
The Alliance

Les quatre frères

Auteur(s) : Bienvenue GNIMPO N'KOUÉ (texte) ; Ayoutoufèï GUÉDÉGUÉ (illustrations)
Pays de parution : Bénin, Côte d’Ivoire

Une coédition panafricaine réunissant les éditions Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Bénin) et les éditions Vallesse (Côte d’Ivoire).

Date de publication : septembre 2020

Cette coédition solidaire est issue d’un atelier sur la littérature jeunesse organisé par l’Alliance à Abidjan, en mai 2019, dans le cadre des Assises internationales de l’édition indépendante 2019-2021. Elle a reçu le soutien de l’Agence française de développement.

Les illustrations de ce livre ont reçu, en 2018, le 1er prix de la première édition du prix Hervé Gigot pour l’illustration du livre jeunesse en Afrique, initié par les éditions Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Bénin).

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Le soir autour du feu

Auteur(s) : Sylvie NTSAMÉ
Pays de parution : Gabon, République démocratique du Congo

Une coédition panafricaine réunissant les éditions Ntsamé (Gabon) et les éditions Elondja (RDC).

Date de publication : septembre 2020

Cette coédition solidaire est issue d’un atelier sur la littérature jeunesse organisé par l’Alliance à Abidjan, en mai 2019, dans le cadre des Assises internationales de l’édition indépendante 2019-2021. Elle a reçu le soutien de l’Agence française de développement.

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La Forêt sacrée

Auteur(s) : Nicolas CONDÉ (texte) ; Irina CONDÉ (illustrations)
Pays de parution : Bénin, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Guinée, République démocratique du Congo, Togo
Langue(s) : français

Koné a l’âge de rentrer dans la forêt sacrée pour en ramener un animal fantastique qui l’accompagnera toute sa vie. Mais la forêt est pleine de dangers et les animaux sont devenus difficiles et rares à trouver. Quand Koné rencontre enfin le camélion, comprendra-t-il le message et sera-t-il capable de mener à bien sa mission ?

Une coédition panafricaine réunissant les éditions Ganndal (Guinée Conakry), les éditions Éburnie (Côte d’Ivoire), Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Bénin), Graines de Pensées (Togo), les éditions Ntsamé (Gabon) et les éditions Elondja (RDC).

Date de publication : septembre 2020

Cette coédition solidaire est issue d’un atelier sur la littérature jeunesse organisé par l’Alliance à Abidjan, en mai 2019, dans le cadre des Assises internationales de l’édition indépendante 2019-2021. Elle a reçu le soutien de l’Agence française de développement.

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What to say, and where to say it ? Open Letter from Independent Publishers to authors and intellectuals committed to a fairer world, July 2020

Now that we have entered the 21st century, it is difficult to dissociate the end from the means : what to say, and where to say it ? Thus, we find that many authors seeking to promote debate, creativity and critical thinking, justice and equality are published by large conglomerates with multiple editorial labels. Isn’t the transformative power of these works reduced to nothing when they plunge into the workings of the entertainment industry ? It is a fact that transnational corporations, whatever their field of action, are the very expression of the system that dominates us. By choosing them as publishers, do we not somehow leave the world of transformative ideas in the hands of those who lay the foundations of the model we criticise ? Doesn’t that strengthen the control of big capital over the word and our daily lives ? Moreover, how can we not question the cross-industry investment of the business groups that own publishing houses ? And, are these investments neutral ?”

In this open letter, independent publishers invite all the actors of the book industry to reflect with them on their practices and the impacts that result from them. In particular, they call on authors, academics and intellectuals to work on projects whose vocation is to transform the order of things and not to consolidate the status quo, to publish their works in independent publishing houses in their own countries, and to give preference to independent publishing houses when it comes to transferring foreign and translation rights.

As the world suffers the health, social and economic consequences of the pandemic, book ecosystems and independent publishing houses are further weakened and, for some, are trying to survive. If solidarity between creators and book professionals is one of the foundations of bibliodiversity, this solidarity is vital in the current context.

