The Alliance

Presentation & objectives

The “Fair Trade Book”

The label “Fair Trade Book” is attributed by the International Alliance of independent publishers to works published in the context of international publishing agreements that respect each other’s particularities : fair co- publishing. These fair copublishings enable the sharing of costs linked to intellectual and physical production of books and therefore ensure an economy of scale ; an exchange of professional know-how and a common experience, while respecting the publishers’ cultural contexts and identities ; and a distribution of works on a broader scale by adjusting prices for each geographic zone.

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Fair speech

The notion of fair speech expands the idea of ‘free speech’ to incorporate the concept of justice. Indeed, in a context of media concentration, dominant powers (whether political, economic, religious, ideological, etc.) are the most represented and heard (because they are powerful or loud). Fair speech fosters speech equity for other voices that are often marginalised and/or censored to be heard. Fair speech therefore promotes an equitable access to expression (for example for women, historically marginalised groups, etc.), enabling an authentic diversity of voices. This concept was created by Betty McLellan in Unspeakable (Spinifex Press, 2010, Australia) and promoted by Susan Hawthorne in Bibliodiversity : A Manifesto for Independent Publishing (Spinifex Press, 2014, Australia).

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The Declarations of 2003, 2005 and 2007

The Dakar Declaration (December 2003) is the foundational text of the Alliance and birth certificate of the association. The Guadalajara Declaration (October 2005) is the outcome of a meeting held in Mexico between independent publishers from the Latin world.
The International Declaration of independent publishers for the protection and promotion of bibliodiversity (July 2007) was drafted and signed by the 70 publishers participating to the International Assembly of independent publishers held in Paris in 2007.
These three texts, as well as the 2014 International Declaration of independent publishers, are milestones in the history of the Alliance – they are a reminder, and bear witness to the present bearing testimony to the commitment of independent publishers, and serve as their policy guidelines.

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The International Alliance of independent publishers is a professional collective that brings together more than 800 independent publishing houses in 60 countries around the world. Created as an association in 2002, it is composed of 6 language networks (English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Persian) and thematic groups. Members of the Alliance are publishing houses and publisher collectives.
The Alliance’s activities promote and strengthen bibliodiversity (cultural diversity applied to the world of the book).

In alignment with its mission, the Alliance created a Bibliodiversity Observatory that gathers studies, analysis and tools produced by the Alliance, aimed at professionals and public authorities. The Observatory’s objectives include assessing and strengthening bibliodiversity in the world.

The Alliance also hosts and facilitates international meetings and thematic workshops (for example on children’s book publishing, digital publishing, etc.), enabling independent publishers from various continents to exchange ideas and initiate collaborations. These meetings support increasing capacity through peer sharing, an aspect developed in particular around the issue of digital publishing in the context of the Digital Lab.
The Alliance supports international publishing projects (co-publishing, translation, copyright transfers, etc.), for greater circulation of texts and fair access to books for readers.

In 2022, the Alliance launched a first-of-its-kind initiative : the first edition of Babelica, an international online Book Fair of Independent Publishing, which takes place once a year, on 21 September (International Bibliodiversity Day).

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Key Dates of the Alliance

• Gijón meeting (Spain), 2000 (an initiative led by four Spanish-speaking publishers in reaction to the emergence of Spanish multinationals in Latin America)
• Creation of the Alliance project by a group of publishers and Etienne Galliand – who would become the first director of the association
• Paris meeting (France), 2001 (some few days away from the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity)
• Foundation of the “Alliance of Independent Publishers Association, for Another Globalisation”, as per Law 1901 (head office in Paris) 2002
• Dakar meeting (Senegal), 2003 (Declaration of Solidarity amongst Independent Publishers)
• Guadalajara meeting (Mexico), 2005 (Declaration of independent publishers of the Latin world)
• International Assembly of Independent Publishers in Paris (France), 2007 (International Declaration of Independent Publishers to promote and strenghten bibliodiversity together)
• Name change of the association to International Alliance of independent publishers, 2008
• Creation of the International Committee of Independent Publishers (ICIP), 2009
• International Assembly of independent publishers – preparatory meetings and closing meeting in Cape Town (South Africa), 2012-2014 (International Declaration of independent publishers, to promote and strengthen bibliodiversity together, and 80 recommendations and tools in support of bibliodiversity)
• Creation of the Bibliodiversity Observatory, 2016
Mapping public book policies in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa, 2020
• International Conference of Independent publishing in Pamplona-Iruñea, 2021 (Declaration ’for independent, decolonial, ecological, feminist, free, social and solidarity-based publishing’)
Guide to good practice, 2022
• First edition of Babelica, 2022

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On 21 September 2012, let’s celebrate B Day !

