Publishing houses

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Marjin Kiri

logoMarjin Kiri

Regensi Melati Mas A9/10
Tangerang Selatan 15323
Tél: +62 813 85319131

Founded in 2005, Marjin Kiri (literally means “left margin”) is a small independent Indonesian publisher dedicated to fostering critical/leftist thinking within the academia and general readers. Marjin Kiri mostly publishes on humanities and social theory, political-economy, history, cultural studies, ecology, and literature.

The team…
Ronny Agustinus, Muhammad Iqbal, Roos Wijayanti Ken Petung, Mia Fiona Erlita, Pradewi Tri Chatami and Ramandhatia Ulfa Atrianto


Books selection

Cultural Violence: How the New Order Legitimized Anti-Communism through. Literature and Film

Wijaya HERLAMBANG “When normality is built atop mass graves, and secured by terror and lies, a moral vacuum is inevitable. Wijaya Herlambang (...)

Dawuk: A Grim Love Story from a Javanese Village

Mahfud IKHWAN Winner of the Khatulistiwa Literary Award 2017 “This is a story that happened not so long ago. A grim tale full of blood. Just (...)

Ecophenomenology: On the Ontological Dimensions of the Disequilibrium between Human and Nature

Saras DEWI Environmental ethics and movements have accurately demonstrated the various damages and degradation of nature due to human (...)

Contact : Ronny AGUSTINUS

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Responsable : Pradewi TRI CHATAMI

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II PLTX - Sococe - Rue K115 - Villa 109
01 BP 2290 Abidjan 01
Ivory Coast
Tél: +225 22 410 821 / 22 410 857

Founded in 2005, Vallesse has published nearly fifty books since then, 11 of which are prescribed books in the 1st cycle of the school curriculum, approved extracurricular textbooks and children’s books.
Vallesse is a member of ASSEDI (Association of Publishers of Ivory Coast) and also member of Afrilivres (Association of Francophone Publishers South of the Sahara). Fidèle Diomandé, director of Vallesse, is also the treasurer of these two associations.
Vallesse organized the writing competition called “Golden manuscript”, which provided a space for encounters with new authors. The company plans to relaunch this competition in the coming years.
In 2015, Vallesse won the Afrilivres Award for Best Publisher.

À la création de notre maison d’édition, nous recherchions une dénomination originale, quelque chose qui ait un lien avec notre culture. C’est ainsi que nous avons trouvé Vallesse qui vient du terme valêsseu, qui signifie dans la langue de l’ethnie Dan (peuple de l’ouest montagneux de la Côte d’Ivoire) : « c’est bon d’être grand, d’être ambitieux ». Parce que pour nous, « être grand, être ambitieux », c’est produire des ouvrages de qualité, mais c’est aussi, et peut-être surtout, faire du Livre, un ami pour la vie.

Books selection

Madeleine Tchicaya en question. Une femme de valeur, un modèle pour toutes les générations

Serge GRAH « On le sait singulier, le parcours de Madeleine Tchicaya, fait de choix, de responsabilité, de persévérance et de dynamisme intellectuel. (...)

Les Bannis du Grand Masque

Attita HINO Au grand dam de tous, le grand masque déclare Dibahou, le fils aîné, coupable de sorcellerie et le sang des familles des défunts crie (...)

Tristesse au paradis

Grâce MINLIBE Cyrielle est folle. Follement amoureuse du beau Wilfried. Il est l’homme de sa vie. Elle croit en leur amour. Le seul problème, leur (...)

Contact : Fidèle DIOMANDE

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Editores independientes de Ecuador (EIE)

logoEditores independientes de Ecuador (EIE)

Aldana 307 y Carvajal
Tél: (+593) 995 164395

The Association of Independent Publishers of Ecuador is a group of small and medium-sized cultural initiatives, committed to the need to come together to generate policies intrinsic to the book sector.

