French-language network


Route Yaoundé-Mfou, quartier Nkolbikogo, (lieu dit collège Monti)
Tél: (+237) 6 99 85 95 94 / (+237) 6 72 72 19 03

Proximité publishing has been founded in 2002 in Yaoundé, Cameroon, with the aim of bringing the book and publishing to local populations. Two things motivated the creation of this initiative: the difficulty for young authors to be locally published on the one hand, and the desire to promote the circulation of local and foreign publications at an affordable price on the other hand. In its early years, Proximité published many young authors, most of them working on their first manuscript, at the same time as they worked towards better visibility for foreign literatures through co-publishing projects. In 2006, Proximité joined forces with other structures by becoming a collection publishing novels and short stories under the umbrella Ifrikiya publishing. Between 2006 and 2015, the collection has then published a dozen of young authors annually. Since 2015, Proximité has regained its autonomy, and is reinventing itself as a publishing house, working in different genres: novel and short stories, essays and biographies, children’s books and comics.

Read here the interview with François Nkémé, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (April 4, 2017).
Read the interview with François Nkémé published by Jeune Afrique on April, 26, 2021.

Books selection

Le Prince de Djenkana

Badiadji HORRÉTOWDO C’est l’ère de la révolution industrielle. La république de Bibérossa a besoin de matières premières et de nouveaux débouchés au (...)

Walaande. L’Art de partager un mari

Djaïli AMADOU AMAL Livre traduit en arabe et coédité par les éditeurs du réseau arabophone de l’Alliance, avec le soutien de la fondation Prince (...)

Le philosophe et le numérique

Ebenezer NJOH MOUELLE Le lecteur tient entre ses mains l’essentiel des échanges que le philosophe Njoh Mouelle a entretenus avec les visiteurs de (...)

Contact : François NKÉMÉ

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logoAGO Média

202 bis, boulevard du 13 janvier
BP 3601
Tél: (+228) 22 25 87 55 / (+228) 90 30 55 79

AGO Media is a team of young writers and illustrators brought together by Koffivi ASSEM and KanAd for the production and distribution of comics and animated films. AGO Media is composed of a publishing house, a communication agency and a production and distribution company for books and films.
Lomé-based AGO publishing wants to make up for the lack of publishing houses specialized in children’s books and comics in Africa.
Before the official foundation of the company in 2011, AGO started with the publication of fanzines: “AGO fiction” and “AGO drama”. This is how the company’s strategy was defined: to fund the publishing wing through the communication agency, to diversify the revenues by venturing into multimedia and cinema and especially to create an authentic distribution circuit.

To read:

Books selection

Ziguidi et les animaux

KANAD Au commencement tous les animaux vivaient tous dans le même village, tous les hommes dans un autre. Avec Ziguidi, un enfant prodige, tout (...)

Haïti mon amour

Koffivi ASSEM & KANAD À la suite du terrible tremblement de terre qui ébranle Haïti on 2010, un enfant de rue, habitué à se débrouiller, décide (...)

Mythes & Légendes africains

Joël ADOTEVI, KANAD, Gilka, Koffivi ASSEM, Anani ACCOH, Adomayakpo Daté PAPI Six récits pour faire voyager petits et grands dans l’histoire, les (...)

Contact : Koffivi ASSEM

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Responsable : KanAd

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logoÉditions Papyrus Afrique

BP 19472 Dakar
Tél: (+221) 33 837 38 82

Éditions Papyrus Afrique, founded and directed by Seydou Nourou Ndiaye, is a Francophone publishing house, publishing mainly in African languages. Its mission is the development of modern literature in national languages. Since its creation in 1996, Papyrus has published more than 130 books published in West African languages. Having a large readership in the region and in the European and US diasporas, Éditions Papyrus Afrique also publishes a monthly newsletter in Wolof and Pulaar Lasli/ Njelbean.
Éditions Papyrus Afrique were the recipients of the Alioune Diop Prize for the Promotion of Publishing in Africa in 2002. They were also the first to be awarded the National Prize for the Promotion of Publishing in Africa in Senegal, in 2005.

