
The Alliance

Meeting on the digital publishing in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), December 18 - 21, 2010

Pays de parution : Burkina Faso

The International Alliance of Independent Publishers organizes from 18 to 21 December 2010 a meeting on the digital publishing in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), in partnership with the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

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Meeting of the English-language network in Paris, October 13 - 15, 2010

Pays de parution : France
Langue(s) : anglais

The English-language network next meeting will take place in Paris from 13th to 15th October 2010. Discussions about the network current and future projects (translation, co-publishing, book fairs, etc.) are planned.
Being in Paris will be an opportunity for the seven publishers (Spinifex in Australia, Jacana Media in South Africa, The New Press in the United States, Tulika and Women Unlimited in India and Zed Books in the United Kingdom) to meet French publishers (Actes Sud, La Fabrique...).

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Meeting of language network coordinators, Paris, October 11 - 12, 2010

Pays de parution : France

The Alliance language network coordinators will meet in Paris on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of October 2010. This meeting represents one of the annual appointment of the governance of the association.
Two days of exchanges and debates between the coordinators and the members of the Board of the Alliance... discover the attached programme.

Language network coordinators :

* Nouri Abid, Tunisia (Med Ali), coordinator of the Arabic-language network ;

* Serge D. Kouam, Cameroon (Presses universitaires d’Afrique), coordinator of the French-language network ;

* Marc Favreau, United States (The New Press), coordinator of the English-language network ;

* Araken Gomes Ribeiro, Brazil (Contra Capa), coordinator of the Portuguese-language network ;

* Guido Indij, Argentina (la marca editora), coordinator of the Spanish-language network.

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Promoting Bibliodiversity : The independent publishers at the 2010 Frankfurt Book Fair

Pays de parution : Allemagne

To meet the independent publishers of the Alliance in Frankfurt, download the document below.

To contact these publishers, before or after the Fair, do not hesitate to address directly the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.

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Barzakh Publishing wins the Prince Claus Award

Pays de parution : Algérie, Pays-Bas

In 2010, the Prince Claus Foundation awards a prize to a publisher member of the Alliance. Indeed, the prestigious Prince Claus Award will next December pay tribute to Algeria’s Barzakh Publishing “for the way it gives concrete expression to Algerian voices, for having opened up a very necessary space for critical debates on Algerian realities, for having built a bridge between the different languages and cultures, and for having creatively dispelled the threat of the country’s cultural isolation”.

The Alliance expresses its warmest and most sincere congratulations to Selma Hellal, Sofiane Hadjadj and the whole team at Barzakh Publishing.

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International Bibliodiversity Day, 21 September 2010

From 2010 International Bibliodiversity Day will be celebrated in several Latin American countries on 21 September each year. This day is deeply symbolic, representing Spring Day in the Southern hemisphere, in particular ; spring with its connotations of pleasant weather, diversity, contrasting colours, vigour, flowers in bloom, transitions, love, perfume, and new beginnings.

Even though this is an international day, it was important to note that this initiative originated in the South - in Latin America – and that it bears a concrete signicance. Indeed, in defending and promoting bibliodiversity, Latin American publishers reaffirm the necessity of rebalancing the direction in which books and ideas circulate and of achieving movement in other directions, from South to North, but also from South to South.

Watch the EldíaB 2010 videos !

More information on Bibliodiversity Day Blog : http://eldiab.org/

Photo of the Day activities in the parks


Photo_« Releasing the books »

The Bibliodiversity Day logo

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L’Afrique au secours de l’Afrique

Auteur(s) : Sanou MBAYE ; préface d'Aminata TRAORE
Pays de parution : Algérie, Bénin, Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Mali, Suisse
Langue(s) : français
Prix : 9 € ; 500 DA ; 3 000 FCFA ; 15 CHF

