
Alliance’s programme for 2024

1. The Alliance, a space for experimentation and reflection through the Bibliodiversity Observatory
Continue the analyses, reflections and advocacy via the 4 thematic working groups

  • Book ecology
  • Digital publishing: workshops on artificial intelligence
  • Public book policies: mapping public book policies in the Arab world (launch as part of a book fair in the Arab world at the end of 2024) + Guide to Good Practice for public book purchasing (translation and adaptation of this Guide for other geographical and linguistic areas)
  • Freedom to publish: publication of transversal analyses and a series of interviews and podcasts

Equipping and documenting international independent publishing

  • Guide to Good Practice (see here)
  • Bibliodiversité journal (see here): special issue on precariousness in 2024

2. The Alliance, a space for collaboration and sharing
Sharing practices and expertise between publishers; meeting up and strengthening the flow of exchanges

  • Workshops and exchanges of know-how, within the thematic groups and as part of Babelica
  • Virtual meetings, workshops and training sessions on themes defined with the Alliance’s thematic groups (with a particular focus on artificial intelligence and other themes).
  • On-site training (venue to be confirmed) for publishing houses in French-speaking Africa
  • Professional meetings at the Brussels Book Fair (4-7 April 2024) 

3. The Alliance, a tool for the promotion and the visibility of independent publishing
To encourage the visibility and promotion of independent publishing; to promote the circulation of books and other publications by independent publishing houses

  • Babelica (see here), September 2024 (book fair, meetings and discussions dedicated to international independent publishing)
  • Tehran Book Fair, Uncensored (see here)
  • Presence of members at book fairs and exhibitions in 2024

4. The Alliance, a laboratory of alternative publishing practices
Pursue and strengthen solidarity-based publishing partnerships (transfer of rights, translations, co-publications, etc.)

  • Publishing groups by catalogue affinity (literature, humanities and social sciences and children’s literature): online project fairs (transfer of rights, exchanges on publishing projects) + support for transfer of rights and co-publications (see here)
  • Publishing projects in progress and/or under consideration

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5 main activities

The Alliance’s activities are based on guidelines collectively developed by publishers and are focused on 5 main actions:
1. Facilitation of an international and intercultural independent publishers network
2. Creation of a Bibliodiversity Observatory: studies, analysis, measurement tools, and a resource centre on bibliodiversity
3. Hosting and facilitation of international meetings, thematic and increasing capacity workshops (see below) to enable sharing, including through the Digital Lab of the Alliance
4. Support of international editorial partnerships (fair co-publishings, translations, copyright transfers)
5. Implementation of advocacy activities in support of freedom of publishing, independent publishing and bibliodiversity.

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Meetings, workshops & book fairs

Conclusions of the Arabic-language network (Tunis, April 2010)

País de publicación : Túnez

Back from Tunis, where the Arabic-language network meeting was held, the Alliance publishes the first outcomes of this meeting. Here you will find the network’s translation and joint co-publishing projects, the next steps towards the development of the Arabic-language network, the creation of specialised training, etc.

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Meeting of the Arabic-language network, Tunis, April 25 - 28, 2010

País de publicación : Túnez

Four years after the International Assembly on Independent Publishing in Paris in July 2007, we are delighted to be bringing together the Arabic-language network of the Alliance in Tunisia, during the Tunis International Book Fair.

The Alliance organizes a round table open to professionals, focussing on publishing and cultural diversity, at the heart of the Tunis International Book Fair on Monday 26 April at 4.00 pm.

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Afrilivres: restructuration

The Afrilivres Association elected – during its Extraordinary Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 16 March 2010 via an online forum – a new Committee. For the Alliance, the results of this AGM constitute the beginning of a restructuration of the Pan-African Association. The communiqué issued jointly by the two associations calls on institutions and all friends of Afrilivres to express their renewed confidence.

For more information: www.afrilivres.net

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Haiti, let’s mobilise for the long haul

País de publicación : Haití

The International Alliance of Independent Publishers calls on all international solidarity organisations to mobilise in Haiti. The Alliance will do do its outmost to support Haitian book professionals in the long-term, particularly librarians, publishers and booksellers, by joining forces with existing and future stakeholders in Haiti.

The importance of culture should be considered in the reconstruction process. In the Haïtian context, where symbolism has a special place, reinventing Haïti also involves supporting the arts and culture, particularly books and authors that promote the people’s complex and fascinating identity. A people cut off from its culture is a dead people

Rodney Saint-Éloi, author and publisher member of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers

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Report of the Portuguese-language network and Spanish-language networks meetings - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), November 25 -27, 2009

País de publicación : Brasil

The Spanish-language network and the Portuguse-language network of the Alliance met in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) from 25 till 27 November 2009, during «la Primavera dos livros». These meetings allowed both networks to build their respective initiative programme for 2010-2011 but also to strengthen the «regionalisation» of the Alliance, through an inter-network meeting.

