As many publishing houses are located in the same country (or even in the same city), it is necessary to zoom in on the country or city you are interested in to see all the publishing houses.
Tél: +00971557195187
The Publishing house, founded in Damascus in (2005), was established in honour of the late Syrian writer Mamdouh Adwan (1941-2004), who wrote more than ninety publications in poetry, drama, novel and different translations. Our publishing house came as a realization of his dream to establish a publishing house that provides a platform for new writers and translators.
Hence, the publishing house is first and foremost dedicated to publishing distinct literary and intellectual books of new writers and translators whose works would enrich the Arabic library.
Drawing on its awareness of the importance of revitalizing the cultural life and raising awareness on the different forms of cultural achievements and their huge impact on the formation of intellectual awareness in Arab societies; the publishing house is keen to publish important Arab literary works which are no longer available in the markets, and to provide accurate translations and revised versions for books of international writers.
The publishing house ceased its operations between 2012 and 2014 due to the compelling circumstances witnessed by Syria. However, it resumed its work by the end of 2014, and currently has more than 250 titles including: poetry, drama, intellectual and literary studies, short stories, and novels of writers from different Arab countries, as well as translations from English, French, Spanish, Swedish, and German.
In Sharjah Book fair 2016 the publishing house was awarded as Best Arabic Publishing House 2016.
Khalifa Al KHUDER
Khalifa Al-Khader, winner of the Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press 2017, writes some scenes of fear in the details of his experience in ISIS prisons in the city of al-Bab, his escape from prison, and his return to him later after ISIS was expelled from the city.
Khalifa does not tell us about ISIS from outside, he stayed inside the monster, and went out to narrate some of what he saw, heard, and lived...
Khalifa Al KHUDER is a Syrian photographer, journalist and writer, winner of the Samir kassir Award in Opinion Article category 2017.
152 pages - ISBN: 978-9933-540-39-5
Mamdouh ADWAN
The world of organized and random oppression that a person lives in this age, is a world that is neither suitable for man nor for the growth of his humanity. Rather, it is a world that cultivates the “animality” of man (i.e. turning him into an animal). The writer deals with this topic like a researcher, but with the mentality, the temperament and the style of a writer. He is not going to propose another theory or refute another.
Our perception of the human being that we should be is not impossible to achieve, even if it comes from a literary or artistic conception. But this perception makes us, “when we see the reality in which we live”, feel the size of our losses during our human journey, which are cumulative and continuous losses as long as the world of oppression and humiliation exists and continues. And we will end up becoming creatures of another type whose name was “man”, or aspired to be a human being, without changing form.
Mamdouh ADWAN was a prolific Syrian writer, poet, playwright and critic. He published his first collection of poetry in 1967 then he published 18 further collections. He has also published 2 novels, 25 plays, translated 23 books from English including the Iliad, the Odyssey and a biography of George Orwell. and Report to Greco by Nikos Kazantzakis, he wrote a number of TV series. He wrote regularly on Arab current affairs, he also taught at the Advanced Institute for Theater in Damascus.
288 pages - ISBN: 978-9933-540-06-7
Mamdouh AZZAM
After twenty years of work, Salem finishes his service in the gendarme’s cavalry and returns to his home and family in Deir al-Qarn, bringing with him the only companion who has stayed with him for all those years: his horse. Family members have mixed feelings towards this guest, who will now be part of the family. The storytelling chains take place between the five children and the mother, and as they rotate, they weave stories and build worlds. In this novel, Mamdouh Azzam writes, in a new and different way from his previous novels, a tale about a simple family living its tranquility and fear, its surrender and rejection, its peace and struggles, to move within us endless questions and reflections, while freedom writes in its broad sense the chapter of the end.
Mamdouh AZZAM is a Syrian novelist. His most celebrated and controversial novel is The Palace of Rain, a powerful and daring treatment of taboos in the conservative Druze religion and community. His novel Ascension to Death was translated into English and French. And was adapted into an acclaimed film in 1995.
256 pages - ISBN: 978-9933-540-75-3
Contact : Marwan ADWAN
12, boulevard National
13001 Marseille
Wildproject is an independent publishing house founded by Baptiste Lanaspeze, a pioneer in French-language ecological humanities. Dreamt of in New York in 2003, established in Paris in 2008, Wildproject is growing since 2009 in Marseille, between city and nature, between North and South.
The catalogue explores the ecological revolution of knowledge and practices, with a focus on places and stories.
In 10 years, Wildproject has become a reference in ecological humanities. Philosophy, biology, ethology, social sciences, geography, literature, urban planning, agriculture, music, contemporary art...: far from being a niche, ecology crosses all spheres of culture.
Wildproject thus invites us to go beyond the project of modern civilization – with founding works of ecological thought, with essays on political and decolonial ecology, with geographical narratives.
Collection « Petite bibliothèque d’écologie populaire »
« Printemps silencieux constitue la naissance du mouvement écologiste. » Al Gore
Premier ouvrage sur le scandale des pesticides, Printemps silencieux a entraîné l’interdiction du DDT aux États-Unis. Cette victoire historique d’un individu contre les lobbies de l’industrie chimique a déclenché au début des années 1960 la naissance du mouvement écologiste.
Printemps silencieux est aussi l’essai d’une écologue et d’une vulgarisatrice hors pair. En étudiant l’impact des pesticides sur le monde vivant, du sol aux rivières, des plantes aux animaux, et jusqu’à l’ADN, ce livre constitue l’exposition limpide, abordable par tous, d’une vision écologique du monde.
50 ans après sa conception, on redécouvre Printemps silencieux au moment où l’on commence à s’intéresser, en France, à la philosophie de l’écologie. « Ce n’est pas moi, c’est Rachel Carson qui a inventé l’écologie profonde », affirme en effet le philosophe norvégien Arne Næss.
Vendu à plus de 2 000 000 d’exemplaires, traduit en 16 langues, Printemps silencieux n’est pas seulement un best-seller : c’est un monument de l’histoire culturelle et sociale du XXe siècle. Point de référence difficilement contournable de l’histoire de l’écologie, cet ouvrage fait partie de la bibliothèque de l’honnête homme.
2019 [2009] - 352 pages - 11 ×17 cm - 12 € - ISBN : 978-2-918490-999
Collection « Le monde qui vient »
Pour ses 10 ans, Wildproject propose une synthèse pédagogique et accessible des grands enjeux de l’écologie.
Depuis une décennie environ, une scène des pensées de l’écologie a émergé en langue française.
Comment décrire et nommer ce nouveau continent à la croisée des luttes, des arts et des sciences ? À quelles œuvres collectives ses acteurs sont-ils en train de donner vie ? Quelles sont les grandes dynamiques en cours ? Comment l’écologie transforme-t-elle nos façons de penser et d’agir ?
Une sélection d’auteurs, mais aussi de journalistes, éditeurs, traducteurs, libraires, militants… répond à ces questions.
2019 - 180 pages - 13 × 20 cm - 15 € - ISBN : 978-2-918-490-784
Collection « Petite bibliothèque d’écologie populaire »
Bien plus qu’un ebook, le livre peut être un support écologiquement vertueux.
Mais depuis vingt ans, l’objet livre et ses usages se sont industrialisés et mondialisés – concentration du monde de l’édition, délocalisation des impressions, essor du numérique…
Cet objet manufacturé séculaire se retrouve aujourd’hui pris en tenaille entre des logiques artisanales et industrielles.
Face aux exigences nouvelles des lecteurs, des questions inédites émergent. Sur quels piliers voulons-nous construire la chaîne du livre de demain ?