The goals include:
1. Promote the development of the publishing industry at the national and Latin American levels by developing cooperation and exchanges.
2. Ensure the free circulation of books, nationally and internationally.
3. Promote the culture of books and reading as essential factors for human development, self-actualisation and citizenry.
4. Contribute to the effective democratisation of books and reading in Ecuador as a means of promoting respect for the right of every citizen to participate openly and freely in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts, to contribute to scientific progress and to enjoy its benefits.
5. Promote bibliodiversity, the expression of cultural diversity through the book, as a guarantee of the plurality of literary, artistic and scientific contents and approaches.
6. Channel initiatives of independent and/or independent publishers to preserve the public status of the book and related editorial products.
7. Encourage the recognition of editorial work and literary creativity in Ecuador and Latin America.
8. Represent the interests of partners nationally and internationally and develop initiatives that strengthen the role of the publisher as a vital cultural agent.
9. Promote, encourage, organise, sponsor and contribute to the development of national policies aimed at developing the publishing industry and promoting reading in Ecuador.
10. Promote the defence of the rights of the author, the illustrator, artist and publisher, by promoting a culture of respect for intellectual property and by encouraging the application of the mechanisms provided by law against editorial piracy and unauthorized reprography.
11. Promote and conduct activities towards the consolidation and expansion of the book markets, both in Ecuador and abroad.
12. Promote the circulation of books at the national and international levels.
13. Encourage the expansion of book circulation networks and support the development of independent bookstores.
14. Advocate for the development of a national network of public libraries.

The Association of Independent Publishers of Ecuador is therefore pleased to share the efforts made by its members towards the realisation of the objectives set out in its founding statutes, namely the development of reading in the country. We believe that this humble contribution, conceived for both the reader and the professionals of the book world, will help to foster the links between authors and their readerships.


To listen: an interview from Germán GACIO BAQUIOLA, published by the CERLALC.

Contact : Germán GACIO BAQUIOLA

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Atelier des nomades

logoAtelier des nomades

Rue Edgar Laurent

L’Atelier des Nomades is a French-Mauritian publishing house created in 2010 by Corinne Fleury and Anthony Vallet. Over the years, the publishing house has developed a list with a strong visual writing in lifestyle and children’s books. Each book is a bridge towards the valorisation of art in the Indian Ocean region through the meeting of cultures, the mixing of ideas and creation.

Read here two interviews with Corinne Fleury, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (March 20, 2018) and in partnership with ActuaLitté (August 19, 2020).

Books selection

Contes de l’Ile Maurice

Shenaz PATEL et Sébastien PELON Comment Tizan a transformé une sauterelle en vache? Pourquoi un éléphant et une baleine sont convaincus qu’un petit (...)

Le dodo aux plumes d’or

Corinne FLEURY et Sébastien PELON Dans un village de l’île Maurice vit le dodo aux plumes d’or. Son fabuleux pouvoir attire la convoitise des (...)

Le bestiaire mauricien

Shenaz PATEL et Emmanuelle TCHOUKRIEL Les singes chapardeurs, des bêbêtes-ciseaux qui n’ont peur de rien, un gecko qui se prend pour un papillon, (...)

Contact : Corinne FLEURY

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46, avenue Bosembo, 7è rue
Quartier Industriel, Limete
Democratic Republic of Congo
Tél: (+243) 89 89 75 868

Founded in 2004 by Dan Bomboko, Elondja focuses distinctly on Congolese comics in order to promote comics creators from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Elondja is specialized in comics and children’s books.

Read here the interview with Dan Bomboko, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (October 9, 2018).

Books selection

Elikya, le petit orphelin : Justice Pour Elikya (tome 1)

Dessin : Dick ESALE Après s’être enfui du centre de réinsertion pour enfants, Elikya est recueilli par son parrain. Malheureusement pour le petit (...)

Elikya, le petit orphelin : Un monde hostile (tome 3)

Dessin : Dick ESALE Elikya, le petit orphelin se retrouve avec ses 4 amis, Jeannot, Coco, Bambi et Doudou dans un centre de réinsertion pour (...)

Les Aventures de Dinanga et Paya : La Vie Est Ailleurs (tome 1)

Alain PIAZZA Dinanga et Paya, deux jeunes africains décident de partir pour l’étranger dans le but de trouver une vie meilleure. Durant leur (...)

