Publishing houses

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09 BP 92

Afrilivres is an association of francophone African publishers that are trying to develop a more egalitarian – and equitable – relationship with the North by making their publications visible and available in northern markets.


Contact : Sékou FOFANA

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Il leone verde

logoIl leone verde

Via della Consolata 7
10122 Turin
Tél: +39 01 15 21 17 90

Il leone verde was founded in Turin in 1997, with the aim of putting out unpublished works, never previously translated into Italian. We always publish top-quality introductions, end matter and commentary in our works, produced by specialists of these topics.
Translations are always produced based on the source language of the texts, and we have opted for scientific rigour in their approach, even though our works target a broad spectrum of the public, rather than specialists.

Books selection

I segreti della tavola di MONTALBANO.
Le ricette di Andrea Camilleri
[Secrets from Montalbano’s kitchen. Andrea Camilleri’s recipes]

Stefania CAMPO This book shows Andrea Camilleri’s gastronomic perspective, expressed through his most famous character – Montalbano, who is greedy (...)

Bambini e (troppe) medicine.
Difendersi dall’eccessiva medicalizzazione dei nostri figli
[Children and (too many) drugs. Defending ourselves from the excessive medicalisation of our children]

Franco DE LUCA This book helps new parents in acquiring certainty and confidence while attending to their growing kids. As children’s problems (...)

Un mondo di pappe.
I saperi delle mamme nell’alimentazione del bambino da 0 a 6 anni
[A world of baby food. Mothers’ knowledge about babies’ feeding from 0 to 6 months]

Sara HONNEGGER Among the questions and the problems that the birth of a baby arises, certainly there is the aspect of nutrition and choice of (...)

Contact : Anita MOLINO

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Jacana Media

logoJacana Media

10 Orange Street - PO Box 2004 Sunnyside - Houghton
Auckland Park 2041
2092 Gauteng
South Africa
Tél: +27 011 628 3200 +27 011 482 7280

A South African publisher, Jacana Media has been in the business since 1991. The firm specialises in the vulgarisation of normally complex or technical data. We have been recognised for the quality of our books in areas such as the environment and eco-tourism, as well as literature and educational materials (primary and secondary school). In 2002, Jacana Media established an open publishing policy that has since received much positive feedback, covering a vast spectrum of genres and subjects. We are particularly interested in promoting authors from South Africa and Africa as a whole. Jacana Media currently publishes works in essentially three areas: “Life” (political science, biographies and autobiographies, history, health and educational material), “Earth” (environment, natural history, maps and eco-guides) and “Fiction” (novels, short stories, poetry, and anthologies and collections focusing on African authors).

Contact : Bridget IMPEY

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6, avenue Alain Savary
Le Belvédère
1002 Tunis
Tél: (+ 216) 71 28 05 05

Cérès is one of the most important book publishing houses in North Africa. Publishing mainly in French and Arabic, its books are distributed in Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Mali, Benin, Lebanon, France, and many other countries. Cérès publishes approximately 45 new titles each year and has a current catalogue of over 700 titles in a wide variety of fields including fiction, history, philosophy, literature, education, social science, and tourist guides. Cérès publications have become benchmark works, addressing topics as diverse as Carthage, Tunisian mosaics, and painters.

Cérès est la déesse de la fertilité (romaine, anté-islamique).

Contact : Karim BEN SMAIL

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Med Ali Éditions

logoMed Ali Éditions

Rue Med Chaabouni Imm. Zarkaa
Tél: (+216) 74 407 440

The Arab Company of United Publishers, Med Ali Editions (Sfax - Tunisia) is a general independent publishing house founded in 1983.
Our books are made according to high-quality standards with the greatest possible care and attention at all levels. Our house works in cooperation with book professionals, artists, and renowned university teachers in various fields. We publish cultural books in the humanities and extracurricular books, with over 20 book series in the humanities, children’s books, and extracurricular books, as well as theses in cooperation with five Tunisian universities.
Med Ali Editions is dedicated to the mission of supporting and sharing all forms of learning and respecting the pleasure of knowledge, and distributing the Tunisian book.
Since 1990 we have participated in Arab and international book fairs. Since 1986 Med Ali Editions has been a member of the Union of Tunisian Editors. Since 1997 Med Ali Editions has been a member of the Union of Arab Editors and a member of the Maghreb Union of Editors. Med Ali Editions has co-published books with Tunisian, Lebanese, and Syrian editors, and editors from the Maghreb. We have also participated in the launch of an exporting company for the Tunisian book.

