier

logoLes éditions de l’Atelier

51-55 rue Hoche - Bât. B - Hall 1 - étage 3
94200 Ivry-sur-Seine
Tél: +33 (0)1 45 15 20 20

Globalisation, new information and communication technologies and individualisation are all radically overturning how people live and work, what they think and believe. L’Atelier hopes to help humanise this transformation, by encouraging the re-establishment of social ties and by making it possible for people from humble backgrounds to take a proactive stance in their own lives, through the publication of books in three fields: Christianity; culture and religion; social and human sciences.
True to the tradition of Editions Ouvrières, a publishing firm set up by the Young Christian Workers movement in 1929, L’Atelier aims to promote works that bridge different spheres of knowledge, that which is forged by experience as well as that which results from analytical work, for books to act as an agent of emancipation and enrichment of social ties for as many people as possible.

Contact : Gaëlle BIDAN

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Metis Publishers

logoMetis Publishers

Ipek Sokak 5, 34433 Beyoglu
Tél: +(90-212) 245 46 96

Founded in 1982, Metis Publishers has established itself as one of Turkey’s leading
publishing houses, renowned for defending its independent spirit and radical commitment, celebrating critical thinking, original talent, and bringing distinguished letters from the world to generations of Turkish readers. With over 800 titles to its name, Metis is reputed for its careful translations and editorial integrity.

Metis list includes both fiction and nonfiction, specializing in high literature and critical theory. Some of the literary authors published in translation are Ursula K. LeGuin, Marguerite Yourcenar, Salman Rushdie, Henry Bauchau, Georges Perec, John Berger, J.R.R. Tolkien and Maurice
Blanchot. The works of such distinguished Turkish authors as Murathan Mungan and Bilge Karasu are also published by Metis.

Metis nonfiction list features works of an interdisciplinary character that
have the potential to intervene in the cultural climate of Turkey from a
radical political perspective, such as those by Walter Benjamin, Max
Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Edward Said, Immanuel Wallerstein, Emile Cioran, Slavoj Zizek, Judith Butler, Nurdan Gürbilek and Nilüfer Göle. World-class literary theorists including Gyorgy Lukacs, Tzvetan Todorov and Mikhail Bakhtin, philosophers such as Paul Ricoeur, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Roland Barthes and psychoanalytic masters including Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein and Heinz Kohut are also amongst the authors Metis has published in Turkey.

Metis was the Goddess of Wisdom, first wife of Zeus, before he swallowed her up when she was pregnant and gave “birth” through his forehead to the next Goddess of Wisdom, Athena, who was “born from a man, fully armed”, whereas Metis was against the use of arms, worked with the knowledge of nature and used the skill of the craftsperson to solve disputes, like a captain navigating rocky waters.
Hence metis came to signify the “knowledge that the Power detests”, in addition to nobody, bastard, craftiness...

Books selection

Child of Agony

Cultural Climate of Turkey by Vitrinde Yaşamak (1992) and Kötü Çocuk Türk (2001) A collection of essays on Turkey’�s cultural climate in the last (...)

The Garden of Departed Cats

By Bilge Karasu In an ancient Mediterranean city, a tradition is maintained: every ten years an archaic game of human chess is staged, the (...)

World Tribunal on Iraq

Istanbul Culminating Session, 23-27 June 2005 Müge Gürsoy Sökmen (ed.) “The records have to be kept and, by definition, the perpetrators, far from (...)

Contact : Müge GURSOY SOKMEN

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26, Delmas 8
Port-au-Prince HT-6120
Tél: (+509) 37 48 59 51 / (+509) 37 45 33 05

LEGS ÉDITION is a publishing house founded in October 2012 by Wébert Charles, Mirline Pierre and Dieulermesson Petit Frère in order to support and promote authors, and re-energise the Haitian book market. Specializing in the reissue of classic literary texts, the publishing house also publishes works by contemporary authors, children’s books and textbooks, including the journal Legs et Littérature. It is made up of a group of writers, publishers, researchers, professors, chroniclers and literary critics.
Among other things, LEGS ÉDITION aims to promote literature in all its forms across all media; to work to safeguard the Haitian literary and artistic heritage; to advocate Haitian values; to establish bridges of communication between foreign literatures and cultures.

