The Alliance

Presentation & objectives

Vandana Shiva, author and activist (India), Bibliodiversity Ambassador of the Alliance

“I wouldn’t have written the many books if I didn’t have publishers who were sensitive, publishers who had their own networks, publishers who worked with my philosophy of smallness is beautiful, smallness in self-organised form is largeness—it is largeness of mind, it is largeness of heart, it is largeness in terms of expanding the possibilities of humanity and the earth in a time where the dominant economy would like to shrink those possibilities.”

“If you were not as diverse as you are and if you did not publish the diversity of ideas that are necessary for our times not only would you as a publishing network not have the resilience and robustness that is needed, but wouldn’t be providing that amazing robustness to society in a period where, like monocultures are destroying the fertility of the soil and creating deserts (...)”

Read the speech by Vandana Shiva at the closing of the International Conference on Independent Publishers, Pamplona-Iruñea, 26 November 2021.

This speech is also available in audio on the Alliance’s Youtube channel.

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Djaïli Amadou Amal, author (Cameroon), Bibliodiversity Ambassador of the Alliance

“More than ever, the future of the book—namely its diversity and promotion of minority and alternative voices—rests on the shoulders of independent editors, who give life to the book’s cultural necessity through their commitment, convictions, and attachment to causes that break with the lone dictature of capitalism.”

“My third novel, Munyal ; les larmes de la patience (forthcoming in English translation in October 2022 as The Impatients), is now available in many Francophone African countries because of the Alliance’s ’Terres solidaires’ collection. Many African authors feature on that list, but the part that brings me the most pride is to have such a recognition from Sub-Saharan Africa, where I live and work. This is truly the spirit of diversity that is so dear to the Alliance, and what represents the values that we writers and editors must defend and promote. The Alliance plays such a fundamental role in this sense, mitigating as much as possible the issue of book distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly Francophone countries.”

Read the speech by Djaïli Amadou Amal at the closing of the International Conference on Independent Publishers, Pamplona-Iruñea, 26 November 2021.

Translated from the French by Allison M. Charette.

This speech is also available in audio on the Alliance’s Youtube channel.

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Independent Publishing Glossary

The Independent Publishing Glossary is a collective project led by publishers from the Spanish-language network of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.

It shows the meanings and definitions of words commonly used in publishing. It is an evolving project, which will be enriched over time in order to include new concepts and to take into account other proposal for definitions. The idea is not to freeze or petrify the concepts, but to open them up to enhance their multiple meanings.

Each term is signed by the person who worked on the definition. The glossary was edited by Germán Gacio Baquiola (Corredor Sur Editorial, Ecuador / Colectivo Editores independientes de Ecuador), Teresa Gottlieb, (Editorial Maitri, Chile), Paulo Slachevsky (Lom Ediciones, Chile) and Miguel Villafuerte, (Editorial Blanca, Ecuador).

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Objectives 2022-2025

1/ The Alliance, a place for experimentation and reflection through the Bibliodiversity Observatory

  • Continue the analyses, reflections and advocacy via the thematic working groups set up during the 2014 Conference and set up new working groups on the themes and issues discussed during the 2021 Conference
  • Providing tools and documenting international independent publishing

2/ The Alliance, a space for collaboration and sharing

  • Share practices and know-how (on regional, national or even international levels, depending on the needs expressed) between publishers
  • Meet and strengthen the flow of exchanges

3/ The Alliance, a tool for promoting independent publishing and the circulation of books

  • Encourage the visibility and promotion of independent publishing
  • Promote the circulation of works and productions of independent publishing houses

4/ The Alliance, a laboratory of alternative editorial practices

5/ The Alliance, an evolving governance and operation

  • REthink
  • Get involved

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Pamplona-Iruñea Declaration ’for independent, decolonial, ecological, feminist, free, social and solidarity-based publishing’

Gathered in the city of Pamplona-Iruñea from 23 to 26 November 2021 at the fourth International Conference of Independent Publishers, organised in partnership with EDITARGI (Association of Independent Publishers of Navarre), we, the publishers of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers (IAIP), reaffirm our commitment to:

  • the cultural, social and political character of books and reading;
  • the democratisation of books in our societies;
  • reading as an emancipatory practice that strengthens the critical thinking of citizens and stakeholders within their society.

