
The Alliance

Meeting on the digital publishing in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), December 18 - 21, 2010

Pays de parution : Burkina Faso

The International Alliance of Independent Publishers organizes from 18 to 21 December 2010 a meeting on the digital publishing in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), in partnership with the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

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Meeting of the English-language network in Paris, October 13 - 15, 2010

Pays de parution : France
Langue(s) : anglais

The English-language network next meeting will take place in Paris from 13th to 15th October 2010. Discussions about the network current and future projects (translation, co-publishing, book fairs, etc.) are planned.
Being in Paris will be an opportunity for the seven publishers (Spinifex in Australia, Jacana Media in South Africa, The New Press in the United States, Tulika and Women Unlimited in India and Zed Books in the United Kingdom) to meet French publishers (Actes Sud, La Fabrique...).

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Meeting of language network coordinators, Paris, October 11 - 12, 2010

Pays de parution : France

The Alliance language network coordinators will meet in Paris on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of October 2010. This meeting represents one of the annual appointment of the governance of the association.
Two days of exchanges and debates between the coordinators and the members of the Board of the Alliance... discover the attached programme.

Language network coordinators :

* Nouri Abid, Tunisia (Med Ali), coordinator of the Arabic-language network ;

* Serge D. Kouam, Cameroon (Presses universitaires d’Afrique), coordinator of the French-language network ;

* Marc Favreau, United States (The New Press), coordinator of the English-language network ;

* Araken Gomes Ribeiro, Brazil (Contra Capa), coordinator of the Portuguese-language network ;

* Guido Indij, Argentina (la marca editora), coordinator of the Spanish-language network.

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Promoting Bibliodiversity : The independent publishers at the 2010 Frankfurt Book Fair

Pays de parution : Allemagne

To meet the independent publishers of the Alliance in Frankfurt, download the document below.

To contact these publishers, before or after the Fair, do not hesitate to address directly the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.

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Barzakh Publishing wins the Prince Claus Award

Pays de parution : Algérie, Pays-Bas

In 2010, the Prince Claus Foundation awards a prize to a publisher member of the Alliance. Indeed, the prestigious Prince Claus Award will next December pay tribute to Algeria’s Barzakh Publishing “for the way it gives concrete expression to Algerian voices, for having opened up a very necessary space for critical debates on Algerian realities, for having built a bridge between the different languages and cultures, and for having creatively dispelled the threat of the country’s cultural isolation”.

The Alliance expresses its warmest and most sincere congratulations to Selma Hellal, Sofiane Hadjadj and the whole team at Barzakh Publishing.

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International Bibliodiversity Day, 21 September 2010

From 2010 International Bibliodiversity Day will be celebrated in several Latin American countries on 21 September each year. This day is deeply symbolic, representing Spring Day in the Southern hemisphere, in particular ; spring with its connotations of pleasant weather, diversity, contrasting colours, vigour, flowers in bloom, transitions, love, perfume, and new beginnings.

Even though this is an international day, it was important to note that this initiative originated in the South - in Latin America – and that it bears a concrete signicance. Indeed, in defending and promoting bibliodiversity, Latin American publishers reaffirm the necessity of rebalancing the direction in which books and ideas circulate and of achieving movement in other directions, from South to North, but also from South to South.

Watch the EldíaB 2010 videos !

More information on Bibliodiversity Day Blog : http://eldiab.org/

Photo of the Day activities in the parks


Photo_« Releasing the books »

The Bibliodiversity Day logo

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L’Afrique au secours de l’Afrique

Auteur(s) : Sanou MBAYE ; préface d'Aminata TRAORE
Pays de parution : Algérie, Bénin, Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Mali, Suisse
Langue(s) : français
Prix : 9 € ; 500 DA ; 3 000 FCFA ; 15 CHF

