Publishing houses

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4, rue d'Alger
1000 Tunis
Tél: (+216) 71 74 36 20 / (+216) 98 40 38 80

elyzad Publishing was established in Tunis in 2005. In this Mediterranean country, with its rich melting pot of cultures, we have chosen to share a vibrant, modern literature rooted in diversity. Novels and short stories reflect our commitment: providing a platform from the South to the North for remarkable voices, from here and elsewhere, to read the world in its plurality.
Our editorial policy, deliberately uncompromising, was developed in the course of productive meetings with established authors Leïla Sebbar, Maïssa Bey, Colette Fellous, and Théo Ananissoh, who have put their trust in us, and others from Tunis, Algeria, France, which we have discovered and have the pleasure of introducing.
Views of Arab society mingle with nomadic texts redolent of the north seas and southern breezes, the Balkans and Japan… above all, any kind of multifaceted writing that opens the door or offers a passage to new experiences.
In fact, our catalogue includes works co-published with Actes Sud and Zellige in France and Le Fennec in Morocco. It contains thirty titles and a new paperback collection.

elyzad n’a pas de signification si ce n’est la réunion de mon prénom “Élisabeth” et nom “Daldoul”. Ce qui m’a intéressée dans cet « assemblage », ce sont les 3 racines que l’on peut décrypter : el : origine arabe ; ely : latine ; zad : perse... L’empreinte des mots qui se rencontrent...

Listen here the interview of Élisabeth Daldoul, carried out by the École des métiers de l’information (EMI-CFD), for the Hors Concours prize, October 2019.

Books selection

Nos silences

Wahiba KHIARI Ce roman est dédié aux jeunes filles enlevées, violées, tuées, durant la décennie noire (les années 90) en Algérie ; à celles qui ont eu (...)

Salam Gaza

Tahar BEKRI Le 27 décembre 2008, l’armée israélienne déclare la guerre à Gaza. Meurtri, le poète Tahar Bekri note au jour le jour son indignation, (...)

Vingt ans pour plus tard

Théo ANANISSOH, Hélène GAUDY, Frank SECKA, Claude RIZZO, Azza FILALI Cinq écrivains, du Togo, de Tunisie, de France, réunis autour d’un mot : (...)

Contact : Elisabeth DALDOUL

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Elain Publishing

logoElain Publishing

4 Behler Passage, off Kasr al-Nile St.
Talaat Harb Square
Tél: +(002) 02 245 80 360

Elain Publishing is an independent Egyptian publishing house that was established in 2000 to provide a wide spectrum of knowledge to the Arab reader. Focusing principally on the fields of science, general Arabic culture, and translation, the publisher seeks to offer the Arab reader the best international, intellectual works.
In a record time, Elain has attracted a network of authors renowned for their talent and originality. We are committed to freedom of expression, the respect of intellectual property, and cooperation locally as well as globally.
Elain publishing house has now 200 published titles, including translated books. We reached the shortlist of the Booker Prize (International Prize for Arabic Fiction) and another that won the Elsheikh Zayed Prize


Books selection

Critique of the comtemporary Arab discourses

Political socialization of Sufism in Egypt

Contact : Fatma EL BOUDY

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09 BP 92

Afrilivres is a pan-African association founded in 2002. Its headquarters are based in Cotonou, Benin. It currently brings together 54 publishing houses from 14 French-speaking countries south of the Sahara, Madagascar and Mauritius.


Contact : Sékou FOFANA

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Il leone verde

logoIl leone verde

Via della Consolata 7
10122 Turin
Tél: +39 01 15 21 17 90

Il leone verde was founded in Turin in 1997, with the aim of putting out unpublished works, never previously translated into Italian. We always publish top-quality introductions, end matter and commentary in our works, produced by specialists of these topics.
Translations are always produced based on the source language of the texts, and we have opted for scientific rigour in their approach, even though our works target a broad spectrum of the public, rather than specialists.

