Publishing houses

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Language networks

Graines de Pensées

logoGraines de Pensées

30, Boulevard du 13 Janvier
07 B.P. 7097
Tél: (+228) 22 22 32 43 / (+228) 22 37 75 32 / (+228) 90 32 33 20

Graines de Pensées publishing aims to contribute to the cultural expression of Africa, to the development of critical thinking and of a democratic and pluralistic society through the book.
They are concerned with offering accessible books to African children, adapted to their realities and aspirations and of impeccable editorial quality. In addition, for a better dissemination of the book, they participate in co-publishing projects with partners from the South and the North. They also work for synergies with institutions and companies for a better promotion of the book in French and African languages.

Graines de Pensées publishing started their activities in 2005 with a solid editorial experience and broad network of contacts in the French and English editorial sectors through the International Organization of the Francophonie, the African Training Centre for Publishing and Dissemination (CAFED), the Network of African Publishers (APNET) and the Afrilivres Association.


Books selection

Souffle court

Kouméalo ANATE ; préface Tanella BONI

Djanta (conte)

Tchotcho EKUE ; Kokou TONGNEVI

Panafricanisme et renaissance africaine



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Box 45095
SE - 104 30 Stockholm
Tél: (+46-08) 32 30 80

Based in Stockholm and founded in 1984, Ferdosi has, in addition to being a publisher, been a key distributor and supplier of books and periodicals.
We cooperate with publishers and distributors throughout the world in order to provide individual and organizational clients with their requests and demands, through our contact services and multilingual website. Ferdosi has a broad list of Persian books published throughout the past 30 years by a range of publishers outside Iran. The list is available on Ferdosi´s website and can be searched by the title, name of the writer, etc.

Ferdosi works with libraries worldwide as a main supplier for minority languages published outside the country of origin. Individual customers equally benefit from our service through Ferdosi´s website.

As a publisher, Ferdosi has published valuable books in Persian and Swedish, mostly dealing with Persian literature, or informative texts about Iran and the Middle East.
Ferdosi publishes a Persian-Swedish magazine under the title of Norrsken (Northern Light), which is intended to be a step toward preserving Persian literature and culture among Farsi speaking and non-Iranians interested in Persian language and culture.

Ferdosi is the name of Iranian national poet who wrote the famous book for Shahnameh to rescue Persian language from Arabic influence.

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Naakojaa / éditions le non-où

logoNaakojaa / éditions le non-où

89 rue du Ruisseau
75018 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 42 64 44 21

Naakojaa is a digital publisher based in France that launched in February 2012 with the aim of creating greater access for the audience of Persian literature.
Based on our readers’ embrace of world literature on digital platforms, we, too, decided to keep up with technology to help Persian speakers around the world.
Audiences now can legally and easily purchase Persian literature from iTunes and Amazon.
Statistics show that these digital platforms are becoming more popular because of accessibility and the ability to publish easily, which makes it possible to be sold for a reasonable price while protecting authors’ rights under copyright law.

Contact : Tinouche NAZMJOU

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JC Sáez Editor

logoJC Sáez Editor

El Retiro 4853
7630227 Vitacura
Tél: (+56) 2 3253148 / (+56) 2 3260104

At the time of its foundation in 1920, JC Sáez Editor (formerly Dolmen Ediciones) was a publishing house specialising in textbooks and extracurricular books. It is now specialised in the dissemination of ideas in key areas of modernity, such as humanities, biology, pedagogy, economics and management. JC Sáez Editor’s catalogue also includes emerging voices and renowned authors from Chile’s national body of literature (poetry, essays), and comic strips, general trade literature, which enables it to go beyond continental borders with a rich and varied offer. To secure its diffusion, JC Sáez Editor relies on a distribution and collaboration network at local level in the main Latino-American capital cities.

Books selection

Ciencia presunta de Marx

Rafael Echeverría Marx sostuvo que, a diferencia del socialismo utópico del pasado y de varias propuestas socialistas y anarquistas de su época, (...)

El Fenómeno de la vida

Francisco Varela “Lo que he querido desarrollar en estos ensayos es una comprensión del fenómeno de la vida en toda su gloria y majestad. Esto (...)