Comment l’Afrique peut-elle sortir de l’impasse ? À contre-courant, l’auteur montre que les Africains ont les cartes en mains pour assurer leur propre développement. Depuis les indépendances, le modèle de développement imposé à l’Afrique par l’Occident est un véritable échec. L’auteur dissèque les causes structurelles de cette faillite qui a entraîné les populations africaines dans une spirale de pauvreté et de violence. Il met en évidence les responsabilités occidentales sans occulter celles propres aux Africains eux-mêmes. Son analyse pluridimensionnelle propose ensuite un large éventail de solutions novatrices qui permettront aux Africains de prendre eux-mêmes en main leur propre développement. Avec une grande force de persuasion, Sanou Mbaye propose les réformes politiques, économiques et financières, les actions juridiques et le schéma de mobilisation des ressources qui peuvent assurer la véritable renaissance dont rêvent les populations de la région. Seule l’Afrique viendra à bout de ses propres maux et l’auteur nous emporte dans une lecture pleine d’espoir sur l’avenir du continent. Foncièrement panafricaniste, il est convaincu que la solidarité des peuples d’Afrique sera le terreau favorable à cette profonde mutation qui leur permettra de se réapproprier leur identité mise à mal par des siècles de domination et de se réaliser pleinement.

Sanou MBAYE, ancien haut fonctionnaire de la Banque africaine de développement, est un chroniqueur politique et économique. Ses écrits sur le développement des pays africains proposent des politiques alternatives à celles mises en place, en Afrique, par des Occidentaux et leurs bras alliés : le FMI et la Banque mondiale.

Date de publication : 2010, 222 pages, 11 X 18 cm

Première édition grand format : les éditions de l’Atelier, 2009

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Petit précis de remise à niveau sur l’histoire africaine à l’usage du Président Sarkozy

Auteur(s) : Sous la direction d'Adame BA KONARÉ
Pays de parution : Algérie, Mali, Sénégal
Langue(s) : français
Prix : 6 500 FCFA ; 800 DA

Passé les réactions vives et indignées qu’a suscitées chez les Africains le discours de Nicolas Sarkozy prononcé à Dakar le 26 juillet 2007, ses déclarations sur l’immobilisme du continent africain ou encore la non-responsabilité de la France dans ses problèmes actuels nécessitaient une riposte argumentée, dépouillée de toute considération émotive. C’est dans le but d’éclairer le président Sarkozy, mais aussi son entourage et, plus généralement, le grand public sur la réalité de l’histoire africaine, qu’Adame Ba Konaré a lancé, en septembre 2007, un appel remarqué à la communauté des historiens. Cet ouvrage est le résultat de cette mobilisation : 25 contributions de spécialistes de notoriété internationale ou de plus jeunes chercheurs, africains et européens, qui abordent chacun avec rigueur et précision un pan de l’histoire riche, complexe et méconnue du continent.

Date de publication de la version panafricaine : 2009, 350 pages, 15,5 X 24 cm

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Third meeting of the Latin-American independent publishers’ collectives, La Paz, August, 2010

Pays de parution : Bolivie

The 3rd meeting of Latin-American independent publishers’ collectives of the Alliance will occur with the support of the Departmental Book Chamber of La Paz and the French cultural services for the Andean cooperation during the 15th La Paz International Book Fair (Bolivia) – which will take place from August 18 to 29, 2010, under the slogan “Celebrate Bibliodiversity”.

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Preferential postage rates for books : urgent for Latin America, August 2010

Massively used by small publishing firms to distribute their products to bookstores, libraries, and readers, the postal service is the most popular means of circulating books throughout the world. However, the absence, suppression or questioning of special postage for books is an impediment to bibliodiversity in many countries.
In Latin America, with a huge territory to cover and limited circulation, a large share of publishers ensures the delivery of their products themselves. For these publishers, preferential postage rates for shipping books are all the more vital.

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Bibliodiversity Observatory

Mapping public book policies in the Arab world

In 2017, publishers who are members of the Alliance along with academics and experts united to collectively produce some research on Public Book Policies in Latin America and in Sub-Saharan Africa. This has since been converted into a unique digital, graphic and interactive tool for informing and centralising data on the public support systems for books and reading in 22 countries.

In 2024, the International Alliance of Independent Publishers, thanks to the support of Open Society Foundation, extends this project to the Arab world for a better understanding of public authorities’ commitment to books and reading in the different countries of the Arab world. To this end, data is collected in 10 countries based on a common questionnaire. The data will then be presented on the dedicated website for each country. A cross-sectional analysis will be carried out on the basis of these data ; the Alliance is looking for an author to draft this cross-sectional analysis.