Comment l’Afrique peut-elle sortir de l’impasse ? À contre-courant, l’auteur montre que les Africains ont les cartes en mains pour assurer leur propre développement. Depuis les indépendances, le modèle de développement imposé à l’Afrique par l’Occident est un véritable échec. L’auteur dissèque les causes structurelles de cette faillite qui a entraîné les populations africaines dans une spirale de pauvreté et de violence. Il met en évidence les responsabilités occidentales sans occulter celles propres aux Africains eux-mêmes. Son analyse pluridimensionnelle propose ensuite un large éventail de solutions novatrices qui permettront aux Africains de prendre eux-mêmes en main leur propre développement. Avec une grande force de persuasion, Sanou Mbaye propose les réformes politiques, économiques et financières, les actions juridiques et le schéma de mobilisation des ressources qui peuvent assurer la véritable renaissance dont rêvent les populations de la région. Seule l’Afrique viendra à bout de ses propres maux et l’auteur nous emporte dans une lecture pleine d’espoir sur l’avenir du continent. Foncièrement panafricaniste, il est convaincu que la solidarité des peuples d’Afrique sera le terreau favorable à cette profonde mutation qui leur permettra de se réapproprier leur identité mise à mal par des siècles de domination et de se réaliser pleinement.

Sanou MBAYE, ancien haut fonctionnaire de la Banque africaine de développement, est un chroniqueur politique et économique. Ses écrits sur le développement des pays africains proposent des politiques alternatives à celles mises en place, en Afrique, par des Occidentaux et leurs bras alliés : le FMI et la Banque mondiale.

Date de publication : 2010, 222 pages, 11 X 18 cm

Première édition grand format : les éditions de l’Atelier, 2009

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Petit précis de remise à niveau sur l’histoire africaine à l’usage du Président Sarkozy

Auteur(s) : Sous la direction d'Adame BA KONARÉ
Pays de parution : Algérie, Mali, Sénégal
Langue(s) : français
Prix : 6 500 FCFA ; 800 DA

Passé les réactions vives et indignées qu’a suscitées chez les Africains le discours de Nicolas Sarkozy prononcé à Dakar le 26 juillet 2007, ses déclarations sur l’immobilisme du continent africain ou encore la non-responsabilité de la France dans ses problèmes actuels nécessitaient une riposte argumentée, dépouillée de toute considération émotive. C’est dans le but d’éclairer le président Sarkozy, mais aussi son entourage et, plus généralement, le grand public sur la réalité de l’histoire africaine, qu’Adame Ba Konaré a lancé, en septembre 2007, un appel remarqué à la communauté des historiens. Cet ouvrage est le résultat de cette mobilisation : 25 contributions de spécialistes de notoriété internationale ou de plus jeunes chercheurs, africains et européens, qui abordent chacun avec rigueur et précision un pan de l’histoire riche, complexe et méconnue du continent.

Date de publication de la version panafricaine : 2009, 350 pages, 15,5 X 24 cm

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Third meeting of the Latin-American independent publishers’ collectives, La Paz, August, 2010

Pays de parution : Bolivie

The 3rd meeting of Latin-American independent publishers’ collectives of the Alliance will occur with the support of the Departmental Book Chamber of La Paz and the French cultural services for the Andean cooperation during the 15th La Paz International Book Fair (Bolivia) – which will take place from August 18 to 29, 2010, under the slogan “Celebrate Bibliodiversity”.

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Preferential postage rates for books : urgent for Latin America, August 2010

Massively used by small publishing firms to distribute their products to bookstores, libraries, and readers, the postal service is the most popular means of circulating books throughout the world. However, the absence, suppression or questioning of special postage for books is an impediment to bibliodiversity in many countries.
In Latin America, with a huge territory to cover and limited circulation, a large share of publishers ensures the delivery of their products themselves. For these publishers, preferential postage rates for shipping books are all the more vital.

