Publishing houses

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Éditions Tombouctou

logoÉditions Tombouctou

BP E 5229
Tél: +223 76 71 57 13 / 76 46 21 14

Éditions Tombouctou was co-founded in 2007 by the Malian writers Ibrahima Aya and Aida Mady Diallo. From the name of the famous city of knowledge and writing, it gives to authors and other writers the means to express their word towards the African continent and the whole world. It aims to produce and disseminate quality writing at affordable prices for the local market in particular, thus contributing to the fact that Mali and Africa are telling themselves and the world.

Éditions Tombouctou is the initiative of the “Rentrée littéraire du Mali”, the reference literary event in Mali, created in 2008, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in February 2018 and which hosts for some years between 40 and 50 foreign writers by edition.

Furthermore, since the break-up in 2012 of the security, institutional and identity crisis in Mali, Éditions Tombouctou has initiated several collective reflections that have resulted in the publication of reference books on this crisis and Mali: High voices for Timbuktu, Mali between doubts and hopes, Africa of secularisms, Contemporary Mali, Regionalization in Mali, Challenges of the reconstruction in Mali...

Books selection

Couleurs et douleurs du silence

Albakaye Ousmane KOUNTA Talfi, originaire de Tombouctou, rêve de sillonner le Sahara et de devenir un caravanier renommé et fortuné. Mais son père (...)

Les fils Kabendy

Paul-Marie TRAORE S’amouracher de sa sœur au point de lui faire un enfant relève plutôt du grand scandale. Un jeune fonctionnaire talentueux, (...)

Drame pour un fauteuil

Kabiné Bemba DIAKITE Lobèle et Bata, employées d’une entreprise, se vouent une haine inaltérable pour un poste de secrétaire. Elles placent au centre (...)

Contact : Ibrahima AYA

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Diyar-e Ketab

logoDiyar-e Ketab

2400 Copenhague
Tél: (+45) 20 84 50 65

Diyar-e Ketab is an independent publisher of literature‏ ‏in Persian language. Texts published by Diyar-e Ketab are uncensored and the purpose is to promote a culture of reading in Persian as well as create an open space for the literary and linguistic exchange about Iran and other subjects.
Diyar-e Ketab aims to assist Iranian authors in publishing their works and to promote understanding and appreciation ‎of Persian culture and literature.

Books selection


Masoud KADKHODAEE In this novel, along with Ketayoun and Bahram and their young children, we leave Iran. Behind the borders of the homeland, we (...)

A Station for the purpose of Tranquillity

Bahram HEYDARI - Novel - 661 pages - 250 DKK (33,50 €) - ISBN: 978-87-994684-7-8

Contact : Esfandiyar SANAYE

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Marjin Kiri

logoMarjin Kiri

Regensi Melati Mas A9/10
Tangerang Selatan 15323
Tél: +62 813 85319131

Founded in 2005, Marjin Kiri (literally means “left margin”) is a small independent Indonesian publisher dedicated to fostering critical/leftist thinking within the academia and general readers. Marjin Kiri mostly publishes on humanities and social theory, political-economy, history, cultural studies, ecology, and literature.

The team…
Ronny Agustinus, Muhammad Iqbal, Roos Wijayanti Ken Petung, Mia Fiona Erlita, Pradewi Tri Chatami and Ramandhatia Ulfa Atrianto


Books selection

Cultural Violence: How the New Order Legitimized Anti-Communism through. Literature and Film

Wijaya HERLAMBANG “When normality is built atop mass graves, and secured by terror and lies, a moral vacuum is inevitable. Wijaya Herlambang (...)

Dawuk: A Grim Love Story from a Javanese Village

Mahfud IKHWAN Winner of the Khatulistiwa Literary Award 2017 “This is a story that happened not so long ago. A grim tale full of blood. Just (...)

Ecophenomenology: On the Ontological Dimensions of the Disequilibrium between Human and Nature

Saras DEWI Environmental ethics and movements have accurately demonstrated the various damages and degradation of nature due to human (...)

