Publishing houses

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Language networks

Les Éditions du Flamboyant

logoLes Éditions du Flamboyant

08 BP 271
Tél: +229 21 31 02 20 +229 90 91 57 27

Flamboyant was founded in July 1989 by several executives at the Beninese Ministry of Education together with a few French publishers. In a time of increased economic liberalism, Flamboyant has been a pioneer in Beninese publishing and one of the best publishers in the subregion with an average eight works a year. Flamboyant has invested all fields of literature and science, where it has a proven know-how and experience. In order to face the challenges of globalization and to promote bibliodiversity, Flamboyant has taken many pan-African initiatives, such as bringing publishers into associations like Assedib, Afrilivres…
A publisher, consultant and distributor of works of the mind, Flamboyant is now led by Dorothée Gérard Houessou. It is currently enjoying new-found energy and is sure to have a promising, flamboyant future.

Books selection

Enfant d’autrui, fille de personne

Adélaïde Édith Bignon FASSINOU Le Seigneur n’a t-il pas dit lui-même : «Si vous faites du bien au plus petit de ces créatures, c’est à moi que vous le (...)

L’Afrique et le Tsunami permanent

Yénikoye Ismaël ABOUBACAR En réponse à l’apocalypse, l’Homo planétarus ne s’y est donc pas trompé en se mobilisant comme un seul homme, sur les cinq (...)

Religions indigènes et savoir endogène

Marc MONSIA Nous livre une connaissance hermétique du vaudou ; c’est pour la première fois que la nature ésotérique des divinités du panthéon vaudou (...)

Contact : Dorothée Gérard HOUESSOU

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éditions d’en bas

logoéditions d’en bas

30, rue des Côtes-de-Montbenon
CH-1003 Lausanne
Tél: (+41) 21 323 39 18

The éditions d’en bas (“from below”) published its first books in 1976, organised itself as an association in 1976 and then as a cooperative in 1991. In 28 years, more than 300 books have been published. The publishing house is founded on two pillars: a militant base of people who have adhered to the editorial policy, and the network of bookshops in the country. The output and translation of books is partly funded by state and private institutions/foundations, as well as by partnerships (co-publishing) with various non-governmental organisations and social movements. The books published by the editions d’en bas witness the hidden side of Switzerland, especially life “down below” in the working-class community. They can also serve in some cases as tools in the fight for rights; they can precede and accompany social struggles, or tell their story.
Essays and historical, sociological and political documents, testimonies, life stories, literary texts, translations – the books published by the éditions d’en bas explore the social field from the margins of history, politics, and society; they allow for the emergence of singular voices, of forgotten destinies and themes.

Par la littérature ou le récit de vie, l’essai critique ou le livre d’histoire, les éditions d’en bas rendent compte de « la face cachée » de la Suisse (et du monde). Des voix dissidentes, attachées aux passages de la mémoire. Les éditions d’en bas sont attachées à valoriser les langues, les populations et les cultures minoritaires révélatrices des structures d’oppression et de répression.

Read the portrait of Jean Richard and the éditions d’en bas published by Le Temps, September 4, 2020.

Contact : Jean RICHARD

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Jeunes malgaches

logoJeunes malgaches

51, rue Tsiombikibo Ambatovinaky
101 Antananarivo
Tél: (+261) 20 22 566 58

The limited company Presse Edition & Diffusion (PREDIFF) was founded in March 1995. Its core business is the subscription sale of foreign periodicals, managing international communication, the bookshop, card shop and since November 2004, the publication of children’s books. To date Éditions Jeunes Malgaches have published several tales and bilingual children’s publications: in February 2005, Maria Vakansy any Alaotra, in Malagasy; in November 2006, Maria Nahita ranomasina voalohany, in Malagasy; Marthe Rasoa raconte, two Malagasy tales written in French; in January 2007, Les Mésaventures de Milaloza, a French/Malagasy bilingual edition of a Malagasy tale, and in November 2007, Soza le pêcheur, a bilingual tale as well as ABDlire, a bilingual aphabet book.