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Bibliodiversity Observatory

Manual de edición. Guía para estos tiempos revueltos

Auteur(s) : Manuel GIL
Pays de parution : Argentine
Langue(s) : espagnol

Nouvelle édition publiée en 2017 par la marca editora (Argentine), en coédition avec EDINAR (Argentine) et le CERLALC.
Ouvrage de référence publié initialement par le CERLALC.

ISBN : 978-950-889-299-7
264 pages / 20 X 25 cm

Pour en savoir plus.

Voir également ci-dessous l’édition péruvienne du Manual de edición, éditée par La Travesía Editora, maison d’édition péruvienne, membre du collectif EIP au Pérou.

« Manual de edición », La Travesía Editora, Perú

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Publishing professionals charter and code of ethics, produced by the Organisation malienne des éditeurs de livre, Mali, 2017

Publishing professionals charter and code of ethics, produced by the Organisation malienne des éditeurs de livre (OMEL), Mali, 2017.

This charter was produced by OMEL (Organisation malienne des éditeurs de livre) in April 2017, which authorized the Alliance to publish it on its website.

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Re|Shaping cultural policies 2018 (2005 Convention Global Report)

Re|Shaping Cultural Policies 2018 (UNESCO 2005 Convention Global Report)
Creativity at the Heart of Development
Excerpt from the foreword :
“This new UNESCO Global Report ‘Re|Shaping Cultural Policies’ is an invaluable tool for the implementation of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. This Convention, now ratified by 146 Parties, including the European Union, is leading UNESCO’s efforts to strengthen capacities for the creation, production, and dissemination of cultural goods, services, and activities. States are supported in their sovereign right to implement public policies for the development of strong and dynamic cultural and creative industry sectors. UNESCO is committed to developing more effective and sustainable public policies in these areas.
Our roadmap is clear and requires the cooperation of governments and non-governmental actors in four key areas : strengthening governance for culture, improving the conditions for the mobility of artists, integrating culture in sustainable development strategies, and promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms. These four goals are closely linked to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

Audrey Azoulay
Director-General of UNESCO

Read the report here.

Octavio Kulesz, member of the Digital Lab of the Alliance is the author of Chapter 3 of the report : « Cultural Policies in the Age of Platforms ».

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Digital printing of books in West and Central Africa and Madagascar

Feasibility study on the establishment of digital printing structures for independent publishers, by Gilles Colleu (November 2017)

Among the 80 recommendations of the International Assembly of independent publishers (2012-2014), independent publishers called on public authorities and international organisations to “contribute and support the establishment of in-country digital printers and printing facilities, on demand (including in sub-Saharan African) to promote access to books”.

The Alliance thus launched a feasibility study in 2016, on the establishment of digital printing facilities in sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar. Above all, the aim was to find out whether digital printing is a relevant alternative, and on what conditions. To do so, the study surveys the needs of local professionals, and discusses the potentials and benefits as well as limitations inherent to digital printing, based on realities and practices of Francophone publishers from sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar. Finally, it discusses the feasibility scenarios for the establishment of a digital printing hub.

By focusing on the technical aspect of digital printing as well as on the development potential in a Francophone African context, this study goes beyond a feasibility study and proposes reflection points on the economic and strategic models of independent publishing.

This study was supported by the International Organisation of Francophonie. A full version of the study is available to members of the Alliance.
For questions or comments, please contact the team of the Alliance.

Gilles COLLEU, author of the study
Former lecturer at the University Institute of Technology « Book Trade » in Aix-en-Provence, former Director of production and digital publishing for Actes Sud, Gilles Colleu established and manages, with Jutta Hepke, Vents d’ailleurs (La Roque d’Anthéron, France), member of the International Alliance of independent publishers. He co manages the digital printing hub Yenooa and incubator Rue des éditeurs and actively participates in the Digital Lab of the Alliance (tutorials, training).

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Frankfurt in French : Call for more coherence towards a strengthened bibliodiversity

As the Frankfurt Book Fair (11-15 October 2017) opens in a few weeks’ time, with a special focus on France and French languages, the International Alliance of independent publishers takes the opportunity to revisit some key issues for independent publishers and bibliodiversity, as expressed by 400 publishers from 50 countries, in the International Declaration of independent publishers of 2014.