Follow on an hourly basis the activities held on B Day 2012 on the B Day Facebook page, on the eldiab blog and on the Facebook page of the Alliance.

The Arabic network to the SILA in Algeria_interview_September 2012

The Arabic network to the SILA in Algeria_September 2012

Posters campaign of the Colombian publishers collective REIC

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Meeting of the Alliance Portuguese-speaking network in Lisbon, September 27 – October 1, 2012

Pays de parution : Portugal

After Paris in 2007, and Rio de Janeiro in 2009, the publishers from Brasil, Angola and Guinea-Bissau are gathering in Lisbon. The event will be the opportunity to assess the network activities since 2009 ; to define a roadmap for the next years ; to remind the stakes for independent publishing and bibliodiversity in the Portuguese-speaking area ; to think about digital publishing and to share some experiences in this field… Beyond the internal meetings, the publishers will take also this opportunity to meet some Portuguese publishers and to consider fair partnerships between different continents (copublishing projects, copyrights transfer, etc.).

The Alliance thanks the French Institute of Portugal (IFP), the Portuguese association of publishers and bookshops (ANEL), and the bookshop Ferin for their warming welcome and their availability.

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The B-day is coming ! (September 21)

On September 21 will be celebrated the International Day of Bibliodiversity. Since 2010, each year, some actions are organized in Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia, to promote independent publishing and bibliodiversity : bookcrossing, meetings, book picnics, posters.

You are more than welcome to participate to the events this year in Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Algeria, Italia... and in many other countries !

Here the video B Day 2012 !

All the actions will be soon be on the Alliance website and on the Alliance facebook page.

You can also follow the B-Day on twitter, in Spanish : @diadelab.

This year, the logo of the Day B also exists in Italian

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My Farewell from heaven

Auteur(s) : Hamed Abdel SAMAD ; Traduit par B. BINIAZ
Pays de parution : Allemagne, France
Langue(s) : farsi

Une coédition du groupe persanophone de l’Alliance : les éditions Forough en Allemagne et les éditions Khavaran en France.
Ouvrage traduit de l’allemand vers le persan.

Date de publication : 2012 ; ISBN : 978-3-943147-15-5

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Making Peace with the Earth : Beyond Resource, Land and Food Wars (Faire la paix avec la Terre : au-delà des ressources, de la terre et des guerres alimentaires)

Auteur(s) : Vandana SHIVA
Pays de parution : Afrique du Sud, Australie, Inde
Langue(s) : anglais
Prix : Rs. 375 (India) / $AUD: 32.95

Les guerres au XXIe siècle sont des guerres contre la terre ; contre les ressources naturelles telles que l’eau, la terre, les forêts, les minerais et les semences. L’économie d’entreprise mondiale fondée sur l’idée d’une croissance sans limite s’est transformée en économie de guerre et les moyens déployés sont des instruments de guerre. Guerres des marchés. Guerres de l’eau. Guerres alimentaires.
Dans son exposé rigoureusement documenté et révélateur, Vandana SHIVA déconstruit les mythes propagés par la mondialisation d’entreprise dans sa poursuite de profits et de pouvoir en exposant ses principes erronés et ses effets pervers dévastateurs. Le consumérisme lubrifie la guerre contre la terre, tout comme le contrôle des entreprises viole toutes les limites éthiques et écologiques. Il fait la promotion de technologies de production basées sur le génie génétique, le géogénie et les toxines ; d’un développement industriel qui renforce l’appropriation de terres, rivières et montagnes ; d’une agriculture industrielle qui épuise la diversité de la nature ; des confiscations de terres en Afrique, en Asie, et en Amérique du Sud. L’exploitation à cette échelle entraîne un type de dette écologique et économique qui n’est pas durable, qui ne peut être cautionnée et qui est inadmissible. Faire la paix avec la terre démontre comment un changement de paradigme en faveur de politiques et économies centrées sur la terre est notre seule chance de survie ; et comment la résistance collective à l’exploitation d’entreprise peut montrer le chemin vers un nouveau type d’environnementalisme d’interdépendance et de démocratie de la terre.