Entretiens, écofictions et manifestes : des libraires, des éditeurs, des auteurs et des forestiers invitent à imaginer le livre de l’après-pétrole.
2020 - 112 pages - 11 ×17 cm - 9 € - ISBN : 978-2-918490-968
Contact : Baptiste LANASPEZE
Responsable : Marin SHAFFNER
91 bd Anfa, 14e étage
20600 Casablanca
Tél: +212 522 20 93 14 / +212 522 20 92 68
In 1987, there were few publishing houses in Morocco. The book market was flooded with books in French, from France, and in Arabic, from Egypt and Lebanon. It was difficult for readers to identify with them. Les Éditions du Fennec were created to fill this gap.
It is a small structure which does only publishing in Arabic and French. They release from 15 to 20 titles a year, with an average print run between 2 000 and 3 000 copies. As for the paperback edition, the average print run is between 5 000 and 10 000 copies.
In order to make reading accessible to the greatest number, and taking into account Moroccan readership’s purchasing power, les Éditions du Fennec manufactures and sells at the lowest price books of quality.
It is said that Alexander the Great, as he deployed his immense army in a Kashmir meadow, set up camp before fighting. At dawn, a carpet of mauve flowers covered the ground even under the horses’ hooves. Faced with this dire omen, the 120,000 soldiers refused to fight and Alexander the Great, for the first time, had to bow to the victorious rudder. Ahraz, the founder of Al Kanz, harnessing the powers of these precious pistils, succeeds in becoming one of the richest businessmen in the country. The Mountain Orphan has come a long way, but it’s time for him to pass the torch. Who will be the one who will be chosen for the position of president of Al Kanz? Will the Safran Al Kanz become the best in the world? It is in La Safranière, a small village hidden in the Atlas Mountains where Ahraz was born that all these questions will be clarified, whatever the cost!
Yasmina RHELJARI runs a training firm in Rabat, her first novel “Le diner de trop” appeared in 2018. She is also a columnist at Vie Eco.
2020 - 280 pages - 13 x 20,5 cm - 98 DH / 12 € - ISBN : 978-9920-755-17-7
The novel talks about a play written by a theater artist for a woman called Zahra, who is an activist of the February 20 Movement, and in the end, the latter will not play that role; Because she initially thought that the role was written for her, then she discovers that he wrote for another woman and wants to attribute it to her.
“I have never accepted to despair on the pretext of the futility of studying in a country teeming with the unemployed. Instinctively and decisively, I rejected the position of the unemployed whose fate depends on state policy.”
The disabled person who has no job but to participate in sit-ins and demonstrations that the graduate armies are fighting in the capital, in front of Parliament and in the streets of the capital.
Mohamed AMANSOUR is a novelist, critic, and university professor at the Faculty of Arts in Meknes. His novel experience belongs to the style of the new novel in Morocco, which in its experimental strategy deviates from the traditional novel. He has published several critical books, as well as two novels “Al Mouktafiaa” in 2004 and “Tears of Bacchus” in 2010, in addition to two collections of stories.
2019 - 160 pages - 13 x 20,5 cm - 85 DH / 13 € - ISBN : 978-9920-755-18-4
Inconsolable, a quarter of a century after the death of his father, the author decides to resuscitate him. He unearths his past to invent a future for it and put it back into the world. In his quest for a father, he does not hesitate to assume his identity, to wear his face as one wears a mask that reveals more than it hides. Here we find the author’s taste for reversals and invention, he who does not hesitate to predict the past and remember the future. Carried by a subtle writing, at the same time soft and biting, Even not dead is a captivating, moving, overwhelming story; a snub to death and a hymn to life.
Moroccan writer and artist Youssouf AMINE ELALAMY is the author of several novels: Un Marocain à New York, Les Clandestins (Grand Atlas Prize and Le Plaisir de Lire Prize), Paris mon bled, Miniatures, Oussama mon amour, Amour nomade; Funny spring. French-speaking author, he published in 2005 Tqarqib Ennab, a book in Darija (Moroccan Arabic) and in 1999 obtained the Prize for the best travelogue awarded by the British Council International for his writings in English. His books are translated into several languages.
“C’est beau la guerre” by Youssouf Amine Elalamy, has just been selected among the 10 finalist works of the 2020 edition of the Prix des 5 Continents de la Francophonie.
2018 - 114 pages - 13 x 20,5 cm - 80 DH / 13 € - ISBN : 978-9954-1-6831-8
Contact : Layla CHAOUNI
rue 544 – porte 92
Tél: +223 20 22 40 79
For twenty years, Cauris books, founded by Kadiatou Konaré, has promoted modern and dynamic African publishing by offering various books (French and national languages) on Mali and Africa: cultural and tourist guides, reference works, general literature and children’s documentaries.
Its innovative editorial policy highlights thematic collections, the most emblematic of which are:
Françoise KERISEL ; Isabelle CALIN (illustratrice)
Il y a très longtemps, la belle reine Makeda dirigeait le royaume de Saba, dans l’Est de l’Afrique. Les contes et les textes sacrés parlent de cette souveraine légendaire qui a donné naissance à Ménélik, le premier roi d’Éthiopie.
Françoise Kerisel est un autrice d’ouvrages illustrés, passionnée par les légendes et la philosophie, elle s’est lancée dans des études de lettres classiques. En collaboration avec des illustrateurs très différents, ses textes ont notamment été publiés par Magnard Jeunesse, Didier jeunesse et Desclée de Brouwer.
Septembre 2019 - 32 pages - 20 X 22,5 cm - 7 € ; 4 000 FCFA - ISBN : 978-99952-60-47-7
Collection “Lucy”
Documentaire illustré
Public : 7-11 ans
Langue : français
Alpha Oumar KONARE ; Adame BA KONARE
Restituer près de deux mille ans d’histoire relève d’une véritable gageure. C’est pourtant cette entreprise colossale qu’Alpha Oumar et Adame Ba Konaré ont menée dans cette deuxième édition rénovée et prolongée des grandes dates du Mali.
Sous forme de repères datés et sur la basse de l’événement strict, cet ouvrage unique relate les faits autant qu’il éclaire et instruit. La riche iconographie qui l’accompagne en fait un véritable outil pédagogique, agréable à parcourir et précieux à la fois pour le chercheur et pour le grand public.
Alpha Oumar Konaré est professeur en archéologie, homme d’Etat – président de la république du Mali de 1992 à 2002, président de la Commission de l’Union africaine de 2003 à 2008 –, il est coauteur avec Adame Ba Konaré des Grandes dates du Mali, dont la première édition a été publiée en 1983 aux Editions-Imprimeries du Mali.
Adame Ba Konaré est professeure, elle a enseigné pendant presque 20 ans l’histoire de l’Afrique au Sud du Sahara à l’Ecole normale supérieure de Bamako. Féministe engagée, militante des Droits de l’homme, elle est auteure de nombreux ouvrages.
Septembre 2019 - 480 pages - 32,3 x 21,7 cm - 30 000 FCFA ; 49 € - ISBN : 978-99952-60-28-6
Genre : histoire
Langue : français
Reliure : cartonné
Adrienne YABOUZA
Les coépouses Ndongo Passy et Grekpoubou s’aiment comme deux sœurs, unies pour le pire et pour le meilleur. A la mort de leur mari, face au mensonge et à l’injustice, elles engagent une lutte pied à pied avec le destin.
Dans un style mordant, Adrienne Yabouza emprunte à la rue de Bangui ses mots les plus colorés pour raconter la vie en dents de scie de deux femmes de caractère, généreuses et avisées.