Books selection

I segreti della tavola di MONTALBANO.
Le ricette di Andrea Camilleri
[Secrets from Montalbano’s kitchen. Andrea Camilleri’s recipes]

Stefania CAMPO This book shows Andrea Camilleri’s gastronomic perspective, expressed through his most famous character – Montalbano, who is greedy (...)

Bambini e (troppe) medicine.
Difendersi dall’eccessiva medicalizzazione dei nostri figli
[Children and (too many) drugs. Defending ourselves from the excessive medicalisation of our children]

Franco DE LUCA This book helps new parents in acquiring certainty and confidence while attending to their growing kids. As children’s problems (...)

Un mondo di pappe.
I saperi delle mamme nell’alimentazione del bambino da 0 a 6 anni
[A world of baby food. Mothers’ knowledge about babies’ feeding from 0 to 6 months]

Sara HONNEGGER Among the questions and the problems that the birth of a baby arises, certainly there is the aspect of nutrition and choice of (...)

Contact : Anita MOLINO

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Jacana Media

logoJacana Media

10 Orange Street - PO Box 2004 Sunnyside - Houghton
Auckland Park 2041
2092 Gauteng
South Africa
Tél: +27 011 628 3200 +27 011 482 7280

A South African publisher, Jacana Media has been in the business since 1991. The firm specialises in the vulgarisation of normally complex or technical data. We have been recognised for the quality of our books in areas such as the environment and eco-tourism, as well as literature and educational materials (primary and secondary school). In 2002, Jacana Media established an open publishing policy that has since received much positive feedback, covering a vast spectrum of genres and subjects. We are particularly interested in promoting authors from South Africa and Africa as a whole. Jacana Media currently publishes works in essentially three areas: “Life” (political science, biographies and autobiographies, history, health and educational material), “Earth” (environment, natural history, maps and eco-guides) and “Fiction” (novels, short stories, poetry, and anthologies and collections focusing on African authors).

Contact : Bridget IMPEY

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6, avenue Alain Savary
Le Belvédère
1002 Tunis
Tél: (+ 216) 71 28 05 05

Cérès is one of the most important book publishing houses in North Africa. Publishing mainly in French and Arabic, its books are distributed in Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Mali, Benin, Lebanon, France, and many other countries. Cérès publishes approximately 45 new titles each year and has a current catalogue of over 700 titles in a wide variety of fields including fiction, history, philosophy, literature, education, social science, and tourist guides. Cérès publications have become benchmark works, addressing topics as diverse as Carthage, Tunisian mosaics, and painters.

Cérès est la déesse de la fertilité (romaine, anté-islamique).

Contact : Karim BEN SMAIL

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Med Ali Éditions

logoMed Ali Éditions

Rue Med Chaabouni Imm. Zarkaa
Tél: (+216) 74 407 440

The Arab Company of United Publishers, Med Ali Editions (Sfax - Tunisia) is a general independent publishing house founded in 1983.
Our books are made according to high-quality standards with the greatest possible care and attention at all levels. Our house works in cooperation with book professionals, artists, and renowned university teachers in various fields. We publish cultural books in the humanities and extracurricular books, with over 20 book series in the humanities, children’s books, and extracurricular books, as well as theses in cooperation with five Tunisian universities.
Med Ali Editions is dedicated to the mission of supporting and sharing all forms of learning and respecting the pleasure of knowledge, and distributing the Tunisian book.
Since 1990 we have participated in Arab and international book fairs. Since 1986 Med Ali Editions has been a member of the Union of Tunisian Editors. Since 1997 Med Ali Editions has been a member of the Union of Arab Editors and a member of the Maghreb Union of Editors. Med Ali Editions has co-published books with Tunisian, Lebanese, and Syrian editors, and editors from the Maghreb. We have also participated in the launch of an exporting company for the Tunisian book.