Jeunes malgaches une maison d’édition spécialisée jeunesse qui veut rester toujours jeune au service de la promotion de la culture et la langue malgache.

Read here the interview with Marie Michèle Razafinstalama, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (November 21, 2016).

Books selection

Soza le pêcheur

Cyprienne TOAZARA Histoire illustrée en bilingue français/malgache La pirogue de Soza n’a pas su franchir la barrière de corail et le pêcheur de (...)

I Vonindrano sy i Zavonandro (Fleur de l’eau et Brume du matin)

Arikaomisa RANDRIA (ill.) ; Max RAZAFINDRAIBE Album bilingue illustré. 2017 - 16 pages - 23 x 23 cm - 11.000 Ar (8 €) - ISBN : (...)

Ny Bokiko 2

Marie Michèle RAKOTOANOSY / Catmouse James (ill.) Imagier en malgache 2017 - 36 pages - 14 x 14cm - 11 000 Ar (6 €) – ISBN : (...)

Contact : Marie Michèle RAZAFINTSALAMA

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éditions du Sextant

logoéditions du Sextant

185 bis rue Ordener
75018 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 42 23 26 54

Founded in 2003 by Isabelle Pivert, éditions du Sextant publishes works in the humanities field – history, geography, history of thought and political science – with the aim of enlightening readers to help them gain insight into the world, position themselves and pursue their own path.
Our collections follow their own paths (and overlap?) joyfully: “Décodeur” (economic, social, political criticism: essays), “Géographique” (interactions between physical space and humankind and/or society: essays, biographies, travel accounts), “Résistance” (accounts, especially of WW2), “Récits” (accounts, especially on social issues). In the “Hors Piste” (“Off the Beaten Track”) collection, Sextant experiments and publishes their favourites in a “ragbag” collection.

Based in Paris, we are also developing a branch in Brittany (2008), in a place that’s propitious to creative processes and thinking, Le Pouldu.

Le sextant est un instrument de positionnement utilisé dans la navigation : grâce à cet objet, on peut faire le point avec le soleil et les étoiles, c’est-à-dire connaître sa position exacte sur la planète, et ainsi choisir son cap, son chemin propre sur un espace, la mer, espace de liberté. Je fais ici une analogie avec le livre, instrument de savoir, de connaissance, de transmission, sur soi et les autres, sur le monde, qui permet de choisir ensuite son propre chemin. Le livre-objet qu’on a dans les mains, qu’on touche et qu’on voit qu’on sent (le papier), et dont il faut apprendre à se servir, c’est-à-dire ici savoir lire et écrire, pour l’apprécier. Le livre-passeur d’histoires.

Books selection

La Datcha en Russie de 1917 à nos jours

Vlada TRAVEN “Un essai passionnant” (Le Figaro littéraire) Dès la révolution de 1917, la datcha, maison de campagne du citadin, pose problème au (...)

Soleil Capitaliste

Entretiens au cœur des multinationales - Isabelle PIVERT “La matière recueillie, exceptionnelle, inspire réflexions, agacements et frayeurs sur (...)

Élisée Reclus ou la passion du monde

Hélène SARRAZIN - Introduction de Kenneth WHITE Né en 1830 à Sainte-Foy-la-Grande (Gironde), Élisée Reclus est considéré comme le père de l’écologie (...)

Contact : Isabelle PIVERT

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éditions du remue-ménage

logoéditions du remue-ménage

110, rue Sainte-Thérèse, Bureau 303
H2Y 1E6 Montréal (Québec)
Tél: (+1-514) 876 0097

Since 1976, éditions du remue-ménage has been pursuing the same aim: stimulating, supporting, and furthering feminist thought. Alongside activists, researchers, writers, and artists, they have set up a propitious arena for the circulation of thinking outside of the predominant mindset. An ever-moving platform, open to various feminist analyses of theory and politics, considering the preoccupations of women from all horizons. The catalogue reflects these editorial choices, featuring works in a variety of fields such as history, sociology, political science, education, literature, culture, and gay and lesbian studies to name but a few. The sheer diversity of topics reflects the myriad questions affecting women and more broadly, society as a whole. éditions du remue-ménage is a vociferously free and feistily militant business.
The éditions du remue-ménage is fiercely committed to producing literature brimming with ideas, providing an arena for debate, and, like the women’s movement, working to build a fairer world.