Read the letter here.
This letter is also available in Spanish, French, Arabic and Portuguese.

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International independent publishers facing the pandemic (May 2020)

To be an independent publisher is to question the world, to help make sense of it, today and tomorrow

At a time when every country in the world is affected by the pandemic, we, as independent publishers around the world, are experiencing diverse health, social and economic situations. We are facing different realities, in different timeframes : immediate risks for some sections of the population (India, Madagascar, Indonesia...) ; a pandemic that strikes in contexts of already established political crisis (Haiti, Egypt, Syria...) ; the near absence or delayed implementation of public book policies (Cameroon, Gabon...) ; the resilience of independent publishing houses in the face of big corporations (Australia...).... While our contexts are diverse, our concerns remain collective : fragility of independent structures, uncertainty about the future, concern about possible abuses (surveillance society, pressure on employees, online teaching and learning, etc.).

We are in perpetual questioning, trying to understand our world : what to do, how, with whom, at what pace ?
We need time to understand, to comprehend – which we had planned to do by 2021, as well as our “Rethink and Celebrate” Conference. REthink : to remain a conscious and creative actor, to act, in terms of ecology, social and solidarity economy, new approaches to readers, cooperative practices between professionals, freedom of publishing, fair speech...

Read more below...

See also :
Public book policies website

Digital Lab

Read the text in Arabic :

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Luis Sepúlveda, a generous, compassionate writer committed to building a more just and humane world, 16 April 2020

The International Alliance of Independent Publishers and publishers from the Spanish-language network pay tribute to the memory of the Chilean writer Luis Sepúlveda, who died on 16 April 2020 in Oviedo (Spain) as a result of the Coronavirus, after several weeks in hospital.

The Ibero-American Book Fair in Gijón, organised and directed by Luis Sepúlveda for more than a decade, was the setting for the creation of the first network of Spanish-language independent publishers, and the first meeting of Latin American independent publishers was held in 2000.

As a result, the International Alliance of Independent Publishers and the Association of Independent Publishers of Chile, now Editores de Chile, were formed.

Today we pay tribute to a man of generosity, solidarity and commitment to building a more just and humane world.

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Munyal, les larmes de la patience

Auteur(s) : Djaïli Amadou AMAL
Pays de parution : République de Guinée, Bénin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Maroc, Togo
Prix : 3 000 FCFA ; 40 000 francs guinéens

Ramla, Hindou et Safira. Trois femmes, trois histoires, trois destins liés. Ramla est mariée à Alhadji Issa, l’époux de Safira. Sa sœur Hindou épousera son cousin Moubarak. À toutes, l’entourage familial n’aura qu’un seul et unique conseil : Munyal ! Patience !

Violences conjugales, physiques et morales, intrigues, alliances, maraboutismes... Munyal, les larmes de la patience brise les tabous, rompt le silence et lève le voile complice de la condition de la femme dans le Sahel.

Née à Maroua au Nord du Cameroun, Djaïli Amadou Amal vit à Douala. Walaande, l’art de partager un mari et Mistiriijo, la mangeuse d’âmes, ses deux premiers romans, l’ont classée parmi les valeurs sûres de la littérature africaine contemporaine. Mynual, les larmes de la patience a reçu en 2019 le Prix Orange du Livre en Afrique ainsi que le Prix de la Presse panafricaine 2019.

Coéditeurs : Eburnie (Côte d’Ivoire), Ganndal (Guinée Conakry), Graines de Pensées (Togo), Le Fennec (Maroc), Proximité (Cameroun), Ruisseaux d’Afrique (Bénin), Sankofa & Gurli (Burkina Faso), Tombouctou (Mali)
Date de publication de la version panafricaine : 2020, 11,5 X 19 cm
Édition première au Cameroun : Proximité, 2019

Cette coédition solidaire porte le label Le livre équitable.