Estudio de casos en la formación de profesores de matemáticas: integrando matemáticas y pedagogía

Cristián Reyes El proyecto denominado “Herramientas para la Formación de Profesores de Matemáticas”, tiene como objetivo contribuir al mejoramiento (...)

Contact : Juan Carlos SÁEZ

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logo Forough

Jahn Str. 24
50676 Cologne
Tél: (+49-221) 923 57 07

Forough Publications and bookshop were founded in 1998 by the Mehdipour family in Cologne, Germany, with the aim to publish books that were banned in Iran.
Murder of Kasravi was the first book published by Forough in 1998. The intention was to publicize the truth about the death of Ahmad Kasravi, the Iranian famous critic of Islam. They continued their work by publishing memoirs of ex-prisoners of the Iranian Islamic regime.
Forough Publications now follows three orientations: literature, humanities and social sciences, and information. The publishing house wishes to call attention to Persian-language literature, but it also translates, publishes, and distributes works by German authors like The Weekend by Bernhard Schlink and The Fall of the Islamic World by Hamed Abdel-Samad.
Forough Publications has published more than 150 titles in different genres such as poetry, novels, children’s books, biography, and nonfiction books.
In addition, Forough supports the Persian educational programs outside of Iran by publishing and internationally distributing Persian textbooks.

Books selection

Little black fish

Samad BEHRANGI - Translated to German by B. BINIAZ

Love in Iranian fiction in exile

Asad SEIF Asaf SEIF (born in 1957 in Bandar Anzali) is an Iranian writer and researcher. He has been living in Europe since 1984 and is engaged (...)

Dark Luminisities

Aramesh DOSTDAR Aramesh DOSTDAR (born in 1932 in Tehran) is an Iranian philosopher, writer, scholar and a former philosophy lecturer at Tehran (...)

Contact : Anahita MEHDIPOUR

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Responsable : Hamid MEHDIPOUR

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F&G Editores

logoF&G Editores

31 avenida “C” 5-54, zona 7
Colonia Centro América
01007 Guatemala
Tél: (+502) 2439 8358 / (+502) 5406 0909

F&G Editores is a Guatemalan independent publishing house founded in 1994. 18 years after its creation, it is about to become a leading publishing house in Central America, both because of its authors, publishing list and contents, and also because of its distribution network. Despite the challenges of a high illiteracy rate in the country and a total absence of State support for publishing, F&G Editores has survived. Moreover, it has consolidated its position as one of Guatemala’s leading publishing house. Not affiliated to any party, this publishing house commits to building a democratic and peaceful society, in which human rights are fully respected; a priority for the Guatemalan society who experienced more than 36 years of internal armed conflicts and from which it is still recovering. F&G Editores publishes Guatemalan and Central American literature of various genres and has been singled out as being the only non institutional Guatemalan publishing house who publishes books addressing the issue of collective historical memory.

Contact : Raúl Figueroa SARTI

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Atlas for Publishing & Distribution

logoAtlas for Publishing & Distribution

Abed street, P. O. Box 8084
Tél: +963 11 44685250 / 4421010

Atlas Publishing was established in the late 1950s by Samar Haddad’s father, the present director of the publishing house. Atlas was one of the first bookshops in Damascus. In 1963, academic books were among the first works on its publishing list, followed shortly by many other titles. In 2002 Samar Haddad became the editor of Atlas and gradually took over as the head of the company. She remained true to her father’s motto: the book is the premier tool of knowledge and should therefore be within everyone’s reach. Atlas Publishing set up a translation division and a distribution division, while continuing to publish titles of relevance to readers, in keeping with an editorial policy promoting quality and the highest standards of technical production.

Atlas in Greek Mythology is the Titan who is condemned to hold the earth for eternity, and our logo shows him holding the Globe in one hand and a book in the other hand. This is the idea of my late father the founder of Atlas Publishers back in the fifties.


Read here the interview with Samar Haddad, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (November 3, 2016).

Books selection

Syria. A History of a Destroyed World

Michael SOMMER Translated from German by Dr. Nabil Al Haffar In this brief research, ancient civilization scholar Michel Sommer provides an (...)