The stand of the Alliance. From left to right: Gustavo Mauricio García Arenas and Lucía Moncada, REIC (Colombia), Gonzalo Badal, EDIN (Chile), Maira, Pablo Moya, AEMI (México), Daniela Allerbon, EDINAR (Argentina), Anna Danieli, TRILCE (Uruguay) and Guido Indij, coordinator of the Spanish-language network

Guido INDIJ, coordinator of the Spanish-language network (on the left) and Araken GOMES RIBEIRO, coordinator of the Portuguese-language network (on the right)

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An Alliance communiqué to all members

País de publicación : Francia

On Monday 12 October 2009, the Alliance brought together the five language network coordinators and six members of the Board. This meeting, prepared in advance by the permanent staff, was an opportunity to address several core issues for our movement. A French version of the minutes in full – including the verbatim of this long and exciting day of work – was sent to the participants. They wished however to have a communiqué, summing up the main points discussed and decisions taken together, drawn up in three languages for circulation among all members of the Alliance.

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Meeting of language network coordinators in Paris, October 12 - 13, 2009

País de publicación : Argentina, Brasil, Camerún, Estados Unidos, Túnez

The Alliance language network coordinators will meet in Paris on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13d of October 2009. This meeting comes further to a request formulated by the publishers at the International Assembly of Independent Publishing (July 2007), who wished that the coordinators could meet the members of the Alliance’s Board.

Language network coordinators:

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Discover an exclusive collection of youth books published in Africa and available from the Alliance

Do you want your collection to diversify? Are you fond of youth literature?
Set out to discover African youth literature thanks to an exclusive selection of books published in Africa: colofur, sometimes bilingual quality books, with engaging characters and extraordinary adventures.

These books are available from the Alliance, get in touch with us for any request or any order.

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A «smart» book donation operation at the Geneva African Book Fair, April, 2009

País de publicación : Suiza

The Alliance is present at the Geneva African Book Fair (April 22 to 26, 2009) and gives you the opportunity to participate in a smart book donation operation. By buying one or several youth books produced in Africa from the African bookshop on the Fair, as well as a pre-paid envelope from the Alliance, you can mail the books yourself to a library in Africa.

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Meeting of the Spanish-language network in Buenos Aires, April, 2009

País de publicación : Argentina

The members of the Spanish-language network met at the Buenos Aires Book Fair in Argentina, from April 18 to 22, 2009. On this occasion, the representatives from 6 Latin-American collectives of independent publishers held a specific meeting to exchange their experiences.

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Coediciones y traducciones

Ciencias humanas y sociales

Semillas sospechosas

Autor(es) : Robert Ali Brac de la PERRIERE ; Franck SEURET
País de publicación : Benín, Camerún, Canadá, Costa de Marfil, Francia, Guinea, Malí, Marruecos, Suiza, Túnez
Idioma(s) : Inglés , Francés
Precio : 15 €

¿Cuáles son para las comunidades paisanas de los países del Sur, los intereses del desarrollo de las variedades vegetales genéticamente modificadas? Para los autores, la respuesta es evidente: no existen. La comercialización de los OGM plantea incluso los principios fundamentales del desarrollo sostenible de estas comunidades.
La cultura de los OGM no ha sido concebida para todos los contextos agrarios de los países del Sur, les resulta inadaptada. El reducido tamaño de las parcelas, su proximidad, su diversidad, la falta de acceso a la información de los paisanos son factores agravantes de los riesgos sanitarios y medioambientales. Presentado como una “Revolución verde bis”, este modelo de desarrollo aplicado desde hace cuarenta años ha mostrado sin embargo sus límites para el desarrollo sostenible de los países del Sur y su soberanía alimentaria.

En inglés: «Brave New Seeds»; Zed Books Editores

Fecha de publicación : 2004

Colección Desafíos para el Planeta

12 editores francófonos evocan los desafíos de la mundialización (recursos naturales, ayuda al desarrollo, relaciones Norte-Sur, etc.). Una colección internacional para otra mundialización: «Desafíos para el Planeta» también existe en inglés y en portugués. Ensayos cortos, portadores de diagnósticos y de propuestas, perspectivas de acción, accesibles a un público muy diverso. La colección, que lleva la etiqueta con la mención “El libro equitativo”, es el resultado de acuerdos comerciales justos y solidarios.

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Une Europe inédite

Autor(es) : Bernard LEFORT
País de publicación : Bulgaria, Francia
Idioma(s) : Francés , bulgare

Europa se construye. Desde hace medio siglo, paso a paso, se van diseñando un nuevo espacio geográfico, una nueva entidad política. Entre lugares de memoria dedicados a la historia reciente de Europa, la Fundación Jean Monnet, en Lausana, posee un cierto número de archivos que permiten seguir y comprender mejor a través de los escasos textos cómo la idea de Unión Europea se ha ido fortaleciendo a lo largo de los años, incluso antes y durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sus documentos son el meollo del conjunto que proponemos. Los textos presentados en este volumen intentan ofrecer otra visión sobre el “mecanismo Europeo”... El ángulo elegido permite mostrar cómo la construcción de la Europa moderna no ha sido forzosamente “tecnocrática”, sino que, como cualquier proyecto singular, es el resultado de un tanteo, de dudas, de conflictos frecuentemente olvidados hoy en día, y también de un verdadero anhelo.