LEGS ÉDITION se veut un héritage, un patrimoine qu’on entend laisser (léguer) aux générations futures. C’est ce lien que nous essaierons de maintenir avec l’autre, celui/celle/ et ceux/celles qui vient/viennent. Nous sommes donc une passerelle...

Read here the interview with Dieulermesson Petit Frère, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (February 20, 2018).

Books selection

Des maux et des rues

Dominique BATRAVILLE, Faubert BOLIVAR, Jean Watson CHARLES, Wébert CHARLES, Marc EXAVIER, Charles Frédo GRAND-PIERRE, Georges Eddy LUCIEN, Kettly (...)

La petite corruption

Yanick LAHENS La petite corruption est le deuxième recueil de nouvelles de Yanick Lahens. Il dit toute la saveur du vécu social, politique et (...)

Le sexe mythique

Nadine MAGLOIRE Le sexe mythique est un court roman paru pour la première en Haïti en 1975. En effet, ce livre est le premier roman haïtien écrit (...)

Contact : Dieulermersson PETIT FRERE

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Responsable : Mirline PIERRE

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Éditions Ntsame

logoÉditions Ntsame

6e arrondissement, quartier Nzeng-Ayong (Cité des ambassadeurs)
B.P 16032
Tél: (+241) 07 75 21 46

Ntsame publishing was founded in 2010 by Sylvie Ntsame, writer and former president of the Union of Gabonese Writers (UDEG).
The publishing house is located in the Nzeng-Ayong district, in a complex consisting of a secretariat, a bookstore, three machine rooms, a boardroom and five offices. A priority is to make books whose copyrights are paid to published authors. Sylvie Ntsame explains that their mission is to “to produce books of all kinds, and to disseminate them on the national level and outside the country”, and adds “I wanted to cast my little stone in the building, for a stream of local productions to be published”.
She aims to make the national writers’ books more visible on the national territory in order to raise the public awareness about the literary works produced by Gabonese writers but also to inspire the pen of the latter.
Ntsame publishing aims to master the entire process of book making so that the books they publish are entirely made in Gabon. That is why this structure has a digital printing facility.

Contact : Sylvie NTSAME

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Braterska 19/6
53-015 Wrocław
Tél: (+48) 71 339 71 68

FORMAT is an independent publishing house that focuses on education, illustration quality and creation. Books are understood as beautiful objects and as reading spaces, as they position the reader in the story, sharpening their eyes, awakening their curiosity and graphic sensitivity.
Their ambition: expressing emotions, circulating ideas of diversity and difference, tolerance, going against the grain to break with prejudices and stereotypes, working particularly on typography, paper and format.
FORMAT publishing’s books must appeal to both children and adults. The condition is that everyone finds a place in this illustrated book adventure. FORMAT publishing mixes genres and authors: well-known contemporary authors, sometimes even internationally renowned, and more classical, but always with a view of reinterpreting!
Their first title in French (Un prince à la pâtisserie by Joanna Concejo and Marek Bienczyk) was released in September 2015. Their list already includes some 50 titles in Polish, of which 40% are adapted from French books. FORMATs’ books have been awarded many times by IBBY International Board of Books for Young People, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, and the Polish Association of publishers, to name but a few...

Read here the interview with Dorota Hartwich, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (October 25, 2017).

Books selection

Grand-Mère Tricot

Uri ORLEV ; Marta IGNERSKA (ill.) Une petite grand-mère seule au monde arrive un soir au village ; elle a pour tout bagage des aiguilles à (...)

Un prince à la pâtisserie

Marek BIENCZYK ; Joanna CONCEJO (ill.) « Un délice graphique et littéraire, avec une ambiance unique » a déclaré le jury IBBY qui a accordé au livre (...)