remue-ménage est une référence directe au soulèvement des ménagères tout en étant une allusion au brassage des idées reçues…

Books selection

100 questions sur les femmes et la politique

Manon TREMBLAY Quelle est la première femme élue députée dans un parlement national ? L’électorat et les médias sont-ils sexistes? La vie familiale (...)

Dialogues sur la troisième vague féministe

Ouvrage collectif, sous la direction de Maria NENGEH MENSAH De plus en plus de jeunes femmes qui s’identifient volontiers au féminisme, se (...)

Violence entre enfants : casse-tête pour les parents !

Diane PRUD’HOMME Si j’apprenais que mon fils est la risée de la classe parce qu’il parle sur le bout de la langue ou parce qu’il est gros, que (...)

Contact : Anne MIGNER-LAURIN

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09, lot petite Provence - Hydra
16035 Alger
Tél: +213 21 69 19 14

Founded in April 2000 in Algiers, Barzakh originally focused solely on literature. Our creed: give young Arabic- and French-language writers a platform for expression.
Encountering success and setbacks over the years, we have expanded our catalogue to historical essays, studies and literary biographies, as well as high-art books. Alongside this work, we have developed partnerships with some French publishers, including éditions de l’Aube, Le Bec en l’Air, and Actes Sud. Thus, Arezki Mellal’s novel Maintenant, ils peuvent venir (Barzakh, 2000) was published by Actes Sud in 2002, and Cinq fragments du désert by Rachid Boudjedra (Barzakh, 2001), by éditions de l’Aube in 2002. The latter has furthermore been translated into Italian and Spanish.

Listen here the interview of Selma Hellal (barzakh), HuffPost, October, 2019.

Books selection

La prière du Maure

Adlène MEDDI Alger, les années 2000, l’hiver. Un jeune homme disparaît. « Pour régler une dette », Djo, commissaire à la retraite – forte tête, (...)

L’homme qui n’existait pas

Habib AYYOUB Nouvelliste hors-pair, Habib Ayyoub renoue, dans ce nouveau recueil, avec son univers peuplé de sans-grades, d’obscurs citoyens (...)


Sadek AÏSSAT Cet ouvrage réunit les trois romans écrits par Sadek AÏSSAT entre 1996 et 2002 : L’année des chiens, La cité du précipice, Je fais comme (...)

Contact : Sofiane HADJADJ

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Responsable : Selma HELLAL

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Plateau, Rue du Commerce - 10 BP 477
Abidjan 10
Ivory Coast
Tél: (+225) 20 57 41 06 84 / (+225) 20 05 95 71 69

Éditions Livre Sud (Édilis) was created at the initiative of African promoters in order to participate in the cultural development of Africa. Its mission is, therefore, the publication, promotion, and distribution of books. Edilis covers all areas of publishing: general literature (novels, short stories, and poetry), preschool, academic, extracurricular, literacy, and post-literacy. Édilis also has a bookstore, the Librairie du Commerce, located on the Plateau, rue du Commerce.
However, it has made literacy, the only key to development, its main project.
In fact, Édilis, concerned with the development of the country, has for several years undertaken actions with regard to teaching national languages. In collaboration with the ILA (the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the University of Abidjan-Cocody) and SIL (Société Internationale de Linguistique), Édilis has produced a series of syllabaries in national languages (Baoulé, Bete, Senufo, Diula, Kulango, Akyé, Abidji, Dan, Wobe, Mahou, Lobiri, etc.). These syllabaries make a significant contribution to the promotion of national languages.

« Édilis » fait allusion à ce que l’Afrique, de par sa richesse culturelle et sa diversité linguistique, peut apporter de spécifique au livre.