Med Ali est le nom du leader du syndicaliste tunisien (Mohamed Ali Elhammi). Il a étudié en Allemagne des cours du soir en économie, est revenu en Tunisie dans le début des années 1920. Il a créé des coopératives et les premiers syndicats nationalistes, qui vont lancer la première grève générale en Tunisie en 1924. Il est mort exilé en Arabie saoudite, tout jeune.


Books selection

La Tunisie et la modernisation : La première constitution du monde islamique (en arabe)

Hedi TIMOUMI Avant l’établissement du “Protectorat” français sur la Tunisie en 1881, le pays a été durant la période 1831-1877 le théâtre d’une (...)

Cet homme doit mourir

La Flambée de la résistance à Sfax - Taoufik ABDELMOULA Taoufik ABDELMOULA né à Sfax le 19/09/1932, est diplômé de l’école supérieure de commerce de (...)

الجسد والمجتمع

Corps et société. Étude anthropologique des croyances et des représentations du corps en Ifrîqiyya médiévale Soufia SHIRI-BEN HTIRA Corps et société (...)

Contact : Nouri ABID

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Dar Al Farabi

logoDar Al Farabi

Wata al-mouçaïtbeh, rue Jabal al-arab
Imm. Khayat, P.O. Box 3181/11
CP 1107 2130 Beyrouth
Tél: +(961-1) 30 14 61 / (+961-1) 30 11 38

We strive to publish and distribute works in Arabic on a diverse range of topics, from literature to social sciences, by local or translated authors, in order to promote a modern culture meeting the needs of Arab countries in terms of development and progress.

Books selection

Arab Island before Islam - الكتاب الأول: جزيرة العرب قبل الاسلام

Bourhan EL DIN DELLO اسم المؤلف: برهان الدين دلو يشكل هذا الكتاب حقبة تاريخية هامة من تاريخ العرب وتطورهم في الجاهلية قبل الاسلام، باحثاً في التاريخ الاقتصادي، (...)

The material leanings in Arabic and Islamic - مجلدات الكتاب الثاني: النزعات المادية في الفلسفة العربية الاسلامية في أربعة مجلدات

Dr. Hussein MROUÉ اسم المؤلف: د. حسين مروة يعتبر هذا الكتاب من الكتب الأساسية في القرن العشرين، لما حققه من اضاءات موضوعية على تاريخ الفلسفة العربية الاسلامية (...)

Ibn Rushd and his philosophy - الكتاب الثالث: ابن رشد وفلسفته

Farah ANTOUN اسم المؤلف: فرح أنطون ان هذا الكتاب الذي صدر عام 1903 في مدينة اسكندرية يشكل شاهداً على التراكم الثقافي العربي التنويري في الحياة الثقافية في (...)

Contact : Hassan KHALIL

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Al Intishar / Centre de publication arabe

logoAl Intishar / Centre de publication arabe

Salim Salam St.Souk - Al Rawshe Bldg. 3rd floor
P.O.Box 113/5752
Tél: (+961) 01 65 91 48

Contact : Nabil MROUEH

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321, bd Brahim Roudani
20390 Casablanca
Tél: (+212) 05 22 25 23 57

Éditions Tarik, based in Casablanca, Morocco, is headed by Bichr Bennani and Marie-Louise Belarbi, both founder members of Apell (Association for the promotion of book publishing and reading). Since its inception in 1999, this independent publishing firm has been involved in the debates of the modern world. Its objective is to explore the themes of history and current events, of society and memory, without neglecting the literary production of young Moroccan authors, and by giving priority, whenever possible, to co-publishing.

Nous étions 10 au départ de la maison (il y a 17 ans !)… après de longues heures de discussions, ce choix s’est porté sur Tarik, parce que chacun pouvait lui donner le sens qu’il voulait : Tarik Ibn Zyad (grand stratège du VIIe siècle, de plus d’origine berbère) ; Jabal Tarik (le mont Tarik, comme Gibraltar) ; la voie, le chemin, la route… ; Tarik est aussi un prénom qui était porté par des enfants ou petits-enfants de membre du groupe… Bref chacun y lisait ce qu’il voulait !