Costarmoricaine d’adoption, Centrafricaine, Adrienne Yabouza écrit avec enthousiasme aussi bien pour les petits que pour les grands avec un style qui lui est si particulier : humour, franc-parler, néologismes savoureux … le tout empreint d’émotion et de sagesse.
Octobre 2015 - 168 pages - 11,5 x 19 cm - 14 € ; 7 500 FCFA - ISBN : 978-99952-60-29-3
Genre : roman
Langue : français
Contact : Kadiatou KONARÉ
The word “gashingo” in Kanuri means chameleon; it was chosen to represent our ability to publish in multiple languages.
Gashingo’s activities build on the premise that the development of African countries depends on the internal and external efficiency of their education systems. This prerequisite can only be fulfilled by establishing and maintaining a literate environment in the first languages already mastered by children before they enter school and shared in their home communities, and in the widely spoken, local or foreign languages.
Gashingo’s main activities are the production and sale of books; Gashingo also graciously supports the training of authors and the organisation of meetings and exchanges between the various actors of the book ecosystem at the national and regional levels.
Over the next few years, Gashingo intends to strengthen its base through a large production of both paper and digital books and the gradual establishment of its nation-wide network of bookstores. Regionally, the company intends to diversify its partnerships to play a pioneering role in the extension of projects such as DEELMA (“Projet de Développement de l’édition et des environnements lettrés multilingues en Afrique” from Septembre 2006 to April 2007) where it was the coordinating structure. The interconnection of Gashingo’s national distribution network with those of its regional partners will enable its products to be as widely distributed as possible. All of these activities are aimed at increasing Gashingo’s production capacity to make it competitive and eligible for the textbook market.
Un album pour enfant illustré en couleur publié en bilingue (en français et en 5 langues nationales du Niger). Un livre sur l’handicap, la tolérance et le respect.
Kadri HAMADOU a embrassé la carrière de peintre après avoir abandonné les études universitaires en 1997. Ses toiles ont été exposées à Niamey, en France et en Côte d’Ivoire. Il est aussi bien illustrateur qu’auteur de textes.
Novembre 2010 - 24 pages - 20,5 X 19 cm - 2 500 FCFA - ISBN : 978-2-91960-701-3
Un roman en français qui retrace la vie d’un instituteur qui évolue dans le milieu rural. L’oeuvre fait ressortir les difficultés actuelles de l’enseignement et apporte des pistes de solutions.
Malam ADJI ZATOULOUR est né en 1952 à Goudoumaria, dans la région de Diffa au Niger. Sa carrière d’enseignant commença en juin 1974. Il fit valoir ses droits à la retraite en octobre 2006. Se sentant encore capable d’enseigner, il est présentement professeur de français, histoire et géographie au CES de Goudoumaria. Chevronné lecteur de la littérature, il décida de se lancer dans l’écriture.
Janvier 2015 - 132 pages - 13 X 17 cm - 5 000 FCFA - ISBN : 978-2-37235-025-9
Cet ouvrage présente des proverbes et des devinettes utilisés dans la vie de tous les jours. La maîtrise des proverbes traduit en effet chez l’individu son enracinement dans sa culture, dont il contribue à maintenir et à pérenniser la valeur. Ils sont utilisés pour rappeler, sous une forme imagée et lapidaire, les règles en vigueur d’une société nécessitant une grande mobilité d’esprit pour discerner, sous leur forme condensée, toute somme d’observation, d’expérience, d’humour.
Boubacar HAMA BEIDHI, conseiller pédagogique à la retraite, a consacré tout son temps à la recherche sur les traditions et l’histoire des Peuls. L’ensemble de ses textes publiés en France et au Niger constitue une vraie bibliothèque de référence, témoignage de la richesse de la culture nigérienne.
Avril 2017 - 172 pages - 16 X 24 cm - 7 500 FCFA - ISBN : 978-2-919607-16-7
Contact : Bako MALAM ABDOU
49 Al-Makhzan St. Omranya
Tél: +(20) 1110787870
Sefsafa Publishing established in 2009, since then Sefsafa has published more than 200 titles and organized many activities proved to be one of the most active small cultural entities in Egypt.
Sefsafa Publishing translated more than 50 titles (fiction & non-fiction) from 18 languages including: Irish, Slovak, German, English, French...
We like to describe ourselves as a progressive publisher, supporting the freedom of publishing and ideas of “Enlightenment”.
One of our non-fiction titles: Temptation of Absolute Power won a prize (the Ahmed Bhaa El-Din prize) in 2010, and one of our novels Al-Hareem won the Cairo International Book Fair award for best novel in 2015.
Sefsafa distributes through the independent bookstores in Egypt and Arab countries, also through Arab and international book fairs.
Contact : Mohamed EL-BAALY
28 avenue des F.A.R., 5ème étage, app. 59
20000 Casablanca
Tél: +212 5 22 29 68 48
Since 2014, En toutes lettres is specialised in the publication of essays by writers, researchers and journalists. Our books address societal issues related to Morocco, by exposing the situation on the ground, as well as making the work of researchers and academics accessible to the general, non-specialised public. They contribute to the dissemination of discussions and critical thinking. This aim is achieved through five collections: ‘Les Presses de l’Université Citoyenne’, ‘Enquêtes’, ‘Les Questions qui fâchent’, ‘Droit et Citoyenneté’, et ‘Traduction’. En toutes lettres also spearheads Openchabab, a training project for emerging journalists and civil society leaders, bound to become future authors espousing humanist creeds and investigative reporting.
To read:
*« Au Maghreb, il y a urgence à structurer le secteur du livre », Kenza Sefrioui, Le Monde Afrique, 8 February, 2019
*“A Moroccan Publisher Reflects on the Struggles Independent Presses Face”, Kenza Sefrioui, Al-Fanar Media, 10 January, 2019
Fadma AÏT MOUS et Driss KSIKES
Collection “Les Presses de l’Université Citoyenne” / Prix Grand Atlas 2015 et Prix Grand Atlas des étudiants 2015
Depuis les soulèvements de rue en 2011, les peuples attendent des intellectuels qu’ils les aident à mieux s’orienter dans la sphère publique. Au Maroc, quinze penseurs, ayant en commun une éthique de chercheurs et restant en interaction avec la société, livrent le fond de leurs pensées, puisant dans les héritages humanistes et analysant les réalités politiques et sociales.
2014 - 380 pages - 14 x 20,5 cm - 95 DH / 20 € - ISBN : 978-9954-33-164-4
Collection “Enquêtes” / Prix spécial du jury du Prix Grand Atlas 2017
Filières des études islamiques à l’Université, parcours de salafistes, problématique de l’enseignement religieux à l’école, quartiers marginalisés en proie à la délinquance, niqab… À travers huit enquêtes et reportages, Hicham Houdaïfa éclaire la banalisation de l’extrémisme religieux dans la société marocaine.
2017 - 94 pages - 14 x 20,5 cm - 65 DH / 13 € - ISBN : 978-9954-39-363-5
Prix Grand Atlas 2017
Voile, polygamie, égalité dans l’héritage… Asma Lamrabet fait l’inventaire des discriminations imposées aux femmes au nom de l’islam. Elle démontre que la plupart des interprétations médiévales classiques, produit de leur milieu social et culturel, se sont construites à la marge et parfois à l’encontre du Coran, porteur d’une vision beaucoup plus égalitaire et ouverte.