SEKRETNE ŻYCIE KRASNALI W WIELKICH KAPELUSZACH (A secret life of dwarfs in big hats)

Wojciech WIDLAK ; Paweł PAWLAK (ill.) If sometimes: you are fed up with everyday life you feel that you are missing something you wish you (...)

Contact : Dorota HARTWICH

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Amalion Publishing

logoAmalion Publishing

133 Cité Assemblée Ouakam
BP 5637 Dakar-Fann
Dakar, CP 10700
Tél: (+221) 33 86 01 904

Since 2009 Amalion Publishing has established itself as a publisher of high quality and critically acclaimed non-fiction and literary works on Africa. As an independent academic publishing initiative based in Dakar, Senegal, we are driven by the mission to publish and disseminate innovative knowledge on Africa to strengthen the understanding of humanity. Our works strive to promote a broader understanding of Africa and its people by providing a platform for authors to express new, alternative and daring perspectives and views on people, places, events, and issues shaping our world.
Amalion Publishing targets a wider readership of scholars, academics, students, and other readers seeking to know more about their lives and societies through monographs, textbooks, and literary writing. It publishes primarily in English and in French, and is willing to consider initiatives and ideas to disseminate in Portuguese and other African languages with a potential for wider distribution.

Books selection

La dette odieuse de l’Afrique : Comment l’endettement et la fuite des capitaux ont saigné un continent

Léonce NDIKUMANA, James K. BOYCE Dans La dette odieuse de l’Afrique, Boyce et Ndikumana révèlent le fait choquant que, contrairement à la perception (...)

Wala Bok. Une histoire orale du hip hop au Sénégal

Fatou Kandé SENGHOR Wala Bok: une histoire orale du hip hop au Sénégal se souvient et narre les mémoires des générations de pratiquants du hip hop, (...)

A History of the Yoruba People

Stephen Adebanji AKINTOYE A History of the Yoruba People is an audacious comprehensive exploration of the founding and growth of one of the most (...)

Contact : Sulaiman ADEBOWALE

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B.P. 4281
Tél: (+250) 788 422 660

Bakame Editions is an independent non-profit publishing house specialising in the production of quality literature for children and youth. The texts relate to Rwandan culture and are written in Kinyarwanda, the country’s language. Since 2011, some selected titles have been translated into French and English.
From its creation in 1995 to 2016, Bakame Editions published 170 books, including 12 textbooks, representing a total of more than one million copies.

Books selection

Drôle de chat !

Agnès UKUNDAMALIYA ; Roberta MILANESI ; Titre original : Akajangwe Buroho Traduction : Agnès Gyr et Agnès Girard Dans la ferme de Nyiramana, le (...)

Le secret de Nyanka

Denyse UMUHUZA ; Capucine MAZILLE ; Agnès GYR (trad.) Titre original : Uruhimbi rwa Nyanka Le lièvre Bakame raconte à tous les animaux de la forêt (...)

Surprises ! surprises !

Roberta Milanesi ; équipe Bakame (texte et traduction) Titre original : Uruhimbi rwa Nyanka Kaneza aime observer la nature, il y découvre beaucoup (...)

Contact : Éric DUSABIMANA

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Dodo vole

logoDodo vole

Lot VZ37 Andafiavaratra
Antananarivo 101

Created by an association of artists, Dodovole publishing has the avowed mission of defending the endangered cultures and marginalised minorities of the southwest of the Indian Ocean. In order to promote regional languages, we have from the onset published in French and Reunionese Creole, and shortly after in Malagasy and regional Malagasy. By imagining beautiful printed objects, we want to give visibility to visual artists in the area: a writer is asked to create a children’s book based on the work of a fine artist or photographer. This is the cardboard collection, which aims to bring art in the hands of the youth.
The richness of the corpus of regional folktales gave birth to the collection “Dodo bonimenteur” (“peddler”): Madagascan and French tales are bilingual and illustrated by schoolchildren as part of educational exchange programmes. A collection of French-language novels for adults completes the list under the editorial line: Madagascar seen from the inside.