Books selection

Tazmamart. Cellule 10

Ahmed MARZOUKI Pendant longtemps les autorités marocaines ont nié l’existence du bagne de Tazmamart, situé en plein désert dans le sud du pays. (...)

Héros sans gloire

Échec d’une révolution, 1963-1973 - Medhi BENNOUNA Mars 1973 : dans l’Atlas, des guérilleros marocains tentent d’installer un foyer révolutionnaire (...)

Le couloir

Bribes de vérité sur les années de plomb - Abdelfettah FAKIHANI - Préface d’Ignace DALLE Abdelfettah Fakihani est journaliste depuis 1990. Emprisonné (...)

Contact : Bichr BENNANI

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Pallas Editora

logoPallas Editora

Rua Frederico de Albuquerque, 56
Rio de Janeiro / RJ 21050 840
Tél: (+55 21) 22 70 01 86

Pallas Editora was founded by Antonio Carlos Fernandes in 1975. It publishes works on religion and popular culture. In 1992, Cristina Fernandes Warth launched a project to connect Afro-Brazilian culture with topics previously not covered; she then started to publish books on anthropology, sociology, and ethnology. Pallas Editora has now forged a strong reputation for its work on African heritage, the candomblé, and popular Brazilian culture. Mariana Warth joined the publishing house in 2002; it is considered state-of-the-art in publishing fiction for children, youth, and adults in the universe of Afro-Brazilian and African cultures.

To read:

Books selection

Kofi e o menino de fogo

Autor: Nei LOPES Ilustradora: Hélène MOREAU Kofi é um menino africano que, certo dia, encontra-se frente a frente com um menino europeu... e ambos (...)

Na rota dos tubarões, o tráfico negreiro e outras viagens

Autor: Joel RUFINO DOS DANTOS Ilustrador: Rafael FONSECA O Brasil carrega a marca de ter sido a última nação do mundo a abolir a escravidão. Entre (...)

Histórias do movimento negro no Brasil

Depoimentos ao CPDOC Autores: Verena ALBERTI e Amilcar ARAUJO PEREIRA Este livro é resultado de uma pesquisa desenvolvida entre 2003 e 2007 (...)

Contact : Mariana WARTH

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Responsable : Cristina WARTH

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Ku Si Mon Editora

logoKu Si Mon Editora

Edifício SITEC - Rua José Carlos Schwarz
C.P. 268
Tél: (+245) 660 5565

Ku Si Mon Editora is a private institution created in Bissau in 1994, following the political liberalization and the beginning of multi-partisanism. Its principal interests are literature (novels, stories, and essays), oral tradition (collections of stories, proverbs, and riddles) and ethno-linguistics (dictionaries). With an artisanal character, it continues thanks to the volunteer work from its members. Overhead costs (facility, electricity, small publishing materials) are also assured by the members, and revenue is used to publish new titles. Sales are limited, taking into account the high rate of illiteracy in Guinea-Bissau, and the publishing house relies on occasional funding to print certain texts.

Read here the interview with Abdulai Sila, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (May 17, 2018).

Books selection

Gasela ku Liopardu – La Gazelle et le Léopard

Recolha e Transcrição: Teresa MONTENEGRO e Carlos DE MORAIS Tradução: Fafali KOUDAWO Ilustrações: Luís LACERDA A Gazela tem uma cabra em idade de (...)

As Orações de Mansata

Abdulai SILA Os usos e abusos do Supremo Chefe Mwanké e dos seus conselheiros para Assuntos de Intriga, Violência e Desordem, numa adaptação (...)

Kriol Ten

Teresa MONTENEGRO O vivo sabor do crioulo guineense falado através de termos, expressões, provérbios, com traduções em português. Fugindo à ordem (...)

Contact : Abdulai SILA

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Genres of publication

Victorina Press

logoVictorina Press

Wanfield Hall - Woodcock Heath
Kingstone - Uttoxeter
Staffordshire, ST14 8QRT
United Kingdom
Tél: +44 (0)1650652370

Victorina Press is an independent publishing house in the West Midlands, UK. Established in 2017 by Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes, a Chilean-British Teacher of EFL, poet and writer of short stories, MA in Sociology and Women’s Studies, PhD in Women’s Studies and MA in Publishing. She chose to name her press “Victorina Press” to honour her mother who passed her love for reading and literature on to all her six children.
To achieve her mission of publishing great and inspirational books as well as to publish local authors in Spanish and English, Victorina Press follows principles of Bibliodiversity.