Books selection

La Houe magique

Koné BOUNDOU Ce recueil de contes présente un ensemble d’histoires délectables, fantastiques ou fondées sur des légendes reprises dans un style bien à (...)

La revanche des Anges

Henry G. KOUADJA Émotions et palpitations caractérisent cette œuvre passionnante à travers la vie du personnage de Corneille. Longtemps rongé par un (...)

Mes larmes coulent en silence

Julien Ludovic KODIA L’abbé Briano et sœur Dorisca, deux serviteurs entièrement dévoués, qui ont décidé de consacrer leur vie uniquement à l’œuvre de (...)


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Responsable : Thérèse KOUDOU

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CP 32 052, comptoir Saint-André
H2L 4Y5 Montréal (Québec)
Tél: +1 (514) 521 0913

Ever preoccupied with ecological, social and political issues as well as alternatives put forward by social movements, the Écosociété publishing house is contributing to the reinvention of possibilities. For over 15 years, the firm has been producing and distributing critical works with the aim of forging an eco-society: a society with a more humane approach and that is more respectful of the biosphere, a free and open society in which the relations between individuals would be more egalitarian. The works published by the firm aim to spark public debate and to contribute to it, with a view to fostering more active citizen participation in the political sphere. The publishing house represents a zone of free expression in which activists, thinkers and citizens join forces for a wonderful experience in solidarity. The Écosociété publishing house: a wellspring gushing with ideas to approach the world from a fresh angle and rebuild it differently.

Lire, réfléchir et agir sont les trois verbes qui animent la maison d’édition depuis ses débuts. Son nom fait écho à l’Institut pour une écosociété, qui l’a fondée, et dont le mandat est de « susciter un vaste débat public sur les grands problèmes de l’heure et sur les conditions d’émergence d’un nouvel humanisme et d’une société plus conviviale, plus démocratique et plus respectueuse des ressources de la biosphère, le but étant de favoriser l’avènement d’un nouveau modèle économique, politique, social et culturel ».

Read here the interview with Élodie Comtois, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (October 11, 2016).

Books selection

Noir Canada

Pillage, corruption et criminalité en Afrique - Alain DENEAULT
 (avec Delphine ABADIE et William SACHER)

 Noir Canada s’attaque à l’image factice, (...)

Désobéir et grandir

Vers une société de décroissance

 - Paul ARIÈS - 
 Préface de Serge MONGEAU Quand 20% des humains s’approprient 86% des ressources disponibles sur (...)

Pourquoi j’meurs tout l’temps

Anaïs AIRELLE C’est l’histoire d’une fille qui a mal démarré. Dévorée de questions et de révoltes, saturée de violence, elle part sur les routes. Routes (...)

Contact : Élodie COMTOIS

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1 rue des Foreurs, Treichville, Zone 3
01BP 1984
Abidjan 01
Ivory Coast
Tél: (+225-20) 21 64 65 /(+225-20) 21 25 33 12

Éburnie was created in November 2001 by Marie-Agathe Amoikon-Fauquembergue. The objective of this publishing house is to breathe new life into the image of the publishing world by producing quality works, encouraging the emergence of new authors, and developing new collections. Our activities started in earnest in February 2002. To date, there exists more than 150 titles in the catalogue, 15 of which are textbooks and 15 extracurricular, as well as eight children’s series and two general collections co-published with Ganndal (Guinea), Cérès (Tunisia) and Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benin). Distribution is ensured via a network of bookshops in the following countries: Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Mali, Senegal, Cameroon, Nigeria, Guinea, and Burkina-Faso.