2017 – 214 pages – 14 x 20,5 cm – 95 DH / 20 € – ISBN : 978-9954-39-271-3
Contact : Kenza SEFRIOUI
Wanfield Hall - Woodcock Heath
Kingstone - Uttoxeter
Staffordshire, ST14 8QRT
United Kingdom
Tél: +44 (0)1650652370
Victorina Press is an independent publishing house in the West Midlands, UK. Established in 2017 by Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes, a Chilean-British Teacher of EFL, poet and writer of short stories, MA in Sociology and Women’s Studies, PhD in Women’s Studies and MA in Publishing. She chose to name her press “Victorina Press” to honour her mother who passed her love for reading and literature on to all her six children.
To achieve her mission of publishing great and inspirational books as well as to publish local authors in Spanish and English, Victorina Press follows principles of Bibliodiversity.
Listen here the conversation with Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes, by Christopher Fielden (July 2020).
Contact : Consuelo RIVERA-FUENTES
Discover publishers’ backgrounds, get to know their work and their publications, and listen to the voice of independent publishers… by reading the exclusive publishers portraits in this section!
In partnership with the online magazine ActuaLitté, interviews with publishers member of the Alliance are regularly added here. Explore the interviews:
* Élodie Comtois (Écosociété publishers in Québec),
* Samar Haddad (Atlas Publishing in Syria),
* Marie Michèle Razafintsalama (Jeunes malgaches in Madagascar),
* Constanza Brunet (Marea Editorial in Argentina),
* Antoinette Koleva (KX Critique & Humanism in Bulgaria),
* Karine Joseph (Sirocco in Morocco),
* Colleen Higgs (Modjaji Books in South Africa),
* François Nkémé (Proximité in Cameroon),
* Aliou Sow (Ganndal, Guinea Conakry),
* Ritu Menon (Women Unlimited in India).
* Ivana Jinkings (Boitempo in Brazil),
* Sophie Bazin and Johary Ravaloson (Dodo vole in Madagascar),
* Dorota Hartwich (Format in Poland),
* Amanda Crocker (Between the Lines, Canada),
* Dieulermesson Petit Frère (LEGS Édition, Haiti),
* Corinne Fleury (Atelier des nomades, Mauritius),
* Abdulai Sila (Ku Si Mon, Guinea Bissau),
* Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein (Spinifex Press, Australia),
* Dan Bomboko (Elondja, Democratic Republic of Congo).
BP E 5229
Tél: +223 76 71 57 13 / 76 46 21 14
Éditions Tombouctou was co-founded in 2007 by the Malian writers Ibrahima Aya and Aida Mady Diallo. From the name of the famous city of knowledge and writing, it gives to authors and other writers the means to express their word towards the African continent and the whole world. It aims to produce and disseminate quality writing at affordable prices for the local market in particular, thus contributing to the fact that Mali and Africa are telling themselves and the world.
Éditions Tombouctou is the initiative of the “Rentrée littéraire du Mali”, the reference literary event in Mali, created in 2008, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in February 2018 and which hosts for some years between 40 and 50 foreign writers by edition.
Furthermore, since the break-up in 2012 of the security, institutional and identity crisis in Mali, Éditions Tombouctou has initiated several collective reflections that have resulted in the publication of reference books on this crisis and Mali: High voices for Timbuktu, Mali between doubts and hopes, Africa of secularisms, Contemporary Mali, Regionalization in Mali, Challenges of the reconstruction in Mali...
Albakaye Ousmane KOUNTA
Talfi, originaire de Tombouctou, rêve de sillonner le Sahara et de devenir un caravanier renommé et fortuné. Mais son père l’inscrit à l’école moderne. Talfi ne renonce pourtant pas. Ses études terminées, il rentre aussitôt au bercail. Commence alors une odyssée épique pleine de chants, de bravoure et d’amour.
2014 - 248 pages - 12 X 21 cm - 5 000 FCFA - ISBN : 978-99952-53-14-1
Paul-Marie TRAORE
S’amouracher de sa sœur au point de lui faire un enfant relève plutôt du grand scandale. Un jeune fonctionnaire talentueux, ignorant tout de sa vraie identité, mène une existence décousue. Les conquêtes et les enfants abandonnés se suivent. Mais les chemins se croisent. Alors le passé resurgit, brûlant, déchirant…
2016 - 216 pages - 12 X 21 cm - 5 000 FCFA - ISBN : 978-99952-53-26-4
Kabiné Bemba DIAKITE
Lobèle et Bata, employées d’une entreprise, se vouent une haine inaltérable pour un poste de secrétaire. Elles placent au centre de leur brûlant antagonisme Diarisso et Kariba, membres de la junte militaire qui régente le pays. Désormais, rien ne peut les arrêter, tout comme leurs protégées, jusqu’au dénouement tragique.
2016 - 216 pages - 12 X 21 cm - 5 000 FCFA - ISBN : 978-99952-53-27-1
Contact : Ibrahima AYA
6e arrondissement, quartier Nzeng-Ayong (Cité des ambassadeurs)
B.P 16032
Tél: (+241) 07 75 21 46
Ntsame publishing was founded in 2010 by Sylvie Ntsame, writer and former president of the Union of Gabonese Writers (UDEG).
The publishing house is located in the Nzeng-Ayong district, in a complex consisting of a secretariat, a bookstore, three machine rooms, a boardroom and five offices. A priority is to make books whose copyrights are paid to published authors. Sylvie Ntsame explains that their mission is to “to produce books of all kinds, and to disseminate them on the national level and outside the country”, and adds “I wanted to cast my little stone in the building, for a stream of local productions to be published”.
She aims to make the national writers’ books more visible on the national territory in order to raise the public awareness about the literary works produced by Gabonese writers but also to inspire the pen of the latter.
Ntsame publishing aims to master the entire process of book making so that the books they publish are entirely made in Gabon. That is why this structure has a digital printing facility.
Contact : Sylvie NTSAME
Braterska 19/6
53-015 Wrocław
Tél: (+48) 71 339 71 68
FORMAT is an independent publishing house that focuses on education, illustration quality and creation. Books are understood as beautiful objects and as reading spaces, as they position the reader in the story, sharpening their eyes, awakening their curiosity and graphic sensitivity.
Their ambition: expressing emotions, circulating ideas of diversity and difference, tolerance, going against the grain to break with prejudices and stereotypes, working particularly on typography, paper and format.
FORMAT publishing’s books must appeal to both children and adults. The condition is that everyone finds a place in this illustrated book adventure. FORMAT publishing mixes genres and authors: well-known contemporary authors, sometimes even internationally renowned, and more classical, but always with a view of reinterpreting!
Their first title in French (Un prince à la pâtisserie by Joanna Concejo and Marek Bienczyk) was released in September 2015. Their list already includes some 50 titles in Polish, of which 40% are adapted from French books. FORMATs’ books have been awarded many times by IBBY International Board of Books for Young People, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, and the Polish Association of publishers, to name but a few...
Read here the interview with Dorota Hartwich, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (October 25, 2017).
Uri ORLEV ; Marta IGNERSKA (ill.)
Une petite grand-mère seule au monde arrive un soir au village ; elle a pour tout bagage des aiguilles à tricoter. Mais les portes ne s’ouvrent guère pour l’accueillir. Alors, sans se laisser abattre, maille à l’endroit, maille à l’envers, elle se crée tout un univers : des pantoufles, une bouilloire, un lit, une maison, une fille, un garçon... Les petits sont heureux auprès d’elle jusqu’à la rentrée scolaire : les enfants tricotés ne sont pas acceptés à l’école. Grand-mère Tricot, rebelle, s’en va défendre ses protégés devant les hommes de pouvoir. Hélas, rien n’y fait, au contraire : voilà qu’on cherche à l’exploiter ! Alors tant pis. Infatigable, elle se remet en chemin et s’en va tricoter ses rêves ailleurs.
