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133 Cité Assemblée Ouakam
BP 5637 Dakar-Fann
Dakar, CP 10700
Tél: (+221) 33 86 01 904

Since 2009 Amalion Publishing has established itself as a publisher of high quality and critically acclaimed non-fiction and literary works on Africa. As an independent academic publishing initiative based in Dakar, Senegal, we are driven by the mission to publish and disseminate innovative knowledge on Africa to strengthen the understanding of humanity. Our works strive to promote a broader understanding of Africa and its people by providing a platform for authors to express new, alternative and daring perspectives and views on people, places, events, and issues shaping our world.
Amalion Publishing targets a wider readership of scholars, academics, students, and other readers seeking to know more about their lives and societies through monographs, textbooks, and literary writing. It publishes primarily in English and in French, and is willing to consider initiatives and ideas to disseminate in Portuguese and other African languages with a potential for wider distribution.

Books selection

La dette odieuse de l’Afrique : Comment l’endettement et la fuite des capitaux ont saigné un continent

Léonce NDIKUMANA, James K. BOYCE Dans La dette odieuse de l’Afrique, Boyce et Ndikumana révèlent le fait choquant que, contrairement à la perception (...)

Wala Bok. Une histoire orale du hip hop au Sénégal

Fatou Kandé SENGHOR Wala Bok: une histoire orale du hip hop au Sénégal se souvient et narre les mémoires des générations de pratiquants du hip hop, (...)

A History of the Yoruba People

Stephen Adebanji AKINTOYE A History of the Yoruba People is an audacious comprehensive exploration of the founding and growth of one of the most (...)

Contact : Sulaiman ADEBOWALE

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