Si le dodo avait eu des ailes, il n’aurait pas disparu. Dodo vole donne des ailes aux enfants : des livres pour leur permettre de grandir et de s’évader.

Read here the interview with Sophie Bazin and Johary Ravaloson, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (September 15, 2017).

Read here the interview with Sophie Bazin, published by Perluète, the literary review of Normandie Livre et Lecture (November 2021).

Books selection

Bitômbokantsôro et la femme prise à l’hameçon

Laurent BABITY ; Johary RAVALOSON Mary-des-ailes (dir. ; illustrations) Un conte traditionnel de Madagascar très répandu sur les côtes, où l’on (...)

Vol à vif

Johary RAVALOSON ; Sophie BAZIN (illustration couverture) Johary Ravaloson repart en brousse, sur les traces des Dahalos, les voleurs de zébus (...)

Zanfan Zavavirano

Anny GRONDIN ; Griotte (illustrations) Un conte écrit en créole réunionnais par la conteuse Anny Grondin, à partir de figures de la mythologie (...)

Contact : Sophie BAZIN

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Route Yaoundé-Mfou, quartier Nkolbikogo, (lieu dit collège Monti)
Tél: (+237) 6 99 85 95 94 / (+237) 6 72 72 19 03

Proximité publishing has been founded in 2002 in Yaoundé, Cameroon, with the aim of bringing the book and publishing to local populations. Two things motivated the creation of this initiative: the difficulty for young authors to be locally published on the one hand, and the desire to promote the circulation of local and foreign publications at an affordable price on the other hand. In its early years, Proximité published many young authors, most of them working on their first manuscript, at the same time as they worked towards better visibility for foreign literatures through co-publishing projects. In 2006, Proximité joined forces with other structures by becoming a collection publishing novels and short stories under the umbrella Ifrikiya publishing. Between 2006 and 2015, the collection has then published a dozen of young authors annually. Since 2015, Proximité has regained its autonomy, and is reinventing itself as a publishing house, working in different genres: novel and short stories, essays and biographies, children’s books and comics.

Read here the interview with François Nkémé, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (April 4, 2017).
Read the interview with François Nkémé published by Jeune Afrique on April, 26, 2021.

Books selection

Le Prince de Djenkana

Badiadji HORRÉTOWDO C’est l’ère de la révolution industrielle. La république de Bibérossa a besoin de matières premières et de nouveaux débouchés au (...)

Walaande. L’Art de partager un mari

Djaïli AMADOU AMAL Livre traduit en arabe et coédité par les éditeurs du réseau arabophone de l’Alliance, avec le soutien de la fondation Prince (...)

Le philosophe et le numérique

Ebenezer NJOH MOUELLE Le lecteur tient entre ses mains l’essentiel des échanges que le philosophe Njoh Mouelle a entretenus avec les visiteurs de (...)

Contact : François NKÉMÉ

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Orfeu Negro

logoOrfeu Negro

Rua Silva Carvalho, n.º 152 - 2.º
1250 - 257 Lisboa
Tél: (+351) 21 3244170

Orfeu Negro is a Lisbon-based independent publishing house. Its catalog focuses on contemporary art essays and picture books.
Founded in 2007, Orfeu Negro is now a main reference concerning books on performance, dance, cinema and arts in general, promoting the works of Jacques Rancière, RoseLee Goldberg, Laurence Louppe, François Truffaut and Gilles Deleuze, among others.
Its children’s books series, “Orfeu Mini”, offers excellence in illustrated content and detail design. Featuring award-winning artists such as Oliver Jeffers, Peter Brown, Catarina Sobral and Benjamin Chaud, “Orfeu Mini” brings the best of storytelling and illustrating to its readers around the world.