Read the full Declaration here:

This Declaration is in line with the discussions and work of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers, in particular the Declarations of 2003, 2007 and 2014 and the 80 recommendations in favour of bibliodiversity. It will be complemented by a Guide to Good Practice (collective work in progress, for publication in the first half of 2022).

The round-table discussions of the Conference are available in replay on the Alliance’s YouTube channel.

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Objectives 2015-2021

Support bibliodiversity and independent publishing through a professional solidarity network

  • Support the creation and strengthening of memberships to national and/or regional publisher collectives (including in Europe)
  • Promote bibliodiversity, popularise the idea of bibliodiversity for the general public, for example through the (International Bibliodiversity Day on 21 September, )

Support the creation of national, regional and international book policies

Reaffirm and defend freedom and equity of speech

  • Create a censorship typology; draft advocacy plans in support of, and in solidary with, publishers

Strengthen collaborative spaces and innovate to respond to tomorrow’s changes and issues

  • Develop the Digital Lab, organize workshops, and sharing of experiences and tools (on digital publishing, editorial solidarity partnerships, national and local languages publishing, etc.)
  • Strengthen inter-professional collaboration (authors, librarians, booksellers, diffusers-distributors, digital actors, etc.): inter-professional meetings, joint lobbying

Reinstate equilibrium between book exporting countries and importing countries

  • Manage an online resource centre, complementing the Bibliodiversity Observatory
  • Modernize book donation practices: Book Donation Charter reviewed by professionals from the global South
  • Participate in book fairs (collective stands in book fairs in both the global South and global North), promotion of books from the South in the North

Develop and strengthen intercultural sharing

  • Develop and support copublishing/ translation projects: North-South and South-South editorial partnerships bearing the “Fair Trade Book” label, and research on economic solidarity models (social and solidarity economy)

Publishers collectively adopted the Alliance’s 2015-2018 objectives during the International Assembly of independent publishing (2012-2014). Projects and activities arise from each of these directions, and are implemented by the Alliance during the 2015-2018 period.

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The Independent publisher

The socio-economic environment, historical approach and political context are only some of the factors to consider in appreciating, in all its complexity and diversity, the notion of an independent publisher. Independent publishers in Chile, France, Benin, Lebanon, or India work in specific contexts that have direct consequences on their activities. However, although the situation differs from one country to another, it is possible to agree on some criteria in order to define what is an independent publisher. Independent publishers develop their editorial policy freely, autonomously, and without external interference. They are not the mouthpieces for a political party, religion, institution, communication group, or company. The structure of capital and the shareholders identity also affect their independence: the takeover of publishing houses by big companies not linked to publishing and implementation of profit-driven policies often result in a loss of independence and a shift in publishing orientation. Independent publishers, as defined by the Alliance’s publishers, are originating publishers: through their often-innovative publishing choices, freedom of speech, publishing and financial risk-taking, they participate in discussions, distribution, and development of their readers’ critical thinking. In this regard, they are key players in bibliodiversity.

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International Declaration of Independent Publishers 2014

During the closing meeting of the International Assembly of Independent Publishers (Cape Town, South Africa, September 18-21, 2014), 400 independent publishers from 45 countries signed the International Declaration of Independent Publishers 2014.
Collectively drafted in three languages, on September 20, 2014, the Declaration 2014 is available in several languages (French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Farsi, Italian, etc.).

Do not hesitate to share the Declaration and promote and strengthen bibliodiversity with us !

Read here the 80 recommendations & tools (on digital publishing, public book policies, youth literature, national and local languages publishing, solidarity publishing partnerships and “Fair Trade Books”, book donations).