Fecha de publicación: 2001

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Bel abîme

Autor(es) : Yamen MANAI
País de publicación : Argelia, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Guinea, Marruecos, Mauricio, Senegal, Togo
Idioma(s) : Francés
Precio : 700 DA, 50 DH, 3 500 FCFA, 50 000 GNF, 350 Rs

Coeditores: Amalion (Senegal), Apic (Argelia), Atelier des nomades (Mauricio), Ganndal (Guinea), Graines de Pensées (Togo), Le Fennec (Marruecos), Proximité (Camerún), Sankofa & Gurli (Burkina Faso)
Fecha de publicación de la versión panafricana : 2023, 11,5 X 19 cm
© Elyzad, 2021.

Una coedicion solidaria El libro justo.

Colección Terres solidaires

Creada en 2007, la colección “Terres solidaires” (Tierras solidarias) es una experiencia colectiva. Propone textos literarios de autoras y autores africanas/os, publicados por un colectivo de editoriales de África francófona. Gracias a la coedición solidaria, los textos se difunden, y son disponibles y accesibles para los lectores africanos; el ecosistema del libro local se preserva y se refuerza.
La colección “Terres solidaires” cuenta con el apoyo de la Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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Les 700 aveugles de Bafia

Autor(es) : MUTT-LON
País de publicación : República de Guinea , Camerún, Costa de Marfil, Togo
Idioma(s) : Francés
Precio : 3 500 FCFA

Coeditores: Eburnie (Costa de Marfil), Ganndal (Guinea Conakry), Graines de Pensées (Togo), Proximité (Camerún)
Fecha de publicación de la versión panafricana: 2022, 11,5 X 19 cm
© Mutt-Lon, 2020.

Una coedicion solidaria El libro justo.

Colección Terres solidaires

Creada en 2007, la colección “Terres solidaires” (Tierras solidarias) es una experiencia colectiva. Propone textos literarios de autoras y autores africanas/os, publicados por un colectivo de editoriales de África francófona. Gracias a la coedición solidaria, los textos se difunden, y son disponibles y accesibles para los lectores africanos; el ecosistema del libro local se preserva y se refuerza.
La colección “Terres solidaires” cuenta con el apoyo de la Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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Des fourmis dans la bouche

Autor(es) : Khadi HANE
País de publicación : Argelia, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Costa de Marfil, Guinea, Malí, Marruecos, Togo
Idioma(s) : Francés
Precio : 50 dirhams marocains ; 750 dinars algériens ; 45 000 francs guinées ; 3 000 FCFA

Coeditores: Apic (Argelia), Eburnie (Costa de Marfil), Ganndal (Guinea Conakry), Graines de Pensées (Togo), Le Fennec (Marruecos), Proximité (Camerún), Sankofa & Gurli (Burkina Faso) y Tombouctou (Malí)
Fecha de publicación de la versión panafricana: 2021, 11,5 X 19 cm
Primera edición en Francia: Éditions Denoël, 2011
Maquetación para el colectivo de editoriales: Apic (Argelia)
Diseño de portada y correcciones: el colectivo de editoriales
Impresión conjunta en Argelia para Argelia, Guinea, Togo, Burkina Faso y Mali. Transporte de los ejemplares de Argelia a Malí por avión y luego envío a los distintos países por carretera.
Impresión local directamente en los países para Costa de Marfil, Marruecos y Camerún.

Esta coedición solidaria lleva la marca Le livre équitable (El libro justo).

Colección Terres solidaires

Creada en 2007, la colección “Terres solidaires” (Tierras solidarias) es una experiencia colectiva. Propone textos literarios de autoras y autores africanas/os, publicados por un colectivo de editoriales de África francófona. Gracias a la coedición solidaria, los textos se difunden, y son disponibles y accesibles para los lectores africanos; el ecosistema del libro local se preserva y se refuerza.
La colección “Terres solidaires” cuenta con el apoyo de la Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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Munyal, les larmes de la patience

Autor(es) : Djaïli Amadou AMAL
País de publicación : República de Guinea , Benín, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Costa de Marfil, Malí, Marruecos, Togo
Precio : 3 000 FCFA ; 40 000 francs guinéens

Esta coedición lleva la etiqueta “El libro justo”.

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Colección Terres solidaires

Creada en 2007, la colección “Terres solidaires” (Tierras solidarias) es una experiencia colectiva. Propone textos literarios de autoras y autores africanas/os, publicados por un colectivo de editoriales de África francófona. Gracias a la coedición solidaria, los textos se difunden, y son disponibles y accesibles para los lectores africanos; el ecosistema del libro local se preserva y se refuerza.
La colección “Terres solidaires” cuenta con el apoyo de la Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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Autor(es) : Hubert HADDAD
País de publicación : Argelia, Benín, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Costa de Marfil, Gabón, Guinea Ecuatorial, Malí, Marruecos, Níger, República Centroafricana, Senegal, Chad, Togo, Túnez
Idioma(s) : Francés
Precio : 3 500 F CFA ; 10 DT ; 52 DM ; 550 DA

Coeditores: Apic (Argelia), elyzad (Túnez), Graines de Pensées (Togo), Le Fennec (Marruecos), Proximité (Camerún)
Fecha de publicación de la versión panafricana: 2017, 11,5 X 19 cm
Primera edición en Francia: Zulma (2007), premio Cinq Continents 2008

Una coedicion solidaria El libro justo.