Read: “Notre objectif est d’arriver à une coordination entre éditions africaines”, interview with Seydou Nourou Ndiaye, Liberté Algérie, 13 November, 2019

Books selection

A Pind Seenoor

Léopold Sédar SENGHOR ; Wally FAYE (trad.) A Pind Seenoor est une revue explicative et panoramique des poèmes de Senghor, avec en annexe leur (...)

Booy Pullo

Abdullaye JAH Booy Pullo campe la déchéance d’un jeune paysan qui quitte son village pour aller en France. Il passe par Dakar, s’y enlise, se (...)

Sawru Ganndal

Professeur Aboubacry MOUSSA LAM La connaissance est le personnage central de ce roman en pulaar dont la portée équivaut à une œuvre de recherche (...)

Contact : Seydou Nourou NDIAYE

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logoFontaine O Livres

13, rue de Vaucouleurs
75011 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 43 14 03 94

Since 2007, Fontaine O Livres’ network of independent book professionals has been promoting contemporary creativity by encouraging synergies between book actors and entrepreneurs. Advice and support for business creation and project development, a coworking and meeting space for book and cultural actors, professional training adapted to the specificities of the written word, networking and sharing for its members, the association places people, sharing and competence at the heart of its activities.
Fontaine O Livres is an observer member of the Alliance.

Contact : Gaëlle BOHE

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logoÉditions du Sirocco

4 rue Imilchil – CIL
Casablanca 20200
Tél: +21 25 22 36 68 43

Sirocco publishing was created in 2007 in Casablanca to support, unearth, and amplify Moroccan voices of yesterday or today. Their editorial choices are essentially guided by a passion for Morocco, its history, its heritage, its culture in its various expressions, without excluding other perspectives from the southern Mediterranean. Their list, including some co-publishing projects, is francophone and generalist. It is unique in that it reflects the enthusiasm of discoveries and encounters, built at their own pace. Recipient in 2013 of the Grand Atlas Prize (category Francophone essays) awarded to one of their publications, Sirocco Publishing now also publishes literature.

Sirocco parce que comme le vent (plutôt appelé « chergui » au Maroc mais la consonance du mot Sirocco me plaisait mieux), nos titres viennent « du sud » (de la Méditerranée, leurs auteurs ou leurs thèmes), et j’espère qu’ils soufflent chaud.

Read here the interview with Karine Joseph, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (February 10, 2017)

Books selection

La revue Souffles - 1966-1973

Kenza SEFRIOUI « Une étude pionnière consacrée à une revue maghrébine » [Salim Jay] qui questionne une période essentielle de l’histoire du Maroc. (...)

Contes et légendes populaires du Maroc

Textes recueillis à Marrakech et traduits par Doctoresse LÉGEY « J’ai recueilli tous ces contes à Marrakech. Plus heureuse que nombre de folkloristes (...)

À vous de voter les enfants ! - collection “p’tit citoyen (… deviendra grand !)”

Hanane OULAÏLLAH JAZOUANI (texte et illustrations) À vous de voter les enfants ! À Fanidi, petit village du Maroc, une élection est organisée pour (...)

Contact : Karine JOSEPH

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logoGraines de Pensées

30, Boulevard du 13 Janvier
07 B.P. 7097
Tél: (+228) 22 22 32 43 / (+228) 22 37 75 32 / (+228) 90 32 33 20

Graines de Pensées publishing aims to contribute to the cultural expression of Africa, to the development of critical thinking and of a democratic and pluralistic society through the book.
They are concerned with offering accessible books to African children, adapted to their realities and aspirations and of impeccable editorial quality. In addition, for a better dissemination of the book, they participate in co-publishing projects with partners from the South and the North. They also work for synergies with institutions and companies for a better promotion of the book in French and African languages.