Couverture de la version marocaine de la coédition :
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Collection Terres solidaires

Créée en 2007, la collection « Terres solidaires » est une expérience collective. Elle propose des textes littéraires d’autrices et auteurs africain.e.s, édités par un collectif de maisons d’édition en Afrique francophone. Grâce au principe de la coédition solidaire, les textes circulent, sont disponibles et accessibles pour les lecteurs africains ; l’écosystème du livre local est préservé et renforcé.
La collection « Terres solidaires » est soutenue par l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

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Videos of the 2019 preparatory workshops for International Conference of Independent Publishers

The first videos of the Conference here : Abidjan (May 2019) ; Santiago de Chile (October 2019)

The Conference is a process carried out over 3 years. It has commenced in 2019, with several workshops and meetings : Madrid (April 2019), Geneva (May 2019), Abidjan (May 2019), Santiago de Chile (October 2019).

The Conference will continue well into 2020… to end in 2021 in Pamplona, Basque Country.

In 2021, the Alliance will celebrate its 20 years of existence !

  • 20 years is an appropriate age to remind ourselves of our core beliefs, commitments, responsibilities. The Alliance was built on trust, solidarity, humanity, and a profound belief in the social, emancipatory and liberating role of the book. Convinced also that the principles it defends are intertwined with its practice : thus, the principles of reciprocity and equity feature largely in the exchanges that characterise the governance of the association : namely that of respect, listening and curiosity… ;
  • 20 years is the opportunity to celebrate this shared journey while pursuing this journey, to RETHINK together ;
  • 20 years is also an opportunity to report on our activities, projects, and advocacy carried out by the Alliance ; to celebrate our incredible achievements ; but also to learn from our mistakes and mishaps ;
  • 20 years is an age whereby we want to go further and further, to remain a conscious and creative actor in terms of ecology, social economy and solidarity, of new ways of reaching readers, of collaborative practices amongst professionals in the field, of freedom of publishing, of fair speech
  • 20 years is the age when we dream, hope, believe, where we want to dance and laugh ;
  • 20 years is an important anniversary, it is an anniversary that we do not want to forget and that we shall celebrate !

Follow the Conference on the Alliance website and social networks !

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Declaration of Santiago de Chile on independent publishing serving communities and diversity, 3 October 2019

  • Driven by the growth of independent publishing in Latin American countries.
  • Revived by the increase in the number of fairs and meetings where creative and local editorial production are showcased.
  • Encouraged by the ways in which some public reading and book policies are supporting local intellectual production and bibliodiversity.

Convened in Santiago de Chile on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of October 2019, during the Spring of the Book (Primavera del Libro) and the International Conference of Independent Publishers (2019-2021), the Spanish-language network of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers (IAIP) declares :

  • Its privileged link with reading, a liberating practice that raises consciousness, stimulates critical thinking, nourishes the mind ; and with the book, a fundamental support of creation, knowledge and thought, pillar of culture and cultural diversity.
  • Its concern about the increasing merger of the book chain, which translates into the marginalisation of local production in bookstores, particularly that of independent publishers ; dominates the media, obscuring blocking creation and critical editorial production ; and excludes small and medium-sized publishers from public procurements of books.
  • Its willingness to promote practices, in the world of publishing, that enable a rich and diverse book ecosystem, that stimulates local intellectual production, translation, and balanced exchanges of books amongst Spanish-speaking countries ; strengthens independent bookstores and their presence in cities and communities ; grows public, academic and school libraries with diverse and inclusive book collections ; reflects bibliodiversity, the cultural diversity in the world of books.
  • Its support for public reading and book policies as key drivers of the democratisation of the book in our societies ; as systemic strategies strengthening the potential impact of any decision or action ; and as mechanisms preventing market concentration, for the benefit of national book industries and local production.