Contact : Ronny AGUSTINUS

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Responsable : Pradewi TRI CHATAMI

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II PLTX - Sococe - Rue K115 - Villa 109
01 BP 2290 Abidjan 01
Ivory Coast
Tél: +225 22 410 821 / 22 410 857

Founded in 2005, Vallesse has published nearly fifty books since then, 11 of which are prescribed books in the 1st cycle of the school curriculum, approved extracurricular textbooks and children’s books.
Vallesse is a member of ASSEDI (Association of Publishers of Ivory Coast) and also member of Afrilivres (Association of Francophone Publishers South of the Sahara). Fidèle Diomandé, director of Vallesse, is also the treasurer of these two associations.
Vallesse organized the writing competition called “Golden manuscript”, which provided a space for encounters with new authors. The company plans to relaunch this competition in the coming years.
In 2015, Vallesse won the Afrilivres Award for Best Publisher.

À la création de notre maison d’édition, nous recherchions une dénomination originale, quelque chose qui ait un lien avec notre culture. C’est ainsi que nous avons trouvé Vallesse qui vient du terme valêsseu, qui signifie dans la langue de l’ethnie Dan (peuple de l’ouest montagneux de la Côte d’Ivoire) : « c’est bon d’être grand, d’être ambitieux ». Parce que pour nous, « être grand, être ambitieux », c’est produire des ouvrages de qualité, mais c’est aussi, et peut-être surtout, faire du Livre, un ami pour la vie.

Books selection

Madeleine Tchicaya en question. Une femme de valeur, un modèle pour toutes les générations

Serge GRAH « On le sait singulier, le parcours de Madeleine Tchicaya, fait de choix, de responsabilité, de persévérance et de dynamisme intellectuel. (...)

Les Bannis du Grand Masque

Attita HINO Au grand dam de tous, le grand masque déclare Dibahou, le fils aîné, coupable de sorcellerie et le sang des familles des défunts crie (...)

Tristesse au paradis

Grâce MINLIBE Cyrielle est folle. Follement amoureuse du beau Wilfried. Il est l’homme de sa vie. Elle croit en leur amour. Le seul problème, leur (...)

Contact : Fidèle DIOMANDE

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Editores independientes de Ecuador (EIE)

logoEditores independientes de Ecuador (EIE)

Aldana 307 y Carvajal
Tél: (+593) 995 164395

The Association of Independent Publishers of Ecuador is a group of small and medium-sized cultural initiatives, committed to the need to come together to generate policies intrinsic to the book sector.

The goals include:
1. Promote the development of the publishing industry at the national and Latin American levels by developing cooperation and exchanges.
2. Ensure the free circulation of books, nationally and internationally.
3. Promote the culture of books and reading as essential factors for human development, self-actualisation and citizenry.
4. Contribute to the effective democratisation of books and reading in Ecuador as a means of promoting respect for the right of every citizen to participate openly and freely in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts, to contribute to scientific progress and to enjoy its benefits.
5. Promote bibliodiversity, the expression of cultural diversity through the book, as a guarantee of the plurality of literary, artistic and scientific contents and approaches.
6. Channel initiatives of independent and/or independent publishers to preserve the public status of the book and related editorial products.
7. Encourage the recognition of editorial work and literary creativity in Ecuador and Latin America.
8. Represent the interests of partners nationally and internationally and develop initiatives that strengthen the role of the publisher as a vital cultural agent.
9. Promote, encourage, organise, sponsor and contribute to the development of national policies aimed at developing the publishing industry and promoting reading in Ecuador.
10. Promote the defence of the rights of the author, the illustrator, artist and publisher, by promoting a culture of respect for intellectual property and by encouraging the application of the mechanisms provided by law against editorial piracy and unauthorized reprography.
11. Promote and conduct activities towards the consolidation and expansion of the book markets, both in Ecuador and abroad.
12. Promote the circulation of books at the national and international levels.
13. Encourage the expansion of book circulation networks and support the development of independent bookstores.
14. Advocate for the development of a national network of public libraries.