Contact : Dan BOMBOKO

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Kommode Verlag c/o Annette Beger
Dialogweg 7
8050 Zürich
Tél: +41 79 246 59 14

SWIPS is a collective of independent publishers in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, working together to improve the circulation of books in Switzerland and provide a diverse range of books for readers.
As independent publishing houses, we decide on our editorial policies and choices and are financially independent. We are committed to a living literature and to bibliodiversity.
Through our actions and our solidarity within SWIPS, we work for the recognition of the cultural and political role of publishers; we also act to give better visibility to our catalogues; we exchange and reflect collectively on the challenges facing independent publishers, to innovate, to strengthen our relations with independent bookshops, to uphold the rights of authors, and to improve the quality of our books.

Contact : Annette BEGER

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Pluto Press

logoPluto Press

345 Archway Road
N6 5AA London
United Kingdom

Pluto Press is a radical political publishing house. Founded in 1969, we are one of Britain’s oldest radical publishers, but our focus remains making timely interventions in contemporary struggles. Though our collective outlook has developed over time, we proudly identify as anti-capitalist, internationalist and politically independent.


To read: “Inside the UK’s most radical indie publishers, Pluto Press”, published by huck, June 2018

Contact : Anne BEECH

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9, rue Ricour Omar - Ben Aknoun Rp
Tél: (+213) (0) 21 91 16 17

Founded in 2003 by Samia Zennadi (archaeologist) and Karim Chikh (electrical engineer), APIC publishing has since embarked on a literary cruise aboard a paper ship blackened with words.
A cruise that did not necessarily sail on a calm sea, under a bright sun, sailing off where new horizons would on the next page and waves a parenthesis to be opened; rather on a stormy sea, struggling to balance on a semicolon – one foot anchored on the ground, as a perched dot on land –, and to navigate through an unstable equilibrium among letters, words, verbs, without jostling or belting the woes caused by the abuse of iodine. Full stop.
A cruise that can be conjugated in all climates and tenses, with a preference for the literary near future, so that nobody can forget.
“A publishing house that tombe à-pic” (“just in time”), some said. “Apic, ça pique!” (“it bites!”, said others. Also reminiscent of a beekeeper, passionate by shaping literature and harvesting an intoxicating nectar.
Between novels, poetry, short stories, essays and coffee table books, the waltz of books lulls the contrasts of a daily newspaper on the run and dreamy nights, always on the lookout for a new literary cruise, aboard a paper ship blackened with words, with one destination: safe arrival at the harbour of letters.

« Les éditions qui tombent à-pic », nous avons souvent travaillé avec des auteurs qui sont tombés à-pic ; « Apic, ça pique ! » avec des textes qui dérangent, qui suscitent des questionnements, à contre-courant ; « Apiculture, ou la passion du façonnage des belles lettres et la récolte du nectar enivrant », dans l’espoir d’apporter, dans le courant de l’évolution humaine.

Books selection

Les éditions APIC ont reçu le Grand Prix Assia Djebar 2022 pour le roman Le vent a dit son nom, de Mohamed Abdallah

Le vent a dit son nom

Mohamed ABDALLAH « Une sage malice rayonnait de ses traits, et on avait toujours l’impression qu’il en savait plus qu’il ne voulait bien le dire, (...)

La scène et l’histoire

Djawad ROSTOM TOUATI « Il pensa alors écrire une pièce, en s’inspirant de la grève des résidents, qui battait son plein. Il était en cinquième année (...)

Contact : Karim CHIKH

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Kurt Wolff Stiftung

logoKurt Wolff Stiftung

Gerichtsweg 28
04103 Leipzig
Tél: +49 341 9 62 71 87

The Kurt Wolff Foundation (KWS) was founded in 2000 by independent publishers and the former German Minister of State for Culture. 130 independent publishing houses are associated with the Foundation.
Each year our board of trustees awards, with the support of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Medi, two independent publishers at the Leipzig Book Fair with the Kurt Wolff Award and the Kurt Wolff Encouragement Award. At the Frankfurt Book Fair, we present each year, with the support of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, a collective catalogue of German independent publishers with a selection of their programs. The Kurt Wolff Foundation represents the interests of independent publishing houses in order to support diversity in culture, literature and in publishing.