And commits towards :

  • Strengthening the collective action of independent publishers in favour of bibliodiversity and the participatory development of sound public reading and book policies.
  • Amplifying the voice of independent publishing and increasing exchanges with readers, actors of the world of books and culture and public institutions, through studies, manifestos, documents, regional, national, and international meetings, and through a clear commitment towards the communities concerned.
  • Promoting the sharing and diversity of reading, education and training in our communities, from a critical perspective, mindful of being part of a world rich in bibliodiversity, which we must protect today more than ever.
  • Constantly interrogating our own production processes and dynamics inherent in the publishing world, in order to improve its impacts on our social and natural environment.
  • Identifying and analysing the strategies and good practices in our respective countries, to better implement them where they are lacking.

The aim is to strengthen book ecosystems locally by involving all relevant actors, and to promote a book culture in our societies, a necessary condition to escape manipulation and to build democratic societies for critical and committed citizens.

We call on all independent publishers who share these statements to sign this declaration :

  • Silvia Aguilera, Lom ediciones, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • German Baquiola, Editorial La Caída and collective of independent publishers of Equator, Equator.
  • Nicolas Biebel, Econautas Editorial, Argentina.
  • Constanza Brunet, Marea editorial, Argentina.
  • Mikel Buldain, Txalaparta, Basque Country.
  • Mariela Calcagno, Hacerse de Palabras, Mexico.
  • Fabiola Calvo Ocampo, Acracia Proyecto de Investigación Editorial, Colombia.
  • Patricia Cocq Muñoz, Cocorocoq Editoras, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Daniela Cortés del Castillo, Loba Ediciones, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Mónica Cumar, Ediciones Columba, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Héctor Dinsmann, Libros de la Araucaria, Argentina.
  • Rodrigo Fuentes-Díaz, Edición Digital s.a., Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • José Gabriel Feres, Virtual Ediciones, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Gustavo Mauricio García, Ícono editorial and president of the Colombian Network of Independent Publishers.
  • Catalina González, Luna libros and the collective La Diligencia, Colombia.
  • Teresa Gottlieb, Editorial Maitri, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Victor Hugo de la Fuente, Editorial Aún Creemos en los Sueños, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Guido Indij, la marca editora, Argentina.
  • Eduardo Lira, Escrito con Tiza, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • María Eugenia Lorenzini, Editorial Forja, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Marcelo Mendoza, Mandrágora, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Lucía Moscoso Rivera, Mecánica Giratoria, Ecuador.
  • Pablo Moya, Ediciones el Milagro and Mexican Alliance of Independent Publishers Alliance, Mexico.
  • Francisca Muñoz, general manager at Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Daniela Navarro, Ediciones Ekaré Sur, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Mabel Andrea Rivera Pavez, Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Eduardo Ruiz-Tagle Eyzaguirre, Editorial Rapanui Press, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Luis Daniel Rocca, Taller de edición Rocca and Colombian Network of Independent Publishers.
  • Juan Carlos Sáez, JC Sáez editor, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Leonel Sagahón and Jerónimo Repoll, Editorial Tintable, Mexico.
  • Alfonso Serrano, La Oveja Roja, Spain.
  • Javier Sepúlveda, e-books Patagonia and president of Association Editores de Chile.
  • Paulo Slachevsky, Lom ediciones, Editores de Chile, Coordinator RedH AIEI, Chile.
  • Mónica Tejos, Simplemente editores, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • María José Thomas, Ocho Libros editores, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Max Valdés Avilés, Vicio Impune Editorial, Editores de Chile, Chile.
  • Carlos Vela, Editorial Pesopluma and collective of independent publishers of Peru, Peru.
  • Marisol Vera, Editorial Cuarto Proprio, Editores de Chile, Chile.

To sign the “Declaration of Santiago de Chile on independent publishing serving communities and diversity”, please contact the Alliance’ team.

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Bibliodiversity Observatory

Public book policies in sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, an unpublished study (September 2019) !