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Couleur livres

logoCouleur livres

54, rue de la Colonne
1080 Bruxelles
Tél: +32 (0)65/82 39 44

Couleur livres (formerly Éditions Vie Ouvrière) has remained faithful to the guiding spirit of nearly 50 years of rigorous, critical and accessible publications, and it has turned out to be – together with its partners – one of the most important centres for progressive publishing for associations in Belgium and the French-speaking world in general.
Couleur livres strives to be a politically committed, independent and multicultural publishing house that is attentive to the voice of the associations and organisations that make up civil society. It is a publishing house that combines audacity with discovery, as well as originality, readability and rigour.
As a generalist publisher, Couleur livres publishes first and foremost essays and analyses on current social questions and debates, both on the regional, national and international scale. It is also active in the fields of education and training in social science (pedagogy, history, economy, sociology, psychology, philosophy…). Finally, it has been in charge since 2006 of a journal and a collection of true-life stories. It has also been committed to publishing fair trade books for another globalization.

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Genres of publication

Pol·len edicions

logoPol·len edicions

C/ Pere Serra, 1-15
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès
Tél: +34 667760677

Pol·len edicions es una cooperativa editorial de Catalunya formada por cuatro personas. Fundada en 2011, se dedican a la edición de libros de pensamiento crítico para una acción transformadora. Con un avanico muy grande de generos, sus temáticas són los feminismos, la ecología, y Euskal Herria (país del que traducen obras muy diversas al catalán).

Pero la característica prinicpal de Pol·len edicions es su trabajo y apuesta por la ecoedición. Esto es calcular, minimizar y comunicar el impacto ambiental de los libros en papel. Esta tarea, la desarrollan, des de 2022, a través del Institut de l’ecoedició de Catalunya (

Books selection

Alerta: greenwashing. El ecoblanqueo en España

Jaume ENCISO (coord.) Alerta: greenwashing. El ecoblanqueo en España es una obra coral que va más allá de un primer abc sobre el concepto. Se (...)

És morta la poesia? / Hilda dago poesía?

Joseba SARRIONANDIA Edición bilingue catalàn/euskara de la antología poética de Joseba Sarrionandia, el gran poeta y escritor vasco que, des de su (...)

Partos felices. 54 autora hablan de su parto

Partos felices es un libro coral que aporta nuevos imaginarios alrededor del parto y el nacimiento. Los relatos traspasan la línea del contexto (...)


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Trinta Zero Nove

logoTrinta Zero Nove

1042, Amílcar Cabral Ave
PO Box 3672
Maputo 0101

Editora Trinta Zero Nove - Thirty Zero Nine inspired by 30 September, International Translation Day - is the first Mozambican independent publisher dedicated to literature in translation. Founded in 2018 by Sandra Tamele, ETZN is a trailblazer in the publication of audiobooks and is committed to publishing in local languages, to being innovative and inclusive in its mission to, among others, reach new readers by offering books that are born accessible to people with disabilities and sold at affordable prices. Featuring 40+ titles, its catalogue is known for featuring debuts in translation and voices from minorities. ETZN was voted Best Children’s Publisher in Africa at the 2023 edition of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. In 2021 it was awarded the London Book Fair Excellence for Literary Translation Initiatives, and it was among the 100 best start-ups in Africa in the 3rd edition of the Access Bank Pitch-a-thon.

Books selection

O cabelo de Cora / Ekharari ya Kora (Cora’s hair)

Text: Ana Zarco CÂMARA; Illustrations: Taline SCHUBACH This bilingual book in Portuguese and eMakwa isn’t about princesses, fairies, witches, (...)

Acho que a Drag Queen é um Elfo (The Drag Queen of Elf Land)

Lawrence SCHIMEL In this fifth volume of the Collection of Stories Translated by the winners of the Literary Translation Competition we present (...)

Livrinho de Entomologia Fantástica (The little book of fantastic insects)

Fulvio ERVAS This novel by Fulvio Ervas tells the adventures of a group of five children and consequences of their visit to the Senior Hotel. A (...)

Contact : Sandra TAMELE

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Jamider palace, 291 Inner Circular Road, Motijheel
1000 Dhaka
Tél: +8802 7192160

Mayurpankhi is a Bangladeshi publishing house specializing in children’s books. It publishes high-quality illustrated and translated books in Bengali and English for children up to 14 years of age. Our catalog of more than 120 titles includes the works of eminent authors and illustrators as well as new talents in the field. Acquisition of translation rights from across the publishing world showcases our continuous effort to seek new voices, new visions and new directions in children’s literature.
Founded in 2014, Mayurpankhi has received award for publishing the highest number of quality titles for children from Bangla Academy, the country’s apex body to promote Bengali literature and culture, two times.