Colección Terres solidaires

Creada en 2007, la colección “Terres solidaires” (Tierras solidarias) es una experiencia colectiva. Propone textos literarios de autoras y autores africanas/os, publicados por un colectivo de editoriales de África francófona. Gracias a la coedición solidaria, los textos se difunden, y son disponibles y accesibles para los lectores africanos; el ecosistema del libro local se preserva y se refuerza.
La colección “Terres solidaires” cuenta con el apoyo de la Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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Ceux qui sortent dans la nuit

Autor(es) : MUTT-LON
País de publicación : República de Guinea , Argelia, Benín, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Costa de Marfil, Gabón, Ghana, Nigeria, Níger, República Centroafricana, República Democrática del Congo, Senegal, Chad, Togo
Idioma(s) : Francés
Precio : 3 500 FCFA ; 700 DA

Coeditores: Amalion (Senegal), Apic (Argelia), Eburnie (Costa de Marfil), Ganndal (Guinea Conakry), Graines de Pensées (Togo), Proximité (Camerún), Sankofa & Gurli (Burkina Faso)
Fecha de publicación de la versión panafricana: 2017, 11,5 X 19 cm
Primera edición en Francia: Grasset (2013), premio Ahmadou Kourouma 2014.

Una coedicion solidaria El libro justo.

Colección Terres solidaires

Creada en 2007, la colección “Terres solidaires” (Tierras solidarias) es una experiencia colectiva. Propone textos literarios de autoras y autores africanas/os, publicados por un colectivo de editoriales de África francófona. Gracias a la coedición solidaria, los textos se difunden, y son disponibles y accesibles para los lectores africanos; el ecosistema del libro local se preserva y se refuerza.
La colección “Terres solidaires” cuenta con el apoyo de la Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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La Saison de l’Ombre

Autor(es) : Léonora MIANO
País de publicación : República de Guinea , Camerún, Costa de Marfil, Marruecos, Ruanda, Senegal, Togo
Idioma(s) : Francés
Precio : 2 500 FCFA ; 600 DA ; 45 DM ; 35 000 GNF ; 3 500 RWF

Fecha de publicación de la versión panafricana: 2016, 11,5 X 19 cm
Primera edición en Francia: Grasset (2013)

Coeditores: Apic (Argelia), Eburnie (Costa de Marfil), Ikirezi (Ruanda), Jimsaan (Senegal), Ganndal (Guinea), Graines de Pensées (Togo), Le Fennec (Marruecos), Proximité (Camerún)

Una coedicion solidaria El libro justo.

Colección Terres solidaires

Creada en 2007, la colección “Terres solidaires” (Tierras solidarias) es una experiencia colectiva. Propone textos literarios de autoras y autores africanas/os, publicados por un colectivo de editoriales de África francófona. Gracias a la coedición solidaria, los textos se difunden, y son disponibles y accesibles para los lectores africanos; el ecosistema del libro local se preserva y se refuerza.
La colección “Terres solidaires” cuenta con el apoyo de la Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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La sourde violence des rêves

Autor(es) : K. Sello DUIKER ; traducteur : Jean-Yves KRUGER-KATELAN
País de publicación : Francia, Suiza
Idioma(s) : Francés
Precio : 23 € ; 36 CHF

Fecha de publicación: 2014, 496 páginas, 15 x 22 cm
ISBN Francia: 978-2-3641-303-95
ISBN Suiza: 978-2-8290-470-4

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Walaandé, l’art de partager un mari

Autor(es) : Djaïli Amadou AMAL
País de publicación : Líbano, Túnez
Idioma(s) : Árabe

Con el apoyo de la Prince Claus Fund.

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Loin de mon père

Autor(es) : Véronique TADJO ; préface d'Emmanuel DONGALA
País de publicación : Burkina Faso, Camerún, Congo, Costa de Marfil, Marruecos, Ruanda, Togo
Idioma(s) : Francés
Precio : 2 500 FCFA ; 45 DM ; 3 300 RWF

Nina, joven mestiza franco-marfileña, tiene que volver a la tierra donde pasó su infancia para el funeral de su padre, el famoso doctor Kouadio. En esta ocasión el reencuentro con su extensa familia le revela el hombre que fue su padre, con sus zonas oscuras, lo que inesperadamente hereda de él y algunos secretos familiares. Se encuentra entonces enredada en un engranaje de desilusión y soledad, en un país que padece el inicio de la guerra civil.

“Loin de mon père” (“Lejos de mi padre”) es una invitación sutil a zambullirse en la familia y la sociedad marfileña en crisis. De esta obra intensa emanan autenticidad, generosidad, tolerancia, esperanza y poesía.

Véronique TADJO nació en París de un padre marfileño y de una madre francesa. Es poeta, novelista y autora de literatura juvenil que publica a menudo con ilustraciones propias. Vivió toda su infancia en Abiyán donde estudió. Hizo después una especialización “estudios anglo-americanos” en la Sorbona París IV. Enseño en la Universidad nacional de Costa de Marfil durante unos años. Después de haber viajado mucho, se instaló a Johannesburgo (Sudáfrica). Trabaja como Profesora en la Universidad de Witwatersrand.