Vandana SHIVA est une théoricienne et activiste environnementale mondialement reconnue, une chef de file du Forum international sur la mondialisation (FIM) avec Ralph NADER et Jeremy RIFKIN, et du mouvement Slow Food. Directrice de l’association Navdanya et de la Fondation de la recherche pour la science, la technologie et les ressources naturelles, et militante farouche pour les droits des fermiers, paysans et femmes, elle est l’auteure et éditrice d’une panoplie de livres influents. Vandana SHIVA a reçu plus de 20 reconnaissances internationales, dont le Right Livelihood Award (1993) ; la Médaille du président de la République italienne (1998) ; le Horizon 3000 Award (Autriche, 2001) ; le Save the World Award (2009) ; le Sydney Peace Prize (2010) ; le Calgary Peace Prize (Canada, 2011) ; le Thomas Merton Award (2011) ; et le John Lennon-Yoko Ono Grant for Peace. Elle est par ailleurs lauréate du Grand prix de la culture asiatique Fukuoka (2012).

Vandana SHIVA travaille actuellement sur un projet de trois ans avec le Gouvernement du Bhutan pour que celui-ci devienne le premier pays biologiquement indépendant au monde.

Une coédition du réseau anglophone de l’Alliance : Spinifex Press (Australie), Jacana Media (Afrique du Sud) et Women Unlimited (Inde).

Date de publication : 2012 ; 288 pages ; ISBN : 81-88965-75-8 (Inde) / ISBN : 9781875559275 (Australie)

Couverture version Australie

Version australienne de la couverture de Making the peace

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Seeking Palestine (À la recherche de la Palestine)

Auteur(s) : Penny JOHNSON; Raja SHEHADEH (Eds.)
Pays de parution : Australie, Inde
Langue(s) : anglais
Prix : Rs. 395 (Women Unlimited, India)

Une coédition du réseau anglophone de l’Alliance : Spinifex Press (Australie) et Women Unlimited (Inde).

« La Palestine en exil », déclare Rana BARAKAT, « est une idée, un amour, un but, un mouvement, un massacre, une démonstration, une parade, un poème, une thèse, un roman, et oui, une commodité, ainsi qu’un peuple dispersé, déplacé, dépossédé et déterminé ». Comment les Palestiniens vivent, imaginent et réfléchissent sur les questions de patrie et d’exil en cette période où la Palestine est en transition et se retrouve sans état, au cœur d’un projet national vivement contesté et en pleine crise, et affligée d’une augmentation prononcée de la violence étatique israélienne et de l’oppression palestinienne qui s’ensuit ? Comment l’exil et la patrie peuvent être réécrits ? Dans ce volume recueillant des textes inédits, quinze écrivains – essayistes, poètes, romanciers, critiques, artistes et biographes – répondent en partageant leurs réflexions, expériences, souvenirs et polémiques. Qu’est-ce que cela représente, comme le dit Lila ABU-LUGHOD, « d’être amené à être Palestinien ? » Que se passe-t-il lorsque vous amenez vos enfants américains, comme Sharif ELMUSA l’a fait, dans le camp de réfugiés où vous avez grandi ? Et comment pouvez-vous convaincre, comme Suad AMIRY essaie de le faire, un employé d’aéroport inquiet de continuer à chercher un code pour un pays qui n’est pas reconnu ? Les contributeurs étudient le passé par le biais de souvenirs non conventionnels, réfléchissant à l’année 1948, où tout a commencé. Mais ils sont également vivement intéressés par les débuts, imaginant, comme le dit Mischa HILLER, « une Palestine qui reflète ce que nous sommes actuellement et ce que nous espérons devenir ». Leurs contributions – poignantes, drôles, intimes, réfléchies, intensément politiques – en font une œuvre qui est remarquable de par sa candeur et grâce à laquelle elle explore les différentes expériences individuelles et collectives d’attente, de vivre pour, et d’être à la recherche de la Palestine.
Penny JOHNSON est une chercheuse indépendante qui travaille en étroite collaboration avec l’Institut des Études Féminines de l’Université Birzeit, où elle édite le journal Review of Women’s Studies. Ses articles et recherches récentes sur la Palestine mettent l’accent sur le mariage et la guerre, les épouses de prisonniers politiques, et les opinions de jeunes Palestiniens sur les mariages justes et injustes. Elle est éditrice associée du journal Jerusalem Quaterly.
Raja SHEHADEH est un avocat et écrivain palestinien qui vit à Ramallah. Il est le fondateur de l’organisation pionnière pour les Droits de l’homme non partisans, Al Haq. Affilié de la Commission internationale des juristes, il est l’auteur de plusieurs livres sur le droit international, les Droits de l’homme et le Moyen-Orient. Il est également l’auteur du livre lauréat Palestinian Walks and A Rift in Time : Travels with My Ottoman Uncle. Son nouveau livre, Occupation Diaries, a été publié en août 2012.