Books selection

Sundorboner Prani (Animals of Sundarban)

Text: Banhi BEPARI; Illustrations: Sabyasachi MISTRY A Massive Clash in the Sundarbans! A tiger has attacked a deer. In the trial of the jungle (...)


Reesham SHAHAB TIRTHO A series of picture book showcased a journey of new parents. Artist portrayed his new born daughter everyday activities in (...)

Bhuter Agun (The Ghost of Fire)

Text: Farzana TANNEE; Illustrations: Lamia AZAD, Shamim AHMED Amidst the darkness, countless flickers spark curiosity in Aung. Are they ghosts? (...)

Contact : Mitia OSMAN

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Vakxikon Publications

logoVakxikon Publications

Solonos 110
10681, Athens
Tél: +30 21 03 63 78 67

Vakxikon Publications were launched into operation in 2012, as an offshoot of the eponymous literary magazine (2008). The company is directed by Nestoras Poulakos (management) and Stratos Prousalis (creative design).
Vakxikon Publications hold a leading position in the Greek & Cypriot Market, both for its publishing activity and for its overall work in the fields of cultural news. Annually releasing and distributing more than 100 books of Greek and foreign literature, essays and paperback editions, which are nominated and awarded in national prizes of Greece and Cyprus.
It also participates with its own stands in the annual Book Fairs of Athens and Thessaloniki, as well as in the professional meetings of the most important international book fairs.

Books selection

Back street

Vaso VEKRI “Back street” is the first book of Vaso Vekri. A crime fiction novel. With heroes like human islands, moving in the transitions of (...)

Call me Stratos

Chrysoula GEORGOULA The book “Call me Stratos” is the first novel by Chrysoula Georgoula. Through the actions and memories of the main (...)

Dancing in glasses

Georgia TATSI Georgia Tatsi was born in 1952. She studied directing and worked at ERT (Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation) from 1976 to 2003. She (...)

Contact : Nestoras POULAKOS

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Prozart media

logoProzart media

str. Pushkinova 15, 1/34
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia
Tél: +389 78 32 12 52

Publishing house Prozart media is the organizer of the International Literature Festival PRO-ZA Balkan and of the Skopje Fellowship Program. We were the first festival that organized Fellowship program in Southeast Europe, 10 years ago, in 2013. Using this platform, we have hosted dozens of foreign writers and publishers in capitol city of Skopje. The founder and director of all three entities is Macedonian writer and editor, Dejan Trajkoski.
We also publish a wide range of titles in segments such as fiction, YA, children literature and poetry. We have also translated some high quality titles into Macedonian language such as books by the best writers from Balkan region – Danilo Kis, Slavenka Drakulic, Miljenko Jergovic, Svetislav Basara… We publish around 20-30 titles per year.
Prozart media was presented with own stand at foreign book fairs such as Frankfurt Book Fair (2022), Jakarta Book Fair (2019), Istanbul Book Fair (2019), and visited a number of other Fairs.

Books selection

Homunculus (Човечулец)

Aleksandar PROKOPIEV Homunkulus: postmodern fairy tales for grownups Homunculus is billed as a collection of sixteen “fairy tales for adults” (...)

Hrapeshko (Храпешко)

Ermis LAFAZANOVSKI “Hrapeško”: novel about the art of creating and survival, of aspirations and dreams, of vitality and love Hrapeško, an (...)

Polygraph (Полиграф)

Branislav NIKOLOV (artistic name: Drunken NIGHTINGALE) Polygraph is the third poetry book by Branislav NIkolov (Drunken Nightingale). Branislav (...)

