The Alliance

Presentation & objectives

The “Fair Trade Book”

The label “Fair Trade Book” is attributed by the International Alliance of independent publishers to works published in the context of international publishing agreements that respect each other’s particularities : fair co- publishing. These fair copublishings enable the sharing of costs linked to intellectual and physical production of books and therefore ensure an economy of scale ; an exchange of professional know-how and a common experience, while respecting the publishers’ cultural contexts and identities ; and a distribution of works on a broader scale by adjusting prices for each geographic zone.

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Fair speech

The notion of fair speech expands the idea of ‘free speech’ to incorporate the concept of justice. Indeed, in a context of media concentration, dominant powers (whether political, economic, religious, ideological, etc.) are the most represented and heard (because they are powerful or loud). Fair speech fosters speech equity for other voices that are often marginalised and/or censored to be heard. Fair speech therefore promotes an equitable access to expression (for example for women, historically marginalised groups, etc.), enabling an authentic diversity of voices. This concept was created by Betty McLellan in Unspeakable (Spinifex Press, 2010, Australia) and promoted by Susan Hawthorne in Bibliodiversity : A Manifesto for Independent Publishing (Spinifex Press, 2014, Australia).

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The Declarations of 2003, 2005 and 2007

The Dakar Declaration (December 2003) is the foundational text of the Alliance and birth certificate of the association. The Guadalajara Declaration (October 2005) is the outcome of a meeting held in Mexico between independent publishers from the Latin world.
The International Declaration of independent publishers for the protection and promotion of bibliodiversity (July 2007) was drafted and signed by the 70 publishers participating to the International Assembly of independent publishers held in Paris in 2007.
These three texts, as well as the 2014 International Declaration of independent publishers, are milestones in the history of the Alliance – they are a reminder, and bear witness to the present bearing testimony to the commitment of independent publishers, and serve as their policy guidelines.

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The International Alliance of independent publishers is a professional collective that brings together more than 800 independent publishing houses in 60 countries around the world. Created as an association in 2002, it is composed of 6 language networks (English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Persian) and thematic groups. Members of the Alliance are publishing houses and publisher collectives.
The Alliance’s activities promote and strengthen bibliodiversity (cultural diversity applied to the world of the book).

In alignment with its mission, the Alliance created a Bibliodiversity Observatory that gathers studies, analysis and tools produced by the Alliance, aimed at professionals and public authorities. The Observatory’s objectives include assessing and strengthening bibliodiversity in the world.

The Alliance also hosts and facilitates international meetings and thematic workshops (for example on children’s book publishing, digital publishing, etc.), enabling independent publishers from various continents to exchange ideas and initiate collaborations. These meetings support increasing capacity through peer sharing, an aspect developed in particular around the issue of digital publishing in the context of the Digital Lab.
The Alliance supports international publishing projects (co-publishing, translation, copyright transfers, etc.), for greater circulation of texts and fair access to books for readers.

In 2022, the Alliance launched a first-of-its-kind initiative : the first edition of Babelica, an international online Book Fair of Independent Publishing, which takes place once a year, on 21 September (International Bibliodiversity Day).

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Key Dates of the Alliance

• Gijón meeting (Spain), 2000 (an initiative led by four Spanish-speaking publishers in reaction to the emergence of Spanish multinationals in Latin America)
• Creation of the Alliance project by a group of publishers and Etienne Galliand – who would become the first director of the association
• Paris meeting (France), 2001 (some few days away from the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity)
• Foundation of the “Alliance of Independent Publishers Association, for Another Globalisation”, as per Law 1901 (head office in Paris) 2002
• Dakar meeting (Senegal), 2003 (Declaration of Solidarity amongst Independent Publishers)
• Guadalajara meeting (Mexico), 2005 (Declaration of independent publishers of the Latin world)
• International Assembly of Independent Publishers in Paris (France), 2007 (International Declaration of Independent Publishers to promote and strenghten bibliodiversity together)
• Name change of the association to International Alliance of independent publishers, 2008
• Creation of the International Committee of Independent Publishers (ICIP), 2009
• International Assembly of independent publishers – preparatory meetings and closing meeting in Cape Town (South Africa), 2012-2014 (International Declaration of independent publishers, to promote and strengthen bibliodiversity together, and 80 recommendations and tools in support of bibliodiversity)
• Creation of the Bibliodiversity Observatory, 2016
Mapping public book policies in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa, 2020
• International Conference of Independent publishing in Pamplona-Iruñea, 2021 (Declaration ’for independent, decolonial, ecological, feminist, free, social and solidarity-based publishing’)
Guide to good practice, 2022
• First edition of Babelica, 2022