Contact : Daniel BESKOS

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Responsable : Sarah KASMAYR and Katarina E. MEYER

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26, Delmas 8
Port-au-Prince HT-6120
Tél: (+509) 37 48 59 51 / (+509) 37 45 33 05

LEGS ÉDITION is a publishing house founded in October 2012 by Wébert Charles, Mirline Pierre and Dieulermesson Petit Frère in order to support and promote authors, and re-energise the Haitian book market. Specializing in the reissue of classic literary texts, the publishing house also publishes works by contemporary authors, children’s books and textbooks, including the journal Legs et Littérature. It is made up of a group of writers, publishers, researchers, professors, chroniclers and literary critics.
Among other things, LEGS ÉDITION aims to promote literature in all its forms across all media; to work to safeguard the Haitian literary and artistic heritage; to advocate Haitian values; to establish bridges of communication between foreign literatures and cultures.

LEGS ÉDITION se veut un héritage, un patrimoine qu’on entend laisser (léguer) aux générations futures. C’est ce lien que nous essaierons de maintenir avec l’autre, celui/celle/ et ceux/celles qui vient/viennent. Nous sommes donc une passerelle...

Read here the interview with Dieulermesson Petit Frère, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (February 20, 2018).

Books selection

Des maux et des rues

Dominique BATRAVILLE, Faubert BOLIVAR, Jean Watson CHARLES, Wébert CHARLES, Marc EXAVIER, Charles Frédo GRAND-PIERRE, Georges Eddy LUCIEN, Kettly (...)

La petite corruption

Yanick LAHENS La petite corruption est le deuxième recueil de nouvelles de Yanick Lahens. Il dit toute la saveur du vécu social, politique et (...)

Le sexe mythique

Nadine MAGLOIRE Le sexe mythique est un court roman paru pour la première en Haïti en 1975. En effet, ce livre est le premier roman haïtien écrit (...)

Contact : Dieulermersson PETIT FRERE

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Responsable : Mirline PIERRE

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Genres of publication

Pallas Editora

logoPallas Editora

Rua Frederico de Albuquerque, 56
Rio de Janeiro / RJ 21050 840
Tél: (+55 21) 22 70 01 86

Pallas Editora was founded by Antonio Carlos Fernandes in 1975. It publishes works on religion and popular culture. In 1992, Cristina Fernandes Warth launched a project to connect Afro-Brazilian culture with topics previously not covered; she then started to publish books on anthropology, sociology, and ethnology. Pallas Editora has now forged a strong reputation for its work on African heritage, the candomblé, and popular Brazilian culture. Mariana Warth joined the publishing house in 2002; it is considered state-of-the-art in publishing fiction for children, youth, and adults in the universe of Afro-Brazilian and African cultures.

To read:

Books selection

Kofi e o menino de fogo

Autor: Nei LOPES Ilustradora: Hélène MOREAU Kofi é um menino africano que, certo dia, encontra-se frente a frente com um menino europeu... e ambos (...)

Na rota dos tubarões, o tráfico negreiro e outras viagens

Autor: Joel RUFINO DOS DANTOS Ilustrador: Rafael FONSECA O Brasil carrega a marca de ter sido a última nação do mundo a abolir a escravidão. Entre (...)

Histórias do movimento negro no Brasil

Depoimentos ao CPDOC Autores: Verena ALBERTI e Amilcar ARAUJO PEREIRA Este livro é resultado de uma pesquisa desenvolvida entre 2003 e 2007 (...)