Fecha de publicación de la versión panafricana: 2013, 262 páginas, 11,5 X 19 cm
Primera edición en Francia: Actes Sud (2010)

Colección Terres solidaires

Creada en 2007, la colección “Terres solidaires” (Tierras solidarias) es una experiencia colectiva. Propone textos literarios de autoras y autores africanas/os, publicados por un colectivo de editoriales de África francófona. Gracias a la coedición solidaria, los textos se difunden, y son disponibles y accesibles para los lectores africanos; el ecosistema del libro local se preserva y se refuerza.
La colección “Terres solidaires” cuenta con el apoyo de la Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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Libros para niños

Moussa et la poule reine

Autor(es) : Julien ALIHONOU (MAKEJOS)
País de publicación : Benín, Costa de Marfil, Gabón, Guinea, Malí
Idioma(s) : Francés

Una coedición conjunta panafricana: Éburnie (Costa de Marfil), Ganndal (Guinea), Sawa (Malí), Nstame (Gabón), Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benín)

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Kouvito dans les rues de Kokoli

Autor(es) : Kenneth VIHOTOGBE
País de publicación : Benín, Costa de Marfil, Malí, República Democrática del Congo
Idioma(s) : Francés

Una coedición conjunta panafricana: Éburnie (Costa de Marfil), Elondja (República Democrática del Congo), Sawa (Malí), Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benín)

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Rudia et les cybercriminels

Autor(es) : Claude ADJAKA (Lenfan Claudio)
País de publicación : Benín, Costa de Marfil, Malí
Idioma(s) : Francés

Una coedición conjunta panafricana: Éburnie (Costa de Marfil), Sawa (Malí), Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benín)

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Vignon et les voleurs du quartier

Autor(es) : Alexandre KOSSOVO
País de publicación : Benín, Burkina Faso, Costa de Marfil, Gabón, Guinea, Malí
Idioma(s) : Francés

Una coedición conjunta panafricana: Éburnie (Costa de Marfil), Ganndal (Guinea), Sawa (Malí), Nstame (Gabón), Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benín), Sankofa & Gurli (Burkina Faso).

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Le dodo aux plumes d’or

Autor(es) : Corinne FLEURY (texte) ; Sébastien PELON (illustrations)
País de publicación : Costa de Marfil, Mauricio

Una coedición panafricana que reúne a Éburnie (Costa de Marfil) y Atelier des nomades (Isla Mauricio).

Fecha de publicación: septiembre de 2020

Esta coedición solidaria es el resultado de un taller sobre literatura infantil organizado por la Alianza en Abiyán, en mayo de 2019, durante los Encuentros internacionales de la edición independiente 2019-2021. Recibió el apoyo de la Agencia Francesa de Desarrollo.

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Contes de l’Île Maurice

Autor(es) : Shenaz PATEL (texte) ; Sébastien PELON (illustrations)
País de publicación : Costa de Marfil, Mauricio

Una coedición panafricana que reúne a Éburnie (Costa de Marfil) y Atelier des nomades (Isla Mauricio).

Fecha de publicación: septiembre de 2020

Esta coedición solidaria es el resultado de un taller sobre literatura infantil organizado por la Alianza en Abiyán, en mayo de 2019, durante los Encuentros internacionales de la edición independiente 2019-2021. Recibió el apoyo de la Agencia Francesa de Desarrollo.

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Les quatre frères

Autor(es) : Bienvenue GNIMPO N'KOUÉ (texte) ; Ayoutoufèï GUÉDÉGUÉ (illustrations)
País de publicación : Benín, Costa de Marfil

Una coedición panafricana que reúne a Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benín) y Vallesse (Costa de Marfil).

Fecha de publicación: septiembre de 2020

Esta coedición solidaria es el resultado de un taller sobre literatura infantil organizado por la Alianza en Abiyán, en mayo de 2019, durante los Encuentros internacionales de la edición independiente 2019-2021. Recibió el apoyo de la Agencia Francesa de Desarrollo.

Las ilustraciones de este libro recibieron, en 2018, el premio de la primera edición del premio Hervé Gigot de ilustración de libros infantiles en África, iniciado por Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benin).

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Le soir autour du feu

Autor(es) : Sylvie NTSAMÉ
País de publicación : Gabón, República Democrática del Congo

Una coedición panafricana que reúne a Editorial Ntsamé (Gabón) y Elondja (República Democrática del Congo).

Fecha de publicación: septiembre de 2020

Esta coedición solidaria es el resultado de un taller sobre literatura infantil organizado por la Alianza en Abiyán, en mayo de 2019, durante los Encuentros internacionales de la edición independiente 2019-2021. Recibió el apoyo de la Agencia Francesa de Desarrollo.

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La Forêt sacrée

Autor(es) : Nicolas CONDÉ (texte) ; Irina CONDÉ (illustrations)
País de publicación : Benín, Costa de Marfil, Gabón, Guinea, República Democrática del Congo, Togo
Idioma(s) : Francés

Una coedición panafricana que reúne a Ganndal (Guinea Conakry), Éburnie (Costa de Marfil), Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Benín), Graines de Pensées (Togo), Ntsame (Gabón) y Elondja (República Democrática del Congo).

Fecha de publicación: septiembre de 2020

Esta coedición solidaria es el resultado de un taller sobre literatura infantil organizado por la Alianza en Abiyán, en mayo de 2019, durante los Encuentros internacionales de la edición independiente 2019-2021. Recibió el apoyo de la Agencia Francesa de Desarrollo.