Listen here the conversation with Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes, by Christopher Fielden (July 2020).

Books selection

One Woman’s struggle in Iran. A prison Memoir


I am Adila from Gaza


My beautiful Imperial

Rhiannon LEWIS

Contact : Consuelo RIVERA-FUENTES

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Éditions Tombouctou

logoÉditions Tombouctou

BP E 5229
Tél: +223 76 71 57 13 / 76 46 21 14

Éditions Tombouctou was co-founded in 2007 by the Malian writers Ibrahima Aya and Aida Mady Diallo. From the name of the famous city of knowledge and writing, it gives to authors and other writers the means to express their word towards the African continent and the whole world. It aims to produce and disseminate quality writing at affordable prices for the local market in particular, thus contributing to the fact that Mali and Africa are telling themselves and the world.

Éditions Tombouctou is the initiative of the “Rentrée littéraire du Mali”, the reference literary event in Mali, created in 2008, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in February 2018 and which hosts for some years between 40 and 50 foreign writers by edition.

Furthermore, since the break-up in 2012 of the security, institutional and identity crisis in Mali, Éditions Tombouctou has initiated several collective reflections that have resulted in the publication of reference books on this crisis and Mali: High voices for Timbuktu, Mali between doubts and hopes, Africa of secularisms, Contemporary Mali, Regionalization in Mali, Challenges of the reconstruction in Mali...

Books selection

Couleurs et douleurs du silence

Albakaye Ousmane KOUNTA Talfi, originaire de Tombouctou, rêve de sillonner le Sahara et de devenir un caravanier renommé et fortuné. Mais son père (...)

Les fils Kabendy

Paul-Marie TRAORE S’amouracher de sa sœur au point de lui faire un enfant relève plutôt du grand scandale. Un jeune fonctionnaire talentueux, (...)

Drame pour un fauteuil

Kabiné Bemba DIAKITE Lobèle et Bata, employées d’une entreprise, se vouent une haine inaltérable pour un poste de secrétaire. Elles placent au centre (...)

Contact : Ibrahima AYA

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Diyar-e Ketab

logoDiyar-e Ketab

2400 Copenhague
Tél: (+45) 20 84 50 65

Diyar-e Ketab is an independent publisher of literature‏ ‏in Persian language. Texts published by Diyar-e Ketab are uncensored and the purpose is to promote a culture of reading in Persian as well as create an open space for the literary and linguistic exchange about Iran and other subjects.
Diyar-e Ketab aims to assist Iranian authors in publishing their works and to promote understanding and appreciation ‎of Persian culture and literature.

Books selection


Masoud KADKHODAEE In this novel, along with Ketayoun and Bahram and their young children, we leave Iran. Behind the borders of the homeland, we (...)

A Station for the purpose of Tranquillity

Bahram HEYDARI - Novel - 661 pages - 250 DKK (33,50 €) - ISBN: 978-87-994684-7-8

Contact : Esfandiyar SANAYE

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Marjin Kiri

logoMarjin Kiri

Regensi Melati Mas A9/10
Tangerang Selatan 15323
Tél: +62 813 85319131

Founded in 2005, Marjin Kiri (literally means “left margin”) is a small independent Indonesian publisher dedicated to fostering critical/leftist thinking within the academia and general readers. Marjin Kiri mostly publishes on humanities and social theory, political-economy, history, cultural studies, ecology, and literature.

The team…
Ronny Agustinus, Muhammad Iqbal, Roos Wijayanti Ken Petung, Mia Fiona Erlita, Pradewi Tri Chatami and Ramandhatia Ulfa Atrianto


Books selection

Cultural Violence: How the New Order Legitimized Anti-Communism through. Literature and Film

Wijaya HERLAMBANG “When normality is built atop mass graves, and secured by terror and lies, a moral vacuum is inevitable. Wijaya Herlambang (...)