Damascene Cupid. Drawings and love stories

Boutros AL MAARI This book offers pleasure to the eye as well as to the mind of the reader. Neither the texts are the basis for it nor the (...)

Diaries of a Writer. Selections by Boris Tarasov

DOSTOEVKY Translated from Russian by Adnan Jamous Sheikh Hamad award for translation and international understanding for the achievement in (...)

Contact : Samar HADDAD

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Association internationale des Libraires francophones

logoAssociation internationale des Libraires francophones

20, rue des Grands-Augustins
75006 PARIS
Tél: +33 (0)1 40 51 11 45

Contact : Anne Lise SCHMITT

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R. Evaristo da Veiga, 16 - Sala 1506 - Centro
Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20031-040
Tél: +55 (21) 2253-9099

Founded in 2002, LIBRE (Brazilian League of Publishers) has more than 150 independent publishers, representing around 15 000 titles in total. LIBRE was born from the organization of an independent book fair, which takes place annually in Rio and São Paulo and in which all member publishers participate: Spring of Books. LIBRE also participates, in Brazil and at international fairs, in debates on editorial diversity, the market question, the concentration of publishers in large groups and the internationalization of the book sector.

Contact : Tomaz ADOUR

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Baile del Sol

logoBaile del Sol

Apartado de Correos, 133
38280 Tegueste
Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Islas Canarias
Tél: (+34) 922 27 95 97 / 646 151 141

Baile del Sol is a publishing house located on the Canary Islands, off the coast of the African continent. It was established in 1992 in the form of a cultural association. Its founders had already been involved for a number of years in the cultural life of the Islands, as fanzine publishing editors, for Orín Desteñido, and for literary and music magazines, for Baile del Sol. The objectives of this association were retained throughout the years and Baile del Sol remains true to these to this day. On the one hand, we offer the chance to become published to new authors and, on the other, an increased effort so as local authors from the Canary Islands be considered for themselves and not because of their geographic origins. Our catalogue is additionally open to authors from other backgrounds. America, Oceania, Africa and Europe are all represented. We are, therefore, an open-minded and independent publishing house.

Contact : Ángeles ALONSO

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Genres of publication

éditions du remue-ménage

logoéditions du remue-ménage

110, rue Sainte-Thérèse, Bureau 303
H2Y 1E6 Montréal (Québec)
Tél: (+1-514) 876 0097

Since 1976, éditions du remue-ménage has been pursuing the same aim: stimulating, supporting, and furthering feminist thought. Alongside activists, researchers, writers, and artists, they have set up a propitious arena for the circulation of thinking outside of the predominant mindset. An ever-moving platform, open to various feminist analyses of theory and politics, considering the preoccupations of women from all horizons. The catalogue reflects these editorial choices, featuring works in a variety of fields such as history, sociology, political science, education, literature, culture, and gay and lesbian studies to name but a few. The sheer diversity of topics reflects the myriad questions affecting women and more broadly, society as a whole. éditions du remue-ménage is a vociferously free and feistily militant business.
The éditions du remue-ménage is fiercely committed to producing literature brimming with ideas, providing an arena for debate, and, like the women’s movement, working to build a fairer world.

remue-ménage est une référence directe au soulèvement des ménagères tout en étant une allusion au brassage des idées reçues…

Books selection

100 questions sur les femmes et la politique

Manon TREMBLAY Quelle est la première femme élue députée dans un parlement national ? L’électorat et les médias sont-ils sexistes? La vie familiale (...)

Dialogues sur la troisième vague féministe

Ouvrage collectif, sous la direction de Maria NENGEH MENSAH De plus en plus de jeunes femmes qui s’identifient volontiers au féminisme, se (...)

Violence entre enfants : casse-tête pour les parents !

Diane PRUD’HOMME Si j’apprenais que mon fils est la risée de la classe parce qu’il parle sur le bout de la langue ou parce qu’il est gros, que (...)