The Association of Independent Publishers of Ecuador is therefore pleased to share the efforts made by its members towards the realisation of the objectives set out in its founding statutes, namely the development of reading in the country. We believe that this humble contribution, conceived for both the reader and the professionals of the book world, will help to foster the links between authors and their readerships.


To listen: an interview from Germán GACIO BAQUIOLA, published by the CERLALC.

Contact : Germán GACIO BAQUIOLA

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Atelier des nomades

logoAtelier des nomades

Rue Edgar Laurent

L’Atelier des Nomades is a French-Mauritian publishing house created in 2010 by Corinne Fleury and Anthony Vallet. Over the years, the publishing house has developed a list with a strong visual writing in lifestyle and children’s books. Each book is a bridge towards the valorisation of art in the Indian Ocean region through the meeting of cultures, the mixing of ideas and creation.

Read here two interviews with Corinne Fleury, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (March 20, 2018) and in partnership with ActuaLitté (August 19, 2020).

Books selection

Contes de l’Ile Maurice

Shenaz PATEL et Sébastien PELON Comment Tizan a transformé une sauterelle en vache? Pourquoi un éléphant et une baleine sont convaincus qu’un petit (...)

Le dodo aux plumes d’or

Corinne FLEURY et Sébastien PELON Dans un village de l’île Maurice vit le dodo aux plumes d’or. Son fabuleux pouvoir attire la convoitise des (...)

Le bestiaire mauricien

Shenaz PATEL et Emmanuelle TCHOUKRIEL Les singes chapardeurs, des bêbêtes-ciseaux qui n’ont peur de rien, un gecko qui se prend pour un papillon, (...)

Contact : Corinne FLEURY

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46, avenue Bosembo, 7è rue
Quartier Industriel, Limete
Democratic Republic of Congo
Tél: (+243) 89 89 75 868

Founded in 2004 by Dan Bomboko, Elondja focuses distinctly on Congolese comics in order to promote comics creators from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Elondja is specialized in comics and children’s books.

Read here the interview with Dan Bomboko, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (October 9, 2018).

Books selection

Elikya, le petit orphelin : Justice Pour Elikya (tome 1)

Dessin : Dick ESALE Après s’être enfui du centre de réinsertion pour enfants, Elikya est recueilli par son parrain. Malheureusement pour le petit (...)

Elikya, le petit orphelin : Un monde hostile (tome 3)

Dessin : Dick ESALE Elikya, le petit orphelin se retrouve avec ses 4 amis, Jeannot, Coco, Bambi et Doudou dans un centre de réinsertion pour (...)

Les Aventures de Dinanga et Paya : La Vie Est Ailleurs (tome 1)

Alain PIAZZA Dinanga et Paya, deux jeunes africains décident de partir pour l’étranger dans le but de trouver une vie meilleure. Durant leur (...)

Contact : Dan BOMBOKO

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Kommode Verlag c/o Annette Beger
Dialogweg 7
8050 Zürich
Tél: +41 79 246 59 14

SWIPS is a collective of independent publishers in the German-speaking part of Switzerland, working together to improve the circulation of books in Switzerland and provide a diverse range of books for readers.
As independent publishing houses, we decide on our editorial policies and choices and are financially independent. We are committed to a living literature and to bibliodiversity.
Through our actions and our solidarity within SWIPS, we work for the recognition of the cultural and political role of publishers; we also act to give better visibility to our catalogues; we exchange and reflect collectively on the challenges facing independent publishers, to innovate, to strengthen our relations with independent bookshops, to uphold the rights of authors, and to improve the quality of our books.

Contact : Annette BEGER

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Pluto Press

logoPluto Press

345 Archway Road
N6 5AA London
United Kingdom

Pluto Press is a radical political publishing house. Founded in 1969, we are one of Britain’s oldest radical publishers, but our focus remains making timely interventions in contemporary struggles. Though our collective outlook has developed over time, we proudly identify as anti-capitalist, internationalist and politically independent.