Un proverbe yiddish dit : « Les rêves de beignets ne sont pas des beignets ». Mais Grand-Mère Tricot conteste cette sagesse supposée. Au contraire, nous pouvons réaliser, matérialiser, fabriquer nos rêves... Ce texte classique d’Uri Orlev (prix Hans Christian Andersen), aussi triste que gai, semble écrit sur mesure pour notre temps. D’un côté l’exclusion, le racisme, la bêtise politique ; de l’autre, la fantaisie, l’imagination, l’idéalisme. Un livre pour l’éternité, pour les enfants de tous âges. »
Octobre 2016 - 30,4 X 21,6 cm - 16,90 € - ISBN : 978-83-614880-2-6
Marek BIENCZYK ; Joanna CONCEJO (ill.)
« Un délice graphique et littéraire, avec une ambiance unique » a déclaré le jury IBBY qui a accordé au livre le Grand Prix 2013. Le duo des auteurs – Marek Bienczyk (lauréat du prix Niké, équivalent polonais du Goncourt) et Joanna Concejo (le grand prix IBBY) – nous offrent un petit conte philosophique à l’humour léger, qui, dans sa forme avec le dialogue multicouche qui se joue entre le texte et les images, indépendantes, touche les questions fondamentales pour nous tous. Qu’on soit écolier ou retraité !
C’est surtout la question du bonheur et de sa fragilité qui est au centre de ce livre-accordéon qui s’étend sur plus de six mètres. Au recto de ce ruban plissé on retrouve le texte et les illustrations, au verso : un espace blanc, marqué avec les trèfles à quatre feuilles, qui laisse une place au flou, à l’inédit, à une nouvelle histoire. Livre-merveille. Livre-oeuvre d’art... Livre du bonheur.
Septembre 2015 - 18 X 14,7 cm - 24 € - ISBN : 978-83-614887-7-4
Wojciech WIDLAK ; Paweł PAWLAK (ill.)
If sometimes:
you are fed up with everyday life
you feel that you are missing something
you wish you could escape
you doubt the existence of love and friendship… and dwarfs
…this book is just for you.
An intriguing and rich story for young and old, in which fairy tale subtly intertwines with reality. The book consists of a small gallery of dwarfs’ portraits, drawn by the author with great craft and humour. However, the story runs far deeper, as the portraits reveal the secrets and characteristics of the dwarfs. A book that might have been taken from an old treasure chest, this is a gem that sparkles with gold.
A beautiful story in which the fairy tale world interweaves with the world hidden inside every one of us. It is a story for younger readers who will listen to it with wonder, dreaming of magical encounters, and those grown-up ones who can still picture the different colours of life – both sad and joyful.
2008 - 14 X 20,6 cm - 24 PLN - ISBN : 978-83-921483-9-5
Contact : Dorota HARTWICH
133 Cité Assemblée Ouakam
BP 5637 Dakar-Fann
Dakar, CP 10700
Tél: (+221) 33 86 01 904
Since 2009 Amalion Publishing has established itself as a publisher of high quality and critically acclaimed non-fiction and literary works on Africa. As an independent academic publishing initiative based in Dakar, Senegal, we are driven by the mission to publish and disseminate innovative knowledge on Africa to strengthen the understanding of humanity. Our works strive to promote a broader understanding of Africa and its people by providing a platform for authors to express new, alternative and daring perspectives and views on people, places, events, and issues shaping our world.
Amalion Publishing targets a wider readership of scholars, academics, students, and other readers seeking to know more about their lives and societies through monographs, textbooks, and literary writing. It publishes primarily in English and in French, and is willing to consider initiatives and ideas to disseminate in Portuguese and other African languages with a potential for wider distribution.
Dans La dette odieuse de l’Afrique, Boyce et Ndikumana révèlent le fait choquant que, contrairement à la perception populaire comme quoi l’Afrique ponctionne les ressources financières de l’Occident, le continent est en fait un créancier net du reste du monde. Au cours des quatre dernières décennies, plus de $700 milliards ont fui les pays d’Afrique sub-saharienne. Toutefois, les actifs de l’Afrique détenus à l’étranger sont privés et cachés, tandis que ses dettes extérieures sont publiques, dus par les peuples africains à travers leurs gouvernements.
Ndikumana et Boyce montrent les liens intimes entre les prêts étrangers et la fuite des capitaux. Plus de la moitié de l’argent emprunté par les gouvernements africains dans les dernières décennies a fui dans la même année, une partie importante étant déposée dans des comptes privés dans les mêmes banques qui ont fourni les prêts. Entre temps, le service de la dette continue à drainer les ressources rares de l’Afrique, réduisant ainsi les fonds disponibles pour la santé publique et d’autres besoins de base. De façon provocatrice, les auteurs proposent que les gouvernements africains devraient répudier ces «dettes odieuses» dont leur peuple n’a tiré aucun avantage, et que la communauté internationale devrait aider dans cet effort. Un livre indispensable pour quiconque s’intéresse à l’Afrique, son avenir et ses relations avec l’Occident.
Léonce NDIKUMANA est professeur d’économie à l’Université du Massachusetts, Amherst, où il est Directeur du programme sur la politique de développement en Afrique.
James K. BOYCE est professeur d’économie à l’Université du Massachusetts, Amherst, aux Etats-Unis, où il dirige le programme sur le développement, la paix et l’environnement au Political Economy Research Institute.
2013 - 208 pages - 20,3 X 12,7 cm - $19.95 - £16.95 - €20 - CFA 12 500
ISBN : 978-2-35926-022-9 (PB)
ISBN : 978-2-35926-023-6 (Ebook)
Fatou Kandé SENGHOR
Wala Bok: une histoire orale du hip hop au Sénégal se souvient et narre les mémoires des générations de pratiquants du hip hop, des derniers précurseurs aux derniers arrivés, promoteurs, et des rares critiques sociaux intéressés par ce mouvement aux multiples facettes. Une ballade à travers l’histoire et la vie contemporaine dans la jungle urbaine et la vie dans les quartiers populaires. Les portraits artistiques et témoignages de ce courant motivé par la reconnaissance de la diversité culturelle et la quête d’un monde meilleur dévoilent une société hétéroclite qui tire les ficelles entre promotion artistique personnelle et engagement politique.
En interrogeant l’histoire du hip hop au Sénégal, on voit clairement que ses acteurs dès le départ se démarquent des politiques officielles et se mêlent de la gestion des affaires de la cité. Ils adhèrent à plusieurs agitations citoyennes, « Set Setal » des années 1980 et 1990, avec le combat hautement médiatisé du mouvement «en Marre» qui sera reconnu comme étant l’une des sentinelles essentielles ayant servi à écourter le projet monarchique d’un président octogénaire et contribué à installer la deuxième alternance politique au Sénégal en 2012. C’est un livre qui se veut témoin de son temps, telle une anthologie, mais en même temps un journal intime qui converse hip hop, religion, politique et avenir pour comprendre les enjeux de l’existence même de la culture hip hop, seul garde fou de nos sociétés.
Fatou Kandé SENGHOR a fondé une plateforme de recherche artistique nommée Waru Studio à Dakar qui fonctionne comme un laboratoire d’expérimentation, d’art, de science, d’écologie et de politique du changement ; un incubateur qui allie toutes ces sciences en utilisant les nouvelles technologies.