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Les cheveux de Cora / Ny volon’i Cora

Autor(es) : Ana Zarco CÂMARA (texte) ; Taline SCHUBACH (illustrations)
País de publicación : Madagascar
Idioma(s) : Francés , malgache
Precio : 16 0000 Ar (4 €)

Álbum ilustrado - edición bilingüe francés-malgache
Traducido del portugués (Brasil) al francés por Joana Cabral, traducido al malgache por Veloniaina Rabakoly

Éditions Jeunes Malgaches, 2014, 32 páginas
Edición original: Pallas Editora (Brasil)

ISBN: 978-2 916362-42-7

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Advocacy actions

Haiti, let’s mobilise for the long haul, February 2010

The International Alliance of Independent Publishers calls on all international solidarity organisations to mobilise in Haiti. The Alliance will do do its outmost to support Haitian book professionals in the long-term, particularly librarians, publishers and booksellers, by joining forces with existing and future stakeholders in Haiti.

The importance of culture should be considered in the reconstruction process. In the Haïtian context, where symbolism has a special place, reinventing Haïti also involves supporting the arts and culture, particularly books and authors that promote the people’s complex and fascinating identity. A people cut off from its culture is a dead people.

Rodney Saint-Éloi, author and publisher member of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers

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Solidarity with Iranian publishers, August 2009

País de publicación : Irán

In view of the worrying situation in Iran and the attacks on freedom of expression, the publishers of the Alliance wish to express their solidarity with their Iranian colleagues. They demand the right to publish freely and call for increased cultural and editorial exchanges with Iran.

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Towards a Europe protecting bibliodiversity?, April 2009

As the official campaign for the next European elections is being launched, the Alliance has decided to get involved in a positive fashion by formulating three proposals that would be very simple to implement.

These proposals have furthermore been published on the website http://challengeforeurope.blogactiv.eu, with dozens of others, on the initiative of the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation in the framework of its “What kind of Europe do we want?” program. Let us hope this impressive corpus of proposals will be a profitable inspiration to the EU’s future elected representatives!

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Freedom of publishing under threat in Canada?, April 2008

An incredible censorship attempt is endangering the very existence of the publisher Écosociété (Quebec – Canada); more than 60 publishers from 30 countries have declared their undivided support for the Quebec publisher and are calling on the pinstigators of the “Noir Canada” affair to respect the rights of freedom of expression and publication.

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The book sector in Morocco: a preoccupying situation, February 2008

As the Casablanca International Book Fair (February 9 to 17, 2008) opens its foors in Morocco, the Alliance of Independent Publishers wishes to express its deepest concerns with regard to the situation of independent book retail and, more generally, of the entire local book industry.

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Call to French-language authors, publishers and institutions, March 2007

País de publicación : Costa de Marfil

African literature in French is today better represented and better known in Europe than in Africa, where its distribution remains hampered by many obstacles. However, there are solutions, which require the mobilisation of various stakeholders in the book industry. One solution is co-publishing, based on a joint trade agreement. The publication of «L’Ombre d’Imana» by Véronique TADJO, a groundbreaking example of pan-African co-publishing, proves that it is possible, through joint action, to create the conditions necessary for a (re)appropriation by Africa of its literature. To make this possible, the Alliance is appealing to everyone, authors, publishers and institutions alike, to join forces and promote the bibliodiversity at the heart of the francophone spirit. This appeal is endorsed by many authors and book industry professionals.

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Call to the readers, March 2006

The role played by books in spreading ideas, analyses, imaginary scapes and proposals, in educating and informing citizens, is essential to understand the challenges of our times, to know oneself and others. Read what follows (in French)

See the list of signatories

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Bibliodiversity Day & Indie Book Day

Indie Book Day, March

Indie Book Day was created in 2013, by German independent publishers; since last year, it has been celebrated in other countries, thanks to independent publishers collectives and the Alliance.

How it works: On the third Sunday of March, readers are invited to visit an independent bookshop, buy a book published by an independent publisher, and post a picture of the book on social media with the hashtag #indiebookday. Booksellers and publishers can then organize a common campaign ahead of the event, to inform their communities (posters in the bookshops, information on social media and websites, etc.).

Find here Indie Book Day logos and more information on the official Indie Book Day website.

1. Logo_English

2. Logo_French

3. Logo_Portuguese

4. Logo_Italian

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Bibliodiversity Day (B Day), 21 September

Bibliodiversity Day was created in 2010 by Latin American publisher members of the Alliance.

Since then, it has happened every year in numerous countries, especially in Latin America. On September 21, the first day of spring for the southern hemisphere, publishers, booksellers, book professionals and readers are invited to celebrate independent publishing and bibliodiversity.

How it works: All ideas and activities are welcome, coming from publishing houses, collectives of independent publishers, book professionals, and readers: bookcrossing, literary picnics, professional meetings, public readings, radio broadcasts, newspaper articles…

See here the literary and multilingual sound card for B-Day 2021 (and the Alliance’s 20th anniversary).

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Download B Day logos and visit the blog here.

Watch all B Day videos here->https://eldiab.org/videos-oficiales/.

