Publishing houses

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1 rue des Foreurs, Treichville, Zone 3
01BP 1984
Abidjan 01
Ivory Coast
Tél: (+225-20) 21 64 65 /(+225-20) 21 25 33 12

Éburnie was created in November 2001 by Marie-Agathe Amoikon-Fauquembergue. The objective of this publishing house is to breathe new life into the image of the publishing world by producing quality works, encouraging the emergence of new authors, and developing new collections. Our activities started in earnest in February 2002. To date, there exists more than 150 titles in the catalogue, 15 of which are textbooks and 15 extracurricular, as well as eight children’s series and two general collections co-published with Ganndal (Guinea), Cérès (Tunisia) and Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benin). Distribution is ensured via a network of bookshops in the following countries: Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Mali, Senegal, Cameroon, Nigeria, Guinea, and Burkina-Faso.


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Couleur livres

logoCouleur livres

54, rue de la Colonne
1080 Bruxelles
Tél: +32 (0)65/82 39 44

Couleur livres (formerly Éditions Vie Ouvrière) has remained faithful to the guiding spirit of nearly 50 years of rigorous, critical and accessible publications, and it has turned out to be – together with its partners – one of the most important centres for progressive publishing for associations in Belgium and the French-speaking world in general.
Couleur livres strives to be a politically committed, independent and multicultural publishing house that is attentive to the voice of the associations and organisations that make up civil society. It is a publishing house that combines audacity with discovery, as well as originality, readability and rigour.
As a generalist publisher, Couleur livres publishes first and foremost essays and analyses on current social questions and debates, both on the regional, national and international scale. It is also active in the fields of education and training in social science (pedagogy, history, economy, sociology, psychology, philosophy…). Finally, it has been in charge since 2006 of a journal and a collection of true-life stories. It has also been committed to publishing fair trade books for another globalization.

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Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer

logoÉditions Charles Léopold Mayer

38, rue Saint-Sabin
75011 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 43 14 75 75

The Charles Léopold Mayer publishing house publishes works of analysis, thinking and proposals to reshape practices and modes of action in fields such as governance, solidarity-based economy, participative democracy, intercultural dialogue, peace building, civic science etc. It aims always at stimulating the critical conscience and inventive, citizen-oriented potential of their readership.

Charles Léopold Mayer est un scientifique, philosophe et financier qui s’est inscrit dans la tradition humaniste de la philosophie des Lumières.

Books selection

L’intelligence de l’autre

Prendre en compte les différences culturelles dans un monde à gérer en commun - Michel SAUQUET, avec la collaboration de Martin VIELAJUS À ceux (...)

Monnaies régionales

De nouvelles voies vers une prospérité durable - Bernard LIETAER, Margrit KENNEDY - Traduit de l’allemand par Vincent GUIMARD - Préface de Michel (...)

La tourmente alimentaire

Pour une politique agricole mondiale - Matthieu CALAME - Préface de Christian MOUCHET L’augmentation récente des prix agricoles est venue relancer (...)

Contact : Aline JABLONKA

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Responsable : Isabelle YAFIL

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10, rue Tournefort
75005 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 43 36 78 47

The Portuguese Bookshop was founded in 1986, to coincide with the installation in Paris of Michel Chandeigne’s printing office. In 1992, he teamed up with Anne Lima to found the Chandeigne publishing house, which got off to a flying start with the publication of La frontière, by Pascal Quignard and the first work in the now prestigious “Magellane” collection: Histoires tragico-maritimes, three accounts of Portuguese shipwrecks in the 16th century. The firm has remained faithful to the artisanal vocation of its beginnings: while the office has been upgraded with state-of-the-art composition tools, all the publishing work in the broadest sense of the word is handled and controlled by Anne Lima and Michel Chandeigne, with a demanding vision of printing quality hailed by both the press and the general public. Five to eight works are thus published each year in the various collections (“Magellane”, “Lusitane”, “Péninsules”, and “Grands Formats”).

Chandeigne est le nom de Michel (Chandeigne), en toute humilité.

Books selection

Histoire de l’Afrique lusophone

Armelle ENDERS Cet ouvrage traite des cinq pays africains qui ont gardé le portugais comme langue officielle : Angola, Cap-Vert, Guinée-Bissau, (...)

Nouvelle histoire du Brésil

Armelle ENDERS Avec presque 200 millions d’habitants et une économie qui oscille autour du 10e rang mondial, le Brésil appartient aux grandes (...)