2015 - 304 pages - 23,4 X 15,6 cm - $35 - £25 - €30 - CFA 15 000
ISBN : 978-2-35926-015-1 (PB)
ISBN : 978-2-35926-049-6 (Ebook)
Stephen Adebanji AKINTOYE
A History of the Yoruba People is an audacious comprehensive exploration of the founding and growth of one of the most influential groups in Africa. In this commendable book, S. Adebanji Akintoye deploys four decades of historiography research with current interpretation and analyses to present the most complete and authoritative volume on the Yoruba to date. This exceptionally lucid account gathers and imparts a wealth of research and discourses on Yoruba studies for a wider group of readership than ever before. Very few attempts have tried to grapple fully with the historical foundations and development of a group that has contributed to shaping the way African communities are analysed from prehistoric to modern times.
Professor S. Adebanji Akintoye has been in the front line of African and Yoruba history studies for four decades and was formerly Director of the Institute of African Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. Akintoye has taught in universities in Nigeria and the United States and written three books, chapters in many joint books, and several articles in scholarly journals.
“A wondrous achievement, a profound pioneering breakthrough, a reminder to New World historians of what ‘proper history’ is all about – a recount which draws the full landed and spiritual portrait of a people from its roots up – A History of the Yoruba People is yet another superlative work of brilliant chronicling and persuasive interpretation by an outstanding scholar and historiographer of Africa." Prof. Michael Vickers, author of Phantom Trail: Discovering Ancient America (2005).
2010 - 512 pages - 23,4 X 15,6 cm - $65 - £40 - €48 - CFA 25 000
ISBN : 978-2-35926-005-2 (HB)
ISBN : 978-2-35926-027-4 (Ebook)
Contact : Sulaiman ADEBOWALE
B.P. 4281
Tél: (+250) 788 422 660
Bakame Editions is an independent non-profit publishing house specialising in the production of quality literature for children and youth. The texts relate to Rwandan culture and are written in Kinyarwanda, the country’s language. Since 2011, some selected titles have been translated into French and English.
From its creation in 1995 to 2016, Bakame Editions published 170 books, including 12 textbooks, representing a total of more than one million copies.
Titre original : Akajangwe Buroho
Traduction : Agnès Gyr et Agnès Girard
Dans la ferme de Nyiramana, le petit chat Bouroho trouve qu’être chat est ennuyeux et veut changer de vie.
2016 - 28 pages - 21 x 21 cm - 7 € - ISBN : 978-99977-701-5-8
Livre existant en français, kinyarwanda et anglais.
Denyse UMUHUZA ; Capucine MAZILLE ; Agnès GYR (trad.)
Titre original : Uruhimbi rwa Nyanka
Le lièvre Bakame raconte à tous les animaux de la forêt que le zèbre est parti chercher la magie de la puissance chez la belle Nyanka. Cela inquiète le lion qui décide d’aller tout de suite chez Nyanka. Son ami l’hippopotame l’accompagne dans son voyage. Surpris de ce qu’ils ont vu et entendu le lion et son ami l’hippopotame reviennent sans tarder raconter le secret révélé par la magicienne Nyanka.
2016 - 28 pages - 30 x 23 cm - 18 € - ISBN : 978-99977-701-8-9
Livre existant en français, kinyarwanda et anglais
Roberta Milanesi ; équipe Bakame (texte et traduction)
Titre original : Uruhimbi rwa Nyanka
Kaneza aime observer la nature, il y découvre beaucoup de choses.
2014 - 16 pages - 21 x 21 cm - 7 euros (prix Europe)
Livre existant également en kinyarwanda et en anglais
Contact : Éric DUSABIMANA
Lot VZ37 Andafiavaratra
Antananarivo 101
Created by an association of artists, Dodovole publishing has the avowed mission of defending the endangered cultures and marginalised minorities of the southwest of the Indian Ocean. In order to promote regional languages, we have from the onset published in French and Reunionese Creole, and shortly after in Malagasy and regional Malagasy. By imagining beautiful printed objects, we want to give visibility to visual artists in the area: a writer is asked to create a children’s book based on the work of a fine artist or photographer. This is the cardboard collection, which aims to bring art in the hands of the youth.
The richness of the corpus of regional folktales gave birth to the collection “Dodo bonimenteur” (“peddler”): Madagascan and French tales are bilingual and illustrated by schoolchildren as part of educational exchange programmes. A collection of French-language novels for adults completes the list under the editorial line: Madagascar seen from the inside.
Si le dodo avait eu des ailes, il n’aurait pas disparu. Dodo vole donne des ailes aux enfants : des livres pour leur permettre de grandir et de s’évader.
Read here the interview with Sophie Bazin and Johary Ravaloson, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (September 15, 2017).
Read here the interview with Sophie Bazin, published by Perluète, the literary review of Normandie Livre et Lecture (November 2021).
Mary-des-ailes (dir. ; illustrations)
Un conte traditionnel de Madagascar très répandu sur les côtes, où l’on doit respecter le tabou, sous peine de voir s’envoler les richesses.
Décembre 2016 - 32 pages - 21 X 30 cm - 12 € - ISBN : 979-1090103337
Album à l’italienne, couverture cartonnée
Bilingue français et malgache betsimisaraka
Johary RAVALOSON ; Sophie BAZIN (illustration couverture)
Johary Ravaloson repart en brousse, sur les traces des Dahalos, les voleurs de zébus qui défraient la chronique à Madagascar. Entre fatalité heureuse et tragique liberté, cette fantaisie nous transporte au-delà de La porte du Sud (Prix de l’océan Indien 1999). Les graines du sikid racontent. Le milan vole. Tibaar court sur le sol rouge et nu. Les graines du sikid racontent. Papang meurt. Tibaar court vers son destin défendu. Un roman tranchant comme l’irruption de la modernité sur les terres ancestrales.
Mars 2016 - 192 pages - 22 X 11 cm - 12 € - ISBN : 979-1090103283
Roman pour adolescents-adultes
Anny GRONDIN ; Griotte (illustrations)
Un conte écrit en créole réunionnais par la conteuse Anny Grondin, à partir de figures de la mythologie malgache, les Zavavirano, les filles des eaux. Griotte est porteuse elle aussi de cette double culture. Ses peintures débordent de motifs et de portraits féminins, elles sont à l’origine de la création de cet album.
Décembre 2016 - 16 pages - 22 x 22 cm - 9 € - ISBN : 979-1090103290
Album jeunesse, conte
Contact : Sophie BAZIN
Route Yaoundé-Mfou, quartier Nkolbikogo, (lieu dit collège Monti)
Tél: (+237) 6 99 85 95 94 / (+237) 6 72 72 19 03
Proximité publishing has been founded in 2002 in Yaoundé, Cameroon, with the aim of bringing the book and publishing to local populations. Two things motivated the creation of this initiative: the difficulty for young authors to be locally published on the one hand, and the desire to promote the circulation of local and foreign publications at an affordable price on the other hand. In its early years, Proximité published many young authors, most of them working on their first manuscript, at the same time as they worked towards better visibility for foreign literatures through co-publishing projects. In 2006, Proximité joined forces with other structures by becoming a collection publishing novels and short stories under the umbrella Ifrikiya publishing. Between 2006 and 2015, the collection has then published a dozen of young authors annually. Since 2015, Proximité has regained its autonomy, and is reinventing itself as a publishing house, working in different genres: novel and short stories, essays and biographies, children’s books and comics.
Read here the interview with François Nkémé, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (April 4, 2017).