Cross-sectional analysis of data collected in 12 countries, by Luc Pinhas, University of Paris 13 Villetaneuse (France)

In a comprehensive cross-sectional study that enriches our knowledge of public book policies in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa, Luc Pinhas discusses the similarities and differences that exist between 12 countries in the region. While some very interesting developments for local book production and the local book chain should be acknowledged – cf. the preference given to local actors by the Ivorian law of 2015 – the legislative and regulatory frameworks would certainly benefit from being strengthened to support and strengthen the local book economy.

Contents :

  • Preamble
  • Methodology
  • Introduction
  • Legal framework
  • Taxation and market regulation
  • Professional organisation
  • Administrative organisation
  • Direct support for the book
  • Conclusion

This analysis is to be found in a special issue of the Bibliodiversity Journal on “Public book policies” available in paper and digital versions (in French).
See also the analysis on “Public book policies in Latin America”, published in September 2019.

To complement these analyses, see the mapping of public policies and in-country support mechanisms here : publicbookpolicies.alliance-editeurs.org

Data collection in the 11 countries of sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar as well as in Latin America, cross-sectional data analyses and online mapping were supported by the Fondation de France and the SDC Switzerland.

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The myth of the ‘book famine’ in African publishing, Elizabeth Le Roux, August, 2020

Read the article here.

References :
The myth of the ‘book famine’ in African publishing, Review of African Political Economy
DOI : 10.1080/03056244.2020.1792872
Elizabeth le Roux (2020)

Abstract :
The publishing industry in Africa is usually described in terms of ‘booklessness’, ‘hunger’ or ‘famine’. But does this language of scarcity reflect the realities of book production and consumption ? In this paper, the concept of ‘book famine’ is analysed as a central frame of discourse on African books, using a survey of existing documentation. Two ways of responding to book famine – provision and production – are identified, and the shortcomings of book aid (provision) are contrasted with strengthening local publishing industries (production). It is argued that the concept has become a cliché that is no longer relevant and that African publishing, while variable, is responding to local needs.

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« To be a publisher in Marocco », by Kenza Sefrioui, RELIEF, 2020

“Être éditeur au Maroc : la pensée au triple défi du marché, du droit et des libertés” / “To be a publisher in Marocco”
Kenza Sefrioui (En toutes lettres, Marocco)

In Morocco, it is very difficult to be a publisher, due to the conjunction between the lack of economical development of the sector and a long history of hostility of the authorities toward intellectuals, which destructured the fields of knowledge and culture. En toutes lettres’s experience, a young independent publishing house based in Casablanca and specialized in narrative journalism and humanities, proves the need to take the triple challenge of market, law and freedoms, and to invent new forms of solidarity between publishing, press, research and civil society, in order to rebuild a pole of production of critical thinking.

Read here the article (in French).

RELIEF – Revue électronique de littérature française 14 (1), 2020, p. 32-48
DOI : doi.org/10.18352/relief.1065
ISSN : 1873-5045 – URL : www.revue-relief.org

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What to say, and where to say it ? Open Letter from Independent Publishers to authors and intellectuals committed to a fairer world, July 2020

Now that we have entered the 21st century, it is difficult to dissociate the end from the means : what to say, and where to say it ? Thus, we find that many authors seeking to promote debate, creativity and critical thinking, justice and equality are published by large conglomerates with multiple editorial labels. Isn’t the transformative power of these works reduced to nothing when they plunge into the workings of the entertainment industry ? It is a fact that transnational corporations, whatever their field of action, are the very expression of the system that dominates us. By choosing them as publishers, do we not somehow leave the world of transformative ideas in the hands of those who lay the foundations of the model we criticise ? Doesn’t that strengthen the control of big capital over the word and our daily lives ? Moreover, how can we not question the cross-industry investment of the business groups that own publishing houses ? And, are these investments neutral ?”

In this open letter, independent publishers invite all the actors of the book industry to reflect with them on their practices and the impacts that result from them. In particular, they call on authors, academics and intellectuals to work on projects whose vocation is to transform the order of things and not to consolidate the status quo, to publish their works in independent publishing houses in their own countries, and to give preference to independent publishing houses when it comes to transferring foreign and translation rights.