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Bibliodiversity is cultural diversity applied to the world of books. Echoing biodiversity, it refers to the critical diversity of products (books, scripts, eBooks, apps, and oral literature) made available to readers. Bibliodiversity is a complex, self-sustaining system of storytelling, writing, publishing, and other kinds of production of oral and written literature. The writers and producers are comparable to the inhabitants of an ecosystem. Bibliodiversity contributes to a thriving life of culture and a healthy eco-social system. While large publishers do contribute to publishing diversity through the quantitative importance of their production, it is not enough to guarantee bibliodiversity, which is not only measured by the number of titles available.
Independent publishers, even if they consider their publishing houses’ economic balance, are above all concerned with the content of published products. Independent publishers’ books bring a different outlook and voice, as opposed to the more standardised publications offered by major groups. Independent publishers’ books and other products and their preferred diffusion channels (independent booksellers, among others) are therefore essential to preserve and strengthen plurality and the diffusion of ideas. The word bibliodiversity was invented by Chilean publishers, during the creation of the “Editores independientes de Chile” collective in the late 1990s. The International Alliance of independent publishers significantly contributed to the diffusion and promotion of this notion in several languages, including through the Dakar Declaration (2003), Guadalajara Declaration (2005), Paris Declaration (2007), Cape Town Declaration (2014) and the Pamplona-Iruñea Declaration (2021). Since 2010, International Bibliodiversity Day is celebrated on 21 September.

See the article “Bibliodiversity” on Wikipedia.
The article also exists in French, Spanish and Portuguese.

The bibliodiversity, in pictures!

GIF - 1.3 Mb

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Container full of books inundating the market, books produced in another cultural setting given away free to readers or public libraries, the setup of local branches by publishing groups from abroad aiming to achieve monopoly conditions… Drawing on some examples of practices with damaging consequences to the publishing market in developing countries, Étienne Galliand (founder of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers) presents an overview of the predation to which emerging markets are subjected directly or indirectly. An edifying panorama.

As a complement to this article, you can consult the Guidelines for Fair Publishing Partnerships (in French).

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Foundation of the Alianza Peruana de Editores

Publishing countries : Peru

The Peruvian publishers that were present at the International Assembly in Paris last July (Germán Coronado, Ediciones PEISA and Álvaro Lasso, Estruendomudo), have participated in founding the Alianza Peruana de Editores in Lima in September. The creation of this Alliance, which gathers about twenty independent, academic and autonomous publishers, is perfectly in line with the appeal launched by signatory publishers in International Declaration of Independent Publishers for the protection and promotion of bibliodiversity (Paris, July 2007): “we call upon independent publishers everywhere in the world to join forces –whether at the national, regional, or international level– creating associations and other collective bodies which will permit us to better defend our rights, and to make our voices heard.”
According to Germán Coronado : “Esta nueva entidad gremial nace como un reflejo de lo que aconteció en París en julio pasado.” (“This new collective entity is born as a reflection of what happened in Paris last July").
The statutes of this Peruvian Alliance are available on the following link:

We wish this national association of independent publishers success in protecting and fostering bibliodiversity as well as its Latin American counterparts (AEMI in Mexico, EDINAR in Argentina, LIBRE in Brazil).

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International Declaration of Independent Publishers, 2007

75 independent publishers from more than 45 countries – including members of associations representing over 380 publishing houses – gathered in Paris in the French National Library from July 1-4, 2007 for an International Assembly on Independent Publishing. In the International Declaration of Independent Publishers, they reaffirm their intention to resist and to act with a common purpose.

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A unique meeting in favor of bibliodiversity

Publishing countries : France

International Assembly on Independent Publishing -
Paris, 1-4 July, 2007

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Independent creation publisher: a tentative definition

As the independence of publishing is increasingly discussed, we have decided to bring into debate a possible definition of the “independent creation publisher”. This tool, in the shape of a series of questions, would allow to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a publisher in terms of independence.