Contact : Dejan TRAJKOSKI

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La Maison du livre

logoLa Maison du livre

2 Boulevard Béji Caeid Essebsi
Imm. Inès Centre Urbain Nord
1082 Tunis
Tél: (+216) 71 947 727 / (+216) 52 947 727

Publishing house La Maison du Livre targets citizen action, based on a strategic vision of the sustainable development of the book sector in its entirety. It wanted to stand out for its very selective editorial line and it strives to support a culture which promotes the development of reading, an act as natural as breathing.
In addition, La Maison du Livre works to establish links between Tunisian writers and their counterparts in the Arab world through co-publishing and exchanges of ideas and experiences. These are facilitated by the publisher’s presence at trade fairs and exhibitions and through exchanges between book professionals.
Its catalogue is continually growing both in terms of quality and of the number of books published each year. Despite the current circumstances and the increased price of paper on the world market it considers that it is continuing to successfully honour its commitments towards the industry.
Its website is now a retail website. It has also begun working with digital books and audio books, which it is developing with the association La Plume du Paon in Strasbourg.

Contact : Habib ZOGHBI

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Éditions Gouttes-Lettres

logoÉditions Gouttes-Lettres

25, Rue Norgues, Christ-Roi
HT 6110 Port-au-Prince
Tél: (+509) 32 84 09 03

The Association Éditions Gouttes-Lettres (ASSEGL) is a generalist publisher founded in 2018 by philosopher and writer (Dom) Pedro Naason Theoney. Its mission is to support and promote authors and to contribute to the growth of the cultural and intellectual arena in Haiti through various literary and artistic initiatives with both local and international reach. It already has a rich catalogue of almost thirty titles. In seven collections (“Poésie 4.5●6 EGL”, “Esprits Philosophiques”, “Études Haïtiennes”, “Fiction EGL”, “Théâtre EGL”, “Matrimoine” and “Jeunesse EGL”) it publishes all types of writing, excluding, of course, racist, hateful or antifeminist works or any other writing in which any human group is misrepresented. From children’s books to more literary novels to more specialised texts (philosophical or scientific), it works with the full range of genres. Provided of course the projects are worth it... It edits and provides services for self-publishing authors as well as publishing its own catalogue of titles.

Books selection

Les disparus du 22 Avril

Emmanuel DERILUS Ce tout premier roman d’Emmanuel Dérilus a paru en novembre 2021, dans la collection « Fiction EGL », aux Éditions Gouttes-Lettres, (...)

Les délices de la chair

Dom Pedro N. THEONEY Ce premier roman de Dom Pedro N. THEONEY est un roman philosophique. Un assez vieux problème, qui est le cœur du cœur de la (...)

Marxisme et Aliénation

Jean-Jacques CADET Cet essai met en relation l’émergence des marxismes non occidentaux et la publication dans les années 1930 d’un ensemble (...)

Contact : Pedro NAASON THEONEY

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Les Éditions du sucrier

logoLes Éditions du sucrier

89 bis rue Jean-Baptiste Rouam Sim
Baie des Tourelles
97200 Fort-de-France
Tél: +596 696 932758

Dream, play, tell the story of the Caribbean
This publishing house was born of the passion of Renée-Laure Zou. This West Indian, Martinican, Guadeloupian – in a word Caribbean – author and illustrator founded her publishing house in 2018 to tell young children the story of the Caribbean.
Her objective is to bring together the talents of Caribbean authors and illustrators in order to offer young people the keys to understanding their environment, culture and heritage, so that Caribbean people can take possession of their own identities from a young age and young people all over the world can discover the diversity of the Caribbean.
Through high-quality books, games and comic books for children aged 1 to 14, this publishing house is a window to the riches and realities of the Caribbean.

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Books selection

Circuit fermé

Jean Fritz Junior ODNE (Haïti, auteur) ; Francisco SILVA (Haïti, illustrateur) Sur l’île, les embouteillages sont devenus le lieu où il faut prendre (...)