To read: “Inside the UK’s most radical indie publishers, Pluto Press”, published by huck, June 2018

Contact : Anne BEECH

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9, rue Ricour Omar - Ben Aknoun Rp
Tél: (+213) (0) 21 91 16 17

Founded in 2003 by Samia Zennadi (archaeologist) and Karim Chikh (electrical engineer), APIC publishing has since embarked on a literary cruise aboard a paper ship blackened with words.
A cruise that did not necessarily sail on a calm sea, under a bright sun, sailing off where new horizons would on the next page and waves a parenthesis to be opened; rather on a stormy sea, struggling to balance on a semicolon – one foot anchored on the ground, as a perched dot on land –, and to navigate through an unstable equilibrium among letters, words, verbs, without jostling or belting the woes caused by the abuse of iodine. Full stop.
A cruise that can be conjugated in all climates and tenses, with a preference for the literary near future, so that nobody can forget.
“A publishing house that tombe à-pic” (“just in time”), some said. “Apic, ça pique!” (“it bites!”, said others. Also reminiscent of a beekeeper, passionate by shaping literature and harvesting an intoxicating nectar.
Between novels, poetry, short stories, essays and coffee table books, the waltz of books lulls the contrasts of a daily newspaper on the run and dreamy nights, always on the lookout for a new literary cruise, aboard a paper ship blackened with words, with one destination: safe arrival at the harbour of letters.

« Les éditions qui tombent à-pic », nous avons souvent travaillé avec des auteurs qui sont tombés à-pic ; « Apic, ça pique ! » avec des textes qui dérangent, qui suscitent des questionnements, à contre-courant ; « Apiculture, ou la passion du façonnage des belles lettres et la récolte du nectar enivrant », dans l’espoir d’apporter, dans le courant de l’évolution humaine.

Books selection

Les éditions APIC ont reçu le Grand Prix Assia Djebar 2022 pour le roman Le vent a dit son nom, de Mohamed Abdallah

Le vent a dit son nom

Mohamed ABDALLAH « Une sage malice rayonnait de ses traits, et on avait toujours l’impression qu’il en savait plus qu’il ne voulait bien le dire, (...)

La scène et l’histoire

Djawad ROSTOM TOUATI « Il pensa alors écrire une pièce, en s’inspirant de la grève des résidents, qui battait son plein. Il était en cinquième année (...)

Contact : Karim CHIKH

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Genres of publication

Between the Lines

logoBetween the Lines

401 Richmond Street West, #277
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3A8
Tél: +(416) 535-9914

Between the Lines (BTL) was established in 1977 and is a fiercely independent small press. At BTL we remain committed to our original mandate: to publish Canadian-authored non-fiction on a broad range of social and cultural issues from a progressive perspective. Our corresponding mission is to provide high quality resources that promote equitable social change. We specialize in informative, non-fiction books on politics and public policy, social issues, Canadian and world history, international development, Indigenous issues, gender/sexuality, critical race issues, labour and work, environment, and media. BTL books amplify the voices that often go unheard in the mainstream and challenge our readers to think differently. Our Editorial Committee makes publishing decisions democratically by consensus.

Between the Lines asks people to read critically, to think about the world differently, and not to get stuck in factional party lines.

Read here the interview with Amanda Crocker, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (January 16, 2018).

Books selection

Fear of a Black Nation: Race, Sex, and Security in Sixties Montreal

David AUSTIN In the 1960s, for at least a brief moment, Montreal became what seemed an unlikely centre of Black Power and the Caribbean left. In (...)

Languages of the Unheard: Why Militant Protest is Good for Democracy

Stephen D’ARCY “What we must see,” Martin Luther King once insisted, “is that a riot is the language of the unheard.” In this new era of global (...)

Pain and Prejudice: What Science Can Learn about Work from the People Who Do It

Karen MESSING In 1978, when workers at a nearby phosphate refinery learned that the ore they processed was contaminated with radioactive dust, (...)