Contact : Anne MIGNER-LAURIN

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09, lot petite Provence - Hydra
16035 Alger
Tél: +213 21 69 19 14

Founded in April 2000 in Algiers, Barzakh originally focused solely on literature. Our creed: give young Arabic- and French-language writers a platform for expression.
Encountering success and setbacks over the years, we have expanded our catalogue to historical essays, studies and literary biographies, as well as high-art books. Alongside this work, we have developed partnerships with some French publishers, including éditions de l’Aube, Le Bec en l’Air, and Actes Sud. Thus, Arezki Mellal’s novel Maintenant, ils peuvent venir (Barzakh, 2000) was published by Actes Sud in 2002, and Cinq fragments du désert by Rachid Boudjedra (Barzakh, 2001), by éditions de l’Aube in 2002. The latter has furthermore been translated into Italian and Spanish.

Listen here the interview of Selma Hellal (barzakh), HuffPost, October, 2019.

Books selection

La prière du Maure

Adlène MEDDI Alger, les années 2000, l’hiver. Un jeune homme disparaît. « Pour régler une dette », Djo, commissaire à la retraite – forte tête, (...)

L’homme qui n’existait pas

Habib AYYOUB Nouvelliste hors-pair, Habib Ayyoub renoue, dans ce nouveau recueil, avec son univers peuplé de sans-grades, d’obscurs citoyens (...)


Sadek AÏSSAT Cet ouvrage réunit les trois romans écrits par Sadek AÏSSAT entre 1996 et 2002 : L’année des chiens, La cité du précipice, Je fais comme (...)

Contact : Sofiane HADJADJ

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Responsable : Selma HELLAL

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Plateau, Rue du Commerce - 10 BP 477
Abidjan 10
Ivory Coast
Tél: (+225) 20 57 41 06 84 / (+225) 20 05 95 71 69

Éditions Livre Sud (Édilis) was created at the initiative of African promoters in order to participate in the cultural development of Africa. Its mission is, therefore, the publication, promotion, and distribution of books. Edilis covers all areas of publishing: general literature (novels, short stories, and poetry), preschool, academic, extracurricular, literacy, and post-literacy. Édilis also has a bookstore, the Librairie du Commerce, located on the Plateau, rue du Commerce.
However, it has made literacy, the only key to development, its main project.
In fact, Édilis, concerned with the development of the country, has for several years undertaken actions with regard to teaching national languages. In collaboration with the ILA (the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the University of Abidjan-Cocody) and SIL (Société Internationale de Linguistique), Édilis has produced a series of syllabaries in national languages (Baoulé, Bete, Senufo, Diula, Kulango, Akyé, Abidji, Dan, Wobe, Mahou, Lobiri, etc.). These syllabaries make a significant contribution to the promotion of national languages.

« Édilis » fait allusion à ce que l’Afrique, de par sa richesse culturelle et sa diversité linguistique, peut apporter de spécifique au livre.

Books selection

La Houe magique

Koné BOUNDOU Ce recueil de contes présente un ensemble d’histoires délectables, fantastiques ou fondées sur des légendes reprises dans un style bien à (...)

La revanche des Anges

Henry G. KOUADJA Émotions et palpitations caractérisent cette œuvre passionnante à travers la vie du personnage de Corneille. Longtemps rongé par un (...)

Mes larmes coulent en silence

Julien Ludovic KODIA L’abbé Briano et sœur Dorisca, deux serviteurs entièrement dévoués, qui ont décidé de consacrer leur vie uniquement à l’œuvre de (...)


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Responsable : Thérèse KOUDOU

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CP 32 052, comptoir Saint-André
H2L 4Y5 Montréal (Québec)
Tél: +1 (514) 521 0913

Ever preoccupied with ecological, social and political issues as well as alternatives put forward by social movements, the Écosociété publishing house is contributing to the reinvention of possibilities. For over 15 years, the firm has been producing and distributing critical works with the aim of forging an eco-society: a society with a more humane approach and that is more respectful of the biosphere, a free and open society in which the relations between individuals would be more egalitarian. The works published by the firm aim to spark public debate and to contribute to it, with a view to fostering more active citizen participation in the political sphere. The publishing house represents a zone of free expression in which activists, thinkers and citizens join forces for a wonderful experience in solidarity. The Écosociété publishing house: a wellspring gushing with ideas to approach the world from a fresh angle and rebuild it differently.