As the world suffers the health, social and economic consequences of the pandemic, book ecosystems and independent publishing houses are further weakened and, for some, are trying to survive. If solidarity between creators and book professionals is one of the foundations of bibliodiversity, this solidarity is vital in the current context.

Read the letter here.
This letter is also available in Spanish, French, Arabic and Portuguese.

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« ’It’s a real battle’ : African authors fight for publishing independence », The Guardian, May 2020

“Francophone African books are still very often published by French imprints, which can make them hard to get at home. But there is a growing push for change...

When Cameroonian author Daniel Alain Nsegbe first saw his debut novel for sale in his home city of Douala, the price was so high “you would have to ask someone to stop eating for two days in order to buy the book”. It was around 16,000 CFA francs (£20) ; the average monthly salary in Douala is £150. The book, Ceux qui sortent dans la nuit (Those Who Go Out at Night) was published by Grasset, a French imprint. [...]”

Read here the article by Olivia Snaije, published in The Guardian, 14 May 2020.

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Mapping public book policies in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar

An unprecedented mapping of policies supporting reading and books in 22 countries, which can be consulted and downloaded online : publicbookpolicies.alliance-editeurs.org

Arising from the observation of the lack of data on public book policies in regions where the member publishers of the Alliance operate, particularly in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa, the public book policy mapping project is the result of several years of collaboration between book and publishing professionals, academics and experts on public book policies. It relies first and foremost on the investment and involvement of the Alliance’s member publishers, who are its primary actors. It is one of the flagship projects of the Bibliodiversity Observatory.

The mapping proposes several items : one entry per country (country fact sheets listing existing mechanisms for public support for books at the national level) ; a regional entry (comparative data through cross-cutting analyses). It is interactive and evolving : the fact sheets presenting the institutions and national public book policies can be amended and modified as the systems evolve. This mapping is thus intended to be extended to new countries in both regions, or even to integrate a new region in the long term (the Arab world in particular). For now, the mapping exists only in Spanish and French for lack of financial means to carry out a translation into English. The Alliance hopes to find the necessary funds to translate the mapping into English soon.

The objectives of the mapping are to :
• make available data on the public book policies of the respective countries ;
• offer an overview of public book policies, freely accessible, consultable and reusable by professionals and public authorities ;
• promote dialogue and exchanges between public authorities and publishers ;
• develop advocacy tools for independent publishers ;
• contribute to the establishment and consolidation of public book policies in developing countries (among others, for a greater circulation of books and ideas, for the appropriation of digital tools by book professionals, for balanced exchanges between North and South) ;
• affirm the role of civil society (book professionals and particularly independent publishers) in the development and implementation of public book policies.

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The Alliance warmly thanks the partners of this project : the Fondation de France and the Swiss SDC.

See the complementary issue of the Bibliodiversity journal “Public book policies”.

Press release

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Alliance team at : equipe@alliance-editeurs.org

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Publishing & the Book in Africa : A Literature Review for 2019, by Hans M. Zell

Publishing & the Book in Africa : A Literature Review for 2019
The fifth in a series of annual reviews of select new literature in English that has appeared on the topic of publishing and the book sector in sub-Saharan Africa. Extensively and critically annotated and/or with abstracts, the present list brings together new literature published during the course of 2019, a total of 156 records.

Read the pre-print version here.

The final print/online version to be published in The African Book Publishing Record, vol. 45, issue 2 (May 2020).

Reprinted with permission of the author.
Copyright © Hans Zell Publishing Consultants 2019

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Indigenous publishing in sub-Saharan Africa : A chronology and some landmarks, October 2019, by Hans M. Zell

This chronological timeline sets out some of the key dates, events, and landmarks in the history and development of indigenous publishing in Sub-Saharan Africa. It also includes details of the major conferences, meetings or seminars on African publishing, held in Africa or at venues elsewhere, since 1968. An earlier version of this chronology first appeared in The African Publishing Companion : A Resource Guide, and has now been updated through to the period up to 2019, and considerably expanded to also include publication of a number of benchmark studies, conference proceedings, journals, and reference resources on the African book world.