Voyages en Afrique noire

Alvise CA’ DA MOSTO (1455 et 1456) - Préface, traduction et notes: Frédérique VERRIER En 1455, le Vénitien Alvise Ca’ da Mosto s’embarque sur une (...)

Contact : Anne LIMA

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4447, rue Saint-Denis
H2J 2L2 Montréal (Québec)
Tél: +1 (514) 287 7401

The Éditions du Boréal, founded in 1963, is today a quintessential feature of Quebecois literature, due to its prestigious authors as well as its commercial dynamism. The firm’s catalogue includes over 1,400 titles of general literature and offers works in several genres: novels, short stories, plays, poetry, essays, documents, studies, history books and children’s literature.

Books selection


Francis DUPUIS-DÉRI «Antimondialisation», «altermondialisation» ou «mouvement pour la justice mondiale» : le «mouvement des mouvements», à la fois (...)

Êtes-vous mariée à un psychopathe ?

Nadine BISMUTH Dix ans après avoir publié “Les gens fidèles ne font pas les nouvelles”, Nadine Bismuth revient au genre qui l’a fait connaître et lui (...)


Monique PROULX Il y a Lila Szach, venue d’un autre âge et d’un autre continent, qui veille jalousement sur la paix des lieux. Le jeune Jérémi qui (...)

Contact : Pascal ASSATHIANY

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Presses universitaires d’Afrique

logoPresses universitaires d’Afrique

1077, Bastos, rue Mballa Eloumdem
B.P. 8106 - Yaoundé
Tél: (+237) 222 202 695

L’Africaine d’Édition et de Services is a business corporation that was created in 1995 with exclusively Cameroonian capital.
Its ambition is to be, in Africa, one of the best forums for the written expression of any good creative initiative. Its publishing names are Presses universitaires d’Afrique for non-academic literature and Éditions AES for academic and extra-curricular publications. The Africaine d’Édition et de Services (AES SA) has produced nearly 200 publications in 11 collections. Each collection is developed and co-directed by several Cameroonian and non-African practitioners and university professors of scientific renown in their respective disciplines. The AES is fighting for cultural diversity in the world and takes local realities into account in its publications.

Books selection

Formulaires d’actes de procédure OHADA

Maître TWENGEMBO Le présent manuel, réalisé dans le cadre du Droit Harmonisé OHADA, ne présente que les principaux formulaires des Actes OHADA. C’est (...)

Introduction critique à l’OHADA

Paul-Gérard POUGOUE, Yvette Rachel KALIEU ELONGO Un modèle unique et séduisant d’intégration est conçu avec la création, en 1993, de l’Organisation (...)

Jérôme LEDOUX FOUOTSA L’origine de ces contes et légendes se perd dans la nuit des temps et dans celle de l’humanité africaine. Les Bamiléké (peuple (...)


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The New Press

logoThe New Press

120 Wall Street, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10005
United States
Tél: +1 (212) 629-8802

For 30 years, André Schiffrin headed one of the most prestigious US publishing houses, Pantheon Books, publishing works by Foucault, Sartre, Chomsky, Medvedev etc. Since 1991, he managed The New Press, an independent publishing house. Founded in 1990 as a major alternative to the large, commercial publishers, The New Press is a not-for-profit publishing house operated editorially in the public interest. It is committed to publishing in innovative ways works of educational, cultural, and community value that, despite their intellectual merits, may be deemed insufficiently profitable by commercial publishers. Like the Public Broadcasting System and National Public Radio as they were originally conceived, The New Press aims to provide ideas and viewpoints under-represented in the mass media. As an author of international renown, André Schiffrin (1935-2013) analyses the threats to the world of publishing and uses his works to protest against the globalisation phenomenon as it impacts the world of publishing and media. He has published among other works L’édition sans éditeurs (Publishing without Publishers) and Le contrôle de la parole (Controlling speech) published by La Fabrique in France.

Books selection

Secret Identities

The Asian American Superhero Antholog - Edited by Jeff Yang, Parry Shen, Keith Chow, and Jerry Ma Appealing to both comics fans and Asian (...)

The Empire Strikes Out

Baseball and the Rise (and Fall) of the American Way Abroad - by Robert Elias Is the face of American baseball throughout the world that of (...)

