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Bibliodiversity 6, September, 2006

Read: The sixth issue of Bibliodiversity, the newsletter of the Alliance of independent publishers, has just come out!

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Primavera dos livros (“Springtime of books”) in Rio de Janeiro, 2006

Publishing countries : Brazil

In Brazil, the “Springtime of books”, an event organized
by the LIBRE organization (a Brazilian federation of publishers), was the occasion to discuss a law regulating the price of books. Approximately a hundred independent Brazilian publishers participated in this great celebration of books, from September 15-17, 2006.

Upon the publication of the Portuguese version of Protéger le livre (“Protecting books”) - a study published in 2003 by the
Alliance of Independent Publishers, Markus Gerlach, author of the study, accompanied by an economist and president of LIBRE, Araken Ribeiro, participated in an in-depth debate on setting fixed prices for books. Proteger o livro is the first co-publishing project between LIBRE and the Alliance of Independent Publishers. We are particularly pleased that Markus Gerlach’s work exists, in addition to the French and Spanish versions, in Portuguese.

Remaining active, the LIBRE organization organized a round table discussion focused on “Proposals and commitments made by Presidential candidates”, with the participation of several representatives of candidates from the principal parties involved in the Brazilian Presidential campaign.
As we can see, the establishment or the rejection of a law on books and readership makes for some serious debate,
particularly in Latin America.

(More info on: http://www.primaveradolivro.com.br/).

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Bibliodiversity 5, July-August, 2006

Read: The fifth issue of Bibliodiversity, the newsletter of the Alliance of independent publishers, has just come out!

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Call to the readers, March 2006

The role played by books in spreading ideas, analyses, imaginary scapes and proposals, in educating and informing citizens, is essential to understand the challenges of our times, to know oneself and others. Read what follows (in French)

See the list of signatories

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Bibliodiversity 4, June, 2006

Read: The fourth issue of Bibliodiversity, the newsletter of the Alliance of independent publishers, has just come out!

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Bibliodiversity 3, May, 2006

Read: The third issue of Bibliodiversity, the newsletter of the Alliance of independent publishers, has just come out!

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Paris Book Fair, 2006

Publishing countries : France

The Alliance of the Independent Publishers cordially thanks all the people who contributed to the success of our collective stand at the Paris Book Fair.

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Bibliodiversity 2, February, 2006

Read: The second issue of Bibliodiversity, the newsletter of the Alliance of independent publishers, has just come out!

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Bibliodiversity 1, January, 2006

Read: The first number of Bibliodiversity the newsletter of the Alliance of independent publishers has just come out!

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Bibliodiversity Observatory

Book donation programmes for Africa: Time for a Reappraisal? Two Perspectives, Hans Zell / part 1, 2015

Part 1: Hans M. Zell: “Book Donation Programmes in English-speaking Africa”

Pre-print version to appear in African Research & Documentation. Journal of SCOLMA (the UK Libraries and Archives Group on Africa), no.127 (2015) [Release 2017]

Extract from the editorial note of the print issue:
«Welcome to this bumper issue of ARD. Scolma is grateful to Hans Zell and Raphaël Thierry for choosing to publish their full length study of Book Donation Programmes in Africa in our pages.
It is as they say “time for a reappraisal” and it is our hope that the ensuing debate will take place in the pages of ARD as well as online. I would therefore invite responses and feedback to this important and provocative study. Feedback from receiving libraries in Africa is particularly welcome.»
Terry Barringer, Editor, African Research & Documentation

Read the article on EditAfrica website!

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Public Book Policies in the Arab world and the view from Chile and France

In partnership with the Tunis Book Fair and the Union of Tunisian Publishers, and thanks to the support of the Fondation de France and the French Institutes of Tunisia and Lebanon, the Alliance organised a day focusing on public book policies in the Arab world on Thursday 30 March 2017.

Publishers from Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia presented a panorama of book public policies in their respective countries: Chilean and French publishers spoke on what is being implemented in their countries – a dialogue and exchange between professionals and public authorities, between continents, between cultures.

This day was initiated in the context of the Bibliodiversity Observatory and the mapping of public book policies in Latin America and the Arab world, on-going at the Observatory.