« Comment une histoire fondamentalement triste peut donner autant de plaisir ? La réponse réside dans ces récits : ces histoires, mémoires, et poèmes sont un plaisir et sont éducatifs : personnels, originaux, parfois amusants, mais accomplis et toujours honnêtes. Ils sont un témoignage de notre esprit humain, et de la contribution grandissante de la Palestine à la littérature mondiale ». – Ahdaf SOUEIF

ISBN : 81-88965-73-1 (Women Unlimited, India), 978-1-74219-823-1 (Spinifex, Australia).

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Communiqué from the Alliance on the Tunis meetings, 27 May 2011

Pays de parution : Tunisie

15 publishers from 8 countries (Algeria, Argentina, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, France, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria) met in Tunis, from 12 to 15 May 2011, to discuss e-publishing. The meeting was organised by the International Alliance of Independent Publishers, with the support of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.

The publishers who met in Tunis wished it to be known that these meetings took place in a peaceful and secure environment. The warm welcome we were given, despite the curfew then in place, enabled us to organise meetings of a high standard, from both a professional and a human perspective.

We wished to show our solidarity with our Tunisian partners in this way, by inviting associations, NGOs, organisations and institutions, tourists and the simply curious to rediscover Tunisia – a Tunisia where freedom is in the air.

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Welcome to the Alliance Lab !

Following the publication of the study on digital publishing in developing countries carried out by Octavio Kulesz, the Alliance is launching its digital Laboratory, in partnership with the Prins Claus Fund and the International organization of La Francophonie.

Integrated to the resources center of the Alliance, the Lab is a participative platform dedicated to discussions on digital issues for the publishers members of the Alliance.
Apart from a blog and a twitter (@digisouth) about digital innovations in developing countries, the Lab is also offering to the members a private digital space for experimentation and training.

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Laurence HUGUES

After studying at the IUT Book Trade in Aix-en-Provence, Laurence Hugues went to earn a bachelor’s degree in Literature at Trois-Rivières University in Québec, and later a Masters’ degree in Book Marketing at Paris 13-Villetaneuse University. After several professionals stays in West Africa, she joined the International Alliance of independent publishers’ team in 2007. In July 2009, Etienne GALLIAND passed on management responsabilities to Laurence HUGUES.

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After a master’s degree in French Literature at the Sorbonne Nouvelle, Camille CLOAREC worked at the Maison de la Poésie in Nantes and was also the coordinator of literary life at Ciclic (the center of book, cinema and digital culture for the Loire Valley Region), before being in-charge of the book and debates office at the French Embassy in Canada. In 2019, Camille began learning Telugu (Indian language) at Inalco.
Camille joins the Alliance team in July 2020 ; she is in charge of the management of the the association’s language networks and the co-publishing and translation projects within the Alliance.