Lire, réfléchir et agir sont les trois verbes qui animent la maison d’édition depuis ses débuts. Son nom fait écho à l’Institut pour une écosociété, qui l’a fondée, et dont le mandat est de « susciter un vaste débat public sur les grands problèmes de l’heure et sur les conditions d’émergence d’un nouvel humanisme et d’une société plus conviviale, plus démocratique et plus respectueuse des ressources de la biosphère, le but étant de favoriser l’avènement d’un nouveau modèle économique, politique, social et culturel ».

Read here the interview with Élodie Comtois, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (October 11, 2016).

Books selection

Noir Canada

Pillage, corruption et criminalité en Afrique - Alain DENEAULT
 (avec Delphine ABADIE et William SACHER)

 Noir Canada s’attaque à l’image factice, (...)

Désobéir et grandir

Vers une société de décroissance

 - Paul ARIÈS - 
 Préface de Serge MONGEAU Quand 20% des humains s’approprient 86% des ressources disponibles sur (...)

Pourquoi j’meurs tout l’temps

Anaïs AIRELLE C’est l’histoire d’une fille qui a mal démarré. Dévorée de questions et de révoltes, saturée de violence, elle part sur les routes. Routes (...)

Contact : Élodie COMTOIS

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1 rue des Foreurs, Treichville, Zone 3
01BP 1984
Abidjan 01
Ivory Coast
Tél: (+225-20) 21 64 65 /(+225-20) 21 25 33 12

Éburnie was created in November 2001 by Marie-Agathe Amoikon-Fauquembergue. The objective of this publishing house is to breathe new life into the image of the publishing world by producing quality works, encouraging the emergence of new authors, and developing new collections. Our activities started in earnest in February 2002. To date, there exists more than 150 titles in the catalogue, 15 of which are textbooks and 15 extracurricular, as well as eight children’s series and two general collections co-published with Ganndal (Guinea), Cérès (Tunisia) and Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benin). Distribution is ensured via a network of bookshops in the following countries: Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Mali, Senegal, Cameroon, Nigeria, Guinea, and Burkina-Faso.


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Couleur livres

logoCouleur livres

54, rue de la Colonne
1080 Bruxelles
Tél: +32 (0)65/82 39 44

Couleur livres (formerly Éditions Vie Ouvrière) has remained faithful to the guiding spirit of nearly 50 years of rigorous, critical and accessible publications, and it has turned out to be – together with its partners – one of the most important centres for progressive publishing for associations in Belgium and the French-speaking world in general.
Couleur livres strives to be a politically committed, independent and multicultural publishing house that is attentive to the voice of the associations and organisations that make up civil society. It is a publishing house that combines audacity with discovery, as well as originality, readability and rigour.
As a generalist publisher, Couleur livres publishes first and foremost essays and analyses on current social questions and debates, both on the regional, national and international scale. It is also active in the fields of education and training in social science (pedagogy, history, economy, sociology, psychology, philosophy…). Finally, it has been in charge since 2006 of a journal and a collection of true-life stories. It has also been committed to publishing fair trade books for another globalization.

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Éditions Charles Léopold Mayer

logoÉditions Charles Léopold Mayer

38, rue Saint-Sabin
75011 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 43 14 75 75

The Charles Léopold Mayer publishing house publishes works of analysis, thinking and proposals to reshape practices and modes of action in fields such as governance, solidarity-based economy, participative democracy, intercultural dialogue, peace building, civic science etc. It aims always at stimulating the critical conscience and inventive, citizen-oriented potential of their readership.

Charles Léopold Mayer est un scientifique, philosophe et financier qui s’est inscrit dans la tradition humaniste de la philosophie des Lumières.

Books selection

L’intelligence de l’autre

Prendre en compte les différences culturelles dans un monde à gérer en commun - Michel SAUQUET, avec la collaboration de Martin VIELAJUS À ceux (...)

Monnaies régionales

De nouvelles voies vers une prospérité durable - Bernard LIETAER, Margrit KENNEDY - Traduit de l’allemand par Vincent GUIMARD - Préface de Michel (...)

La tourmente alimentaire

Pour une politique agricole mondiale - Matthieu CALAME - Préface de Christian MOUCHET L’augmentation récente des prix agricoles est venue relancer (...)