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Bibliodiversity 7, December, 2006

Read: The seventh issue of Bibliodiversity, the newsletter of the Alliance of independent publishers, has just come out!

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A wise man passed away, tribute to Joseph Ki Zerbo

Publishing countries : Burkina Faso

We got some very bad news from Burkina Faso in the month of December: Joseph Ki-Zerbo (photo below), an eminent African historian, political activist, promoter of independence movements, and reputable author, passed away. Upon hearing the news, Marie-Agathe Amoikon Fauquembergue of Eburnie publications (Ivory Coast) responded: “À baobab has left us!”.

We would like to salute the man, author, and thinker Ki-Zerbo was. We remember the international co-publication of his last work, which he entrusted to Alliance members: “À quand l’Afrique?” (“When’s the time for Africa?”) has become a reference, the winner of the “World Citizen award” (prix RFI Citoyen du Monde), a commercial success, and is now translated into Portuguese by 4 members of our network. We would like to send our sincere condolences to his family and friends.


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New Release: Independent publishers on the attack?

What is an independent publisher? What is a “creative publisher”? Can a large group be an independent publisher? How can a publisher, in the context of concentration and financial constraints, stay independent in daily life, while maintaining its activist role?
Such are the questions that Gilles Colleu confronts in his work Independent Publishers: moving from the age of reason on to the attack? (“Éditeurs indépendants: de l’âge de raison vers l’offensive?”). Far from any caricature, Gilles uses sound and engaging reasoning based on a “certain idea” of publishing to show us some characteristics that make the creative independent publisher a major actor, and a natural defender, of book diversity.

“Independent Publishers: moving from the age of reason on to the attack?”

Alliance of Independent Publishers

Collection “État des lieux de l’édition” (“Reports on the publishing world”)

160 pages, 10 € in France

ISBN 13: 978-2-9519747-2-2

Recycled paper

Find all the information on the collection “État des lieux de l’édition”) here.

Collection État des lieux de l’édition

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RSS subscription

The Alliance of the independent publishers has just set up on its site the syndication by RSS. RSS enable you to receive on your computer the last information put on line by the Alliance of the independent publishers.

To subscribe you with wire RSS of Alliance, you just have to to copy/cut the address below in your RSS reader

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Bibliodiversity 6, September, 2006

Read: The sixth issue of Bibliodiversity, the newsletter of the Alliance of independent publishers, has just come out!

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Primavera dos livros (“Springtime of books”) in Rio de Janeiro, 2006

Publishing countries : Brazil

In Brazil, the “Springtime of books”, an event organized
by the LIBRE organization (a Brazilian federation of publishers), was the occasion to discuss a law regulating the price of books. Approximately a hundred independent Brazilian publishers participated in this great celebration of books, from September 15-17, 2006.

Upon the publication of the Portuguese version of Protéger le livre (“Protecting books”) - a study published in 2003 by the
Alliance of Independent Publishers, Markus Gerlach, author of the study, accompanied by an economist and president of LIBRE, Araken Ribeiro, participated in an in-depth debate on setting fixed prices for books. Proteger o livro is the first co-publishing project between LIBRE and the Alliance of Independent Publishers. We are particularly pleased that Markus Gerlach’s work exists, in addition to the French and Spanish versions, in Portuguese.

Remaining active, the LIBRE organization organized a round table discussion focused on “Proposals and commitments made by Presidential candidates”, with the participation of several representatives of candidates from the principal parties involved in the Brazilian Presidential campaign.
As we can see, the establishment or the rejection of a law on books and readership makes for some serious debate,
particularly in Latin America.

(More info on:

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A guide to the Alliance

The Alliance has adopted an original method of internal organization, respecting both the democratic principles and the functioning of an international network. The Alliance rests above all on its member publishers, represented by the International Committee of Independent Publishers (ICIP). It also relies on a Board – charged with upholding and respecting the publishers’ decisions – and a permanent staff.

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