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Mandela et moi

Auteur(s) : Lewis NKOSI ; préface de Véronique TADJO
Pays de parution : Algérie, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Maroc, Rwanda, Togo, Tunisie
Langue(s) : français
Prix : 2 500 FCFA ; 400 DA ; 45 DM ; 8 DT ; 3 300 RWF

Le jeune Zoulou Dumisani Gumede grandit dans le cadre bucolique des montagnes sud-africaines. Cet irrésistible séducteur a deux obsessions : le sexe et une adoration inconditionnelle pour Nelson Mandela, le mythique leader de l’ANC recherché alors dans tout le pays et incarnation idéale pour lui du courage et de la virilité.
Paru initialement en 2006, Mandela et moi dessine un portrait décalé de l’Afrique du Sud sous le régime de l’apartheid. Roman d’apprentissage atypique et audacieux, mêlant de savoureuses anecdotes relatives à la vie quotidienne de la communauté zouloue et à la violence ordinaire, tant familiale que sociale et politique d’un pays en souffrance. Sagesse et humour se côtoient dans cette fable, qui se veut un hommage au grand Mandela.

Lewis NKOSI est né à Durban (Afrique du Sud) en 1936. Journaliste, il a enseigné la littérature dans différentes universités. Auteur de plusieurs essais consacrés à la culture et à la littérature sud-africaine, de pièces de théâtre et de romans, il a reçu de nombreux prix littéraires. Il est décédé à Johannesburg en septembre 2010.

Date de publication de la version panafricaine : 2011, 360 pages, 11,5 X 19 cm

Une coédition solidaire « Le livre équitable ».

Collection Terres solidaires

Créée en 2007, la collection « Terres solidaires » est une expérience collective. Elle propose des textes littéraires d’autrices et auteurs africain.e.s, édités par un collectif de maisons d’édition en Afrique francophone. Grâce au principe de la coédition solidaire, les textes circulent, sont disponibles et accessibles pour les lecteurs africains ; l’écosystème du livre local est préservé et renforcé.
La collection « Terres solidaires » est soutenue par l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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Trop de soleil tue l’amour

Auteur(s) : Mongo BETI ; préface d'Odile TOBNER
Pays de parution : Algérie, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Maroc, Rwanda, Togo, Tunisie
Langue(s) : français
Prix : 2 500 FCFA ; 400 DA ; 45 DM ; 8 DT ; 3 300 RWF

Zam, journaliste politique engagé, est victime d’un vol : toute sa précieuse collection de disques de jazz est dérobée. Le lendemain, il découvre un cadavre dans son placard. S’ensuit alors une succession de péripéties où Zam - plus porté sur les plaisirs simples de la vie - prend lentement conscience de ce qui se trame autour de lui. Il décide alors de mener une enquête qui se transforme très vite en cauchemar, où des policiers véreux se confondent avec des politiciens corrompus, où les diplomates étrangers se dérobent tandis que les services secrets se déchaînent.
Trop de soleil tue l’amour - premier volet d’une trilogie restée inachevée - s’inscrit dans cette tradition de la farce littéraire qui entend dénoncer par l’humour la tragédie d’une Afrique prise dans les rets de ses contradictions et des ingérences multiples.

Écrivain, essayiste, libraire, éditeur, citoyen militant, Mongo BETI - né en 1932 au Cameroun - a été, durant un demi-siècle, au cœur du combat pour une Afrique libérée des drames de la colonisation et des indépendances confisquées. Auteur d’une œuvre importante et considéré comme un des écrivains africains majeurs, Mongo BETI est décédé en octobre 2001.

Date de publication de la version panafricaine : 2011, 372 pages, 11,5 X 19 cm

Une coédition solidaire « Le livre équitable ».

Collection Terres solidaires

Créée en 2007, la collection « Terres solidaires » est une expérience collective. Elle propose des textes littéraires d’autrices et auteurs africain.e.s, édités par un collectif de maisons d’édition en Afrique francophone. Grâce au principe de la coédition solidaire, les textes circulent, sont disponibles et accessibles pour les lecteurs africains ; l’écosystème du livre local est préservé et renforcé.
La collection « Terres solidaires » est soutenue par l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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The Alliance at the Seine-Saint-Denis Youth Press and Book Fair (France), November 30 - December 5, 2011 – stand J-11

Pays de parution : France

The Alliance will welcome you, from the 30th of November to the 5th of December 2011, to its collective stand, « Readings from Abroad : Africa, Americas, Oceania », J-11, in the Seine-Saint-Denis Youth Press and Book Fair International Space. We invite you to meet and discover works from 10 African, Brazilian and French publishers represented at the stand “Readings from Abroad” : Alif publishers (Tunisia), Bakamé (Rwanda), Donniya (Mali), Ganndal (Republic of Guinea), Jacana (South Africa), Jeunes malgaches (Madagascar), Pallas (Brasil), Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benin), Vents d’ailleurs (France) and Yomad (Morocco).