Dawuk: A Grim Love Story from a Javanese Village

Mahfud IKHWAN Winner of the Khatulistiwa Literary Award 2017 “This is a story that happened not so long ago. A grim tale full of blood. Just (...)

Ecophenomenology: On the Ontological Dimensions of the Disequilibrium between Human and Nature

Saras DEWI Environmental ethics and movements have accurately demonstrated the various damages and degradation of nature due to human (...)

Contact : Ronny AGUSTINUS

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Responsable : Pradewi TRI CHATAMI

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Atelier des nomades

logoAtelier des nomades

Rue Edgar Laurent

L’Atelier des Nomades is a French-Mauritian publishing house created in 2010 by Corinne Fleury and Anthony Vallet. Over the years, the publishing house has developed a list with a strong visual writing in lifestyle and children’s books. Each book is a bridge towards the valorisation of art in the Indian Ocean region through the meeting of cultures, the mixing of ideas and creation.

Read here two interviews with Corinne Fleury, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (March 20, 2018) and in partnership with ActuaLitté (August 19, 2020).

Books selection

Contes de l’Ile Maurice

Shenaz PATEL et Sébastien PELON Comment Tizan a transformé une sauterelle en vache? Pourquoi un éléphant et une baleine sont convaincus qu’un petit (...)

Le dodo aux plumes d’or

Corinne FLEURY et Sébastien PELON Dans un village de l’île Maurice vit le dodo aux plumes d’or. Son fabuleux pouvoir attire la convoitise des (...)

Le bestiaire mauricien

Shenaz PATEL et Emmanuelle TCHOUKRIEL Les singes chapardeurs, des bêbêtes-ciseaux qui n’ont peur de rien, un gecko qui se prend pour un papillon, (...)

Contact : Corinne FLEURY

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46, avenue Bosembo, 7è rue
Quartier Industriel, Limete
Democratic Republic of Congo
Tél: (+243) 89 89 75 868

Founded in 2004 by Dan Bomboko, Elondja focuses distinctly on Congolese comics in order to promote comics creators from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Elondja is specialized in comics and children’s books.

Read here the interview with Dan Bomboko, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (October 9, 2018).

Books selection

Elikya, le petit orphelin : Justice Pour Elikya (tome 1)

Dessin : Dick ESALE Après s’être enfui du centre de réinsertion pour enfants, Elikya est recueilli par son parrain. Malheureusement pour le petit (...)

Elikya, le petit orphelin : Un monde hostile (tome 3)

Dessin : Dick ESALE Elikya, le petit orphelin se retrouve avec ses 4 amis, Jeannot, Coco, Bambi et Doudou dans un centre de réinsertion pour (...)

Les Aventures de Dinanga et Paya : La Vie Est Ailleurs (tome 1)

Alain PIAZZA Dinanga et Paya, deux jeunes africains décident de partir pour l’étranger dans le but de trouver une vie meilleure. Durant leur (...)

Contact : Dan BOMBOKO

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Pluto Press

logoPluto Press

345 Archway Road
N6 5AA London
United Kingdom

Pluto Press is a radical political publishing house. Founded in 1969, we are one of Britain’s oldest radical publishers, but our focus remains making timely interventions in contemporary struggles. Though our collective outlook has developed over time, we proudly identify as anti-capitalist, internationalist and politically independent.


To read: “Inside the UK’s most radical indie publishers, Pluto Press”, published by huck, June 2018

Contact : Anne BEECH

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9, rue Ricour Omar - Ben Aknoun Rp
Tél: (+213) (0) 21 91 16 17

Founded in 2003 by Samia Zennadi (archaeologist) and Karim Chikh (electrical engineer), APIC publishing has since embarked on a literary cruise aboard a paper ship blackened with words.
A cruise that did not necessarily sail on a calm sea, under a bright sun, sailing off where new horizons would on the next page and waves a parenthesis to be opened; rather on a stormy sea, struggling to balance on a semicolon – one foot anchored on the ground, as a perched dot on land –, and to navigate through an unstable equilibrium among letters, words, verbs, without jostling or belting the woes caused by the abuse of iodine. Full stop.
A cruise that can be conjugated in all climates and tenses, with a preference for the literary near future, so that nobody can forget.
“A publishing house that tombe à-pic” (“just in time”), some said. “Apic, ça pique!” (“it bites!”, said others. Also reminiscent of a beekeeper, passionate by shaping literature and harvesting an intoxicating nectar.
Between novels, poetry, short stories, essays and coffee table books, the waltz of books lulls the contrasts of a daily newspaper on the run and dreamy nights, always on the lookout for a new literary cruise, aboard a paper ship blackened with words, with one destination: safe arrival at the harbour of letters.