Contact : Mariana WARTH

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Responsable : Cristina WARTH

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Ku Si Mon Editora

logoKu Si Mon Editora

Edifício SITEC - Rua José Carlos Schwarz
C.P. 268
Tél: (+245) 660 5565

Ku Si Mon Editora is a private institution created in Bissau in 1994, following the political liberalization and the beginning of multi-partisanism. Its principal interests are literature (novels, stories, and essays), oral tradition (collections of stories, proverbs, and riddles) and ethno-linguistics (dictionaries). With an artisanal character, it continues thanks to the volunteer work from its members. Overhead costs (facility, electricity, small publishing materials) are also assured by the members, and revenue is used to publish new titles. Sales are limited, taking into account the high rate of illiteracy in Guinea-Bissau, and the publishing house relies on occasional funding to print certain texts.

Read here the interview with Abdulai Sila, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (May 17, 2018).

Books selection

Gasela ku Liopardu – La Gazelle et le Léopard

Recolha e Transcrição: Teresa MONTENEGRO e Carlos DE MORAIS Tradução: Fafali KOUDAWO Ilustrações: Luís LACERDA A Gazela tem uma cabra em idade de (...)

As Orações de Mansata

Abdulai SILA Os usos e abusos do Supremo Chefe Mwanké e dos seus conselheiros para Assuntos de Intriga, Violência e Desordem, numa adaptação (...)

Kriol Ten

Teresa MONTENEGRO O vivo sabor do crioulo guineense falado através de termos, expressões, provérbios, com traduções em português. Fugindo à ordem (...)

Contact : Abdulai SILA

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Chá de Caxinde

logoChá de Caxinde

Av. 1 Congresso do MPLA 20/24 - Caixa Postal 5731
Tél: +(244) 222 390 936

Chá de Caxinde publishing house and bookshop was founded in 1999 by a small group of people who were members of the cultural organization Chá de Caxinde in Luanda, working in the cultural domain for nearly a decade. The social objective of this publishing house is publishing, production, and distribution of books and magazines, to distribute Angolan authors in Angola and internationally, but also to publish foreign authors in Angola, at prices that are affordable for the local readership. Their catalogue includes around 100 titles, of children’s and adult literature, as well as of works in the human and social sciences.

Contact : Jacques DOS SANTOS

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R. Pereira Leite, 373, Sumarezinho
Sao Paulo - SP 05442-000
Tél: (+55 11) 38 75 7285/50

Boitempo is the title of a short poem by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, on the topic of his childhood. Naming our publishing house after this poem was a way of paying tribute to one of the greatest Brazilian poets. Founded in 1995, Boitempo has made its mark as a quality publisher, both in the choice of publications, and in the printing and presentation of the works. We seek to put together a consistent catalogue, with a clear-cut editorial line: human sciences, literature (acknowledged works and first-time writers), historical and contemporary essays. Our Web site presents an up-to-date version of our catalogue. We take great care in the publication of our works, and we strive to respect our readership.

Read here the interview with Ivana Jinkings, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (July 6, 2017).

Contact : Ivana JINKINGS

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San Isidro, 35-1.A
31300 Tafalla - Nafarroa, Euskal Herria
Tél: (+34) 948 70 39 34

Since 1987, Txalaparta has been the name of a free and independent Basque publisher. Txalaparta is committed to the cultural and editorial sovereignty of our country, Euskal Herria (the Basque Country). We also try to be the voice of whatever literary creation that improves the relations between the people of the planet, that helps to transform reality, that guards our historical memory, that opens paths towards diversity, to utopias…

We publish on average between 30 to 40 books a year in Basque and Spanish: Basque and world literature, political and historical essays, social criticism, classics of the political left, historical encyclopaedias. Our most distinctive feature is the wide base of readers who support Txalaparta´s projects by subscribing to one of our collections. Under the name of “editores independientes” we work and publish together with various publishers in other countries (Era in Mexico, LOM in Chile, Trilce in Uruguay) in order to guarantee our editorial freedom and diversity against monopolies and unified thought.