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HotLists & thematic selections

Children’s Books Hotlist

The Children’s Book HotList highlights children’s books from independent publishers in Africa, Latin America and Europe. It is launched during the 2021 Bologna Children’s Book Fair, on June 14.

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Comprising books from 16 countries, 36 publishing houses and 14 categories, this HotList represents the richness and diversity of independent publishing for youth and children’s literature.

You can find a book by searching its country, publisher or literary genre. If you are interested in a book, please do get in touch with its publisher.

We wish you a great discovery!

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HotList Arab world

While the Arab world shares a language, the Arabic language, which has cemented its culture over centuries, it is far from being the only one. From the Maghreb to the Mashreq, from the Horn of Africa to Cham, this immense space covers a diversity of realities. Linguistic diversity is therefore inherent to it.

More than 30 independent publishing houses from 7 countries (Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Syria and Tunisia) and 9 languages offer you an immersion in the literature, humanities and children’s literature of the Arab world!

Through this HotList, available in Arabic and English, the independent publishers of the Arab world invite you to discover the 1001 facets of literary and intellectual creativity of their country.

Discover the HotList Arab world here!

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Latin America and Arab World HotList, 2020!

This year, on the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair (14-18 October), two HotLists will be presented... virtually!

The Latin American HotList - 4th edition: a selection of titles from more than 35 independent Latin American publishing houses from 8 countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay) and from all genres: literature, humanities, youth/ children’s literature, comics... Find the Latin American HotList 2020 online here! Previous HotLists are also online, here.

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The Arab World HotList - a very first: while the Arab world shares a language, the Arabic language, which has cemented its culture over centuries, it is far from being the only one. From the Maghreb to the Mashreq, from the Horn of Africa to Cham, this immense space covers a diversity of realities. Linguistic diversity is therefore inherent to it. More than 30 independent publishing houses from 7 countries (Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Syria and Tunisia) offer you an immersion in the literature, humanities and children’s literature of the Arab world! Through this HotList, the independent publishers of the Arab world invite you to discover the 1001 facets of literary and intellectual creativity of their country, online here!

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The HotLists, while offering an opportunity to discover the creativity of independent publishers, are also tools facilitating the exchange of rights: books and authors are presented in the original language of the book and in English, the contacts of publishing houses are easily accessible and up to date – these lists are thus to be consulted and used throughout the year!

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HotList 2019 (Frankfurt Book Fair, 16-20 October, 2019)!

Discover here the HotList 2019!

Thanks to a partnership with Kurt Wolff Stiftung (the German collective of independent publishers, member of the Alliance) and the Frankfurt Book Fair, independent Latin American publishers in Frankfurt will be exhibiting at the “Reading Island for Independent Publishers” stand (Hall 4.1), twenty books of various genres: novels, short stories, art books, essays, children’s literature... from Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Mexico!

- 2009: The members of EDINAR (a group of Argentinian independent publishers) present a selection of the best books from their list at the Buenos Aires Book Fair. This selection is then promoted in independent bookstores across Buenos Aires.
- 2010: Argentina is the guest of honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair. To make sure Argentinian independent publishing is well represented, the Argentinian independent publishers, in partnership with the Frankfurt Book Fair, present a HotList at the stand of independent German publishers, showcasing the diversity and quality of their books.
- 2017: The HotList 2017 opens to independent publishers from Latin America! Thanks to the collaboration with the collective Kurt Wolff Stiftung, a selection of about 40 titles from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Uruguay is exhibited in Frankfurt on the “Reading Island” (Hall 4.1 / D36).
- 2018: Following the success of the 2017 edition, the HotList 2018 is back and opens to Brazilian publishers. In addition, a thematic and international selection is launched: this year, the theme of “women’s struggle” is selected in the “WomenList”, showcasing more than 30 titles edited by independent publishing houses from all continents.
- 2019: The International Alliance of independent publishers and the Kurt Wolff Stiftung collective offer a new edition of the HotList. Some twenty books (novels, essays, children’s books, comics, art books) will be exposed at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2019. A colourful and powerful HotList this year!

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WomenList: A thematic and international selection - Frankfurt Book Fair 2018

More than 30 novels, short stories, essays and comics on feminism, women’s struggles, their emancipation across the world – these titles are from independent publishers’ lists from all continents.

There is a resurgence of the Women’s Movement following #MeToo and other events and a greater awareness of structural violence against women. Now is the time to know about books being published all around the world by independent publishers, in different languages and across a wide range of issues from the political to the imaginative.

To read through all the books of the WomenList is a reminder of just how much violence women have suffered – from rape, torture, and mass violence against women to indifference and neglect in the case of child abuse, to survival in war, sexual slavery and marriage forced by custom. But there is also resistance and optimism whether it be Pussy Riot or women rebelling against patriarchy as well as the inspiration of women in the vanguard of environmental projects or gathering together the works of women poets.

There are voices from so many places around the world – from Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, England, France, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea, Morocco, Mexico, Senegal, South Africa, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey... Languages include Arabic, English, Indonesian, Farsi, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Turkish. Women write poetry, short stories, political tracts, novels, biography, graphic novels and again more. These are words that matter: women’s voices are loud. It is time to listen!