“Casimiro”, its most recent series of illustrated books for adults, is a collection of provocative works aiming at mature and extravagant people. It features authors such as Brazilian Hilda Hilst and Portuguese illustrator André da Loba, the perfect match for satire and obscenity.

Books selection

Obscénica. Textos eróticos & satíricos

Text: Hilda HILST Illustrations: André DA LOBA OBSCÉNICA is an anthology of erotic and satirical writings by Hilda Hilst, luxuriously illustrated (...)

A arte da performance. Do futurismo ao presente

RoseLee GOLDBERG Translation: Jefferson Luiz CAMARGO & Rui LOPES RoseLee Goldberg explores contemporary artists’ approaches to politics, (...)

O Meu Avô

Catarina SOBRAL My grandad used to have a clock shop. Now he has a lot of free time. Mr. Wright is not a watchmaker (though he always has one (...)

Contact : Carla OLIVEIRA

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logoKX – CRITIQUE AND HUMANISM Publishing House

11, Slaveykov Sq,
Sofia 1000
Tél: +359 898566238

For more than 20 years now, we have been publishing books in the humanities and social sciences, and lately some titles in literature that are connected to the humanities.
We are a small-sized independent publishing company, and our renown is based on the more than 220 titles we have published – some of them exemplary pieces, others among the most provocative titles in the humanities (most of them translations). Our close working relationship with professors from four of the leading Bulgarian universities ensures the high quality of our products.
We have become recognised as a “publisher with a philosophy”. Supporting a pluralist and local cultural ambiance has always been our publishing ideal. We also experiment – via joint projects with other institutions or individuals – on the borders between cultural fields (e.g. publishing and theater, publishing and digital arts).
We are also the initiator and founder of a small organization: Bulgarian Society of Publishers in Humanities (BSPH).

Read here the interview with Antoinette Koleva, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (January 2, 2017).

Books selection

Acceleration. The Change of Time Structures in Modernity

Hartmut ROSA Translation: Svetla MARINOVA Hartmut Rosa (born 1955) is one of the most promising nowadays sociologists and social philosophers, (...)

The Fragmentary Character of Life (Selected Essays)

Georg SIMMEL Translation: Theodora KARAMELSKA Georg Simmel (1858-1918), a notorious German philosopher and sociologist of culture, has (...)

The Walk; Why Robert Walser was and still is so important?

Robert WALSER; Giorgio AGAMBEN Translation: Maria DOBREVSKA This is the chef-d-oeuvre of the prose of Robert Walser (1878-1956) – a very (...)

Contact : Antoinette KOLEVA

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AGO Média

logoAGO Média

202 bis, boulevard du 13 janvier
BP 3601
Tél: (+228) 22 25 87 55 / (+228) 90 30 55 79

AGO Media is a team of young writers and illustrators brought together by Koffivi ASSEM and KanAd for the production and distribution of comics and animated films. AGO Media is composed of a publishing house, a communication agency and a production and distribution company for books and films.
Lomé-based AGO publishing wants to make up for the lack of publishing houses specialized in children’s books and comics in Africa.
Before the official foundation of the company in 2011, AGO started with the publication of fanzines: “AGO fiction” and “AGO drama”. This is how the company’s strategy was defined: to fund the publishing wing through the communication agency, to diversify the revenues by venturing into multimedia and cinema and especially to create an authentic distribution circuit.

To read:

Books selection

Ziguidi et les animaux

KANAD Au commencement tous les animaux vivaient tous dans le même village, tous les hommes dans un autre. Avec Ziguidi, un enfant prodige, tout (...)

Haïti mon amour

Koffivi ASSEM & KANAD À la suite du terrible tremblement de terre qui ébranle Haïti on 2010, un enfant de rue, habitué à se débrouiller, décide (...)

Mythes & Légendes africains

Joël ADOTEVI, KANAD, Gilka, Koffivi ASSEM, Anani ACCOH, Adomayakpo Daté PAPI Six récits pour faire voyager petits et grands dans l’histoire, les (...)

Contact : Koffivi ASSEM

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Responsable : KanAd

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