Contact : Amanda CROCKER

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Éditions Papyrus Afrique

logoÉditions Papyrus Afrique

BP 19472 Dakar
Tél: (+221) 33 837 38 82

Éditions Papyrus Afrique, founded and directed by Seydou Nourou Ndiaye, is a Francophone publishing house, publishing mainly in African languages. Its mission is the development of modern literature in national languages. Since its creation in 1996, Papyrus has published more than 130 books published in West African languages. Having a large readership in the region and in the European and US diasporas, Éditions Papyrus Afrique also publishes a monthly newsletter in Wolof and Pulaar Lasli/ Njelbean.
Éditions Papyrus Afrique were the recipients of the Alioune Diop Prize for the Promotion of Publishing in Africa in 2002. They were also the first to be awarded the National Prize for the Promotion of Publishing in Africa in Senegal, in 2005.

Read: “Notre objectif est d’arriver à une coordination entre éditions africaines”, interview with Seydou Nourou Ndiaye, Liberté Algérie, 13 November, 2019

Books selection

A Pind Seenoor

Léopold Sédar SENGHOR ; Wally FAYE (trad.) A Pind Seenoor est une revue explicative et panoramique des poèmes de Senghor, avec en annexe leur (...)

Booy Pullo

Abdullaye JAH Booy Pullo campe la déchéance d’un jeune paysan qui quitte son village pour aller en France. Il passe par Dakar, s’y enlise, se (...)

Sawru Ganndal

Professeur Aboubacry MOUSSA LAM La connaissance est le personnage central de ce roman en pulaar dont la portée équivaut à une œuvre de recherche (...)

Contact : Seydou Nourou NDIAYE

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New Internationalist

logoNew Internationalist

Old Music Hall, 106-108 Cowley Road
Oxford, OX4 1JE
United Kingdom
Tél: +44 (0)1865 403156 / +44 (0)1865 403345

An independent, not-for-profit media co-operative, New Internationalist is a voice that empowers. We tell the stories that the mainstream media sidestep and offer a platform for the people living those stories. Our award-winning magazine, books and website set the agenda for a radically fairer future, promote global justice and campaign for the disadvantaged all over the world.
New Internationalist books span activism, current affairs, children’s and adult fiction, education, ethical living, photography and world food.

We used to be called the Internationalist. We became the New Internationalist in 1973! New perspectives on what it means to be a global citizen are needed now as much as ever. Internationalism guides everything we do as we believe in the interdependency of all people and all things. Now with our recent merger with Myriad our mission is to explore new ways of seeing.

Books selection

Juliana’s Bananas

Ruth WALTON An educational resource to help children explore the issue of fair trade by allowing them to see through the eyes of the children of (...)

SOS Alternatives to Capitalism

Richard SWIFT An investigation of the alternatives to capitalism, including socialism, anarchism and deep ecology. Financial collapse and (...)

Under an African sky

Peter HUDSON The author has been visiting the same village in Mauritania on the remote edge of the Sahara for over twenty years. This is the (...)

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Ediciones del Ermitaño

logoEdiciones del Ermitaño

Calle 2 número 21
San Pedro de los Pinos
03800 México, D.F.
Tél: +(52 55) 5515 1657

Ediciones del Ermitaño, Editorial Division of Solar Servicios Editoriales, is backed by the experience and prestige of over 29 years in the market and a growing collection of poetry, short stories, novels, and other genres. When the possibility of using digital technology emerged in the editorial world, Ediciones del Ermitaño was the first to create a collection that fully takes advantage of that technology. And so “Minimalia”, our main collection, was born, in which we have published over 250 titles and which has sold thousands of copies. We never run out of any title, since we have the capacity to reprint according to the needs and demand; this has allowed us to open the doors to many young writers who have been able to publish their first, and very promising, works, side by side with the accomplished writers that also are part of our catalog. Thus, the “Minimalia” collection has been a pioneer and a platform for experimentation that established the example and marked new guidelines. It is a collection that explores and explodes the new digital technologies surrounding composition and production, in order to create new paradigms that carry the word from the authors to ultimately thousands of readers.