Med Ali est le nom du leader du syndicaliste tunisien (Mohamed Ali Elhammi). Il a étudié en Allemagne des cours du soir en économie, est revenu en Tunisie dans le début des années 1920. Il a créé des coopératives et les premiers syndicats nationalistes, qui vont lancer la première grève générale en Tunisie en 1924. Il est mort exilé en Arabie saoudite, tout jeune.


Books selection

La Tunisie et la modernisation : La première constitution du monde islamique (en arabe)

Hedi TIMOUMI Avant l’établissement du “Protectorat” français sur la Tunisie en 1881, le pays a été durant la période 1831-1877 le théâtre d’une (...)

Cet homme doit mourir

La Flambée de la résistance à Sfax - Taoufik ABDELMOULA Taoufik ABDELMOULA né à Sfax le 19/09/1932, est diplômé de l’école supérieure de commerce de (...)

الجسد والمجتمع

Corps et société. Étude anthropologique des croyances et des représentations du corps en Ifrîqiyya médiévale Soufia SHIRI-BEN HTIRA Corps et société (...)

Contact : Nouri ABID

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Dar Al Farabi

logoDar Al Farabi

Wata al-mouçaïtbeh, rue Jabal al-arab
Imm. Khayat, P.O. Box 3181/11
CP 1107 2130 Beyrouth
Tél: +(961-1) 30 14 61 / (+961-1) 30 11 38

We strive to publish and distribute works in Arabic on a diverse range of topics, from literature to social sciences, by local or translated authors, in order to promote a modern culture meeting the needs of Arab countries in terms of development and progress.

Books selection

Arab Island before Islam - الكتاب الأول: جزيرة العرب قبل الاسلام

Bourhan EL DIN DELLO اسم المؤلف: برهان الدين دلو يشكل هذا الكتاب حقبة تاريخية هامة من تاريخ العرب وتطورهم في الجاهلية قبل الاسلام، باحثاً في التاريخ الاقتصادي، (...)

The material leanings in Arabic and Islamic - مجلدات الكتاب الثاني: النزعات المادية في الفلسفة العربية الاسلامية في أربعة مجلدات

Dr. Hussein MROUÉ اسم المؤلف: د. حسين مروة يعتبر هذا الكتاب من الكتب الأساسية في القرن العشرين، لما حققه من اضاءات موضوعية على تاريخ الفلسفة العربية الاسلامية (...)

Ibn Rushd and his philosophy - الكتاب الثالث: ابن رشد وفلسفته

Farah ANTOUN اسم المؤلف: فرح أنطون ان هذا الكتاب الذي صدر عام 1903 في مدينة اسكندرية يشكل شاهداً على التراكم الثقافي العربي التنويري في الحياة الثقافية في (...)

Contact : Hassan KHALIL

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Al Intishar / Centre de publication arabe

logoAl Intishar / Centre de publication arabe

Salim Salam St.Souk - Al Rawshe Bldg. 3rd floor
P.O.Box 113/5752
Tél: (+961) 01 65 91 48

Contact : Nabil MROUEH

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321, bd Brahim Roudani
20390 Casablanca
Tél: (+212) 05 22 25 23 57

Éditions Tarik, based in Casablanca, Morocco, is headed by Bichr Bennani and Marie-Louise Belarbi, both founder members of Apell (Association for the promotion of book publishing and reading). Since its inception in 1999, this independent publishing firm has been involved in the debates of the modern world. Its objective is to explore the themes of history and current events, of society and memory, without neglecting the literary production of young Moroccan authors, and by giving priority, whenever possible, to co-publishing.

Nous étions 10 au départ de la maison (il y a 17 ans !)… après de longues heures de discussions, ce choix s’est porté sur Tarik, parce que chacun pouvait lui donner le sens qu’il voulait : Tarik Ibn Zyad (grand stratège du VIIe siècle, de plus d’origine berbère) ; Jabal Tarik (le mont Tarik, comme Gibraltar) ; la voie, le chemin, la route… ; Tarik est aussi un prénom qui était porté par des enfants ou petits-enfants de membre du groupe… Bref chacun y lisait ce qu’il voulait !