Blood and Faith

The Purging of Muslim Spain - by Matthew Carr In April 1609, King Philip III of Spain signed an edict denouncing the Muslim inhabitants of Spain (...)

Contact : Jay GUPTA

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Ruisseaux d’Afrique

logoRuisseaux d’Afrique

C/2186 Kindonou 04 BP 1154
Cotonou 04
Tél: (+229) 21 38 31 86

Ruisseaux d’Afrique is a Beninese publishing house specialising in children’s publications: nearly 150 works in roughly 20 collections (activity books, illustrated albums, children’s novels, documentaries, high-art books, humanities etc.). Its output is also oriented towards the presentation of African art and life in Africa. It is a platform from which African painters, authors, artists, and illustrators can express themselves. Ruisseaux d’Afrique is involved in several pan-African and international co-publication networks.

Nous tirons notre nom du proverbe « Les petits ruisseaux engendrent les grandes rivières ». C’est un message d’humilité (nous ne sommes que de tout petits ruisseaux culturels comme il y en a partout le monde) et un message de foi en l’Afrique (si tous les filons potentiels d’Afrique s’éveillaient et coulaient, nous formerions des rivières, des fleuves, des océans…). L’Afrique, en actualisant ses ressources endogènes peut se déployer, donner et recevoir, co-construire le monde.


Contact : Béatrice LALINON GBADO

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Responsable : Bérénice GANGBO

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Spinifex Press

logoSpinifex Press

PO Box 105
Mission Beach
Queensland 4852
Tél: +61 418 506 645

Spinifex is an independent feminist press publishing innovative and controversial feminist books with an optimistic edge. Spinifex, our namesake, is an Australian desert grass that holds the earth together. We publish broadly, with a focus on ecology, development, Indigenous and human rights issues in our non-fiction titles, and world stories in our fiction and poetry. We are also at the forefront of digital publishing, with many of our titles available as eBooks.

Spinifex is an Australian desert grass that holds the earth together.

Read here the interview with Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (June 25, 2018).

Books selection

Fish–Hair Woman

Merlinda BOBIS 1987. The Philippine government fights a total war against insurgency. The village of Iraya is militarised. The days are violent (...)

Haifa Fragments

khulud kHAMIS Jewellery designer, Maisoon, wants an ordinary extraordinary life, which isn’t easy for a tradition-defying, activist, Palestinian (...)

Bibliodiversity: A Manifesto for Independent Publishing

Susan HAWTHORNE In a globalised world, megacorp publishing is all about numbers, about sameness, about following a formula based on the latest (...)

Contact : Susan HAWTHORNE

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Responsable : Renate KLEIN

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Contra Capa

logoContra Capa

Rua de Santana, 198 Loja – Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ 20 230-261
Tél: (+55) 21 2508-9517

Founded in 1992 in Copacabana, the Contra Capa bookstore initiated its publishing activities in 1996. First based on the areas of interest of the bookstore itself, these activities have diversified and now include fine arts, photography, cinema, psychoanalysis, anthropology, economy, sociology, history, literary criticism and poetry. The main objective is to produce books that combine interdependence between text and pictures, in the light of the continuous technological changes related to producing and disseminating knowledge and information.

Books selection

É possível: gestão da segurança pública e redução da violência

Fernando VELOSO, Sergio GUIMARÃES FERREIRA (orgs.) Este importante livro mostra que é possível alcançar redução expressiva da violência armada, da (...)


Lêdo IVO Pinturas de Gonçalo IVO Desenho de Gianguido BONFANTI O poema narra a visão da infância guardada pela memória. Obra de perda e despedida, (...)


Katia MACIEL (org.) 37 textos de teóricos e artistas que compõem, em suas inter-relações, amplo panorama sobre as novas situações de cinema, em que (...)

Contact : Araken GOMES RIBEIRO

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Genres of publication

Sankofa & Gurli Éditions

logoSankofa & Gurli Éditions

01 BP 3811
Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
Tél: (+226) 78 72 98 00

Sankofa & Gurli is a Burkinabe publishing house created in 1995. With its creation, several objectives were fixed to promote literature while acting in various and complementary plans which include writing (support of and follow-up with authors), reading (communication with the public), and output and diffusion; to promote and revalorize the African languages, especially those spoken in Burkina Faso and transnational languages, across an editorial policy which avoids marginalizing publication in African languages (aesthetic of the form and the contents, topics, circulation of the publications...); to produce literature of quality at costs corresponding to the local purchasing power; to work to arouse in the children and the young people the taste for reading and writing, and anchor in them, as soon as possible, practices of output and consumption of the writing; in a general way, to contribute to the promotion, the development, and the reinforcement of culture, especially literary, in a context of generalized illiteracy. Since 1999, the contacts have been diversified, the commitments reinforced and widened: Sankofa & Gurli Editions participate with various partners (African, European, North American) in co-publishing projects;
Member of the Alliance of independent publishers, Sankofa & Gurli contributes to the debate and to the fight for bibliodiversity and solidarity in publishers’ independence across the world.