Contact : Alejandro ZENKER

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Éditions du Sirocco

logoÉditions du Sirocco

4 rue Imilchil – CIL
Casablanca 20200
Tél: +21 25 22 36 68 43

Sirocco publishing was created in 2007 in Casablanca to support, unearth, and amplify Moroccan voices of yesterday or today. Their editorial choices are essentially guided by a passion for Morocco, its history, its heritage, its culture in its various expressions, without excluding other perspectives from the southern Mediterranean. Their list, including some co-publishing projects, is francophone and generalist. It is unique in that it reflects the enthusiasm of discoveries and encounters, built at their own pace. Recipient in 2013 of the Grand Atlas Prize (category Francophone essays) awarded to one of their publications, Sirocco Publishing now also publishes literature.

Sirocco parce que comme le vent (plutôt appelé « chergui » au Maroc mais la consonance du mot Sirocco me plaisait mieux), nos titres viennent « du sud » (de la Méditerranée, leurs auteurs ou leurs thèmes), et j’espère qu’ils soufflent chaud.

Read here the interview with Karine Joseph, published in partnership with ActuaLitté (February 10, 2017)

Books selection

La revue Souffles - 1966-1973

Kenza SEFRIOUI « Une étude pionnière consacrée à une revue maghrébine » [Salim Jay] qui questionne une période essentielle de l’histoire du Maroc. (...)

Contes et légendes populaires du Maroc

Textes recueillis à Marrakech et traduits par Doctoresse LÉGEY « J’ai recueilli tous ces contes à Marrakech. Plus heureuse que nombre de folkloristes (...)

À vous de voter les enfants ! - collection “p’tit citoyen (… deviendra grand !)”

Hanane OULAÏLLAH JAZOUANI (texte et illustrations) À vous de voter les enfants ! À Fanidi, petit village du Maroc, une élection est organisée pour (...)

Contact : Karine JOSEPH

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Modjaji Books

logoModjaji Books

Box 121, Rondebosch, 7701
Cape Town
South Africa
Tél: +27 72 77435 46

Modjaji Books is an independent feminist press that publishes southern African women writers. Modjaji Books fills a gap by providing a platform for serious and ground-breaking writing by new and established women writers with brave voices. We publish short stories, novels, memoir, biography, poetry, essays, narrative non-fiction, reference books and relevant non-fiction.

The history of publishing in South Africa is enmeshed with the culture of resistance that flourished under apartheid. Struggle literature may have emerged from the underground, but women’s voices and particularly black women’s voices – are still marginalized. Modjaji Books addressed this inequality by publishing books that are true to the spirit of Modjaji, the rain queen: a powerful female force for good, new life and regeneration.

In a few short years, Modjaji titles have won a number of prizes or been short-listed for prizes. The prizes include the Ingrid Jonker prizes for debut poetry, short-listings for the Sunday Times fiction prize, several SALA prizes as well as a short-listing for the Caine Prize.

Modjaji is the name of the Rain Queen in the northern part of South Africa. As South Africa is mostly a dry country - rain is very important!

Read here an interview of Colleen HIGGS, Read African Books (African Books Collective).

Books selection

Hemispheres: Inside a stroke

Karen LAZAR “Home is as old as one’s skin but as elusive as an object seen through the wrong end of a telescope.” It is this sense of a view, (...)

My First Time: Stories of sex and sexuality from women like you

Jennifer THORPE (author and editor) - the contributors include: Jen THORPE, Karabo KGOLENG (well known radio and media personality), Sarah (...)

Bom Boy

Yewande OMOTOSO Praise for Bom Boy from Nuruddin Farah, author of Links, Knots & Crossbones: "This is a novel bursting with elegance, (...)

Contact : Colleen HIGGS

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Graines de Pensées

logoGraines de Pensées

30, Boulevard du 13 Janvier
07 B.P. 7097
Tél: (+228) 22 22 32 43 / (+228) 22 37 75 32 / (+228) 90 32 33 20

Graines de Pensées publishing aims to contribute to the cultural expression of Africa, to the development of critical thinking and of a democratic and pluralistic society through the book.
They are concerned with offering accessible books to African children, adapted to their realities and aspirations and of impeccable editorial quality. In addition, for a better dissemination of the book, they participate in co-publishing projects with partners from the South and the North. They also work for synergies with institutions and companies for a better promotion of the book in French and African languages.