« Les éditions qui tombent à-pic », nous avons souvent travaillé avec des auteurs qui sont tombés à-pic ; « Apic, ça pique ! » avec des textes qui dérangent, qui suscitent des questionnements, à contre-courant ; « Apiculture, ou la passion du façonnage des belles lettres et la récolte du nectar enivrant », dans l’espoir d’apporter, dans le courant de l’évolution humaine.

Books selection

Les éditions APIC ont reçu le Grand Prix Assia Djebar 2022 pour le roman Le vent a dit son nom, de Mohamed Abdallah

Le vent a dit son nom

Mohamed ABDALLAH « Une sage malice rayonnait de ses traits, et on avait toujours l’impression qu’il en savait plus qu’il ne voulait bien le dire, (...)

La scène et l’histoire

Djawad ROSTOM TOUATI « Il pensa alors écrire une pièce, en s’inspirant de la grève des résidents, qui battait son plein. Il était en cinquième année (...)

Contact : Karim CHIKH

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26, Delmas 8
Port-au-Prince HT-6120
Tél: (+509) 37 48 59 51 / (+509) 37 45 33 05

LEGS ÉDITION is a publishing house founded in October 2012 by Wébert Charles, Mirline Pierre and Dieulermesson Petit Frère in order to support and promote authors, and re-energise the Haitian book market. Specializing in the reissue of classic literary texts, the publishing house also publishes works by contemporary authors, children’s books and textbooks, including the journal Legs et Littérature. It is made up of a group of writers, publishers, researchers, professors, chroniclers and literary critics.
Among other things, LEGS ÉDITION aims to promote literature in all its forms across all media; to work to safeguard the Haitian literary and artistic heritage; to advocate Haitian values; to establish bridges of communication between foreign literatures and cultures.

LEGS ÉDITION se veut un héritage, un patrimoine qu’on entend laisser (léguer) aux générations futures. C’est ce lien que nous essaierons de maintenir avec l’autre, celui/celle/ et ceux/celles qui vient/viennent. Nous sommes donc une passerelle...

Read here the interview with Dieulermesson Petit Frère, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (February 20, 2018).

Books selection

Des maux et des rues

Dominique BATRAVILLE, Faubert BOLIVAR, Jean Watson CHARLES, Wébert CHARLES, Marc EXAVIER, Charles Frédo GRAND-PIERRE, Georges Eddy LUCIEN, Kettly (...)

La petite corruption

Yanick LAHENS La petite corruption est le deuxième recueil de nouvelles de Yanick Lahens. Il dit toute la saveur du vécu social, politique et (...)

Le sexe mythique

Nadine MAGLOIRE Le sexe mythique est un court roman paru pour la première en Haïti en 1975. En effet, ce livre est le premier roman haïtien écrit (...)

Contact : Dieulermersson PETIT FRERE

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Responsable : Mirline PIERRE

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Éditions Ntsame

logoÉditions Ntsame

6e arrondissement, quartier Nzeng-Ayong (Cité des ambassadeurs)
B.P 16032
Tél: (+241) 07 75 21 46

Ntsame publishing was founded in 2010 by Sylvie Ntsame, writer and former president of the Union of Gabonese Writers (UDEG).
The publishing house is located in the Nzeng-Ayong district, in a complex consisting of a secretariat, a bookstore, three machine rooms, a boardroom and five offices. A priority is to make books whose copyrights are paid to published authors. Sylvie Ntsame explains that their mission is to “to produce books of all kinds, and to disseminate them on the national level and outside the country”, and adds “I wanted to cast my little stone in the building, for a stream of local productions to be published”.
She aims to make the national writers’ books more visible on the national territory in order to raise the public awareness about the literary works produced by Gabonese writers but also to inspire the pen of the latter.
Ntsame publishing aims to master the entire process of book making so that the books they publish are entirely made in Gabon. That is why this structure has a digital printing facility.

Contact : Sylvie NTSAME

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