Le nom de la maison d’édition est double. SANKOFA est le nom de l’oiseau qui, dans la cosmogonie des peuples AKAN, symbolise la conscience historique. Son slogan est « Il n’y a pas de honte à revenir sur ses pas pour prendre ce qu’on a perdu/oublié en cours de chemin ». GURLI est le nom du hérisson en gulmancema. Il symbolise aux yeux du fondateur de la maison d’édition l’ingénuité enfantine et le caractère absolu de la liberté des idées. On racontait souvent aux enfants qu’il était impossible de garder prisonnier un hérisson. Toutes les tentatives par ces enfants d’en enfermer un se révélaient vaines, le hérisson disparaissait toujours de sa prison. Bien des années plus tard, l’enfant que j’étais (suis ?) a appris que c’étaient nos aînés qui libéraient le petit animal. Ainsi en est-il des idées : on a beau les enfermer, les emprisonner, il se trouvera toujours un moyen, une personne, une circonstance, qui les libérera...


Read here the article from Jeune Afrique, May 7, 2021.

Contact : Jean-Claude NABA

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Mémoire d’encrier

logoMémoire d’encrier

1260 rue Bélanger, Bureau 201
H2S 1H9 Montréal (Québec)
Tél: (+1-514) 989 1491

Mémoire d’encrier was founded in March 2003 in Montréal by the writer Rodney SAINT-ÉLOI. It publishes works of fiction: novels, novellas, short stories, poetry, essays and accounts. Mémoire d‘encrier offers a varied catalogue that builds bridges between cultures and imagination in the North and South. The basic idea underlying our work is that of dialogue between cultures in a perspective of solidarity and of accepting the Other. Mémoire d’encrier is geared around a body of over a hundred works by authors from Canada, Quebec, the Caribbean, Native America, Africa, and Europe. The goal being to refuse exclusion and to redefine collective living.

Mémoire d’encrier : enraciner l’encre (l’écrit) dans le patrimoine oral. Associer la mémoire à l’écrit ; associer en ce sens littérature (écrits) et oraliture (traditions orales) ; assumer la continuité entre mémoire et modernité.

Books selection

Duvalier. La face cachée de Papa Doc

Jean FLORIVAL Spectateur et souffleur, Jean Florival est dans l’œil du cyclone; à l’intérieur du régime, sans un quelconque titre officiel. C’est en (...)

Litanie pour le Nègre fondamental

Jean BERNABÉ Une dizaine de personnages, hauts en couleurs, issus de différents milieux sociaux et castes de la Martinique, sont mis en scène. (...)

Ainsi parla l’Oncle suivi de Revisiter l’Oncle

Jean PRICE-MARS “Ainsi parla l’Oncle” est le premier manifeste de la condition noire. Paru pour la première fois en 1928, l’ouvrage a influencé (...)

Contact : Rodney SAINT-ÉLOI

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Les éditions de l’Atelier

logoLes éditions de l’Atelier

51-55 rue Hoche - Bât. B - Hall 1 - étage 3
94200 Ivry-sur-Seine
Tél: +33 (0)1 45 15 20 20

Globalisation, new information and communication technologies and individualisation are all radically overturning how people live and work, what they think and believe. L’Atelier hopes to help humanise this transformation, by encouraging the re-establishment of social ties and by making it possible for people from humble backgrounds to take a proactive stance in their own lives, through the publication of books in three fields: Christianity; culture and religion; social and human sciences.
True to the tradition of Editions Ouvrières, a publishing firm set up by the Young Christian Workers movement in 1929, L’Atelier aims to promote works that bridge different spheres of knowledge, that which is forged by experience as well as that which results from analytical work, for books to act as an agent of emancipation and enrichment of social ties for as many people as possible.