Read the interview with François Nkémé published by Jeune Afrique on April, 26, 2021.
C’est l’ère de la révolution industrielle. La république de Bibérossa a besoin de matières premières et de nouveaux débouchés au moment où elle sort affaiblie d’une guerre qui la voit perdre l’essentiel de son empire colonial outre-eaux. Le continent noir devient soudain un enjeu. L’immense territoire de Walinga sera la toute nouvelle cible.
Malgré sa supériorité technique, la grande armée de Bibérossa se heurtera contre toute attente à la farouche résistance des indigènes de Djenkana affûtés dans l’art guerrier.
Le Prince de Djenkana revisite l’épopée coloniale de l’Afrique subsaharienne et engage la responsabilité de toutes les parties impliquées dans la destinée d’un continent encore en quête de repères.
2010 - 340 pages - 6000 FCFA / 12 euros - ISBN : 9956 429 000316
Livre traduit en arabe et coédité par les éditeurs du réseau arabophone de l’Alliance, avec le soutien de la fondation Prince Claus, récompensant un flux de traduction rare et favorisant la diffusion des œuvres d’un continent à un autre.
« Nous passons notre vie à souffrir ! Souffrir pour faire plaisir à nos pères, puis à nos maris, puis à nos enfants. Nous passons notre vie à penser aux autres quand personne ne pense jamais à nous. Nous passons notre vie pour les autres car en réalité nous n’avons même pas de vie.
Oui c’est pathétique. Un seul mot pour lui à prononcer : Je te répudie, et l’on se rend soudain compte que l’on n’a même pas un chez-soi. On a beau construire ensemble, tout est à lui. Nous ne sommes rien, nous ne valons rien, nous n’avons rien… »
2010 - 140 pages - 13 x 20 cm - 4000 FCFA - ISBN : 9956 429 000231
Le lecteur tient entre ses mains l’essentiel des échanges que le philosophe Njoh Mouelle a entretenus avec les visiteurs de son site sur son engagement en politique, la question de la philosophie africaine, sur la mondialisation et les rapports Nord-Sud, la religion, les croyances , Dieu, sans oublier évidemment les nombreux éclaircissements qu’il a eu à donner pour la compréhension de son essai sur la signification humaine du développement intitulé De la médiocrité à l’excellence. A propos de messages qui pouvaient fâcher, Njoh Mouelle écrit dans son avant-propos: « J’en ai intégré deux ou trois que Félix Tatla Mbetbo avait cru bon laisser de côté, peut-être à cause de ce qu’il considérait comme leur irrévérence ; je les ai intégrés car les réponses données sont tout aussi importantes que les questions posées».
2015 - 340 pages - 5000 FCFA/ 10 euros - ISBN : 9956 429 000224
Contact : François NKÉMÉ
Rua Silva Carvalho, n.º 152 - 2.º
1250 - 257 Lisboa
Tél: (+351) 21 3244170
Orfeu Negro is a Lisbon-based independent publishing house. Its catalog focuses on contemporary art essays and picture books.
Founded in 2007, Orfeu Negro is now a main reference concerning books on performance, dance, cinema and arts in general, promoting the works of Jacques Rancière, RoseLee Goldberg, Laurence Louppe, François Truffaut and Gilles Deleuze, among others.
Its children’s books series, “Orfeu Mini”, offers excellence in illustrated content and detail design. Featuring award-winning artists such as Oliver Jeffers, Peter Brown, Catarina Sobral and Benjamin Chaud, “Orfeu Mini” brings the best of storytelling and illustrating to its readers around the world.
“Casimiro”, its most recent series of illustrated books for adults, is a collection of provocative works aiming at mature and extravagant people. It features authors such as Brazilian Hilda Hilst and Portuguese illustrator André da Loba, the perfect match for satire and obscenity.
Text: Hilda HILST
Illustrations: André DA LOBA
OBSCÉNICA is an anthology of erotic and satirical writings by Hilda Hilst, luxuriously illustrated by the talented and internationally acclaimed André da Loba.
Inspired by the metaphysical pornography of one of the most praised Brazilian writers of the 20th century, André da Loba has created a set of ravishing images. A feast for all senses.
96 pages - 23 x 33 cm - Paperback - 21€
ISBN: 978-989-8327-38-3
CASIMIRO COLLECTION – Illustrated Books for Exquisite & Flamboyant People
Translation: Jefferson Luiz CAMARGO & Rui LOPES
RoseLee Goldberg explores contemporary artists’ approaches to politics, tradition, social engagement, and the art world itself, while evaluating the changing status of performance and its ever-increasing relevance to artists and audiences. Featuring recent work by leading performance artists such as Marina Abramovic, Walid Raad, Francis Alys, Pierre Huyghe, Tino Sehgal, and Sharon Hayes, the book covers a century of the medium.
This pioneering book has now been expanded with a new chapter that brings it into the second decade of the twenty-first century, mapping the global rise of performance to the present day.
336 pages - 17 x 21 cm - Paperback - 23€
ISBN: 978-989-95565-0-8
Catarina SOBRAL
My grandad used to have a clock shop. Now he has a lot of free time. Mr. Wright is not a watchmaker (though he always has one eye on the time) and he never wastes a minute.
A small format book on modern times, sprinkled generously with artistic references from Jacques Tati, the French director, to Fernando Pessoa, the Portuguese poet.
40 pages - 19 x 19 cm - Hardcover - 12€
ISBN: 978-989-8327-32-1
ORFEU MINI COLLECTION – Illustrated Children’s Books
Contact : Carla OLIVEIRA
11, Slaveykov Sq,
Sofia 1000
Tél: +359 898566238
For more than 20 years now, we have been publishing books in the humanities and social sciences, and lately some titles in literature that are connected to the humanities.
We are a small-sized independent publishing company, and our renown is based on the more than 220 titles we have published – some of them exemplary pieces, others among the most provocative titles in the humanities (most of them translations). Our close working relationship with professors from four of the leading Bulgarian universities ensures the high quality of our products.
We have become recognised as a “publisher with a philosophy”. Supporting a pluralist and local cultural ambiance has always been our publishing ideal. We also experiment – via joint projects with other institutions or individuals – on the borders between cultural fields (e.g. publishing and theater, publishing and digital arts).
We are also the initiator and founder of a small organization: Bulgarian Society of Publishers in Humanities (BSPH).
Read here the interview with Antoinette Koleva, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (January 2, 2017).
Hartmut ROSA
Translation: Svetla MARINOVA
Hartmut Rosa (born 1955) is one of the most promising nowadays sociologists and social philosophers, and most of the academics agree his theories are just the “next step” in the brilliant tradition of the German Frankfurt School. The book has been announced to be a new stage of the critical social theory. In this new version it is based on the changing temporal structures of society and their ‘promise’ to solve the crises of the contemporary society toward a newly conceived “good life”.
2015 - 590 pages - 20 cm X 14 cm - ISBN: 978 954 587 194 8
Design: Yana LEVIEVA
Series: “Varius”
Translation: Theodora KARAMELSKA
Georg Simmel (1858-1918), a notorious German philosopher and sociologist of culture, has prodigiously influenced establishing the subjects of sociology as an university discipline. Our original collection of texts consists in essays in sociology of culture. This is namely in these “small sociological forms” that Simmel reaches to a brilliant (incl. in its literary style) representation of some aspects of his diagnosis of modernity. Simmel is presenting here a sort of „snapshots sub specie aeternitatis“ in order to manifest that the „sociological objective” is able to catch out social phenomena as “lie”, “fashion”, “gratitude”, “faithfulness”, etc. – ones that construct the life of the society in its dimensions of intelligibility and mysteriousness.