Contact : Aline JABLONKA

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Responsable : Isabelle YAFIL

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10, rue Tournefort
75005 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 43 36 78 47

The Portuguese Bookshop was founded in 1986, to coincide with the installation in Paris of Michel Chandeigne’s printing office. In 1992, he teamed up with Anne Lima to found the Chandeigne publishing house, which got off to a flying start with the publication of La frontière, by Pascal Quignard and the first work in the now prestigious “Magellane” collection: Histoires tragico-maritimes, three accounts of Portuguese shipwrecks in the 16th century. The firm has remained faithful to the artisanal vocation of its beginnings: while the office has been upgraded with state-of-the-art composition tools, all the publishing work in the broadest sense of the word is handled and controlled by Anne Lima and Michel Chandeigne, with a demanding vision of printing quality hailed by both the press and the general public. Five to eight works are thus published each year in the various collections (“Magellane”, “Lusitane”, “Péninsules”, and “Grands Formats”).

Chandeigne est le nom de Michel (Chandeigne), en toute humilité.

Books selection

Histoire de l’Afrique lusophone

Armelle ENDERS Cet ouvrage traite des cinq pays africains qui ont gardé le portugais comme langue officielle : Angola, Cap-Vert, Guinée-Bissau, (...)

Nouvelle histoire du Brésil

Armelle ENDERS Avec presque 200 millions d’habitants et une économie qui oscille autour du 10e rang mondial, le Brésil appartient aux grandes (...)

Voyages en Afrique noire

Alvise CA’ DA MOSTO (1455 et 1456) - Préface, traduction et notes: Frédérique VERRIER En 1455, le Vénitien Alvise Ca’ da Mosto s’embarque sur une (...)

Contact : Anne LIMA

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4447, rue Saint-Denis
H2J 2L2 Montréal (Québec)
Tél: +1 (514) 287 7401

The Éditions du Boréal, founded in 1963, is today a quintessential feature of Quebecois literature, due to its prestigious authors as well as its commercial dynamism. The firm’s catalogue includes over 1,400 titles of general literature and offers works in several genres: novels, short stories, plays, poetry, essays, documents, studies, history books and children’s literature.

Books selection


Francis DUPUIS-DÉRI «Antimondialisation», «altermondialisation» ou «mouvement pour la justice mondiale» : le «mouvement des mouvements», à la fois (...)

Êtes-vous mariée à un psychopathe ?

Nadine BISMUTH Dix ans après avoir publié “Les gens fidèles ne font pas les nouvelles”, Nadine Bismuth revient au genre qui l’a fait connaître et lui (...)


Monique PROULX Il y a Lila Szach, venue d’un autre âge et d’un autre continent, qui veille jalousement sur la paix des lieux. Le jeune Jérémi qui (...)

Contact : Pascal ASSATHIANY

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Presses universitaires d’Afrique

logoPresses universitaires d’Afrique

1077, Bastos, rue Mballa Eloumdem
B.P. 8106 - Yaoundé
Tél: (+237) 222 202 695

L’Africaine d’Édition et de Services is a business corporation that was created in 1995 with exclusively Cameroonian capital.
Its ambition is to be, in Africa, one of the best forums for the written expression of any good creative initiative. Its publishing names are Presses universitaires d’Afrique for non-academic literature and Éditions AES for academic and extra-curricular publications. The Africaine d’Édition et de Services (AES SA) has produced nearly 200 publications in 11 collections. Each collection is developed and co-directed by several Cameroonian and non-African practitioners and university professors of scientific renown in their respective disciplines. The AES is fighting for cultural diversity in the world and takes local realities into account in its publications.

Books selection

Formulaires d’actes de procédure OHADA

Maître TWENGEMBO Le présent manuel, réalisé dans le cadre du Droit Harmonisé OHADA, ne présente que les principaux formulaires des Actes OHADA. C’est (...)

Introduction critique à l’OHADA

Paul-Gérard POUGOUE, Yvette Rachel KALIEU ELONGO Un modèle unique et séduisant d’intégration est conçu avec la création, en 1993, de l’Organisation (...)

Jérôme LEDOUX FOUOTSA L’origine de ces contes et légendes se perd dans la nuit des temps et dans celle de l’humanité africaine. Les Bamiléké (peuple (...)


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