Contact : Gaëlle BIDAN

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Metis Publishers

logoMetis Publishers

Ipek Sokak 5, 34433 Beyoglu
Tél: +(90-212) 245 46 96

Founded in 1982, Metis Publishers has established itself as one of Turkey’s leading
publishing houses, renowned for defending its independent spirit and radical commitment, celebrating critical thinking, original talent, and bringing distinguished letters from the world to generations of Turkish readers. With over 800 titles to its name, Metis is reputed for its careful translations and editorial integrity.

Metis list includes both fiction and nonfiction, specializing in high literature and critical theory. Some of the literary authors published in translation are Ursula K. LeGuin, Marguerite Yourcenar, Salman Rushdie, Henry Bauchau, Georges Perec, John Berger, J.R.R. Tolkien and Maurice
Blanchot. The works of such distinguished Turkish authors as Murathan Mungan and Bilge Karasu are also published by Metis.

Metis nonfiction list features works of an interdisciplinary character that
have the potential to intervene in the cultural climate of Turkey from a
radical political perspective, such as those by Walter Benjamin, Max
Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Edward Said, Immanuel Wallerstein, Emile Cioran, Slavoj Zizek, Judith Butler, Nurdan Gürbilek and Nilüfer Göle. World-class literary theorists including Gyorgy Lukacs, Tzvetan Todorov and Mikhail Bakhtin, philosophers such as Paul Ricoeur, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Roland Barthes and psychoanalytic masters including Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein and Heinz Kohut are also amongst the authors Metis has published in Turkey.

Metis was the Goddess of Wisdom, first wife of Zeus, before he swallowed her up when she was pregnant and gave “birth” through his forehead to the next Goddess of Wisdom, Athena, who was “born from a man, fully armed”, whereas Metis was against the use of arms, worked with the knowledge of nature and used the skill of the craftsperson to solve disputes, like a captain navigating rocky waters.
Hence metis came to signify the “knowledge that the Power detests”, in addition to nobody, bastard, craftiness...

Books selection

Child of Agony

Cultural Climate of Turkey by Vitrinde Yaşamak (1992) and Kötü Çocuk Türk (2001) A collection of essays on Turkey’�s cultural climate in the last (...)

The Garden of Departed Cats

By Bilge Karasu In an ancient Mediterranean city, a tradition is maintained: every ten years an archaic game of human chess is staged, the (...)

World Tribunal on Iraq

Istanbul Culminating Session, 23-27 June 2005 Müge Gürsoy Sökmen (ed.) “The records have to be kept and, by definition, the perpetrators, far from (...)

Contact : Müge GURSOY SOKMEN

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Avenue Cheik Zahed, porte 2694, Hamdalaye
BP 2043 Bamako
Tél: (+223) 20 29 62 89

Jamana is an organization of the Jamana Multimedia Cultural Cooperative. The company was created in 1988 to fill a void, because, at that time, there was only one publishing house, and it was state run.
Jamana was therefore Mali’s first private publishing firm. Jamana gives priority to publications geared toward young people and women in the national languages. It aims at being accessible to all Malian and foreign authors. Because we are aware that our country’s sustainable development requires the promotion of national languages, we strongly encourage their use in the education system. Over the past few years, particular focus has been put on publishing books for young people, as well as pre-education, textbooks, extracurricular, and academic books. Our battle against illiteracy finds expression in the promotion of our cultures and the defence of an economically viable publishing industry. As part of our pan-African aim, we encourage all kinds of partnerships: co-publishing, distribution, adaptation of books, copyright sale. Co-publishing has also grown somewhat, because we believe that the salvation of the African publishing industry necessarily depends on developing partnerships between African and foreign publishers.

Jamana signifie dans plusieurs langues africaines : le pays. Pour nous il s’agit du Mali bien sûr, mais surtout de l’Afrique. Notre logo : une carte de l’Afrique (tirée de la carte pour un monde solidaire ; carte un peu « étirée ») traversée par l’idéogramme bambara de la connaissance, le Mali occupant sa place. Pour nous, l’Afrique (et le monde) ne se développera qu’à travers une vraie solidarité.

Books selection

Histoire du Sahel occidental malien

Amadou BA L’intérêt de cet ouvrage d’histoire est la démarche de son auteur. Amadou Ba, qui n’est pas historien de formation, combine sources orales (...)

Les contes du hameau

Namaké DIOMBANA Nos contes et nos héros, les personnages les plus symboliques de notre terroir, du malin lièvre à la bête hyène, en passant par la (...)