The WomenList is an initiative of the International Alliance of independent publishers, through a partnership with the Kurt Wolff Stiftung (collective of German Independent Publishers) and the Frankfurt Book Fair. The WomenList is presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair on the “Reading Island for Independent Publishers” stand (Hall 4.1 / D36) and is also available online, on the Alliance’ website. The catalog of the WomenList was made by Julie Agor (Oréka graphisme).

The WomenList was born in the wake of the HotList (selection of books published by independent Latin American publishing houses and presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2017 and 2018 – Hall 4.1 / D36).

Read here the article published by Publishing Perspectives, October, 5, 2018

In 2019, a new international selection will be showcased in Frankfurt, on another theme... succeeding the WomenList 2018!

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HotList 2018: The Independent Publishing from Latin America in Frankfurt!

The International Alliance of independent publishers celebrates the remarkable vitality of independent publishing in Latin America at the Frankfurt International Book Fair through a selection of books from Latin America: the HotList 2018!

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Through a partnership with Kurt Wolff Stiftung (a collective of independent German publishers) and the Frankfurt Book Fair, independent Latin American publishers in Frankfurt will be exhibiting, at the “Reading Island for Independent Publishers” stand (Hall 4.1 / D36), more than thirty books of various genres: novels, short stories, art books, essays, children’s literature, and poetry... from Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela!

The HotList is also available online, an opportunity to discover the wealth and creativity of independent publishers all year round.

Discover also the WomenList: a thematic and international selection created in 2018, celebrating women’s struggle!


  • 2009: The members of EDINAR (collective of Argentinian independent publishers) present a selection of the best books from their list at the Buenos Aires Book Fair. This selection is then promoted in independent bookstores across Buenos Aires.
  • 2010: Argentina is the guest of honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair. However, Argentinian independent publishing is poorly represented. The Argentinian independent publishers, in partnership with the Frankfurt Book Fair, decided to present a HotList on the stand of independent German publishers: a showcase of the diversity and quality of their offering.
  • 2017: The HotList 2017 opens to independent publishers from Latin America! Thanks to the collaboration with the collective Kurt Wolff Stiftung (independent German publishers), a selection of about 40 titles from publishers from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Uruguay is exhibited in Frankfurt on the “Reading Island” (Hall 4.1).
  • 2018: Following the success of the 2017 edition, the HotList is repeated and opens to Brazilian publishers. In addition, a thematic and international selection is launched: this year, the theme of “women’s struggle” is selected in the WomenList 2018, showcasing more than 30 titles edited by independent publishing houses from all continents.

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HotList 2017 from the Latin American independent publishers!


In 2009, together with the members of EDINAR (Argentinean Alliance of independent publishers), we decided to launch a promotion strategy, following the “Young independent Germans”: a HotList.

Against the tendentious ranking of the most sold out books published in the newspapers, every member of the collective had to choose one book among her/his new books -the one that she or he saw as the most outstanding, for whatever reason. With all EDINAR publishers, we thus formed a list, promoted at the same time by a group of booksellers from Buenos Aires who arranged a special table dedicated to this list in their bookshops during one month.

In 2010, Argentina was Guest country of Frankfurt Book Fair and the Argentinean National Book Chamber had a spacious booth with a strong presence of local publishing, which did not include many independent publishers. However, the Hotlist had an outstanding exhibition space in this Fair: thanks to a German colleague, curious publisher, philoanarchist, employed by the Fair, we got a well-situated booth and the possibility to exhibit our HotList.

Because a lot of Latin-American publishers cannot travel every year to Frankfurt, we have reminded this adventure and decided to implement it again this year, extended to Spanish-speaking publishers from Latin America, in order to give a better visibility to the vibrant Latin-American independent publishing, in the biggest commercial Book Fair of the World.

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This HotList presents a selection of about 40 books published in Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile… exhibited in the “Reading Island for Independent Publishers” (Pavilion 4.1) of the Frankfurt Book Fair, thanks to the cooperation of the Kurt Wolff Stiftung, group of German independent publishers.

We hope you will appreciate!

Guido Indij
Argentinean publisher, coordinator of the Spanish-speaking network of the International Alliance of independent publishers

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International Conference of Independent Publishers

80 recommendations & tools in support of bibliodiversity

These 80 recommendations are built on the principles upheld in the 2014 International Declaration of independent publishers, an important document promoting bibliodiversity, signed on September 20th 2014, by more than 400 independent publishers from 45 countries.

They raise the necessary prerequisites, divided by themes, for the development, maintenance and strengthening of bibliodiversity in concerned countries. Some recommendations are accompanied by tools and projects (existing or to be developed in the context of the 2015-2016 Alliance programme of activities), enabling a practical implementation of independent publishers’ proposals.

Contents of the 80 recommendations & tools in support of bibliodiversity:

* Public policies safeguarding bibliodiversity
* Proposals and actions supporting digital bibliodiversity
* The Amazon system, a threat to bibliodiversity?
* Essential measures for publishing in local and national languages
* Methods for rethinking book donations
* Proposals and actions to develop solidarity publishing partnerships
* Activities to strengthen diversity in youth publishing

For all book actors to take ownership of these recommendations and tools, we invite you to contact us with your comments, suggestions, ideas, and proposals that could enhance and strengthen this document.

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