Read here the pre-print version on Academia.edu, 21 October 2019.

Final version, to be published in African Research & Documentation. Journal of SCOLMA (The UK Libraries and Archives Group on Africa), no. 136 (2019)

Reprinted with permission of the author.
Copyright © Hans Zell Publishing Consultants 2019

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“Minority languages” / Coordinated by Nathalie Carré and Raphaël Thierry

“Minority languages”, the new issue of the Bibliodiversity journal, coordinated by Nathalie Carré (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Inalco) and Raphaël Thierry (independent researcher)

Contact the Alliance team to get a free digital version of this issue.

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Bibliodiversity is co-published by Double ponctuation and the International Alliance of Independent Publishers.

See all the other issues of the journal here (“Public book policies”, “Self-publishing”, “Publishing and commitment”, “Translation and Globalization”...)

More than half of the languages spoken in the world are in danger of disappearing ; if nothing is done, UNESCO estimates that 90% of languages will have disappeared in the course of this century. Languages are an essential part of a people’s culture, yet they are much more than just a tool for communication ; they offer a unique view of the world and of the people who live in it. What can the publishing sector do – and is already doing – to help preserve and sustain these minority languages ? This book attempts to answer this question through academic articles and testimonies of book professionals who, together, propose a novel approach to the subject.

In the light of their publications, the book analyses the situation of several minority languages - Haitian Creole, Corsican, Innu, Yiddish, Kikuyu, Basque, Malagasy, Náhuatl, etc. and shows that solutions are possible when the actors in the book system are mobilised.

Summary :

  • Publishing in minority languages – On diversity of publishing languages in a
    globalized context / by Nathalie Carré (Inalco, France) and Raphaël Thierry
    (independent researcher, France)
  • Creole publishing in Haiti – Obstacles, initiatives and development prospects /
    by Sandie Blaise, Duke University (United States)
  • The spread of Yiddish poetry in German speaking world – The case of bilingual editions / by Caroline Puaud, Paris Sorbonne University
  • Write and publish in Madagascar – How to reach the world ? / by Dominique Ranaivoson, University of Lorraine (France)
  • Make minority languages dialogue (online) – The example of intergenerational collaboration in East Africa / by Pierre Boizette, Paris-Nanterre University (France)
  • Normativity, diversity and dynamics of creation in the contemporary Basque literary field – Study of its operating trends through the literary trajectory of Eñaut Etxamendi / by Itziar Madina Elguezabal, Bordeaux-Montaigne Doctoral school (France)
  • Locate, catalog, make visible – The place of minority languages in collections of the University Library for Languages and Civilizations Studies (BULAC) / Interview with Marine Defosse, Soline Lau-Suchet and Nicolas Pitsos, librarians at BULAC (France)
  • As long as the language circulates, we will have books to produce” / interview with Bernard Biancarelli (Albiana Publishing, Corsica/France)
  • Publishing must grow the world” – Mémoire d’encrier and the languages of the world / interview with Rodney Saint-Éloi, Mémoire d’Encrier Publishing (Quebec / Canada)
  • Saving a language is a task for all of us” / by María Yolanda Argüello Mendoza, Magenta editions (Mexico)
  • Public book and reading policies for indigenous languages in Chile. Intervention (updated in 2020) in the Parliament of Books and Speech / by Paulo Slachevsky, Lom Ediciones (Chile)
  • Save, transmit – An example of transcription-translation from oral literature
    of some Vietnam’s peoples / by Mireille Gansel, translator, writer
  • PEN’s commitment to Linguistic Rights – The importance of writing, publishing and reading in marginalized languages / interview with Peter McDonald (University of Oxford) and Carles Torner (PEN International), July 2018, Oxford and London

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