Les pièges du destin

Mama Kâaba SOUMARÉ Les pièges du destin est l’histoire passionnante et riche en rebondissements de destins qui se croisent continuellement. Le roman (...)

Contact : Hamidou KONATÉ

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B.P: 542, Route de Lambandji- Ratoma
Republic of Guinea
Tél: (224) 622 54 48 26 / 622 39 65 88 / 620 63 14 34

A corporation legally constituted under Guinean law, Ganndal was created in June 1992. Its catalogue includes works in the following fields: textbooks, children’s and young people’s literature, general literature, coffee table books and publications in national languages.
Committed to working in partnerships, Ganndal has developed an extensive network of South-South and North-South collaborations. This publishing firm has thus produced a large number of books, of all genres, through co-publishing or co-production projects with foreign publishers.
Locally, Ganndal coordinates the activities of REPROLIG (a network of Guinean publishers) and is also an active member of the African Publishers Network (APNET).

Ganndal est un terme générique en langue pular (fulfulde) signifiant « éducation », «culture », « enseignement », « savoir », bref tout ce que porte et transporte le livre.

Read here the interview with Aliou Sow, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (May 9, 2017).

Listen here the interview of Aliou Sow (Ganndal), RFI, November 3, 2019.

See here the interview of Marie Paule Huet, Pauz Media, December 17, 2020.

Contact : Aliou SOW

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Responsable : Marie Paule HUET

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Les Éditions du Flamboyant

logoLes Éditions du Flamboyant

08 BP 271
Tél: +229 21 31 02 20 +229 90 91 57 27

Flamboyant was founded in July 1989 by several executives at the Beninese Ministry of Education together with a few French publishers. In a time of increased economic liberalism, Flamboyant has been a pioneer in Beninese publishing and one of the best publishers in the subregion with an average eight works a year. Flamboyant has invested all fields of literature and science, where it has a proven know-how and experience. In order to face the challenges of globalization and to promote bibliodiversity, Flamboyant has taken many pan-African initiatives, such as bringing publishers into associations like Assedib, Afrilivres…
A publisher, consultant and distributor of works of the mind, Flamboyant is now led by Dorothée Gérard Houessou. It is currently enjoying new-found energy and is sure to have a promising, flamboyant future.

Books selection

Enfant d’autrui, fille de personne

Adélaïde Édith Bignon FASSINOU Le Seigneur n’a t-il pas dit lui-même : «Si vous faites du bien au plus petit de ces créatures, c’est à moi que vous le (...)

L’Afrique et le Tsunami permanent

Yénikoye Ismaël ABOUBACAR En réponse à l’apocalypse, l’Homo planétarus ne s’y est donc pas trompé en se mobilisant comme un seul homme, sur les cinq (...)

Religions indigènes et savoir endogène

Marc MONSIA Nous livre une connaissance hermétique du vaudou ; c’est pour la première fois que la nature ésotérique des divinités du panthéon vaudou (...)

Contact : Dorothée Gérard HOUESSOU

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éditions d’en bas

logoéditions d’en bas

30, rue des Côtes-de-Montbenon
CH-1003 Lausanne
Tél: (+41) 21 323 39 18

The éditions d’en bas (“from below”) published its first books in 1976, organised itself as an association in 1976 and then as a cooperative in 1991. In 28 years, more than 300 books have been published. The publishing house is founded on two pillars: a militant base of people who have adhered to the editorial policy, and the network of bookshops in the country. The output and translation of books is partly funded by state and private institutions/foundations, as well as by partnerships (co-publishing) with various non-governmental organisations and social movements. The books published by the editions d’en bas witness the hidden side of Switzerland, especially life “down below” in the working-class community. They can also serve in some cases as tools in the fight for rights; they can precede and accompany social struggles, or tell their story.
Essays and historical, sociological and political documents, testimonies, life stories, literary texts, translations – the books published by the éditions d’en bas explore the social field from the margins of history, politics, and society; they allow for the emergence of singular voices, of forgotten destinies and themes.

Par la littérature ou le récit de vie, l’essai critique ou le livre d’histoire, les éditions d’en bas rendent compte de « la face cachée » de la Suisse (et du monde). Des voix dissidentes, attachées aux passages de la mémoire. Les éditions d’en bas sont attachées à valoriser les langues, les populations et les cultures minoritaires révélatrices des structures d’oppression et de répression.