Books selection

Tazmamart. Cellule 10

Ahmed MARZOUKI Pendant longtemps les autorités marocaines ont nié l’existence du bagne de Tazmamart, situé en plein désert dans le sud du pays. (...)

Héros sans gloire

Échec d’une révolution, 1963-1973 - Medhi BENNOUNA Mars 1973 : dans l’Atlas, des guérilleros marocains tentent d’installer un foyer révolutionnaire (...)

Le couloir

Bribes de vérité sur les années de plomb - Abdelfettah FAKIHANI - Préface d’Ignace DALLE Abdelfettah Fakihani est journaliste depuis 1990. Emprisonné (...)

Contact : Bichr BENNANI

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Paperworth Books Limited

logoPaperworth Books Limited

1152 Adamu Aliero Crescent, Guzape
Tél: +234 8023130116

Paperworth Books is an independent publishing house established in 2002 in Nigeria to universalise access to contextual knowledge for local audiences. Beginning as a bookshop, we have evolved to champion authentic and diverse voices within Nigerian fiction. While our roots lie in fiction, our repertoire now spans various genres, encompassing narrative non-fiction like biographies, memoirs, and academic, historical and religious books. Ibiso Graham-Douglas, the founder and publishing director, holds a master’s degree in Publishing from the London College of Communication, University of the Arts, and an MBA in International Business Management from Griffith College, Dublin. She believes in the inherent richness of African narratives, considering them fundamentally universal and complete in their own right.

Books selection


Ibiso GRAHAM-DOUGLAS Journey through the intricacies of life in the COVID era with this rich tapestry of short stories and poems. Eight esteemed (...)

Leave by Bones in Saskatoon

Michael AFENFIA Through the eyes of Owoicho, a television presenter seeking a better life for himself and his family, Leave My Bones in (...)

Tomorrow Died Yesterday

Chimeka GARRICKS Its 2004 Port Harcourt, Nigeria, at the height of the kidnap of oil workers in the Niger Delta, a kidnapping goes awry, and (...)

Contact : Ibiso GRAHAM-DOUGLAS

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Buku Fixi

logoBuku Fixi

B-8-2A Opal Damansara, Jalan PJU 3/27
47810 Petaling Jaya
Tél: +601 22311584

Buku Fixi is a Malaysian company established in 2011 and has up until 2024 published almost 300 books in Malay and English. Most of them are fiction, with an emphasis on horror and thriller for young-adult readers. Two of its novels are banned in Malaysia on the grounds of immorality. Although mostly working with Malaysian writers, it has also published translations of novels by the likes of Stephen King, Neil Gaiman and Haruki Murakami.
Starting in 2023 it also translates Malaysian work from non-Malay languages into the Malay language, starting with the Tamil novel SIGANDI by M. Navin. Starting in 2024 it also seeks to publish translations from countries not from the usual Global North countries, starting with the Saudi Arabian fantasy novel HWJN by Ibraheem Abbas.

Books selection

BONE WEIGHT and other stories

Shih-Li KOW This cross-genre collection of twenty-five short stories and flash fiction pieces explores relationships and periods of transition. (...)

Children we never had

Nadia KHAN “The road less traveled really is hard. There’s no map, no manual. It’s just you trying to figure things out as you go along, all the (...)


Deric EEE KL NOIR: MAGIC marks the resurrection of the notorious KL Noir series. The editor Deric Ee selects 20 original stories that bring you (...)