Graines de Pensées publishing started their activities in 2005 with a solid editorial experience and broad network of contacts in the French and English editorial sectors through the International Organization of the Francophonie, the African Training Centre for Publishing and Dissemination (CAFED), the Network of African Publishers (APNET) and the Afrilivres Association.


Books selection

Souffle court

Kouméalo ANATE ; préface Tanella BONI

Djanta (conte)

Tchotcho EKUE ; Kokou TONGNEVI

Panafricanisme et renaissance africaine



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Box 45095
SE - 104 30 Stockholm
Tél: (+46-08) 32 30 80

Based in Stockholm and founded in 1984, Ferdosi has, in addition to being a publisher, been a key distributor and supplier of books and periodicals.
We cooperate with publishers and distributors throughout the world in order to provide individual and organizational clients with their requests and demands, through our contact services and multilingual website. Ferdosi has a broad list of Persian books published throughout the past 30 years by a range of publishers outside Iran. The list is available on Ferdosi´s website and can be searched by the title, name of the writer, etc.

Ferdosi works with libraries worldwide as a main supplier for minority languages published outside the country of origin. Individual customers equally benefit from our service through Ferdosi´s website.

As a publisher, Ferdosi has published valuable books in Persian and Swedish, mostly dealing with Persian literature, or informative texts about Iran and the Middle East.
Ferdosi publishes a Persian-Swedish magazine under the title of Norrsken (Northern Light), which is intended to be a step toward preserving Persian literature and culture among Farsi speaking and non-Iranians interested in Persian language and culture.

Ferdosi is the name of Iranian national poet who wrote the famous book for Shahnameh to rescue Persian language from Arabic influence.

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Naakojaa / éditions le non-où

logoNaakojaa / éditions le non-où

89 rue du Ruisseau
75018 Paris
Tél: +33 (0)1 42 64 44 21

Naakojaa is a digital publisher based in France that launched in February 2012 with the aim of creating greater access for the audience of Persian literature.
Based on our readers’ embrace of world literature on digital platforms, we, too, decided to keep up with technology to help Persian speakers around the world.
Audiences now can legally and easily purchase Persian literature from iTunes and Amazon.
Statistics show that these digital platforms are becoming more popular because of accessibility and the ability to publish easily, which makes it possible to be sold for a reasonable price while protecting authors’ rights under copyright law.

Contact : Tinouche NAZMJOU

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JC Sáez Editor

logoJC Sáez Editor

El Retiro 4853
7630227 Vitacura
Tél: (+56) 2 3253148 / (+56) 2 3260104

At the time of its foundation in 1920, JC Sáez Editor (formerly Dolmen Ediciones) was a publishing house specialising in textbooks and extracurricular books. It is now specialised in the dissemination of ideas in key areas of modernity, such as humanities, biology, pedagogy, economics and management. JC Sáez Editor’s catalogue also includes emerging voices and renowned authors from Chile’s national body of literature (poetry, essays), and comic strips, general trade literature, which enables it to go beyond continental borders with a rich and varied offer. To secure its diffusion, JC Sáez Editor relies on a distribution and collaboration network at local level in the main Latino-American capital cities.

Books selection

Ciencia presunta de Marx

Rafael Echeverría Marx sostuvo que, a diferencia del socialismo utópico del pasado y de varias propuestas socialistas y anarquistas de su época, (...)

El Fenómeno de la vida

Francisco Varela “Lo que he querido desarrollar en estos ensayos es una comprensión del fenómeno de la vida en toda su gloria y majestad. Esto (...)

Estudio de casos en la formación de profesores de matemáticas: integrando matemáticas y pedagogía

Cristián Reyes El proyecto denominado “Herramientas para la Formación de Profesores de Matemáticas”, tiene como objetivo contribuir al mejoramiento (...)

Contact : Juan Carlos SÁEZ

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