France wished, in the context of Frankfurt’s invitation, to provide a space for publishers from the South and we are grateful for this opportunity. We hope this openness will contribute towards meaningful networking, discussion, and exchanges among Francophone publishers. These mutual trust and interest, at the heart of the Alliance, have indeed proven themselves over the past 15 years, leading to unprecedented co-publishing and translation projects between continents.

However, other aspects of “Frankfurt in French” are counterintuitive to this dynamic. Book donation initiatives from France to Africa are indeed planned in Frankfurt this year. More specifically, the 30 000 books to be displayed in the French Pavilion will be distributed to foreign countries after Frankfurt – and this while some twenty African publishers are invited to participate in the Fair, in an “African/Haiti” stand. As mentioned in several reports and in the Frankfurt programme (see here), book donations, while underpinned by good intentions, can disrupt the local book economy.

We therefore call on the accountability of each involved — public authorities, associations, and professionals, for these donations to be made in close collaboration with participating African publishers, but also in consultation with local African booksellers. These are the basic conditions for balanced and respectful exchanges in the actors’ respective environments.

It is critical to rethink book donation. Encouraging and supporting sustainable and fair editorial partnerships must be a priority.

We hope that the readiness to showcase Francophonie’s diversity and plurality in Frankfurt will be paralleled with constructive actions by public authorities, both in the North and South. It is indeed essential for political will to accompany a change of perspective and relations among Francophone countries.

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A book donation operation in Ivory Coast : what impacts for bibliodiversity ?, June, 2017

In a joint statement published on 15 June 2017, the Association internationale des libraires francophones (AILF) and the Alliance shared their concerns and highlighted the impacts of book donations on a country’s book chain.

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The Observatory : what is it ?

The Bibliodiversity Observatory collects studies, analysis, and tools produced by the Alliance, in collaboration with its partners. It is built around issues identified as priorities by independent publishers as a follow-up to the International Conferences of Independent Publishers for the 2015-2021 and 2022-2025 period.
Aimed at professionals and public authorities, the Observatory’s mission includes strengthening bibliodiversity in the various regions of the world.

As an independent, evolving and collaborative space, the Observatory’s role includes :

The International Alliance of independent publishers acknowledges and thanks publishers and their partners (international organisations, Ministries of Culture, unions, etc.…) for their contributions and commitment to the Bibliodiversity Observatory.

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Book donation programmes for Africa : Time for a Reappraisal ? Two Perspectives, Raphaël Thierry / part 2, 2015

Part 2 : Raphaël Thierry : “Book donations, but at what price, and in exchange for what ? An overview on book donation practice in francophone Africa (in French)”

Pre-print version to appear in African Research & Documentation. Journal of SCOLMA (the UK Libraries and Archives Group on Africa), no.127 (2015) [Release 2017]

Read the article on EditAfrica website !

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Book donation programmes for Africa : Time for a Reappraisal ? Two Perspectives, Hans Zell / part 1, 2015

Part 1 : Hans M. Zell : “Book Donation Programmes in English-speaking Africa”

Pre-print version to appear in African Research & Documentation. Journal of SCOLMA (the UK Libraries and Archives Group on Africa), no.127 (2015) [Release 2017]

Extract from the editorial note of the print issue :
« Welcome to this bumper issue of ARD. Scolma is grateful to Hans Zell and Raphaël Thierry for choosing to publish their full length study of Book Donation Programmes in Africa in our pages.
It is as they say “time for a reappraisal” and it is our hope that the ensuing debate will take place in the pages of ARD as well as online. I would therefore invite responses and feedback to this important and provocative study. Feedback from receiving libraries in Africa is particularly welcome. »
Terry Barringer, Editor, African Research & Documentation

Read the article on EditAfrica website !

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