Contact : Amir MUHAMMAD

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Pol·len edicions

logoPol·len edicions

C/ Pere Serra, 1-15
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès
Tél: +34 667760677

Pol·len edicions es una cooperativa editorial de Catalunya formada por cuatro personas. Fundada en 2011, se dedican a la edición de libros de pensamiento crítico para una acción transformadora. Con un avanico muy grande de generos, sus temáticas són los feminismos, la ecología, y Euskal Herria (país del que traducen obras muy diversas al catalán).

Pero la característica prinicpal de Pol·len edicions es su trabajo y apuesta por la ecoedición. Esto es calcular, minimizar y comunicar el impacto ambiental de los libros en papel. Esta tarea, la desarrollan, des de 2022, a través del Institut de l’ecoedició de Catalunya (

Books selection

Alerta: greenwashing. El ecoblanqueo en España

Jaume ENCISO (coord.) Alerta: greenwashing. El ecoblanqueo en España es una obra coral que va más allá de un primer abc sobre el concepto. Se (...)

És morta la poesia? / Hilda dago poesía?

Joseba SARRIONANDIA Edición bilingue catalàn/euskara de la antología poética de Joseba Sarrionandia, el gran poeta y escritor vasco que, des de su (...)

Partos felices. 54 autora hablan de su parto

Partos felices es un libro coral que aporta nuevos imaginarios alrededor del parto y el nacimiento. Los relatos traspasan la línea del contexto (...)


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Trinta Zero Nove

logoTrinta Zero Nove

1042, Amílcar Cabral Ave
PO Box 3672
Maputo 0101

Editora Trinta Zero Nove - Thirty Zero Nine inspired by 30 September, International Translation Day - is the first Mozambican independent publisher dedicated to literature in translation. Founded in 2018 by Sandra Tamele, ETZN is a trailblazer in the publication of audiobooks and is committed to publishing in local languages, to being innovative and inclusive in its mission to, among others, reach new readers by offering books that are born accessible to people with disabilities and sold at affordable prices. Featuring 40+ titles, its catalogue is known for featuring debuts in translation and voices from minorities. ETZN was voted Best Children’s Publisher in Africa at the 2023 edition of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. In 2021 it was awarded the London Book Fair Excellence for Literary Translation Initiatives, and it was among the 100 best start-ups in Africa in the 3rd edition of the Access Bank Pitch-a-thon.

Books selection

O cabelo de Cora / Ekharari ya Kora (Cora’s hair)

Text: Ana Zarco CÂMARA; Illustrations: Taline SCHUBACH This bilingual book in Portuguese and eMakwa isn’t about princesses, fairies, witches, (...)

Acho que a Drag Queen é um Elfo (The Drag Queen of Elf Land)

Lawrence SCHIMEL In this fifth volume of the Collection of Stories Translated by the winners of the Literary Translation Competition we present (...)

Livrinho de Entomologia Fantástica (The little book of fantastic insects)

Fulvio ERVAS This novel by Fulvio Ervas tells the adventures of a group of five children and consequences of their visit to the Senior Hotel. A (...)

Contact : Sandra TAMELE

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Jamider palace, 291 Inner Circular Road, Motijheel
1000 Dhaka
Tél: +8802 7192160

Mayurpankhi is a Bangladeshi publishing house specializing in children’s books. It publishes high-quality illustrated and translated books in Bengali and English for children up to 14 years of age. Our catalog of more than 120 titles includes the works of eminent authors and illustrators as well as new talents in the field. Acquisition of translation rights from across the publishing world showcases our continuous effort to seek new voices, new visions and new directions in children’s literature.
Founded in 2014, Mayurpankhi has received award for publishing the highest number of quality titles for children from Bangla Academy, the country’s apex body to promote Bengali literature and culture, two times.

Books selection

Sundorboner Prani (Animals of Sundarban)

Text: Banhi BEPARI; Illustrations: Sabyasachi MISTRY A Massive Clash in the Sundarbans! A tiger has attacked a deer. In the trial of the jungle (...)


Reesham SHAHAB TIRTHO A series of picture book showcased a journey of new parents. Artist portrayed his new born daughter everyday activities in (...)