Contact : Mikel BULDAIN

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Ediciones Trilce

logoEdiciones Trilce

Durazno 1888
11200 Montevideo
Tél: (+598) 98 433 560

Founded in 1985, Trilce has published some 600 titles and continues to publish 30 to 40 titles every year. Although initially focused on fiction – which is still an important element today – essays have taken on increasing importance in Trilce’s catalogue. These essays discuss national identity or identities, and report on debates aimed at finding solutions to today’s challenges in the areas of culture, political science or history.
Because it firmly believes that independent publishing is crucial to the preservation of cultural diversity, Trilce has been a member of “Independent Publishers” since 1998, which includes Lom in Santiago, Chile, Era in Mexico and Txalaparta in Spain – Basque country. What is more, Trilce has been a member of the Alliance of Independent Publishers since its inception.

Contact : Pablo HARARI

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Responsable : Anna DANIELI

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Calle Rosendo Gutierrez
595 esq. Ecuador - Casilia 5097
La Paz
Tél: +(591) 2 241 10 18

Plural Editores is the most active publishing house in Bolivia, with annual output of 90 works, divided into 34 collections. Founded in 1987 as an Information Centre for Development (CID), it started publishing social science and human science books as Plural Editores in 1992, and as from 1999, it consolidated its position as an independent publishing house. Plural Editores has published over 500 works to date, many of these in co-publication with academic institutions, research centres, multilateral organisations, NGOs and artistic bodies. Moreover, the firm has opened two bookshops, one in Cochabamba and the other in La Paz. Plural has co-organised the Yolanda Bedregal National Poetry Award since 2000 and the Franz Tamayo National Tale Award since 2006.


Contact : José Antonio QUIROGA

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LOM Ediciones

logoLOM Ediciones

Concha y Toro 23
Tél: (+56) 2 688 52 73

LOM Ediciones, a publishing house founded in 1990, started out by working to preserve the social, political, literary and cultural heritage of Chile in the last decades of the 20th century; LOM aims to foster creativity, thinking and criticism. Lom publishes poetry, accounts, theatre, works on human sciences, education and photography, by well-known authors as well as new ones. LOM has an up-to-date catalogue of 850 works, and every year publishes 80 new works by Chilean, Latin American and other authors. Lom is a member of the network of independent publishers, with Era, Trilce and Txalaparta, and of the Chile Publishers Association.

LOM significa sol en la lengua de los Yamanas o Yaganes, pueblo nómade del extremo sur de América. Con el gesto de recuperar su voz, el rostro de una de ellos en el logo de la editorial, buscamos mantener en la memoria sus miradas; fortalecer la creación, la reflexión, y el pensamiento crítico a través de la palabra escrita, desde el sur.

To listen: an interview of Paulo Slachevsky, during the Forum of Scientific Publishers of Chile, in 2017 and here an interview on the theme of “Diversity” (Ivoox, August 26, 2020).

Contact : Paulo SLACHEVSKY

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Responsable : Silvia AGUILERA

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Libros del Zorzal

logoLibros del Zorzal

Tucuman 3350 PB A - 1189
Buenos Aires
Tél: (+54 11) 4867-1661

This publishing house was founded in 2000 by Octavio Kulesz, philosopher, and his brother Lopoldo, mathematician. Their first publication, Leyendo a Euclides (Reading Euclid), by the great Italo-Argentine mathematician Beppo Levi, met with success (three editions, all out of print). Gradually, Libros del Zorzal has added to its catalogue authors of both national and international renown, such as Silvia Bleichmar, Ivonne Bordelois, Alain Badiou, Pierre Bourdieu and Immanuel Wallerstein. Today, over 130 works have been published, written by authors from all over Latin America and Spain. Some have been translated into French, Italian and Portuguese.

Contact : Octavio KULESZ

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Libros de la Araucaria

logoLibros de la Araucaria

Chacabuco 1421
Buenos Aires
Tél: +(5411) 43 62 54 35

Libros de la Araucaria, an independent publishing house, was founded in 2004. It mainly publishes works in the following areas: anthropology, human and social sciences, philosophy, literature and religious debate.

Hay muchas variedades, son unos árboles muy antiguos que crecen en la Patagonia argentina y chilena. Son una sabia combinación de fortaleza y belleza.

Contact : Hector DINSMANN

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