Bébé Nikou a faim

RENATA (autrice) ; Wilfried DEROCHE (illustrateur) Bébé Nikou a tellement faim qu’il est prêt à dévorer son livre préféré ! Mais son papa va le (...)

Lettres ou bêtes ? Abécédaire animalier de la Caraïbe

RENATA (autrice et illustratrice) Un animal se cache derrière chaque lettre ! Avec cet abécédaire original, les enfants connaîtront aussi bien (...)

Contact : Renée-Laure ZOU

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280 rue Saint-Joseph Est, Bureau 1
Québec, G1K 3A9
Tél: +1 418-522-1209 (poste 1)

Alto is an independent literary press founded in Québec City in 2005 by Antoine Tanguay. Very active on the international publishing scene, Alto publishes unusual and bold literary fiction from Québec, Canada and abroad. As we try to follow the mantra “Publish less, publish better”, we only publish 10 to 12 books per year.

In our quest to astound and confound, Alto has a new tool at its disposal: a publishing lab we call Alea. A playground for a team bursting with crazy ideas for books, a sort of R&D department even, Alea is to our publishing house what a yard is to a real house: a space where we can run free and also plant beautiful things.

Books selection

Six degrés de liberté (Six Degrees of Freedom)

Nicolas DICKNER Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général – Rights sold in 10 countries Lisa is a young girl who wants to push the limits of human (...)

Les villes de papier (Paper Houses)

Dominique FORTIER Prix Renaudot (Non-fiction) – Rights sold in 14 countries One of the most important writer of the nineteenth century, a (...)

L’orangeraie (The Orange Grove)

Larry TREMBLAY Prix des libraires du Québec | Prix littéraire des collégiens + 8 others prizes – Rights sold in 23 countries Somewhere in the (...)

Contact : Anne-Marie GENEST

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Akoma Mba

logoAkoma Mba

Derrière la DGSN, Yaoundé – Nlongkak
B.P. 14268 - Yaoundé
Tél: +237 677 39 62 80

Founded in 1995, Akoma Mba publishers is the oldest publishing house specialised in illustrated comic books in Central Africa. Their main objective is to promote Africa through innovative editorial content as well as African, universal values to young children. They have a catalogue of about a hundred titles, published in several languages (French, English, and local languages).
Akoma Mba distributes its books in Cameroon and internationally. Its authors come from Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, France, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and Togo, amongst others. Initially part of the association AILE Cameroon, it was taken over in 2018 by Robert Nkouamou, a Cameroonian cultural entrepreneur aiming to support new talents for the development of readership on the continent.
Several books published by Akoma Mba were awarded internationally, including the International Library of Munich, UNICEF in Dakar, and IBBY International. Magoulina by Joël Eboueme Bognomo won the Honorary Prize for Youth Literature with the American publisher Boyds Mills Press.
Akoma Mba participates in international book fairs and events: Bologna in Italy, Montreuil and Paris in France, FIBDA in Algeria, Frankfurt in Germany, Casablanca in Morocco, Fildak in Dakar...
The publishing house organises a Youth Book Fair in the city of Yaoundé (SALIJEY) and recently launched an African Prize for Comics and the “Marie Wabbes” Grand Prize for Children’s Books, named after the Belgian writer who initiated the Akoma Mba project in the 1990s. It is directed since January 2020 by Ulrich Talla Wamba, writer, book and publishing professional.


Books selection

Le pays des contes (la fille des vents)

Mani LI (Cameroun), auteur ; Georges PONDY (Cameroun), illustrateur Depuis la disparition de son père, Noah n’aime plus lire. Un jour, il est (...)

Le Cocotier magique

Aude PERALTA EXCOFFIER (France), autrice ; Edji ONABEL (Cameroun), illustrateur Ce matin-là, tout semble paisible. Pourtant, cette quiétude va (...)

Le secret d’Ayélévi

Simon de SAINT-DZOKOTOE (Togo), auteur ; Maryse MONTRON (France), illustratrice La petite Ayélévi est très rusée. Elle gagne toujours le jeu “Qui (...)

Contact : Ulrich TALLA WAMBA

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