OGM- La verità riguarda anche te!

Author(s) : Corinne LEPAGE ; Beatrice CERRAI (traductrice)
Publishing countries : Italy
Language(s) : italien
Price : 9 €

The tobacco manufacturers’ gimmicks, some lies perpetrated about the Mediator, the chemical industry’s hidden truths on Biphenyl A, etc. In short, public health related scandals abound. Although there has never been scientific confirmation of these products’ harmfulness, the precaution principle should prevail. And today, we face a similar situation relatively to MSGs.

Noting the public authorities’ refusal in playing a leading a role, and the gaps, conflict of interests and other gimmicks aimed at impeding independent research and transparency regarding the adverse effects of MSG’s, the Committee of Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering (CRII-GEN) decided to carry out an experimentation that is a first in the field.

In her book, Corinne LEPAGE relates the saga surrounding this experience, and how it forms part of the history of MSGs in Europe and the perspectives for civil society participation. It proposes a new expertise model, that is pluralist, multidisciplinary and opposing, based on experts responsibilities and policies, and in which citizens find their rightful place.

Summary extract of Charles Léopold Mayer Publishers website.

Publisher: Il leone verde
Publication date: 2013; 140 pages; ISBN: 9788865800669