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Laura AUFRERE, president

After studying political sciences, Laura Aufrère was for 5 years coordinator of the French confederation gathering not-for-profit cultural professional initiatives from a variety of disciplines (music, theater, outdoor and circus, visual arts, etc.), rooted in the solidarity economy movement (UFISC). She is now a PHD student in management, looking specifically into critical approaches in the organisation theory and the digital humanities fields. She studies commons and social and solidarity economy initiatives, focusing specifically on work and labour organisation, cooperation and governance issues, and social protection. She joins the Alliance Board in 2016 and is now its President.

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Luc PINHAS, vice-president

Vice-President of the Board of the Alliance since the General Assembly of June 20, 2011, Luc Pinhas is a former student of the École normale supérieure in Saint-Cloud. He holds a PhD in Communication Studies and teaches at Paris 13-Villetaneuse University, where he is currently in charge of a master’s degree on “Book Marketing”.

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Thierry QUINQUETON, treasurer

Thierry Quinqueton has long experience in the publishing world and of intercultural dialogue. He was Literary Director at the Desclée de Brouwer publishing house (France) from 1991 to 1999, and then Director of the French Cultural Center in Khartoum from 2000 to 2004. After spending four years at the French Department of Foreign Affairs (department of written documents and libraries), he was responsible from May 2009 to July 2013 for the libraries network in the Châtellerault area ; from 2013 to 2017, he was in charge of the Book Office at the French Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. Thierry Quinqueton also pursues his research on the links between market economies, public policies, and non-monetary aspects within the book economy (Law and Development of Social and Solidarity Economy - University of Poitiers). Author of « Que ferait Saul Alinsky ? » (DDB, 2011), he was Chairman of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers from 2006 to 2013.

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Mariette ROBBES, member of the Board

Mariette Robbes is specialized in network facilitation, public relations and project management in the associative and cultural sectors. She has worked at Katha publishing (India), at the International Association of Francophone Booksellers and the International Youth Library (Germany).
Her growing passion for “third places” and innovative ways of working and creating (fablabs, coworking, shared workshops, etc.) led her to explore new horizons. She is now working as a Network Development & Animation Manager at myCowork, in Paris.
Passionate about publishing for youth in India, she is also an associate member of the academic project DELI (Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Literatures of India). In addition, Mariette works as a freelancer (support for fundraising, graphic design and layout).

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Jérôme CHEVRIER, member of the Board

Jérôme Chevrier has been working for 20 years in the book and reading sector. As a librarian, he has worked at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, the Ministry of Culture, the Centre national du livre and the French Institute of South Africa.
He was in charge of cultural mediation at the Centre Pompidou public information library. He is currently cultural attaché in charge of the Book Department at the French Embassy in London.
He joined the Alliance Board in July 2021.

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David ELOY, member of the Board

A committed journalist with a special interest in international solidarity, sustainable development and human rights, David Eloy founded Altermondes in 2005, a media focusing on civil society’s actors, where he was editor-in-chief until 2016. He previously held positions in several international NGOs, including the Centre de recherche et d’information pour le développement (CRID), Peuples Solidaires – Action Aid France and the Association internationale de techniciens, experts et chercheurs (Aitec).

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Marielle MORIN, member of the Board

As an English professor with a degree in languages and comparative literature, Marielle Morin’s professional career has revolved around books, languages and research.
She has worked in the International Rights Department at the University of Chicago Press, and as a librarian at the Centre for Indian and South Asian Studies (CEIAS-EHESS). She has translated Indian literature from English (Khushwant Singh, Anita Naïr, Amruta Patil) and Bengali (Mahasweta Devi) and then went on to manage the media libraries and the book office of the French Embassy/ Institute in New Delhi first, then in Cairo, for eight years until 2014.

She is now back at the CEIAS, where she is in charge of international research projects within the research focus areas of Asia, Middle East and Muslim Worlds and African Studies.

She continues to be interested in languages, Indian literature, translation, and book history, and is an associate member of the DELI academic project (Encyclopedic Dictionary of Indian Literature).

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