Read the portrait of Jean Richard and the éditions d’en bas published by Le Temps, September 4, 2020.

Contact : Jean RICHARD

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Jeunes malgaches

logoJeunes malgaches

51, rue Tsiombikibo Ambatovinaky
101 Antananarivo
Tél: (+261) 20 22 566 58

The limited company Presse Edition & Diffusion (PREDIFF) was founded in March 1995. Its core business is the subscription sale of foreign periodicals, managing international communication, the bookshop, card shop and since November 2004, the publication of children’s books. To date Éditions Jeunes Malgaches have published several tales and bilingual children’s publications: in February 2005, Maria Vakansy any Alaotra, in Malagasy; in November 2006, Maria Nahita ranomasina voalohany, in Malagasy; Marthe Rasoa raconte, two Malagasy tales written in French; in January 2007, Les Mésaventures de Milaloza, a French/Malagasy bilingual edition of a Malagasy tale, and in November 2007, Soza le pêcheur, a bilingual tale as well as ABDlire, a bilingual aphabet book.

Jeunes malgaches une maison d’édition spécialisée jeunesse qui veut rester toujours jeune au service de la promotion de la culture et la langue malgache.

Read here the interview with Marie Michèle Razafinstalama, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (November 21, 2016).

Books selection

Soza le pêcheur

Cyprienne TOAZARA Histoire illustrée en bilingue français/malgache La pirogue de Soza n’a pas su franchir la barrière de corail et le pêcheur de (...)

I Vonindrano sy i Zavonandro (Fleur de l’eau et Brume du matin)

Arikaomisa RANDRIA (ill.) ; Max RAZAFINDRAIBE Album bilingue illustré. 2017 - 16 pages - 23 x 23 cm - 11.000 Ar (8 €) - ISBN : (...)

Ny Bokiko 2

Marie Michèle RAKOTOANOSY / Catmouse James (ill.) Imagier en malgache 2017 - 36 pages - 14 x 14cm - 11 000 Ar (6 €) – ISBN : (...)

Contact : Marie Michèle RAZAFINTSALAMA

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éditions du Sextant

logoéditions du Sextant

185 bis rue Ordener
75018 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 42 23 26 54

Founded in 2003 by Isabelle Pivert, éditions du Sextant publishes works in the humanities field – history, geography, history of thought and political science – with the aim of enlightening readers to help them gain insight into the world, position themselves and pursue their own path.
Our collections follow their own paths (and overlap?) joyfully: “Décodeur” (economic, social, political criticism: essays), “Géographique” (interactions between physical space and humankind and/or society: essays, biographies, travel accounts), “Résistance” (accounts, especially of WW2), “Récits” (accounts, especially on social issues). In the “Hors Piste” (“Off the Beaten Track”) collection, Sextant experiments and publishes their favourites in a “ragbag” collection.

Based in Paris, we are also developing a branch in Brittany (2008), in a place that’s propitious to creative processes and thinking, Le Pouldu.

Le sextant est un instrument de positionnement utilisé dans la navigation : grâce à cet objet, on peut faire le point avec le soleil et les étoiles, c’est-à-dire connaître sa position exacte sur la planète, et ainsi choisir son cap, son chemin propre sur un espace, la mer, espace de liberté. Je fais ici une analogie avec le livre, instrument de savoir, de connaissance, de transmission, sur soi et les autres, sur le monde, qui permet de choisir ensuite son propre chemin. Le livre-objet qu’on a dans les mains, qu’on touche et qu’on voit qu’on sent (le papier), et dont il faut apprendre à se servir, c’est-à-dire ici savoir lire et écrire, pour l’apprécier. Le livre-passeur d’histoires.

Books selection

La Datcha en Russie de 1917 à nos jours

Vlada TRAVEN “Un essai passionnant” (Le Figaro littéraire) Dès la révolution de 1917, la datcha, maison de campagne du citadin, pose problème au (...)

Soleil Capitaliste

Entretiens au cœur des multinationales - Isabelle PIVERT “La matière recueillie, exceptionnelle, inspire réflexions, agacements et frayeurs sur (...)

Élisée Reclus ou la passion du monde

Hélène SARRAZIN - Introduction de Kenneth WHITE Né en 1830 à Sainte-Foy-la-Grande (Gironde), Élisée Reclus est considéré comme le père de l’écologie (...)

Contact : Isabelle PIVERT

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