Deadline to apply (equipe@alliance-editeurs.org) : 31 May 2024

This unique and important work ! The mapping and the analysis will be presented publicly in December 2024 or January 2025 to professionals and representatives of public authorities in the countries.

Read more here (in Arabic) / see on the right the English version for download

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Brief Manual of Best Practices for Public Book Procurement

“It is important to understand the key role that the public procurement of books plays–similar to that of roads in a country’s development–and the related impacts of these actions on the ecosystem of books, culture, and education.

In purchasing books and socializing the processes of reading, the state’s actions may have numerous impacts. The selection of books is not only a question of quality and price, nor is it a simple technical process or an isolated action.”

This document is based on the Brevísimo manual de buenas prácticas para las compras públicas de libros (print and digital) that was included in the work of the Comisión de Compras Públicas de la Política Nacional de la Lectura y el Libro 2015-2020 (Chile), prepared by Paulo Slachevsky, coordinator of the commission. We are grateful to Germán Gacio Baquiola for his critical feedback and contributions.

Read the Manual

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Manual de buenas prácticas para las compras públicas de libros

“Una buena política de adquisición de libros por parte del Estado tiene múltiples y significativos impactos en el desarrollo cultural, social, económico y político de un país […] Por todo ello es tan importante mejorar, incrementar, trasparentar, desconcentrar y fortalecer la presencia de autoras/es y editoriales locales en los procesos de compras públicas de libros. También analizar, revisar y diversificar constantemente las áreas en que se centran los gastos, como los libros de textos que concentran generalmente gran parte del gasto público en libros.”

Este documento reproduce, con algunas modificaciones, el Brevísimo Manual de buenas prácticas para las compras públicas de libros (en papel y en formato digital) que fue incorporado al trabajo de la Comisión de Compras Públicas - Política Nacional de la Lectura y el Libro 2015-2020 (Chile), realizado por Paulo Slachevsky (LOM Ediciones, Chile) como coordinador de la Comisión. Este manual ha sido revisado por Germán Gacio Baquiola (Editores independientes de Ecuador).

Leer el manual

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Precariousness of independent publishing

Read the call for contributions for the next issue of Bibliodiversité review, to be published in October 2024.

Please contact us if you would like to submit a contribution to the Bibliodiversité review under the topic « The precariousness of independent publishing » : equipe@alliance-editeurs.org

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Solidarity co-publishing : history and mechanisms (2023)

“Co-publishing is a reminder of the extent to which solidarity is the main factor in the successful realisation of any project. It is a symbol of the strength that can be found when several publishers unite together. The book becomes much cheaper, accessible to the maximum number of readers and reaches several countries at the same time.” Lilian Thuram

For more than twenty years, independent publishing houses that are members of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers have collaborated, sharing resources and know-how and developing solidarity co-publishing.

To record and preserve this expertise, the Alliance is going back to the beginnings of solidarity co-publishing and presenting the history of a pioneering collection, “Terres solidaires”, as well as the story of the publication of one of its titles.

With this document, the Alliance also wishes to reaffirm the need for solidarity co-publishing in order to :
disseminate texts (thereby helping expand the literary ecosystem) ;
strengthen local book industries ;
make books more accessible to readers (adapted price).

Thank you very much to Armand Jamme for writing this document and to Mariette Robbes for its graphic design and illustration.

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Transmission and renewal. How do we ensure the continued existence of businesses in the book trade ?

Order this issue in digital format here (in French).

Sale price (digital format - PDF) : 5 euros
ISBN : 978-2-490855-51-3

Published : 23 March 2023

The Bibliodiversité review is co-published by Double ponctuation and the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.

See all previous issues of the review here (“Inclusion and Diversity in the Book Industry”, “The Alternatives. Ecology, social economy : the future of the book ?”, “Minority Languages”, “Public Book Policies”, “Self-Publishing”, “Publishing and Commitment”, “Translation and Globalization”...).

Many independent publishers and bookshops are faced with the question of the transmission of their businesses, and sometimes struggle to find someone to take them on. This not only impacts the individuals concerned. Given the extent to which, as a generation leaves the world of work, the phenomenon is gaining momentum in Europe as well as Latin America and Africa, the future of a certain idea of the book is also at stake.