Bhuter Agun (The Ghost of Fire)

Text: Farzana TANNEE; Illustrations: Lamia AZAD, Shamim AHMED Amidst the darkness, countless flickers spark curiosity in Aung. Are they ghosts? (...)

Contact : Mitia OSMAN

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Vakxikon Publications

logoVakxikon Publications

Solonos 110
10681, Athens
Tél: +30 21 03 63 78 67

Vakxikon Publications were launched into operation in 2012, as an offshoot of the eponymous literary magazine (2008). The company is directed by Nestoras Poulakos (management) and Stratos Prousalis (creative design).
Vakxikon Publications hold a leading position in the Greek & Cypriot Market, both for its publishing activity and for its overall work in the fields of cultural news. Annually releasing and distributing more than 100 books of Greek and foreign literature, essays and paperback editions, which are nominated and awarded in national prizes of Greece and Cyprus.
It also participates with its own stands in the annual Book Fairs of Athens and Thessaloniki, as well as in the professional meetings of the most important international book fairs.

Books selection

Back street

Vaso VEKRI “Back street” is the first book of Vaso Vekri. A crime fiction novel. With heroes like human islands, moving in the transitions of (...)

Call me Stratos

Chrysoula GEORGOULA The book “Call me Stratos” is the first novel by Chrysoula Georgoula. Through the actions and memories of the main (...)

Dancing in glasses

Georgia TATSI Georgia Tatsi was born in 1952. She studied directing and worked at ERT (Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation) from 1976 to 2003. She (...)

Contact : Nestoras POULAKOS

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Prozart media

logoProzart media

str. Pushkinova 15, 1/34
1000 Skopje
North Macedonia
Tél: +389 78 32 12 52

Publishing house Prozart media is the organizer of the International Literature Festival PRO-ZA Balkan and of the Skopje Fellowship Program. We were the first festival that organized Fellowship program in Southeast Europe, 10 years ago, in 2013. Using this platform, we have hosted dozens of foreign writers and publishers in capitol city of Skopje. The founder and director of all three entities is Macedonian writer and editor, Dejan Trajkoski.
We also publish a wide range of titles in segments such as fiction, YA, children literature and poetry. We have also translated some high quality titles into Macedonian language such as books by the best writers from Balkan region – Danilo Kis, Slavenka Drakulic, Miljenko Jergovic, Svetislav Basara… We publish around 20-30 titles per year.
Prozart media was presented with own stand at foreign book fairs such as Frankfurt Book Fair (2022), Jakarta Book Fair (2019), Istanbul Book Fair (2019), and visited a number of other Fairs.

Books selection

Homunculus (Човечулец)

Aleksandar PROKOPIEV Homunkulus: postmodern fairy tales for grownups Homunculus is billed as a collection of sixteen “fairy tales for adults” (...)

Hrapeshko (Храпешко)

Ermis LAFAZANOVSKI “Hrapeško”: novel about the art of creating and survival, of aspirations and dreams, of vitality and love Hrapeško, an (...)

Polygraph (Полиграф)

Branislav NIKOLOV (artistic name: Drunken NIGHTINGALE) Polygraph is the third poetry book by Branislav NIkolov (Drunken Nightingale). Branislav (...)

Contact : Dejan TRAJKOSKI

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La Maison du livre

logoLa Maison du livre

2 Boulevard Béji Caeid Essebsi
Imm. Inès Centre Urbain Nord
1082 Tunis
Tél: (+216) 71 947 727 / (+216) 52 947 727

Publishing house La Maison du Livre targets citizen action, based on a strategic vision of the sustainable development of the book sector in its entirety. It wanted to stand out for its very selective editorial line and it strives to support a culture which promotes the development of reading, an act as natural as breathing.
In addition, La Maison du Livre works to establish links between Tunisian writers and their counterparts in the Arab world through co-publishing and exchanges of ideas and experiences. These are facilitated by the publisher’s presence at trade fairs and exhibitions and through exchanges between book professionals.
Its catalogue is continually growing both in terms of quality and of the number of books published each year. Despite the current circumstances and the increased price of paper on the world market it considers that it is continuing to successfully honour its commitments towards the industry.
Its website is now a retail website. It has also begun working with digital books and audio books, which it is developing with the association La Plume du Paon in Strasbourg.