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Looking for an author: study - “What freedom of publishing for independent publishers?”

Call for proposal – looking for an author

The Alliance aims to produce an unprecedented study about freedom of publishing, listening to independent publishers about the following questions:
• What are the different infringements of freedom of publishing that independent publishers confront in their countries?
• How do they face these threats in their daily professional life?
• How do the publishers resist, preserve, and defend their freedom of publishing? How do they circumvent censorship?
• Are publishers more vulnerable today than they used to be? Have there been some significant changes in recent years?
• From the point of view of the publishers, is there a limit to freedom of publishing (and freedom of expression)?
The study will be written in French. If you are interested in conducting this study, please send your proposal to the Alliance team before 13 March 2017.}

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Call for freedom of speech and publishing in Turkey, 22 August 2016

The International Alliance of independent publishers demands that Turkish authorities immediately release publishers, authors and journalists currently detained. It is necessary to guarantee freedom of speech and publishing in Turkey. The Alliance joins the Turkish Publishers Association’s condemnation of the summary closure of publishing houses and media as a clear human rights violation, and urges the Turkish authorities to rescind those summary closures.

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African Languages Book Fair – SAELLA, Bamako, 20-23 January 2016

Organised by Afrilivres Association, through the support of its partners and the support of OMEL (Malian book publishers organisation), the first edition of the African Languages Book Fair will convene professionals, academics, institutions, NGOs, and the general public for 3 days of discussions, sharing, exhibition, and sale of books in African languages. An unprecedented and unique event, not to be missed!

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Call for freedom of speech and publishing in Bangladesh, November 2015

Extract from the Communiqué by the Alliance for a call for freedom of speech and publishing in Bangladesh, 10 November 2015:

For several months, authors, bloggers, publishers and booksellers have been the victims of violent and deadly attacks in Bangladesh.

The International Alliance of independent publishers, representing 400 independent publishers from 45 countries in the world, condemns these murderous attacks and assault on freedom of speech and publishing. The Alliance also reaffirms the essential role needing to be played by public authorities, in Bangladesh and throughout the world to enable the emancipation of its citizens, and to guarantee a public space conducive to dialogue and peace. Plurality and diversity of ideas constitute the foundation of democracy. It is urgent that the Bangladeshi government protects and supports actors in the book industry, thus safeguarding the foundations necessary for their work and freedom of speech.

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Publishing in Persian Language, a groundbreaking study on publishing in the Persian language

Publishing in Persian language presents a comprehensive and current overview of publishing in Persian language, in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, but also in the diaspora in Europe and the United States.
Articles, penned by Ali Amiri, Beytolah Biniaz, Masoud Hosseinipour, Farid Moradi, Laetitia Nanquette and Dilshad Rakhimov, enable an understanding of editorial markets through historical, economic, political and cultural perspectives.
This study sheds light on the work and publishing list of several independent publishers in Persian language, and thus enabling professional and intercultural exchanges.
Publishing in Persian language is available in Persian and English, and openly accessible on the Website of the International Alliance of Independent Publishers, in PDF, ePub and MOBI formats.

Summary of the study:
• Introduction, Beytolah Biniaz
• History of publishing in Iran, Farid Moradi
• Panorama of independent publishing in Iran, Farid Moradi
• Structure of the book market in Iran, Farid Moradi
• Cultural exchanges and translations between Iran and France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, Laetitia Nanquette
• Persian language publishers in Europe, Farid Moradi
• Publishing in Afghanistan, Ali Amiri
• Panorama of publishing in Tajikistan, Dilshad Rakhimov
• Publishing in Persian language in Uzbekistan, Farid Moradi and Masoud Hosseinipour

Publishing in Persian language, “État des lieux de l’édition” collection (Reports on the publishing world), International Alliance of independent publishers, 2015.
ISBN: 978-2-9519747-7-7 (Persian version)
ISBN: 978-2-9519747-8-4 (English version)

Publishing in Persian language was made possible through the support of the Prince Claus Fund. We thank all contributors, publishers, and professionals who participated to this collective endeavour –and particularly Sonbol Bahmanyar for the coordination of the study.

Collection État des lieux de l’édition

Read the study in MOBI format_in Persian

Read the study in MOBI format_in English

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