But is transmission necessary ? And if yes, to who, when and how ? Are there differences between the transmission of a publishing house or bookshop and that of other businesses ? In a sector undergoing great change, the giving up of a business in the book industry poses a broader question about the capacity for renewal of cultural organisations – of their people, practices and content – but also about the integration of legislative, societal and technological changes.

Here, a collection of texts tackles from different points of view this essential yet under-studied subject. More than a practical guide – something it appears it would be difficult to write, given the variety of situations encountered – in this issue we seek above all to share academic analyses and accounts of experiences to help us reflect on the notion of renewal and think about these transmissions.

Read an excerpt from this issue, published by ActuaLitté : the testimony of Colleen Higgs, Modjaji Books in South Africa

Contents (in French)

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Solidarity co-publishing and translations contribute to the circulation of content and exchange of ideas. Solidarity co-publishing makes it possible for the activities and costs associated with publishing and printing to be shared, which means that books can be made available to wider audiences at a fair price. Solidarity co-publishing partnerships bring structure to the book market in the medium term : distributing texts in often inaccessible areas, reinforcing professional capabilities, developing catalogues, and enabling fair professional and commercial exchanges between the North and South and the development of innovative exchanges and partnerships between countries in the South. Here, independent publishers share their experiences and encourage public authorities to support and assist solidarity publishing partnerships.

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Guide to good practice

Why have a Guide ?
This Guide is based on ideas, discussions, round tables and workshops prior to and during the International Conference of Independent Publishers in Pamplona-Iruñea (23-26 November 2021).

The objectives of this guide are to :
• suggest lines of approach and actions for publishers who are members of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers, and to book professionals more broadly ;
• help implement and put into practice the principles and values defended by the Alliance’s members ;
• illustrate these principles using examples (experience, projects, ideas, etc. from professionals) which may serve as sources of inspiration.

How ?
The “entries” in this Guide are thematic. Given that the intention of the Guide is to present in a practical way the principles of the Pamplona-Iruñea Declaration, the main entries are currently as follows :
• decolonial publishing
• ecological publishing
• feminist and LGBTQI+ publishing
• free publishing
• social publishing
• solidarity-based publishing

This Guide will evolve ; its form is not fixed. Indeed, several of the Guide’s entries require input that will come from the work of the thematic working groups which will be tasked with making suggestions and enhancing these entries. It will then be possible to update and adapt the Guide over time in line with the evolution of practices and ideas inside the Alliance (in particular through post-conference thematic working groups).

The Alliance is a unique intercultural network, whose specificity and strength lie in respect for diversity.
Kindness, curiosity, listening and respect for points of view, as well as equal opportunities for speech, must be the basis of every exchange within the Alliance. There can be no place for hate speech or non-inclusive discourse, which would be against the fundamental principles of the Alliance.
This prerequisite is the basis on which the Alliance’s members organise themselves and work together – on the creation of this Guide, among other things.

The Guide to Good Practice is intended as food for thought and discussion. It cannot commit the publishers who are members of the Alliance to all the proposals and recommendations it contains. Indeed, the International Alliance of Independent Publishers is aware of the geographical diversity of its members and, consequently, of their cultural diversity. It is also fully aware of the impossibility of implementing certain measures (e.g. on book ecology, etc.) in some countries for many reasons related to the political, social, economic, cultural environment…

Read the Guide

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The ecology of the book is concerned with ideas and professional practices towards a sustainable, decolonial and geopolitical ecology of the book, involving all the actors of the world of books and taking into account their interdependence.

These ideas and practices seek to articulate several dimensions and include all the actors involved in the production of books, from creation, layout and publication to reading, including printing, distribution and sale in bookshops.

In addition to these material dimensions linked to the production of books (inputs, choice of paper, transport from the printing press), there are symbolic dimensions, which reflect on the use of books and bibliodiversity. Finally, book ecology also takes into consideration the external factors impacting on the book industry and the book market, in particular the social and environmental dynamics informing a sustainable ecological perspective.

Book ecology is therefore a concept that refers to a complex, collective and interprofessional understanding of all the practices linked to the production of books. It seeks to foster dialogue between professionals to bring about structural and thoughtful changes for greater eco-responsibility and bibliodiversity.

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