Click here to discover and order some youth literature the whole year through, and to consult the collective catalogue “Readings from Africa(s)”.

In the margins of the Fair, the Alliance organises meetings between African publishers and French librarians and also with associations and structures involved in the book trade – see programme below for more details !
Through the School of Youth Literature, the Alliance also proposes a training day on youth publishing in French-speaking Africa on Friday the 2nd of December.
More information can be obtained on the website of the Fair.

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The freedom to publish is always in danger in Canada

Pays de parution : Canada

Following the call for solidarity with Ecosociété coordinated by the Alliance in 2008, we sent you the conclusions of the « case Noir Canada » with Barrick Gold (as you will see in the attached press release).

Indeed, in order to put an end to the proceedings that Barrick Gold (mining company) instituted against it in April 2008 for the sum of 6 million dollars, Ecosociété and the authors of Noir Canada decided to cease the publication of the book.

However this important title is still part of Ecosociété backlist - and we know it will go on being read, through the copies which have been bought since 2008, notably by libraries.

In front of this censorship act, and the pressure put by compagnies on a independent publishing house, we would like to praise the pugnacity of the publishers and the authors during these last three years.

The struggle against censorship is still topical, and the Alliance goes on supporting every action that Ecosociété will do in favor of freedom to publish.

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The Alliance at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2011

Pays de parution : Allemagne

The independent publishers will meet again in Frankfurt this year. Please feel free to meet them directly at their exhibition stands or contact the Alliance for any additional information.

On another note, a session not to be missed is the public presentation of the study on digital publishing in developing countries, a study coordinated by the Alliance in partnership with the Prince Claus Foundation, on Thursday 13 October 2011 between 12h00 and 13h00 at the Dialogue Forum (Hall 5.1 / A962). Octavio KULESZ (from Teseo Editorial, Argentina, author of the study), Gabriela ADAMO (Director of the Buenos Aires Book Fair), Bridget IMPEY (from Jacana Media, South Africa) and Mariana WARTH (from Pallas Editora, Brazil) will be participating in this session.

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The International Bibliodiversity Day, 21 September 2011

Pays de parution : Afrique du Sud, Australie, Espagne, France, Inde, Turquie

Since 2010, the International Bibliodiversity Day (B Day) is celebrated on 21 September (Spring Day in the Southern hemisphere) by independent publishers. On the programme this year :

  • in Spain, in Tenerife, the African Book Fair 2011, taking place from 21 to 25 September 2011, will host the publisher members of the Alliance at round tables and meetings, and will provide a platform for the Alliance to officially launch B Day (see programme below) ;
  • in France, a workshop on bibliodiversity will bring together some representatives of the book industry’s professional associations (booksellers, librarians, publishers) ;
  • in Latin America, national publishers collectives are mobilising and will be facilitating numerous activities, read the blog at ;
  • consult the Wikipedia article on “bibliodiversity”, available in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English ;
  • in Australia, the artist Judy Horacek draws bibliodiversity ;
  • in Turkey, the painter Emine Bora illustrates biblodiversity ;
  • in India, the artist Alpana Khare represents bibliodiversity ;
  • in South Africa, bibliodiversity is interpreted by a designer - see the illustrations below !

And what’s happening in your part of the world ? Tell us about your activities !

Watch the B Day 2011 video !

The bibliodiversity in India, by the artist Alpana Khare

The bibliodiversity in South Africa !

The bibliodiversity in Turkey, by the artist Emine Bora

The bibliodiversity in drawing, by the Australian artist Judy Horacek

B Day logo

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Eight Persian-language publishers meet in Paris, June 22 - 24, 2011

Pays de parution : Allemagne, Danemark, États-Unis, France, Iran, Pays-Bas, Suède

Through its partnership with the Prince Claus Foundation, the Alliance gathers Persian-language publishers of the diaspora (Germany, Denmark, United States, France, Netherlands and Sweden) for an unprecedented meeting in Paris, from 22 to 24 June 2011. We hope this meeting would allow publishers to create both humane and professional bonds, ease the way to develop projects collectively and finally to reunite.

The report of this meeting is available in English and Persian. Please, write us to receive a copy.

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A guide to the Alliance

The Alliance has adopted an original method of internal organization, respecting both the democratic principles and the functioning of an international network. The Alliance rests above all on its member publishers, represented by the International Committee of Independent Publishers (ICIP). It also relies on a Board – charged with upholding and respecting the publishers’ decisions – and a permanent staff.

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