Contact : Habib ZOGHBI

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Éditions Gouttes-Lettres

logoÉditions Gouttes-Lettres

25, Rue Norgues, Christ-Roi
HT 6110 Port-au-Prince
Tél: (+509) 32 84 09 03

The Association Éditions Gouttes-Lettres (ASSEGL) is a generalist publisher founded in 2018 by philosopher and writer (Dom) Pedro Naason Theoney. Its mission is to support and promote authors and to contribute to the growth of the cultural and intellectual arena in Haiti through various literary and artistic initiatives with both local and international reach. It already has a rich catalogue of almost thirty titles. In seven collections (“Poésie 4.5●6 EGL”, “Esprits Philosophiques”, “Études Haïtiennes”, “Fiction EGL”, “Théâtre EGL”, “Matrimoine” and “Jeunesse EGL”) it publishes all types of writing, excluding, of course, racist, hateful or antifeminist works or any other writing in which any human group is misrepresented. From children’s books to more literary novels to more specialised texts (philosophical or scientific), it works with the full range of genres. Provided of course the projects are worth it... It edits and provides services for self-publishing authors as well as publishing its own catalogue of titles.

Books selection

Les disparus du 22 Avril

Emmanuel DERILUS Ce tout premier roman d’Emmanuel Dérilus a paru en novembre 2021, dans la collection « Fiction EGL », aux Éditions Gouttes-Lettres, (...)

Les délices de la chair

Dom Pedro N. THEONEY Ce premier roman de Dom Pedro N. THEONEY est un roman philosophique. Un assez vieux problème, qui est le cœur du cœur de la (...)

Marxisme et Aliénation

Jean-Jacques CADET Cet essai met en relation l’émergence des marxismes non occidentaux et la publication dans les années 1930 d’un ensemble (...)

Contact : Pedro NAASON THEONEY

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Les Éditions du sucrier

logoLes Éditions du sucrier

89 bis rue Jean-Baptiste Rouam Sim
Baie des Tourelles
97200 Fort-de-France
Tél: +596 696 932758

Dream, play, tell the story of the Caribbean
This publishing house was born of the passion of Renée-Laure Zou. This West Indian, Martinican, Guadeloupian – in a word Caribbean – author and illustrator founded her publishing house in 2018 to tell young children the story of the Caribbean.
Her objective is to bring together the talents of Caribbean authors and illustrators in order to offer young people the keys to understanding their environment, culture and heritage, so that Caribbean people can take possession of their own identities from a young age and young people all over the world can discover the diversity of the Caribbean.
Through high-quality books, games and comic books for children aged 1 to 14, this publishing house is a window to the riches and realities of the Caribbean.

Online shop

Books selection

Circuit fermé

Jean Fritz Junior ODNE (Haïti, auteur) ; Francisco SILVA (Haïti, illustrateur) Sur l’île, les embouteillages sont devenus le lieu où il faut prendre (...)

Bébé Nikou a faim

RENATA (autrice) ; Wilfried DEROCHE (illustrateur) Bébé Nikou a tellement faim qu’il est prêt à dévorer son livre préféré ! Mais son papa va le (...)

Lettres ou bêtes ? Abécédaire animalier de la Caraïbe

RENATA (autrice et illustratrice) Un animal se cache derrière chaque lettre ! Avec cet abécédaire original, les enfants connaîtront aussi bien (...)

Contact : Renée-Laure ZOU

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