Graines de Pensées publishing started their activities in 2005 with a solid editorial experience and broad network of contacts in the French and English editorial sectors through the International Organization of the Francophonie, the African Training Centre for Publishing and Dissemination (CAFED), the Network of African Publishers (APNET) and the Afrilivres Association.


Books selection

Souffle court

Kouméalo ANATE ; préface Tanella BONI

Djanta (conte)

Tchotcho EKUE ; Kokou TONGNEVI

Panafricanisme et renaissance africaine



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logoAssociation internationale des Libraires francophones

20, rue des Grands-Augustins
75006 PARIS
Tél: +33 (0)1 40 51 11 45

Contact : Anne Lise SCHMITT

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4, rue d'Alger
1000 Tunis
Tél: (+216) 71 74 36 20 / (+216) 98 40 38 80

elyzad Publishing was established in Tunis in 2005. In this Mediterranean country, with its rich melting pot of cultures, we have chosen to share a vibrant, modern literature rooted in diversity. Novels and short stories reflect our commitment: providing a platform from the South to the North for remarkable voices, from here and elsewhere, to read the world in its plurality.
Our editorial policy, deliberately uncompromising, was developed in the course of productive meetings with established authors Leïla Sebbar, Maïssa Bey, Colette Fellous, and Théo Ananissoh, who have put their trust in us, and others from Tunis, Algeria, France, which we have discovered and have the pleasure of introducing.
Views of Arab society mingle with nomadic texts redolent of the north seas and southern breezes, the Balkans and Japan… above all, any kind of multifaceted writing that opens the door or offers a passage to new experiences.
In fact, our catalogue includes works co-published with Actes Sud and Zellige in France and Le Fennec in Morocco. It contains thirty titles and a new paperback collection.

elyzad n’a pas de signification si ce n’est la réunion de mon prénom “Élisabeth” et nom “Daldoul”. Ce qui m’a intéressée dans cet « assemblage », ce sont les 3 racines que l’on peut décrypter : el : origine arabe ; ely : latine ; zad : perse... L’empreinte des mots qui se rencontrent...

Listen here the interview of Élisabeth Daldoul, carried out by the École des métiers de l’information (EMI-CFD), for the Hors Concours prize, October 2019.

Books selection

Nos silences

Wahiba KHIARI Ce roman est dédié aux jeunes filles enlevées, violées, tuées, durant la décennie noire (les années 90) en Algérie ; à celles qui ont eu (...)

Salam Gaza

Tahar BEKRI Le 27 décembre 2008, l’armée israélienne déclare la guerre à Gaza. Meurtri, le poète Tahar Bekri note au jour le jour son indignation, (...)

Vingt ans pour plus tard

Théo ANANISSOH, Hélène GAUDY, Frank SECKA, Claude RIZZO, Azza FILALI Cinq écrivains, du Togo, de Tunisie, de France, réunis autour d’un mot : (...)

Contact : Elisabeth DALDOUL

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09 BP 92

Afrilivres is a pan-African association founded in 2002. Its headquarters are based in Cotonou, Benin. It currently brings together 54 publishing houses from 14 French-speaking countries south of the Sahara, Madagascar and Mauritius.


Contact : Sékou FOFANA

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6, avenue Alain Savary
Le Belvédère
1002 Tunis
Tél: (+ 216) 71 28 05 05

Cérès is one of the most important book publishing houses in North Africa. Publishing mainly in French and Arabic, its books are distributed in Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Mali, Benin, Lebanon, France, and many other countries. Cérès publishes approximately 45 new titles each year and has a current catalogue of over 700 titles in a wide variety of fields including fiction, history, philosophy, literature, education, social science, and tourist guides. Cérès publications have become benchmark works, addressing topics as diverse as Carthage, Tunisian mosaics, and painters.

Cérès est la déesse de la fertilité (romaine, anté-islamique).

Contact : Karim BEN SMAIL

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