2014 - 268 pages - 20 cm X 13 cm - ISBN: 978 954 587 185 6
Design: Yana LEVIEVA
Series: “Varius”
Robert WALSER; Giorgio AGAMBEN
Translation: Maria DOBREVSKA
This is the chef-d-oeuvre of the prose of Robert Walser (1878-1956) – a very sophisticated and incredibly fine, even fragile piece of text of an author who appeared to be the favourite one of genius like W. Benjamin, F. Kafka, H. Hesse. Our edition is unique because of including also a brilliant piece of text by one of the most famous nowadays philosophers, Giorgio Agamben.
2014 - 126 pages - 20 cm X 13 cm - ISBN: 978 954 587 179 5
Design: Yana LEVIEVA
Series: “Transversalia”
Contact : Antoinette KOLEVA
202 bis, boulevard du 13 janvier
BP 3601
Tél: (+228) 22 25 87 55 / (+228) 90 30 55 79
AGO Media is a team of young writers and illustrators brought together by Koffivi ASSEM and KanAd for the production and distribution of comics and animated films. AGO Media is composed of a publishing house, a communication agency and a production and distribution company for books and films.
Lomé-based AGO publishing wants to make up for the lack of publishing houses specialized in children’s books and comics in Africa.
Before the official foundation of the company in 2011, AGO started with the publication of fanzines: “AGO fiction” and “AGO drama”. This is how the company’s strategy was defined: to fund the publishing wing through the communication agency, to diversify the revenues by venturing into multimedia and cinema and especially to create an authentic distribution circuit.
To read:
Au commencement tous les animaux vivaient tous dans le même village, tous les hommes dans un autre. Avec Ziguidi, un enfant prodige, tout cela va changer. Le livre contient aussi un abécédaire sur les animaux.
2012 - 31 pages - 21 X 21 cm - 6 € - ISBN : 979-10-90810-03-7
Collection “Le petit griot”
À la suite du terrible tremblement de terre qui ébranle Haïti on 2010, un enfant de rue, habitué à se débrouiller, décide de prendre soin de deux orphelins. Mais c’est au moment où il arrive à obtenir leur confiance et affection, qu’il est enlevé. Haïti mon amour est le premier tome des aventures de P’tit Filou.
2012 - 42 pages - 21 X 29,7 cm - 10 € - ISBN : 979-10-90810-00-6
Collection “BD Junior”
Joël ADOTEVI, KANAD, Gilka, Koffivi ASSEM, Anani ACCOH, Adomayakpo Daté PAPI
Six récits pour faire voyager petits et grands dans l’histoire, les imaginaires de l’Afrique. Dans ce premier tome, visitez le Nigéria, le Togo, le Bénin, le Ghana et le Mali, pour découvrir des cosmogonies, des épopées, des légendes urbaines et des faits ou personnages historiques comme Shango, Sogolon la femme buffle, le roi Agokoli, les amazones du Dahomey et les terribles Ablafo.
2015 - 48 pages - 10 € -
Collection “Afrique en BD”
Contact : Koffivi ASSEM
Responsable : KanAd
401 Richmond Street West, #277
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8
Tél: +(416) 535-9914
Between the Lines (BTL) was established in 1977 and is a fiercely independent small press. At BTL we remain committed to our original mandate: to publish Canadian-authored non-fiction on a broad range of social and cultural issues from a progressive perspective. Our corresponding mission is to provide high quality resources that promote equitable social change. We specialize in informative, non-fiction books on politics and public policy, social issues, Canadian and world history, international development, Indigenous issues, gender/sexuality, critical race issues, labour and work, environment, and media. BTL books amplify the voices that often go unheard in the mainstream and challenge our readers to think differently. Our Editorial Committee makes publishing decisions democratically by consensus.
Between the Lines asks people to read critically, to think about the world differently, and not to get stuck in factional party lines.
Read here the interview with Amanda Crocker, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (January 16, 2018).
In the 1960s, for at least a brief moment, Montreal became what seemed an unlikely centre of Black Power and the Caribbean left. In October 1968 the Congress of Black Writers at McGill University brought together well-known Black thinkers and activists from Canada, the United States, Africa, and the Caribbean–people like C.L.R. James, Stokely Carmichael, Miriam Makeba, Rocky Jones, and Walter Rodney. Within months of the Congress, a Black-led protest at Sir George Williams University (now Concordia) exploded on the front pages of newspapers across the country–raising state security fears about Montreal as the new hotbed of international Black radical politics.
Fear of a Black Nation won the 2014 Casa de las Americas Prize in Caribbean Literature in English or Creole and was a silver medalist in the 2014 Independent Publisher Book Awards - Best Regional Non-Fiction (Canada-East).
2013; 256 pages; 152 x 228 mm;
ISBN (Paperback): 9781771130103 | $34.95 CAD
ISBN (Digital): 9781771130110 | $23.95 CAD
Stephen D’ARCY
“What we must see,” Martin Luther King once insisted, “is that a riot is the language of the unheard.” In this new era of global protest and popular revolt, Languages of the Unheard draws on King’s insight to address a timely and controversial topic: the ethics and politics of militant resistance.
Using vivid examples from the history of militancy—including armed actions by Weatherman and the Red Brigades, the LA Riots, the Zapatista uprising, the Mohawk land defence at Kanesatake, the Black Blocs at summit protests, the occupations of Tahrir Square and Zuccotti Park, the Indigenous occupation of Alcatraz, the Quebec Student Strike, and many more—this book will be of interest to democratic theorists and moral philosophers, and practically useful for protest militants attempting to grapple with the moral ambiguities and political dilemmas unique to their distinctive position.
Stephen D’Arcy is an associate professor of philosophy at Huron University College, Western University. A long-time social activist and protest organizer, he teaches and writes about democratic theory and practical ethics.
2013; 232 pages; 152 x 228 mm;
ISBN (Paperback): 9781771131063 | $24.95 CAD
ISBN (Digital): 9781771131070 | $17.50 CAD
In 1978, when workers at a nearby phosphate refinery learned that the ore they processed was contaminated with radioactive dust, Karen Messing, then a new professor of molecular genetics, was called in to help. Unsure of what to do with her discovery that exposure to the radiation was harming the workers and their families, Messing contacted senior colleagues but they wouldn’t help. Neither the refinery company nor the scientific community was interested in the scary results of her chromosome studies.
Over the next decades Messing encountered many more cases of workers around the world—factory workers, cleaners, checkout clerks, bank tellers, food servers, nurses, teachers—suffering and in pain without any help from the very scientists and occupational health experts whose work was supposed to make their lives easier. Arguing that rules for scientific practice can make it hard to see what really makes workers sick, in Pain and Prejudice Messing tells the story of how she went from looking at test tubes to listening to workers.
Karen Messing is an award-winning (including a Governor General of Canada award and YWCA (Montreal) Women of Distinction) and internationally recognized expert on occupational health. She is the author of more than 130 peer-reviewed scientific articles and the book One-eyed Science: Occupational Health and Working Women. She is also the editor of Integrating Gender in Ergonomic Analysis, which has been translated into six languages.
2014; 168 pages; 152 x 228 mm;
ISBN (Paperback): 9781771131476 | $24.95 CAD
ISBN (Digital): 9781771131483 | $17.50 CAD
Contact : Amanda CROCKER
International Alliance
of Independent Publishers
38 rue Saint-Sabin
75011 Paris - France